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I've already made a thread for social media sites related sikhi related content. 

Now, I will make another thread for influencer who are sikhs, panjabi etc. This is for entertainment. 

Again, I'm not endorsing anyone or anything. I think it's great we celebrate our family stepping outside of the usual and doing more for the community and the wider society. 

Please do share as well, but also ORGANISE YOUR POST.


Jus Reign

Indy and Dr

Preet Sandhu Sengh

One Sikh Mom

Punjabi With Navrup Kaur

Indy and Dr

The Cockney Sikh

Pushpek Sidhu

Santwinder Singh [Fashion]

Official Jassa

Ranjit Singh



Apna J

Indy and Dr Podcast

I am Sukhman Gill

Onkar Singh

Pushpek Sidhu

Santwinder Singh [Fashion]

Edited by SriAkaalJiSahai
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