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Dem Fake Sikh Manz


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This is not a way to do parchar man..what are these people thinking? Gurmat/Manmat intimidation club can only get you soo far. I am sure every mona who saw this video buildup up more hatred towards amritdhari singhs than they had originally due to misunderstanding. It has to be approached differently. The problem is every tom, d!ck harry thinks they have same charisma as sant jarnail singh bhindranwale when they do try to blunt parchar. Most of times, it just backfires..they would need to use different approach or best just concentrate on their own sikhi let bibeki singhs and senior gurmukhs with gyan handle the parchar of Sikhi.

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Also author of this video breached some serious privacy laws posting pictures of people without consent. The sad one, they put picture of old baba with patka on without interviewing or asking for premission.. what kinda twisted photo journalism is this? They way passed of guerrilla photo journalism panthic website uses.

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If it was done better it wouldn't be so bad.......innit blud.....nah bruv.....

One image right at the end with dasmesh pita, sword drawn, in the middle of a pitched battle with his hawk carefully perched on his shoulder made me laugh. It was like I used to see stereotype pirates carry their parrots around when I was a kid. I guess the artist got carried away.

Shiver me timbers!

Edited by dalsingh101
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some sikh youth are in the situation such that they have no interest in kirtan yet have respect for the dharm. Some of the Sikh rap we see is excellent prachaar for these youth, so long as it is properly done and not mindless glorification of violence. It helps form a bridge from the hip hop culture many youth embrace prior to entering Sikh dharm and the Culture of Sikh dharm. Humble the Poet is an example of one such rapper who is thought provoking, talented, and does not mindlessly glorify violence.

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