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Ping Pong

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Oh I love this game... BOLL TIMO :shock: of Germany is the Regioning World Number One Men and ZHANG Yining :shock: (China) for Women...

Ironically, there is no Indian in Top 25 of either mens or womens professionals... Neither do I dont remember any Indian in recent history taking any top honors in this Game.

Still its a quite interesting games...

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Table Tennis likely began as a social hobby in England toward the end of the 1800's. Dining-room tables and balls of cork made up some of the early equipment that was used. These early pioneers may have referred to their sport as gossima, flim-flam, or ping-pong. Around the turn of the century, the game underwent a few changes in England. One person introduced a celluloid ball to the game, while another added pimpled rubber to the wooden paddle.

The recreational game lost some of its popularity until various groups around Europe revived it as "table tennis" in the 1920s. The International Table Tennis Association (ITTF) was formed in 1926. The sport soon spread to Japan and other Asian nations. The Japanese dominated the sport for much of the 50s and 60s, however the Chinese soon closed the gap. China alone dominated the sport for much of the 60's and 70's, but after Table Tennis became an Olympic event in the 1980's, other nations such as Sweden and South Korea have joined the top ranks.

Ping-Pong Diplomacy of 1971 (USA & China)

According to a PBS article, One of the first public hints of improved U.S.-China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the People's Republic. Time magazine called it "The ping heard round the world." On April 10, nine players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland, ushering in an era of "Ping-Pong diplomacy." They were the first group of Americans allowed into China since the Communist takeover in 1949.

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i was gonna ask how do you know all this stuff, IDEAL.. but now my question is...

WHY do you know all this stuff???!?!


The best strategy for ping pong.. get a bit of a rally going, and when the other guy's least expecting it, knock the ball off his eye.

one of two things will happen.

1) it will hit him and out, therefore your point..

2)he will retire due to injury, you win!

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Ping-Pong Diplomacy of 1971 (USA & China)

OMG that's hilarious :LOL:

"The ping heard round the world."

Also, they forgot to mention that the 'pong' came after the ping, is this another butt-scratching accident? :oops:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you ever use your finger to press down one side of the ping-pong ball?If you press hard enough, you will find ping-pong ball running away from you.However, a few seconds later, the ping-pong starts to rolling back toward you. Why?


The ball starts with an initial velocity Vo,

and an initial angular velocity wo.

Due to the friction force between ping-pong ball and the table

Fu=u mg. (Blue arrow)

The center of mass of the ping-pong ball will slow down.

V= Vo - a t

The friction force will produce a torque ( r u mg ,

where r is the radius of the ball )

to change its rotating speed w = wo - t * (r u mg)/I .

where I is the moment of inertia of the ball.

When the velocity of the contact point related to the table

V - r w becomes zero, the friction force vanishes.

The motion become a free rolling (rolling without slipping).

V = r w

if V< 0. then ping-pong ball rolling backward (toward you).

Is it passible to let the ball stop? (velocity V=0.)

or moving forward(V>0.)?

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A king is sitting on his throne one day and is bored out of his mind. He decides to make a contest to kill his boredom. He tells his servant to send out for a person to find the biggest ping pong ball and the reward would be one million dollars.

So his servant announces this to the kingdom and everyone rushes out. The first man walks into the king's castle and has a huge ball 2 feet long. The king is in shock and says, "That is a huge ping pong ball." He tells the man to step aside, and wait for the others turn.

Another man brings a ping pong ball 4 feet long. The king is astonished, and says to the man, "Wow! That's a humungous ball. I think you'll probably be the winner, but lets wait to see the last person's ball!"

The next man starts pushing this HUGE, hairy , bloody, brown thing into the kings castle. The king jumps up and screams, "Good god man! What kind of ping pong ball is that?"

The man replies, "Ping pong ball? Ping pong ball? I thought you said KING KONG'S BALLS?!?" :wink: :twisted: :wink: :evil: :wink: :twisted:

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Have you ever use your finger to press down one side of the ping-pong ball?If you press hard enough, you will find ping-pong ball running away from you.However, a few seconds later, the ping-pong starts to rolling back toward you. Why?


The ball starts with an initial velocity Vo,

and an initial angular velocity wo.

Due to the friction force between ping-pong ball and the table

Fu=u mg. (Blue arrow)

The center of mass of the ping-pong ball will slow down.

V= Vo - a t

The friction force will produce a torque ( r u mg ,

where r is the radius of the ball )

to change its rotating speed w = wo - t * (r u mg)/I .

where I is the moment of inertia of the ball.

When the velocity of the contact point related to the table

V - r w becomes zero, the friction force vanishes.

The motion become a free rolling (rolling without slipping).

V = r w

if V< 0. then ping-pong ball rolling backward (toward you).

Is it passible to let the ball stop? (velocity V=0.)

or moving forward(V>0.)?

The following is an interview where questions and answers are taken from the above post :?

Question : r u mg ?

Reply : YES

Question : wo - t * (r u mg)

Reply : MG

Question : Fu u mg

Reply : Excuse me :shock:

moving forward...

Question : Is it passible to let the mg produce a torque

Reply : Vo - a t ?

Question : r we gonna ping-pong?

Reply : :o Man u are getting weird

Question : if V< 0 then can i start rolling without slipping toward you?

Reply : ok bye, weirdo :x :shock:

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How to calculate?

1. What is the friction force between the ball and the table?

2. What is the acceleration of the ball¡H How the speed changed?

3. What is the torque to the ball? ¡HHow the angular velocity changed?

4. What is the velocity of the contact point relative to table?

Can you write down the equations of motion ?

I did that already. It is your turn, now?

¡]The momentum of initial for the hard sphere ball is I = (2/5) m r2 ,

I= (2/3)mr2 for thin spherical shell ) :LOL:

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How to calculate?

1. What is the friction force between the ball and the table?

2. What is the acceleration of the ball¡H How the speed changed?

3. What is the torque to the ball? ¡HHow the angular velocity changed?

4. What is the velocity of the contact point relative to table?

Can you write down the equations of motion ?

I did that already. It is your turn, now?

¡]The momentum of initial for the hard sphere ball is I = (2/5) m r2 ,

I= (2/3)mr2 for thin spherical shell ) :LOL:

:roll: I been calcuating those for the past two weeks, and came up with one answer :D 0 ( ZERO ) . Multiply all of them by 0 u will get 0 :P

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:roll: I been calcuating those for the past two weeks, and came up with one answer :D 0 ( ZERO ) . Multiply all of them by 0 u will get 0 :P

Hipp! Hippp !! Hurray !!! ehem... (I hope) U got the right answer.. :oops:

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Well I have something different for you on this topic... Itz called "PING PONG BALL CURVES" :oops:

DESCRIPTION if you didnt get it :twisted: : A ping pong ball is tossed with a rapid spin causing it to curve in flight.

MATERIALS we require:

1. Two cardboard mailing tubes of a greater diameter than a ping pong ball

2. 1 sheet of medium sand paper

3. Ofcourse One Ping pong ball

4. White glue

5. Magic Marker

6. Ruler

7. Knife


1. Cut a 2 foot length from the mailing tube.

2. Roll up the sheet of sand paper, with the grit to the inside, into a tube. Check to see that the ping pong ball will still roll in the tupe with the sandpaper in place. Remove the sandpaper, spread white glue in several places and slide the sand paper back into the mailing tube so that the sand paper is flush with one end. Let the glue dry.

3. Use a marker to make two circles around the ball at right angles with

each other. These lines will help you see the spin of the ball.

Throwing Technique I will share with you next time... Letz have your materialz ready !!!

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Yeah are right !! :LOL:

But the important part is that once we discuss the whole thing we will find that what I am telling is also a unique variation in the game of Ping Pong... :twisted:

Just wait for my next post on this Topic...

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