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On 6/11/2022 at 7:37 AM, GurjantGnostic said:

The welsh...the bretons...were celts. And they were not hobbits lol. How did they hold wales against the romans and british? Surrounded. Not conquered. 

The celto germans were post celtic germans. 

I'm not really getting the humor here so much as a weird racist wasp narrative. 

On 6/11/2022 at 7:38 AM, GurjantGnostic said:

Yeah bro. Take that shit down please. Did you read it before you posted it?

Assigned essay. Why the welsh are bad ass and essentially undefeated. Thank you. 

And then go thank one for being their guest if you're in the uk. 

That's like a joke that calls american indians savages happily subservient etc. 

Nah, I’m not taking it down. I don’t agree with everything I post but I can see the funny side of this. It’s a play on stereotypes and the three stooges from Top Gear. 

The Welsh are a bunch of fairies. They give it large and then hide behind anyone they can, whilst crying wolf - often with racist overtones. Take it from someone who’s had to put up with them in the past, Wales and the West Country are full of racist idiots. They are hobbits as Tolkien based them on people from the West Country and Wales/Cornwall.  Might have something to do with their hairy feet and prepubescent physique. Literally most of the news stories posted on this forum about convicted racists relate to people from Wales, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Somerset. Wales and Cornwall are integrated into Britain and the population are thoroughly mixed - they all buzz to me.  To compare them to the Native Americans is ridiculous. I should be grateful? Yeah I’ve heard that one before…..    

The Welsh got their heads kicked in by the Romans. You might want to have a look at what happened to the druids on Anglesey when the legions came crashing through the hills and valleys. It was the Roman military who protected Wales and Cornwall from the english later on. At this point the celts were heavily romanised. The story of King Arthur is based off Ambrosius Aurelianus, a Roman who supposedly killed a thousand english at the Battle of Mons Baden with his own hand.

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3 minutes ago, HSD said:

Nah, I’m not taking it down. I don’t agree with everything I post but I can see the funny side of this. It’s a play on stereotypes and the three stooges from Top Gear. 

The Welsh are a bunch of fairies. They give it large and then hide behind anyone they can, whilst crying wolf - often with racist overtones. Take it from someone who’s had to put up with them in the past, Wales and the West Country are full of racist idiots. They are hobbits as Tolkien based them on people from the West Country and Wales/Cornwall.  Might have something to do with their hairy feet and prepubescent physique. Literally most of the news stories posted on this forum about convicted racists relate to people from Wales, Hampshire, Wiltshire and Somerset. Wales and Cornwall are integrated into Britain and the population are thoroughly mixed - they all buzz to me.  To compare them to the Native Americans is ridiculous. I should be grateful? Yeah I’ve heard that one before…..    

The Welsh got their heads kicked in by the Romans. You might want to have a look at what happened to the druids on Anglesey when the legions came crashing through the hills and valleys. It was the Roman military who protected Wales and Cornwall from the english later on. At this point the celts were heavily romanised. The story of King Arthur is based off Ambrosius Aurelianus, a Roman who supposedly killed a thousand english at the Battle of Mons Baden with his own hand.

Right on bro. Enjoy their Karam for your Ninda. 

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On 6/11/2022 at 9:30 AM, Premi said:

This is just suggesting that there will be sewerage problems in future ?

Or have I missed the point completely ?!

………….. how did you come to that interpretation?!



It’s a comical crossover reference based on the above two films. If you’re reading all these old threads to build up some sort of psychological profile then you should find a better use of your time. Not all of us are so one dimensional. 

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22 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Right on bro. Enjoy their Karam for your Ninda. 

Here you go again with the condescending comments. It’s not slander to state historical fact and it’s not enjoyable to have to educate people on basic past events. You’re the one who enjoys past deeds by constantly going on about the fictional history of your supposed ancestors. It sounds no different to those casteists who go on about Aryan/Scythian/White Hun migrations as if any of that is relevant today. 

As Guru Nanak Dev Ji told us, we should live truthfully. Give it a go sometime instead of twisting words and crying when called out on it.

I didn’t even mention all the stuff that happened in the Tudor period or the role Wales played in british colonial bloodshed. You clearly have an agenda to whinge so much. 

Vitam impendere vero. 

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7 minutes ago, HSD said:

Here you go again with the condescending comments. It’s not slander to state historical fact and it’s not enjoyable to have to educate people on basic past events. You’re the one who enjoys past deeds by constantly going on about the fictional history of your supposed ancestors. It sounds no different to those casteists who go on about Aryan/Scythian/White Hun migrations as if any of that is relevant today. 

As Guru Nanak Dev Ji told us, we should live truthfully. Give it a go sometime instead of twisting words and crying when called out on it.

I didn’t even mention all the stuff that happened in the Tudor period or the role Wales played in british colonial bloodshed. You clearly have an agenda to whinge so much. 

Vitam impendere vero. 

Truth? You're a racist imperial boot licker and probably out of shape? You don't have to respond because that is what it is. Another fat racist. Looking up to imperials. 


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5 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Truth? You're a racist imperial boot licker and probably out of shape? You don't have to respond because that is what it is. Another fat racist. Looking up to imperials. 


Nope. Completely wrong, I’ve got biceps as thick as most people’s thighs and I’m fairly fit though not as good as I used to be. I’m not racist though I do know how to handle them, like I have with you. I’ve never looked up to ‘imperials’ - this isn’t Star Wars kiddo. You need to stop slandering me. I know some things about you…..

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8 hours ago, HSD said:

Nope. Completely wrong, I’ve got biceps as thick as most people’s thighs and I’m fairly fit though not as good as I used to be. I’m not racist though I do know how to handle them, like I have with you. I’ve never looked up to ‘imperials’ - this isn’t Star Wars kiddo. You need to stop slandering me. I know some things about you…..

Everybody knows some things about me, because I posted it.  So you'd be reposting. Nice threat though fatty. 

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Let's hear what you have coward. My book is open. 

I've lost track of the number of times I've been allowed to be threatened across the boards. Between the npd trolls, and the "intel"..lol ..intel...anyway the intel community, and with your voltron powers combined you've still done nothing but lose. 

So by all means. Enlighten us with your intel. 

Oh, the favorite. Wait...


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2 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

The roman and british boots you shine are those of our enemies. 


I suggest you get off white power twitter and learn the real story. 

If you were a true Sikh then you would know quoting lines of our Guru’s bani rather than the whole Ang is considered mutilation. Nice blasphemy you just did there. It is disgusting how you hide behind our Guru’s words now to advance your agenda. 

As for the Romans, telling the truth about them isn’t bootlicking. I learnt from an education, not stupid social media or music videos like yourself. Don’t project your own inadequacy onto others. You, by going on about the welsh, have proven yourself to be the british bootlicker. 

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2 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Everybody knows some things about me, because I posted it.  So you'd be reposting. Nice threat though fatty. 

It wasn’t a threat though. You posted ad hominem about me, so I just offered to return the favour. Don’t start crying and defecating yourself about the big bad scary Sikh man who schooled you online now you chubby crybaby lol. 

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2 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

It's not Ninda to call you out for being an unfit racist. This is Guru Ki Fauj. 


And? You have no proof of either. Just more slurs when you are a bigot who runs to other Sikhs on here to help carry you. Don’t worry I know. 

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2 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Let's hear what you have coward. My book is open. 

I've lost track of the number of times I've been allowed to be threatened across the boards. Between the npd trolls, and the "intel"..lol ..intel...anyway the intel community, and with your voltron powers combined you've still done nothing but lose. 

So by all means. Enlighten us with your intel. 

Oh, the favorite. Wait...


Ok liar. You’re still in the USAF even though you say you’re not. The stuff you told us was just some sob story about your background. You’re one of those American larpers who likes to infiltrate other communities to encourage the stupid and mentally ill ones to do bad things to further the culture war your superiors and the DIA/other three letter agencies like to stir up. You’re a troublemaker. This is you back in January of this year:


Any Sikhs who talk to this guy need to be very careful to not be manipulated into doing something stupid. 

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30 minutes ago, HSD said:

If you were a true Sikh then you would know quoting lines of our Guru’s bani rather than the whole Ang is considered mutilation. Nice blasphemy you just did there. It is disgusting how you hide behind our Guru’s words now to advance your agenda. 

As for the Romans, telling the truth about them isn’t bootlicking. I learnt from an education, not stupid social media or music videos like yourself. Don’t project your own inadequacy onto others. You, by going on about the welsh, have proven yourself to be the british bootlicker. 


17 minutes ago, HSD said:

Ok liar. You’re still in the USAF even though you say you’re not. The stuff you told us was just some sob story about your background. You’re one of those American larpers who likes to infiltrate other communities to encourage the stupid and mentally ill ones to do bad things to further the culture war your superiors and the DIA/other three letter agencies like to stir up. You’re a troublemaker. This is you back in January of this year:


Any Sikhs who talk to this guy need to be very careful to not be manipulated into doing something stupid. 

Lol. Faaaaaaaaiiiillllll. I knew I felt rich in Karam for a reason. 

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13 minutes ago, HSD said:

Ok liar. You’re still in the USAF even though you say you’re not. The stuff you told us was just some sob story about your background. You’re one of those American larpers who likes to infiltrate other communities to encourage the stupid and mentally ill ones to do bad things to further the culture war your superiors and the DIA/other three letter agencies like to stir up. You’re a troublemaker. This is you back in January of this year:


Any Sikhs who talk to this guy need to be very careful to not be manipulated into doing something stupid. 

So. No intel boy. Where you get the fail pic?

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