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Today - Gurgadi Divas - Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee Maharaaj


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On 11/6/2016 at 2:07 AM, Koi said:

Where is this saroop now?



One view is that this Puratan Saroop of Sri Guru Maharaj Ji was lost during war around 1762. While others believe that the Saroop exist in a private custody and has stains of kesar on it which were sprinkled by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji Maharaj. So it is not certain where is the location of this Saroop.

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4 hours ago, mahanpaapi said:



One view is that this Puratan Saroop of Sri Guru Maharaj Ji was lost during war around 1762. While others believe that the Saroop exist in a private custody and has stains of kesar on it which were sprinkled by Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib Ji Maharaj. So it is not certain where is the location of this Saroop.


I think there are many private saroops of aad & dasam granth and many many poothis we will never get dharshan off as they are locked up in private collections and museums.



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