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Sikh Republican Harmeet Dhillon flamed for 'Ardas' at party meet: 'Blasphemous'

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Sikh Republican Harmeet Dhillon flamed for 'Ardas' at party meet: 'Blasphemous'

Harmeet Dhillon, a Sikh Republican leader, faced backlash on social media after reciting the 'Ardas' prayer at the Republican National Convention.

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Harmeet Dhillon recites 'ardas', a Sikh prayer, on the first day of the Republican National Convention. (AFP)
India Today World Desk
New Delhi,UPDATED:Jul 17, 2024 11:56 IST
Written By: Devika Bhattacharya

In Short

  • Harmeet Dhillon recited Sikh prayer at Republican National Convention
  • Criticism from fundamentalists calling it 'anti-Christian'
  • Dhillon received warm reception from Republican audience

Sikh Republican leader Harmeet Dhillon made headlines by reciting 'Ardas,' a Sikh prayer, at the Republican National Convention on Tuesday. Many hailed it as a notable moment of cultural and religious representation by a party that’s seen as predominantly white, conservative, and Christian.

Dhillon recited the opening part of the 'Ardas' in Gurmukhi before praying in English for America, the American voters, and thanking God for protecting Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump from an attempted assassination.


However, Dhillon also came under fire from a section of those who deemed the prayer "anti-Christian" and "blasphemous". Christian fundamentalists and ultra-conservatives took to social media to troll her.


“ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!,” tweeted conservative Christian commentator Behizy. “I have nothing but respect for Harmeet Dhillon but fire whoever invited her to pray to a foreign god, there is only one true God we pray to and his name is not whatever she said. His name is YAHWEH and his only begotten Son is Jesus Christ.”


Others accused Dhillon of being a pagan and termed the Sikh blessing "witchcraft".

“How about you get deported instead, you pagan blasphemer. God saves our president and the RNC mocks him with this witchcraft,” tweeted far-right political activist Lauren Witzke.


“You can worship freely, but you should not promote your non-Christian religion at the GOP convention,” said one X user.

Another X user said reciting a Sikh prayer at the RNC was “embarrassing.”

“America is a Christian country. We literally had an excellent Christian prayer before this that mentioned Jesus Christ. This was unnecessary, performative, and blasphemous,” X user Connor Mahoney tweeted.


Dhillon, a civil rights attorney, was having none of it. “Blocking quite a few people...” she tweeted.

When Behizy came at her again, saying he has a problem with "going on a stage full of Christians and declaring your god to be the one true God", Dhillon replied sharply, "There is only one God."


Despite the online backlash, Dhillon expressed feeling warmly welcomed by the Republican audience during the event.

“It was silent. People bowed their heads. It was very respectful,” she told the New York Post. “And when I left the stage, I was hugged and people took selfies with me. Not a single word of criticism inside the room.”


Dhillon added, “Overall, while the voices of haters can be amplified artificially online, I would say the vast majority of the response to my prayer by mainstream Republicans has been positive, and I’m grateful for that.”

Published By:
Devika Bhattacharya
Published On:
Jul 17, 2024
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2 minutes ago, Premi said:

His name is YAHWEH and his only begotten Son is Jesus Christ.

It's not antichristian it's an anti Sikh situation. 

Furthermore mein cultists...

His uhh son is also named Jehovah. And the greek they render as only begotten is 

Monogenes (μονογενής) has two primary definitions, "pertaining to being the only one of its kind within a specific relationship" and "pertaining to being the only one of its kind or class, unique in kind".

Our first contender is a unitatian cultist and a cultist on salvational doctrine I guarantee it. 

As for foreign God pretty sure the American Indian didn't say Yahweh. In fact Jews didn't say Yahweh even in their homeland. 

9 minutes ago, Premi said:

America is a Christian country. We literally had an excellent Christian prayer before this that mentioned Jesus Christ. This was unnecessary, performative, and blasphemous,” X user Connor Mahoney tweeted.

It's a masonic country for the record. See above freedom of religion.

8 minutes ago, Premi said:

How about you get deported instead, you pagan blasphemer. God saves our president and the RNC mocks him with this witchcraft,” tweeted far-right political activist Lauren Witzke.

Both inaccurate and anti constitutional. Anti american. Vets died for freedom of pf religion. 

10 minutes ago, Premi said:

When Behizy came at her again, saying he has a problem with "going on a stage full of Christians and declaring your god to be the one true God", Dhillon replied sharply, "There is only one God.


The irony. Is the stage full of only christians by christians for christians? They really christians or they Matthew 13 christians? Who's getting all mutually exclusive with God? Who's trying to say only they have God? And is this bigoted group even representating God in their paradigm accurately? Newp. 

You could spray a whole crowd of christians with water and probably not hit a single one. 

John 3 16 followed by Matthew 25 31 to 46 are gameover for christians. One it shows we and all Loving Rightous people are just fine two they deny Christ twice. Once when they say he didn't die for Sikhs and again when they say judgement is by any criteria orther than mentioned in Matthew. Then you get to call them antichrist and tell them to obey the red letter. I like to finish with calling them antichrist cultists. 

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We can show them hair keeping, weapon keeping, reincarnation, greatest commandment keeping (actually demonstrated by Sikhs), salvation (not what they say it is), heaven and hell temporary, ultimate Sanjog all in the Bible. We can show them they don't follow the Bible. And uhhh we do. 

That's not even getting to things lile Prophecy in Revelation and the Gospels and things like the Paracletos. 

The only Christian sect I don't know if I could debunk or if I would want to is Quakers and they're totally fine with us. Friends. 

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Oh and when they hit you with the "any other characteristics or minor differnces or different names mrans you worship a false god...da devil!" 

Then you show them their proclaimed god doesn't match the Bible in characteristic, message, gospel or name.  You get to tell them they worship the devil apparently. 

I'm familiar with many of the top 20 christian apologists. I've debated and defeated all but the top few like Sam Shamoun and above in fame. I would dunk on him. Well the red letter would. 

It would show him a morally bypassed idol worshipper. A cultist. And I like the dude. 

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Yeah he went for the option of blocking me rather than standing on business for his god. What this demonstrates is how quickly they fold when challenged and how incapable they are at substantiating what they say. Which demonstrates if we're losing people to Christianity it's our fault. 

1. Because we don't read Gurbani, most of us all culturally a "Sikh". Really often just punjabi really that heard about Sikhi mixed with hinduism or islam  or simping for imperials. 

2. We don't do what's prescribed or even do the opposite. 

3. We don't have any biblical understanding. 

4. We don't confront. 

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