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11 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

I think you ain't even possibly Sikh, but a VERY confused peasant. I remember you telling me your parent's coconut background. Have you made ANY SERIOUS effort to get deeper into your Sikh roots since then? i.e.. learning Gurmukhi, studying puratan texts and so forth? Or are you like a typical ignorant peasant and think Sikhi is wrapped around some casteist/racialised hor5eshyte identity?  

Your whole generation are a bunch of coconuts. Face it, growing up you lot wanted nothing more than to be like them. I’ve never been like that nor have a lot of young ones nowadays. Before you start with the sob stories about being disparaged over curry or called the p-word at school before being chased by Right Said Fred doppelgängers down the street like in a Benny Hill skit, don’t bother I’ve heard it before from everyone else my parent’s age. You lot don’t have a monopoly on dealing with bigotry. 

As for becoming more religious I’ve had to school some numpty on here about quoting full Angs.  Come to think of it I’ve taught you a thing or two over the years as well. For some of us piety and faith are personal things, not some larp to indulge preening egos.  None of that changes the points in my previous post you’ve chosen to ignore. 

 I don’t know where you picked up this tactic but you’re like a white person who goes around preemptively accusing others of racism in the hope of avoiding any accusations themselves. All you’re doing is trivialising a serious issue by shoehorning it into things that aren’t related to it. 


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On 9/24/2022 at 11:39 AM, HSD said:

Your whole generation are a bunch of coconuts. Face it, growing up you lot wanted nothing more than to be like them. I’ve never been like that nor have a lot of young ones nowadays. Before you start with the sob stories about being disparaged over curry or called the p-word at school before being chased by Right Said Fred doppelgängers down the street like in a Benny Hill skit, don’t bother I’ve heard it before from everyone else my parent’s age. You lot don’t have a monopoly on dealing with bigotry. 

As for becoming more religious I’ve had to school some numpty on here about quoting full Angs.  Come to think of it I’ve taught you a thing or two over the years as well. For some of us piety and faith are personal things, not some larp to indulge preening egos.  None of that changes the points in my previous post you’ve chosen to ignore. 

 I don’t know where you picked up this tactic but you’re like a white person who goes around preemptively accusing others of racism in the hope of avoiding any accusations themselves. All you’re doing is trivialising a serious issue by shoehorning it into things that aren’t related to it. 


Nah, you don't understand. We're at a crossroads now. That peasant shyte that's been doing the rounds unchallenged for ages is now on the radar. I know you're intelligent. And if you're half as bright as you seem, you'd understand why we now have to start whittling down those traitors in the panth, who claim to be loyal to it, but are really loyal to some caste based biraderi instead of the concept of Sikh brotherhood.    This is what weakens us more than anything else. Juts have a blindness (maybe wilful?) to this.  

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2 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

Nah, you don't understand. We're at a crossroads now. That peasant shyte that's been doing the rounds unchallenged for ages is now on the radar. I know you're intelligent. And if you're half as bright as you seem, you'd understand why we now have to start whittling down those traitors in the panth, who claim to be loyal to it, but are really loyal to some caste based biraderi instead of the concept of Sikh brotherhood.    This is what weakens us more than anything else. Juts have a blindness (maybe wilful?) to this.  

It’s not a crossroads though is it as that implies choice. It’s more like coming across a desert filled with people who have their heads buried. Even if you pull them out, stick them in a headlock and peel back their eyelids to see what you see - you know that as soon as you let go most will return to their old position as that is their nature. These people have been like this for 170 years and in some cases are unwilling to change even upon pain or death. This delusional self hatred isn’t something that just disappears when challenged. 

I think some of you not only underestimate the amount of casteists/coconuts/commies/hairy fairies amongst Sikhs but also that these untoward elements may also be present closer to home/family or even within yourselves. Anyway it’ll be interesting when there is open discussion and confrontation about these elements as there is a lot to say. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Might as well park this here. We worked out the details with israel. Israel land grabs. Gives Kurdistan.  India supports it with simultaneous pressure and food, Sikhs get a significant portion of pakistan. Dalits get rights.  Lol. 

Expect economic unrest in the west as we continue to lose our shadow war in ukraine. 

Watch for waves of muslim refuges, followed by all sorts. And either the collapse of islam or europe and america. 

Hope we don't get nuked. 

Uncork all non arab oil. Hopefully the jews take some oil fields. 

If nations wait unfortunately the arabs swap to russian currency and sell them all the oil and the west declines entirely. 

How to pull off anything in the middle east and india without china swooping in is intimidating. Maybe the euro plan is tie up russia while india and israel go ham on islam and or china. 

These hindus and jews clearly been courting and or cavorting a long time. Since 47. 

Our getting groomed by pakistan is bad look globally. Offends everyone but pakistan. 

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As retarded as this sounds it comes from finally cracking a group that is totally mossad run and in cahoots with indian intel that absolutely despises me lol. This above sci fi suited all parties. And since both sides have intel...a good reflection of what might work. Enjoy the randomness. 

Jokes aside though. The group really is mossad. 

We should join the others card in India until things change. Dalits, Buddhists, Chrsitians, any low caste or non hinduvta. We should resist all assimilation and conflict with hindus until the world settles drastically. 

Stay healthy. Get your dental done. Invest in disaster supplies. And if posisble go big and get water and dirt. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/24/2022 at 11:39 AM, HSD said:

Your whole generation are a bunch of coconuts. Face it, growing up you lot wanted nothing more than to be like them.

In East London......you must be mad.  We ain't all like your parents. And even then, given the outright adulation and wilful sycophantic mental subordination that comes from so many mentally colonised apnay, I'm not surprised they aspired to be like their masters.

I've spent over a decade here on this forum, exploring my own heritage, learning our language , translating stuff, sharing stuff. You think a coconut would waste their time on that?


On 9/29/2022 at 1:56 AM, HSD said:

It’s not a crossroads though is it as that implies choice. It’s more like coming across a desert filled with people who have their heads buried. Even if you pull them out, stick them in a headlock and peel back their eyelids to see what you see - you know that as soon as you let go most will return to their old position as that is their nature. These people have been like this for 170 years and in some cases are unwilling to change even upon pain or death. This delusional self hatred isn’t something that just disappears when challenged. 

I think some of you not only underestimate the amount of casteists/coconuts/commies/hairy fairies amongst Sikhs but also that these untoward elements may also be present closer to home/family or even within yourselves. Anyway it’ll be interesting when there is open discussion and confrontation about these elements as there is a lot to say. 

So what's your solution Mr Brainbox? It's our biggest issue - yet you never mention it. And it's juts who do it the worst and keep the most silent about it. Pretty much identical to white racism.     

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On 11/3/2022 at 5:42 PM, GurjantGnostic said:

I might be half joking sometimes. But the india israel coalition is real. The upside is jews don't hate us and want us to have Khalistan. But .. they're allied with the facist government that persecutes us. Some of the hindus support us getting pakistan too. 

A lot of this imagery, and rooms with the mossad. 


This is very real by the way. Hinduvta and zionists are thick as thieves and have been since before operation BLUE STAR. They label Sikhs blanketly as terrorists and hide all reference to what really happened in 84. 

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10 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

In East London......you must be mad.  We ain't all like your parents. And even then, given the outright adulation and wilful sycophantic mental subordination that comes from so many mentally colonised apnay, I'm not surprised they aspired to be like their masters.

I've spent over a decade here on this forum, exploring my own heritage, learning our language , translating stuff, sharing stuff. You think a coconut would waste their time on that?


So what's your solution Mr Brainbox? It's our biggest issue - yet you never mention it. And it's juts who do it the worst and keep the most silent about it. Pretty much identical to white racism.     

That’s the thing……east London this east London that. You sound like every other person I’ve met from east London. You go on about the Kray twins, it wouldn’t surprise me if you said you were born within the sound of Bow’s bells. This weird geographical tribalism that east Londoners indulge in has rubbed off on non-whites from the area. I couldn’t give a monkeys about my local  area when I was growing up. 

When I call someone a coconut it’s not entirely just a putdown. A lot of Sikhs need to face the fact that angloids are master manipulators and are very good at placing thoughts/beliefs in your head to suit their schemes. A bit of self reflection isn’t enough, constant watchfulness and being alert to these machinations are necessary. Thats something your generation as a whole never believed in and you are probably the exception that proves the rule.

No one is detracting from what you have done. However, the balance sheet mentality is a very british way of thinking. Just because you did certain things doesn’t mean you get a pass on everything. Remember that guy on here who knew so much about Nihangs but was pro-colonial to the point where he came across as being mentally warped? That weird oxymoronic belief system just isn’t right. 

As for casteism I’ve talked about it plenty but others know I don’t indulge in it so they don’t bring it up around me. Sikhs are notorious for following others so if you say you don’t have a caste when someone asks you they’re not suddenly going to start clucking about their ancestral vocation. In India, people need to stop the SGPC/SAD from abusing their positions and taking in all that money. A casteist deserves no allowance to be in a position of power. Why is no one being named and shamed? In the west it’s just the music and movies that are into caste nonsense, find out who watches them and tell them what you think of it. Sikhs always allow the bad stuff to become normalised and then go on like no one told them when the consequences hit. 

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