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Final Message of Bhai Jagraj Singh Ji

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  • 11 months later...
On 7/24/2023 at 11:07 PM, dalsingh101 said:


I saw him once. He had good intuition. As I walked into Park Ave Gurdwara, he was sitting at the front preaching to the sangat. He looked up, he could sense God's presence and power flowing through me but didn't know properly what it was. He was quiet and stared at me for a quite while- I knew what he was communicating without speaking- 'we need people like you to help us'. I sensed he had good intentions and his heart was in the right place. He wanted to make a difference.

I didn't speak to him that day- but remembered. Hope he's walking Gods path wherever he is. More people need to be humanitarians, the world is literally burning and not many can see it. Kalyug is all around, everyone around us is Heavily brainwashed in many forms, everyones maya is also being heavily manipulated by the people who run the world. People need to get up out of their attachments to family, indian culture, weddings, boozing, the false brainwashing media culture, the b/s competition and comparison culture, the overindulgence culture. Humans are being Heavily Distracted- while the New False Kings of the earth perpetrate the worst crimes possible in secrecy. The Gurus took on the false Mughal Kings of their times- Guru Nanak Specifically Told us that the kings of the Kalyug are butchers- who has actually bothered to listen to him and look into this? And people still call themselves His Sikhs? Does anyone else know what goes on behind the scenes- or is everyone busy claiming warriorhood.  

The evil of the Mughal emperors never left, the evil that exists behind closed doors is so unbelievably dark- people literally cannot comprehend it. You've had a sneak peek of it with the massive peadophile rings that run from the white house to the british royals, to the houses of parliament and beyond- including MPS and celebrities being convicted for peadophilia- for raping children as young as 4 years old- and they rape even younger. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Do naam and meditate on it- read and educate yourselves and understand what is Really going on in the world. Everyone is asleep, time to wake up and fight. 

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16 hours ago, Premi said:

Could not think of better word at the time.

Just want to know what else Ji was thinking 

Be smart and read. There are plenty of books out there- follow money trails of companies and their activities etc. All mainstream media are monopolies, all major film production companies are controlled by a very small group of companies, most music is controlled by universal music- All controlled by the Same group of people at the top. Its known that the CIA, MI6 etc are heavily involved and help them (they're on their payroll). Television was Created as a Brainwashing/ mind control Programming Tool- theres concrete evidence of this. Hence- the name TV Programmes- they simply program the minds of the masses. Major Billionaires and trillionaires (the new Kings of these times who control everything, evey election, they control even royalty) cooperate together- keep the poor poor and rich richer, they start and end all major wars- funding both sides- largely for the sake of this Mind Control- it's called trauma programming and it's all connected- it keeps their control over the 8 or so billion people on earth. Our Father- Guru Nanak- taught us that in the Kalyug, the Kings are butchers. If that's the case then why is everyone kissing their asses going to jubilees- worshiping them as idols etc- it's programming. Back in the day- many if not most Kings etc used Jadoo to 'enure' successful rule over others, more lands etc. They sacrificed babies to demons like moloch, worshipped baphomet in return for riches, kingdom etc. This didn't just suddenly stop but is well hidden. This jadoo is being mass performed on humans subtlely again through tv, songs, the internet, social meda etc. 

Research what is going on behind the scenes. If you were an evil King- how would you run your Kingdom? They're not using physical force or threats now like the moghuls as much- so what are their weapons? Would you not want to control the masses by whatever means necessary- or would you give them free reign and free thought to be able to unsurp your throne? If you had mind control technology, mass hypnosis tools, would you not use them on the 8 billion people who could take you out? Would you not want 8 billion people to work for you so you can create even more cool technology to keep them dumbed down- passive, alseep and enslaved under your rule? Everyone you see around you is Brainwashed. Women have gone insane following the kardashians- that's 1 example- (they've carried out mass beta kitten programming)- normal everyday women have become and are highly sexualising themselves online for zero reason because of 3 or 4 celebrity women- people tend to copy what they see others do. People are committing adultery, sleeping around, binge drinking- who taught us these things? Television, celebrities and the internet have been the main shapers of society to date- a mass brainwashing tool thats worked incredibly successfully to bring people into heavy maya. We are being ruled by royalty that didn't even exist a few generations ago- a bunch of savages took control by force. Who said they're royals- did God Himself give them their thrones or are they just a bunch of wankers who wanted power over others. Humans are so heavily in slavery right now- and it's not easy to wake up and see it. Any form of Truth told about the ones in control is labelled a Conspiracy theory by the media- who are owned by the people the 'conspiracy theories' are about. They have the BEST scientists, intelligence, the best minds in the world working for them. They've created spaceships and the most advanced technology possible. Hence their mind control progamming on television, the internet, music and other means is So sophisticated and advanced, it's difficult to comprehend. Anyway go and get educated- ask Waheguru to guide you and open your eyes. God bless you. 



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God wants warriors and strength, not sheep. The Khalsa army was not just on earth- it still exists and extends up to the warriors in Sachkand- working with the Khalsa on earth.

Enough has been done to us. These people perpetrated 1984- it wasn't just the Indian Government- they all work together, Thatcher helped the attacks- the ones at the top (billionaires/ trillionaires) knew what was going on and signs off on things like this. It's a network of thugs. Everyone's Talking about being warriors and fighting- but are too scared to open their eyes- accept it for what it actually was and start the process of doing what needs to actually be done. It's time. 

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