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SANGAT JI PLEASE help me. I am lost

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Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh. 

I have been practising/interested in Sikhi for about 3 years. I first fell in love with Sikhi when I had discovered bhai jagraj singh back in 2021. And then eventually I found out about all the political side of Sikhi (I.e Khalistan etc… )

However, with maharaj di kirpa de naal, about a year and few months I had this REALLY strong desire to get blessed with Amrit. And with guru jis kirpa I did !! 

However , before getting blessed with Amrit I had never practised being an Amritdhari, I had never woken up at Amrit vela and done Simran or my full Nitnem in one day (however i had done a sehaj path BEFORE being an amritdhari but it probably wasn’t even shudh ). I never had practised wearing a kacherra while showering. But the day after my Amrit  Sanchar I woke up at 3am and did my Nitnem. 

But overtime (about a couple of months after my Amrit Sanchar) I started to make mistakes. My kanga had fallen off multiple times, I had accidentally removed my kacherra while taking a shower, I started removing my Kara, kirpan and kanga for my martial arts. But worst of all I had started to watch po** and started to ma***bate again. I’ve always had a lust problem for 2 years before my Amrit sanchaar. And the DEEP DESIRE TO MEET VAHEGURU AND GURU JI was GONE. 

Since then (this is now 1 year and couples of months after my Amrit sacnhaar), I have been regularly missing my Nitnem and amritvela. What I need help on is how do I get back on my sikhi journey?? How do I have the desire to meet guru ji and actually meet vaheguru ji this time?? How do I love guru ji ?? 

please someone from the sangat help me out.

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On 7/14/2024 at 3:04 AM, Manjitsingh said:

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh. 

I have been practising/interested in Sikhi for about 3 years. I first fell in love with Sikhi when I had discovered bhai jagraj singh back in 2021. And then eventually I found out about all the political side of Sikhi (I.e Khalistan etc… )

However, with maharaj di kirpa de naal, about a year and few months I had this REALLY strong desire to get blessed with Amrit. And with guru jis kirpa I did !! 

However , before getting blessed with Amrit I had never practised being an Amritdhari, I had never woken up at Amrit vela and done Simran or my full Nitnem in one day (however i had done a sehaj path BEFORE being an amritdhari but it probably wasn’t even shudh ). I never had practised wearing a kacherra while showering. But the day after my Amrit  Sanchar I woke up at 3am and did my Nitnem. 

But overtime (about a couple of months after my Amrit Sanchar) I started to make mistakes. My kanga had fallen off multiple times, I had accidentally removed my kacherra while taking a shower, I started removing my Kara, kirpan and kanga for my martial arts. But worst of all I had started to watch po** and started to ma***bate again. I’ve always had a lust problem for 2 years before my Amrit sanchaar. And the DEEP DESIRE TO MEET VAHEGURU AND GURU JI was GONE. 

Since then (this is now 1 year and couples of months after my Amrit sacnhaar), I have been regularly missing my Nitnem and amritvela. What I need help on is how do I get back on my sikhi journey?? How do I have the desire to meet guru ji and actually meet vaheguru ji this time?? How do I love guru ji ?? 

please someone from the sangat help me out.

I'd say focus on the most fascinating aspects at the moment, whether that be learning an instrument, or a weapon, or a certain Bani, whatever it is, listen to Bhai Jagraj Singh again. 

Start to recover little areas by discipline and forgiveness of self and repetition. 

Can't fix the whole ship at once. The standard is very high friend. It's alright to keep sighted on it from beneath it. 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/14/2024 at 11:04 AM, Manjitsingh said:

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh. 

I have been practising/interested in Sikhi for about 3 years. I first fell in love with Sikhi when I had discovered bhai jagraj singh back in 2021. And then eventually I found out about all the political side of Sikhi (I.e Khalistan etc… )

However, with maharaj di kirpa de naal, about a year and few months I had this REALLY strong desire to get blessed with Amrit. And with guru jis kirpa I did !! 

However , before getting blessed with Amrit I had never practised being an Amritdhari, I had never woken up at Amrit vela and done Simran or my full Nitnem in one day (however i had done a sehaj path BEFORE being an amritdhari but it probably wasn’t even shudh ). I never had practised wearing a kacherra while showering. But the day after my Amrit  Sanchar I woke up at 3am and did my Nitnem. 

But overtime (about a couple of months after my Amrit Sanchar) I started to make mistakes. My kanga had fallen off multiple times, I had accidentally removed my kacherra while taking a shower, I started removing my Kara, kirpan and kanga for my martial arts. But worst of all I had started to watch po** and started to ma***bate again. I’ve always had a lust problem for 2 years before my Amrit sanchaar. And the DEEP DESIRE TO MEET VAHEGURU AND GURU JI was GONE. 

Since then (this is now 1 year and couples of months after my Amrit sacnhaar), I have been regularly missing my Nitnem and amritvela. What I need help on is how do I get back on my sikhi journey?? How do I have the desire to meet guru ji and actually meet vaheguru ji this time?? How do I love guru ji ?? 

please someone from the sangat help me out.

I used to fall off the bhagti path alot. One day, I realised that God is actually always with me, every single moment- even when I thought I was alone. And that He hears and has heard every single prayer I've ever made to Him and has witnessed every ounce of love my heart has poured out for Him. This path is the path of Love. Not ritual or superstition, not fear, hate or doubt- Pure Love. 

Have a conversation with Him- He will 100% hear it- open your heart to Him. He powers your body in every moment, without Him, we would die. He's the reason we breathe, eat, sleep wake up, live. We Are Him- our soul originated from Him alone- it's always been with Him. He's our True Father, our Only Creator, the Only Being who walks with us, in our many lives and in the afterlife. We will all be dead in a few decades time- that's the reality- everyone around us will be gone in a few years- but He remains with us. God bless you. 

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This is why all Prabh milne ka chao associations by Sewa Singh ji grant amrit as a mehengi daat and is granted to only those Gurmukhs who has signs of tenth gate open. 

I motivate you @Manjitsinghto challenge yourself to get that special daat of Amrit -the Nectar AGAIN from those special Gurmukhs and these special institutuins... be a part of their sangat ceremonies and meet real Sant Sipahis.. give tests to be eligible for Anrit and get the opportunity to SEE THE JOT - WOW!

((pls pray I get this opportunity too))


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/7/2024 at 9:17 AM, Mooorakh said:

This is why all Prabh milne ka chao associations by Sewa Singh ji grant amrit as a mehengi daat and is granted to only those Gurmukhs who has signs of tenth gate open. 

I motivate you @Manjitsinghto challenge yourself to get that special daat of Amrit -the Nectar AGAIN from those special Gurmukhs and these special institutuins... be a part of their sangat ceremonies and meet real Sant Sipahis.. give tests to be eligible for Anrit and get the opportunity to SEE THE JOT - WOW!

((pls pray I get this opportunity too))


how are Tarmala and PMKC able to tell who has opened dasam dwar? are the so-called gurmukhs special because they lack sahaj in their simran? What is a special institution giving khanda amrit pahul? are the 4 takhts not special institutions? 

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6 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

how are Tarmala and PMKC able to tell who has opened dasam dwar? are the so-called gurmukhs special because they lack sahaj in their simran? What is a special institution giving khanda amrit pahul? are the 4 takhts not special institutions? 

Any Amrit is special brother. Be wary of anyone claiming they can sense that. They don't have theirs open or we'd know very easily. The Amrit you take is between you Akal and your Karam. It's not a potion delievered by the magic man. Look for real Sikhs not only with good Rehit but more importantly clearly living up to Sikh values in demonstration. 

Find someone who's living Sarbat Da Bhala and protects everyone regardless of group. 

In the uk take it from those fighting grooming gangs that don't hate muslims. 

In hinduvtastan take it from the guys that free slaves. 

That's my thoughts and feelings. 

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6 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

how are Tarmala and PMKC able to tell who has opened dasam dwar? are the so-called gurmukhs special because they lack sahaj in their simran? What is a special institution giving khanda amrit pahul? are the 4 takhts not special institutions? 

Gurbani is your Sangat. Naam Simran is your Sangat.  Just live it and pray to Vaheguru. Then you'll find your people in life if any. Don't look to people. 

The Sikh secretly putting blankets on the homless at night while nobody watches is who you should look for. Catch them doing selfless things when they think nobody sees. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/14/2024 at 6:04 AM, Manjitsingh said:

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh. 

I have been practising/interested in Sikhi for about 3 years. I first fell in love with Sikhi when I had discovered bhai jagraj singh back in 2021. And then eventually I found out about all the political side of Sikhi (I.e Khalistan etc… )

However, with maharaj di kirpa de naal, about a year and few months I had this REALLY strong desire to get blessed with Amrit. And with guru jis kirpa I did !! 

However , before getting blessed with Amrit I had never practised being an Amritdhari, I had never woken up at Amrit vela and done Simran or my full Nitnem in one day (however i had done a sehaj path BEFORE being an amritdhari but it probably wasn’t even shudh ). I never had practised wearing a kacherra while showering. But the day after my Amrit  Sanchar I woke up at 3am and did my Nitnem. 

But overtime (about a couple of months after my Amrit Sanchar) I started to make mistakes. My kanga had fallen off multiple times, I had accidentally removed my kacherra while taking a shower, I started removing my Kara, kirpan and kanga for my martial arts. But worst of all I had started to watch po** and started to ma***bate again. I’ve always had a lust problem for 2 years before my Amrit sanchaar. And the DEEP DESIRE TO MEET VAHEGURU AND GURU JI was GONE. 

Since then (this is now 1 year and couples of months after my Amrit sacnhaar), I have been regularly missing my Nitnem and amritvela. What I need help on is how do I get back on my sikhi journey?? How do I have the desire to meet guru ji and actually meet vaheguru ji this time?? How do I love guru ji ?? 

please someone from the sangat help me out.

Have you tried doing 40-day Jaaps?


Bhul chuk maaf

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On 7/14/2024 at 6:04 AM, Manjitsingh said:

I started removing my Kara, kirpan and kanga for my martial arts.

That should not be a big issue. Learning martial arts is extremely important for Sikhs for self-defense.

Just do Ardas for forgiveness from Sri Satguru jee.


Bhul chuk maaf

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On 7/14/2024 at 6:04 AM, Manjitsingh said:

But worst of all I had started to watch po** and started to ma***bate again. I’ve always had a lust problem for 2 years before my Amrit sanchaar.

Please go through the topic below bro.


Bhul chuk maaf


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