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The Stupidity Of A Sikh Father


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The father was a nutjob, plain as.

I know we'll have the sentimental fools around here gushing about the 'nobility' of the act any moment now.

He now runs a small shop selling grocery while his 24-year-old son Imran runs a separate shop in the same city. He has four daughters but is reluctant to tell their names.

Bleedin' hell!

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Reading this has turned my good day into a bad day.

Some one on that site rightly wrote:

justice earth 26/06/2010 at 01:47 pm

what a disgrace giving up your son why what was the logic. there were many orphans they could have adopted .Children are not a commodity than you can give away like a bag of sugar.The child must have traumatise by the lunacy of his father

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I could probably understand the act if the stupid father had been responsible for the deaths of the Muslim's two sons. The Muslim father appears to have taken advantage of the stupidity of the Sikh. There is a somewhat similar story told about Master Tara Singh. He came across a Muslim orphan girl and raised her as a Muslim and when she was older located her family and married her off to a Muslim boy. But in this case the Muslim didn't even raise the boy as a Sikh but cut his hair and made him into a Muslim. Quite apart from the way the father disregarding the best interests of his son. It appears that the father was a landowner and the son being the only son would have had a somewhat comfortable life had he stayed with his parents. But his life seems to have been one of living hand to mouth, he would not study due to the Muslim being poor and now he makes ends meet by running a small shop.

Quite apart from the fact that this is a disturbing act but the views of some Sikhs shows how the stupidity that made the Sikh father hand over his son also infects Sikhs today. The Spokesman newspaper decsribed this as a 'act of humanity at a time of madness'! On one of the discussion threads Kashmir Singh of British Sikh Federation wrote this-;

What an amazing story below. Amazing how Sikhs honoured their word to their muslim brothers and sisters, and helped the muslim family by sending away their beloved Sikh son to Pakistan. Wah Wah (Amazing/ Wonderous) Guru Gobind Singh and his Sikhs.

And these people are fighting for Sikh 'rights'!

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I could probably understand the act if the stupid father had been responsible for the deaths of the Muslim's two sons. The Muslim father appears to have taken advantage of the stupidity of the Sikh. There is a somewhat similar story told about Master Tara Singh. He came across a Muslim orphan girl and raised her as a Muslim and when she was older located her family and married her off to a Muslim boy. But in this case the Muslim didn't even raise the boy as a Sikh but cut his hair and made him into a Muslim. Quite apart from the way the father disregarding the best interests of his son. It appears that the father was a landowner and the son being the only son would have had a somewhat comfortable life had he stayed with his parents. But his life seems to have been one of living hand to mouth, he would not study due to the Muslim being poor and now he makes ends meet by running a small shop.

Quite apart from the fact that this is a disturbing act but the views of some Sikhs shows how the stupidity that made the Sikh father hand over his son also infects Sikhs today. The Spokesman newspaper decsribed this as a 'act of humanity at a time of madness'! On one of the discussion threads Kashmir Singh of British Sikh Federation wrote this-;

And these people are fighting for Sikh 'rights'!

Unfortunately Tony Jee, only Sikhs seem to be infected with this level of stupidity and this seems to ring true even today. For example, whenever a Sikh man OR woman marries a Hindu, the children for some strange reason are always raised as Hindus with Hindu names etc. Same is true for Sikhs who marry Muslims, the children will not only be raised as Muslims but even the Sikh who married the Muslim will have to first convert to Islam. Hindus and Muslims never seem to do these acts of stupidity. With such high level of stupidity it's no wonder Hindus and Muslims make a mockery of us through Sardar Jee jokes.

Another example of our stupidity is when ever there is a Hindu vs Sikh issue or Muslim vs Sikh issue, many amongst our own will display their lack of akl/intellect by openly choosing the opposing side.

The list highlighting our stupidity just goes on and on. Sirdar Kapoor Singh's Sachi Sakhi which highlights how stupid our leaders were right before the British exit in 1947 is probably the biggest example of how moronic and gullible Sardar Jees really are.

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Many sardars are like gullible lulloos, who go gaga when they are given some attention or affection by people outside the community (even if this is fake and motived). The weird sort of self loathing that frequently goes on between apnay and other members of the quom surely plays a part in this. I believe we have to face up to the fact that commonly we have no 'mitaas' or sweetness amongst ourselves, like sullay do.

On the other hand we have the opposite situation too, where brothers (and bibis) have like a lulloo 'pyaar' amongst each other that is very saccharine and unnatural. We need to redefine the relationship between apnay and attack that impulse to look down on each other on any excuse whilst acting like outsider's love starved pets. lol

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You are right, our community contains more than it's fair share of lullo fullos. But the lulloness seems to a very recent thing, maybe there was more pyar between Sikhs abroad when we were few in number and when the numbers increase then the relationships become more formal and guarded. Lulloness in India could have many causes, Bollywood and it's 'unity in diversity' BS, the secular idiots who get voted to power every five years etc. Not many Sikhs were lullos in 1947 and the lulloness of the father in the news report was one of a few exceptions inluding the lullo Buta Singh who cut his hair for a Musli and died under a train in Lahore. That uberlullo Gurdas Mann made a film about it a few years ago.

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whenever a Sikh man OR woman marries a Hindu, the children for some strange reason are always raised as Hindus with Hindu names etc. Same is true for Sikhs who marry Muslims, the children will not only be raised as Muslims but even the Sikh who married the Muslim will have to first convert to Islam. Hindus and Muslims never seem to do these acts of stupidity. With such high level of stupidity it's no wonder Hindus and Muslims make a mockery of us through Sardar Jee jokes.

Not true there are plenty of sikh men who married Hindu women and raised children as sikhs.My own cousins have Hindu mother and they have full sikh names

In the case sikh women it is true.Also when a hindu woman marry a muslim then also the children are raised as muslims e:g Salman khan,Saif Ali Khan

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Maybe the Hazooris are exceptional?

Hazoori sikhs are not exceptional.Patriarchal system is very much intact in India.Children inherit father's religion.The only problems in this are neo liberals

which are saying that marriage of sikh man with non sikh woman and marriage of non sikh man with sikh woman is same.With lot female foeticide and lots lots of sikh girls marrying outside the only option left to sikh men is marry non sikh women.The good thing about India is that there are many non sikh girls that goes to Gurdwara and if they find a potrential sikh mate they will not hesistate to marry him,that's why Once I said sikhism should concentrate more on boys

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I think there is much merit in your idea. Saves us inbreeding like hillbillies and has the potential to forge strong bonds with other communities. As usual, sullay have been doing it for years whilst our own dimwits struggle with the idea.

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I know of a few people whose father was Sikh and mother was Hindu, and the children were raised as Hindus. It is not because the Hindu women are opposed to Sikhi. From my observation, Hindu women like to read Gurbani and visit Gurdwaras, but the Sikh husbands who marry Hindu women try to act like a secularist and raises the children as hindus to show how fair minded they are.

From what I have also noticed is that Hindu women are also not so opposed to Sikh men who are keshadharis as Sikh women are. If in the future Sikh men ever have trouble finding rishtaas because of their Kesh, Hindu women might not be a bad idea.

Punjabi Sikhs need to be more like Hazuri Sikhs. They are known to marry local Hindu women and raise the children as proud Hazuri Sikhs.

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I think there is much merit in your idea. Saves us inbreeding like hillbillies and has the potential to forge strong bonds with other communities. As usual, sullay have been doing it for years whilst our own dimwits struggle with the idea.

I am not saying that we should follow muslims.I am just saying that if sikh men find a girl in their life who is willing to raise family as sikh then that marriage should not be opposed.In the idea of implementing gender equality we should not forget ground level realities of India

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I have to add an idea that has been discreetly aired in the UK. Given the actions and attitude of some [many?] women of Panjabi Sikh descent, we may need to do away with the notion of having a preference of marrying them. Instead continuing and even strengthening patriarchal notions, whereas the heritage is preserved by the males, whomever they marry. Like the way Jewism is passed down through the jananis?

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I have to add an idea that has been discreetly aired in the UK. Given the actions and attitude of some [many?] women of Panjabi Sikh descent, we may need to do away with the notion of having a preference of marrying them. Instead continuing and even strengthening patriarchal notions, whereas the heritage is preserved by the males, whomever they marry. Like the way Jewism is passed down through the jananis?

Sorry to say just a paper idea,could work with Gora,Atheists agnostics,but can never work with hindu's,muslims.If a sikh woman tries to raise her children as sikh with hindu or muslim man that could lead to divorce.Do you thinka hindu or muslim family will like to raise their children as sikhs?Also when it comes to religion women are not very strict about it You can read many examples of it.On the other hand even many non practicing men want's their children

to be raised with their religion


But somewhere along our six years together, the Indian girl from Jersey, who had naively promised him Catholic children, steak dinner

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this was a bloddy gandhi waadi father !

hindu women dont mind marrying hazuri sikhs, the reason is the bonding is so strong, i been there thrice, my last visit was in january this year. its a amazing bonding and many hindus take amrit there.

i know of a common friend who is a local has the last name rajkondewar i belive, he recently became sikh, he had grown his kesh, telling his family he would someday go to tirupati and remove them ! today he is a proud singh !

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