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Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why 

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@ipledgeblue @chatanga1

Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why  KFC faces backlash over halal-only menu

Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why 

Aug 31, 2024
12:03 pm
What's the story

Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in Canada is facing backlash from Hindu and Sikh communities over its decision to serve only halal-certified chicken at most of its Ontario locations.The groups argue that this move contradicts their religious beliefs and principles of inclusiveness.According to India Today, the Hindu Forum Canada has formally requested KFC to reconsider this decision, citing "cruelty," violating the "spirit of the law," and the "principles of inclusiveness."

Controversy unfolds

KFC's halal decision sparks controversy in Ontario

The controversy began in May, when KFC issued a memo to its restaurants in Ontario (excluding Thunder Bay and Ottawa) to switch to halal meat, citing its commitment to providing diverse and inclusive options for customers.KFC stated it will ensure "all chicken products are Halal Certified, including but not limited to: chicken on the bone, chicken tenders, popcorn chicken, sandwiches, wings, etc."It also noted that pork products have been discontinued, barring those co-branded with Taco Bell.

Halal meaning

Halal means 'permissible' in Arabic

d.Following the KFC notification, a petition was launched by one Roop Sandhu to stop serving halal chicken in some of its Canadian outlets, as it "dismisses" dietary restrictions of other religious groups

Feel marginalized by the decision of KFC: Petitioner 

"I, as a Canadian, feel marginalized by the decision of KFC to serve exclusively halal meat. A lot of Canadians, including Indian religious groups like Sikhism and Hinduism, prohibit the consumption of halal meat," Sandhu stated in the petition's description.The petition argued that it is not questioning Islamic values, but rather asking KFC to ensure that "the dietary preferences of all individuals are recognized and respected.



KFC's halal policy criticized for favoring one religion

Sharing the concerns, the Hindu Forum Canada, said, "For some 71 years KFC has operated restaurants in Ontario without the requirement that each of its restaurants serve only halal chicken.""We believe this abrupt change is not in keeping with the spirit of the law, the principle of inclusiveness, or your own corporate brand," the notice read.

Workplace discrimination

KFC's halal policy called 'discriminatory' in workplace

Baljeet Bawa also stated that as a Sikh he follows 'Rehat Maryada,' a Sikh code of conduct that forbids eating Halal meat.He suggested that KFC should also include Jhatka or other non-Halal forms so that other faiths do not have to compromise.The legal notice also labels KFC's halal policy as "Discriminatory" in the workplace, stating that "Halal slaughtering requires males Muslims to perform the slaughtering. This prevents woman and non-Muslims from being employed in this industry."

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Well start by taking a look at the name of the R & D & Operations Manager of KFC. Luqman Rabbani. So, obviously being in a position of power, has worked out well for the halal eaters.

From my experience, fast food providers in the west, see the two biggest market customers as the white natives who don't care whether its halal or not, and Muslims. Vegetarianism is big amongst Hindu and Sikh communities so we don't get too much of a look in. Also halal method of dispatch is closer to the western model of animal dispatch, whereas jhatka is very different.


In the town where I live, we have a tim bloody hortons for about 3 years now, and after a year seeing the absence of muslims from their outlet they went to halal only chicken. I asked one of the workers there, and she told me that halal is only different because of the way the animal is dispatched. I told her that eating halal meat is against my dharam and that in our town there are more Sikhs than Muslims, so why has tim hortons changed to halal, and she couldn't answer.


One of the biggest culprits is our people, espousing vegetarianism which puts people off having or even looking into jhatka shops.


A teacher I know, told me that the school she worked in had a minority of muslim students but the school switched to halal even though the sikhs protested that non halal options should be available, the school refused to provide both.

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14 hours ago, chatanga1 said:

One of the biggest culprits is our people, espousing vegetarianism which puts people off having or even looking into jhatka shops.


A teacher I know, told me that the school she worked in had a minority of muslim students but the school switched to halal even though the sikhs protested that non halal options should be available, the school refused to provide both.

we need to push for jhatka in schools. which country or area is this school in?

Jhatka needs to be recognised. The anti-meat sikhs aren't as outspoken as they used to be.

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38 minutes ago, ipledgeblue said:

we need to push for jhatka in schools. which country or area is this school in?

Jhatka needs to be recognised. The anti-meat sikhs aren't as outspoken as they used to be.

Pack a jhatka lunch. Unless the lunch lady is a practicing Sikh it's a moot point. Furthermore anything the school makes no matter the killing style is going to be garbage. 

We shouldn't even be sending our kids to school. 

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On 9/1/2024 at 5:11 PM, chatanga1 said:

Well start by taking a look at the name of the R & D & Operations Manager of KFC. Luqman Rabbani. So, obviously being in a position of power, has worked out well for the halal eaters.

From my experience, fast food providers in the west, see the two biggest market customers as the white natives who don't care whether its halal or not, and Muslims. Vegetarianism is big amongst Hindu and Sikh communities so we don't get too much of a look in. Also halal method of dispatch is closer to the western model of animal dispatch, whereas jhatka is very different.


In the town where I live, we have a tim bloody hortons for about 3 years now, and after a year seeing the absence of muslims from their outlet they went to halal only chicken. I asked one of the workers there, and she told me that halal is only different because of the way the animal is dispatched. I told her that eating halal meat is against my dharam and that in our town there are more Sikhs than Muslims, so why has tim hortons changed to halal, and she couldn't answer.


One of the biggest culprits is our people, espousing vegetarianism which puts people off having or even looking into jhatka shops.


A teacher I know, told me that the school she worked in had a minority of muslim students but the school switched to halal even though the sikhs protested that non halal options should be available, the school refused to provide both.

Haven't they started doing Jhatka in the UK? Don't you guys have Jhatka certified food over there?


Bhul chuk maaf

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14 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

we need to push for jhatka in schools. which country or area is this school in?

Jhatka needs to be recognised. The anti-meat sikhs aren't as outspoken as they used to be.

Bro, do you think that these extremist lacto-veggies have made Sikhs weak (physically and mentally)?


Bhul chuk maaf

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5 hours ago, paapiman said:

Bro, do you think that these extremist lacto-veggies have made Sikhs weak (physically and mentally)?


Bhul chuk maaf

I don't see how. Guru Nanak Dev Ji was vegetarian. As was Guru Arjan Dev ji. As were many Shaheed Singhs. What's making the Paanth weak is no Gurbani, no martial training, a sepoy mindset and western lifestyle. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Shaheed also vegetarian. I don't think you thought this through Veer Ji. I'm kinda shocked to be honest. 

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Sant Sipahi is our job. Not sitting at home alone counting Jaaps. Not playing punjabi politics and reading no Gurbani not doing shite different from anyone else with western identity politics. Not simping for genocidal maniacs on twitter. Backing nazis. None of it. 

Vaheguru Simran. Our Job. Reading Gurbani. Our job. Coming to wear the military unifrom of the Khalsa our job when ready, not before. Ready to kill or die for any innocent person.  Always. Regardless of avastha. Our job. 

Slaying the 5 theives and accepting our beating by them first. Our job. Surrendering our head. Our job. Being unworthy but willing. Our job. 

Accepting meager existence regardless of accumulated wealth or not, and sharing what we have with the needy and sick, even if greeb ourselves. Our job. 

Being armed. Our job. 

Following cult babbas fake sants or being like everyone else in the west worshipping jobs and cars.  Not our job. 

Hating any other religion. Not our job. 

Protecting children. Our job. 

Never drinking. Our job. 

Speaking truth. As best able. Regardless of consequence. Our job. 

Training martially, spiritually, giving all to God including Shaheed if we're so lucky, and seeing all as our responsibility to the degree able. Our job. 

Whining about halal chicken.  Not our job. 

Disrespecting Puratan Gursikhs and Gurbani and the only arguable fully recognizeable Sant of the 1900s, out of inexcusable ignorance. Not our job. 

Simping for the British and white supremacy not our job. 

Growing food, hemp, textiles and hunting boar. Our job. 

Training for Shaheed and Dharam Yudh. Our job. 

Maintaining a family as best able while doing the above. Our job. Unless a declared celebate.

This is a military. This is a married monastic order. This is Khalsa Paanth. Nirmal Paanth. 

Meat optional, stiriving to be a Sant Sipahi not optional. 

Good examples. Those of us that die Kirpan in hand during mass shootings. The old Sant woman who feeds bihari kids. Those of us that stand up for ndns, those of us that forcibly free slaves from Patit Bemukhs dressed in roop. Sant Jarnail Singh Bhinderwale great example even if confused on Degh. 

If you don't have at least a knife you're ready to use to protect children, or the commitment to do it with your hands. Sit the admin cut down. And be mona, aka silent. 

Reading Gurbani. Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Dasam Granth, Sarbloh Granth, Vaaran Bhai Gurdas Ji, and nothing else unless it perfectly conforms to the above. Our job. 

Kirtan. Our job. Langar. Our job. 

Being familiar with trusted Ithias our job. 


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Give your head to Guru Ji. Accept you're a papi wretch. Give up being punjabi, or any caste or nationality or ethnos. And start doing your job as a wretched slave serving God and humanity. Which you aren't worthy of. Do your best. Do it for real. Do it until it kills you. Recognize where you're out of line but don't change the line. 

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Some places I'm a admin cut failure? Anger. Hitting a nicotine vape like it owes me money. Only being worthy of kesh and kirpan and having no other kakkar, occasional lust. Allowing myself to be subsumed by overtime and "family" being loyal to wicked ass devil of a woman and not amounting to what I used to on the street. 

I've abandoned my engineering education, no longer have time to train Aikido except very little on my own. I give some to people in need, basically nothing to myself and rest to a liberal piece of shit adultress and her extended family, enabling her to be lazy. 

I've let my health slip. Working too much, water, vitamins and a bunch of Naam is probably the only thing keeping me alive. That and prayer to be able to provide for my dependents. 

I need to quit nicotine, learn Nitnem, wear all Kakkar when ready, and do more than support a family. And learn how to tell you papi wretches off better. But I know my job and beleive what Gurbani says and focus on implementing it and that apparently has me in a serious minority. 

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