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Singhs in Italy Boycott Panthpreet


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  • 2 months later...

very sad both cases. infact could not even get myself to watch entire videos. This is medieval, unstructured , tribal to say the least to throw up such drama in a place of worship - where sangat gather. Why these folks are being "banned" should be dealt with via a guiding structure. I find too any Granthis " who do roll" want a visa from india so come over to UK, europe and canada. They are not even qualified on simple veechar like "Ardaas " to explain to 1st and 2nd generation sikhs - Arzoo (arabic word) and Das (servant).  We really need homegrown patchraiks - born and bred and then learnt from various taksals in India. Since seeing this is more heartbreaking then revoltionary, it makes Sikhs look dis-organised and tribal  - which is far from what they are.  

Bhul Chuk Maaf Mere Waheguru

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On 14/10/2016 at 9:53 PM, Tina Kaur Bains said:

This is medieval, unstructured , tribal to say the least to throw up such drama in a place of worship - where sangat gather.

I agree that it is quite unsavoury, but there was even worse option - letting anjaan sangat fall prey to dhundas nonsense.


On 14/10/2016 at 9:53 PM, Tina Kaur Bains said:

 Why these folks are being "banned" should be dealt with via a guiding structure.

It has been tried many times.  SGPC/Akal Takht has tried. missionaries didn't listen. Then other jathas treid to engage them in debates, they didn't participate. Then the only option is to stop their programs in line with Sri Akal Takht Sahib sandesh of not allowing these liars access to Gurdwara stages where they can mislead sangat.

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