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Ideal Singh

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Everything posted by Ideal Singh

  1. If there any problem with hair tied backside... like a Rock star ? As being done by some of the Sikhz putting up abroad...
  2. I dont know if this topic has been discussed before... if yes then guide me to it... coz this topic is very near to my Heart... Taken...
  3. Taken from another Forum as it is... ... who wants to be normal? Was Guru Nanak Dev Ji normal when he walked 82,000 miles? Was guru Gobind Singh ji normal when he asked for a head! Were any of the martyrs normal, choosing death than living like slaves? No, the devotees of God are not normal they are madly and deeply in love with God while the whole world thinks they are insane ... When Guru Nanak Maharaj appeared from the river after three days, all soaked and with messy hair, people called him many things as guru nanak dev ji himself writes: "Some call him a ghost; some say that he is a demon. Some call him a mere mortal; O, poor Nanak! ||1|| Crazy Nanak has gone insane, after his Lord, the King. I know of none other than the Lord. ||1||Pause||" SGGS 991 So on this path to being a Gurmukh, forget about what the world thinks of you, forget about being normal, forget about fiiting in with society, think only of loving God, the Wondrous Creator and go where God takes you Everyday is new, every day my Master is New .. "sahib mera nit navaa" every moment is wondrous every second something amazing is happening in the universe God is not just the Creator, God is Karta Purakh...the Creative Being... God is still the Master Artist still creating , still being young and fresh brilliant and beautiful, if being normal means being bored , being stuck in another rut , then that God is not. Being in love with God is exciting every day, everday the love increases everyday God calls me closer, everyday the spiritual sun shines brighter in my heart Don't be normal be different be in love with God by loving the Name of your Beloved swing your arms in joy "Nanak says: swing your arms in joy!" (SGGS 22) smile and laugh while singing the Name of your Beloved You are God's and God is Yours! God says, "If you reform yourself, you shall meet me, and meeting me, you shall be at peace. O Fareed, if you will be mine, the whole world will be yours."||95|| SGGS (1382) waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji kee fateh!
  4. Now the following goes towardz the contribution of NRI Sikhz... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml.../11/ixhome.html The launch of the first political party solely for British Sikhs is being accompanied by a warning that the Government could cause huge damage in Labour heartlands unless the wishes of Sikhs are taken more seriously. The Sikh Federation (UK) will set up branches in each major town and city with a sizeable Sikh population. It will not initially put up its own candidates for local, national and European elections, but it intends to back any party that best represents its members. Dabinderjit Singh, its spokesman, said Sikhs were angry that, despite promises from the Government, they felt consistently let down over issues of identity. Although there are 700,000 Sikhs in Britain, making them the country's third largest faith, they are still monitored and categorised as "Indians". Mr Singh complained that there had been a failure to address security issues since the September 11 attacks, after which a number of Sikhs were attacked as hostilities towards ethnic minorities in some areas increased. He said: "I can name a dozen Labour ministers who have a large number of Sikhs in their constituencies and what the Sikh Federation is there for is to say that unless you start helping us and taking our issues seriously we will not vote for you. "The Conservatives have been very helpful and very willing to listen, more so than the Government." Mr Singh criticised the Government for failing to send a minister to the National Sikh Convention in Wolverhampton this week. The gathering is expected to attract 10,000 people. Details of when the federation will begin its work will be announced at the convention.
  5. Yeah are right !! But the important part is that once we discuss the whole thing we will find that what I am telling is also a unique variation in the game of Ping Pong... :twisted: Just wait for my next post on this Topic...
  6. Well I have something different for you on this topic... Itz called "PING PONG BALL CURVES"
  7. Hipp! Hippp !! Hurray !!! ehem... (I hope) U got the right answer..
  8. Naa!! Unless you kill a Human itz Ok... :twisted: coz only a Human has been given the right to raise a voice against Human... rest are itz slaves... :evil: the condemned onez...
  9. Don't know how to tackle this question... but in offices it is expected from you to tie you dari properly... It is supposed to be your corporate attire to tie it properly... though I tie it with a Dhaga but never use any starch to keep it in place... I do it with simply wetting my thaa thaa with water and tying around my dari for 15 minutes... it stickz for almost whole day so water does the trick for me... no Starch or Fixo for me... But when I am at home or on Sunday I usually venture out with open Dari... I love it... though some of people around look towards me surprisingly... :roll: I remember recetly I went to a shoppin mall in Chandigarh with open Dari and Tied Turban, T-Shirt and Jeanz, I was being complimented by fellow Sikhz and ordinary people alike... But doing it offices it simply just like opposing the general code of conduct... They say it doesnt look decent... my collegues also share the same feelingz...
  10. Gurbabni also teaches us to do good and never expect anything in return (aasaa mansaa sagal ti-aagai jag tay rahai niraasaa.who renounces all hopes and desires and remains desireless in the world; kaam kroDh jih parsai naahan tih ghat barahm nivaasaa. ||2||who is not touched by sexual desire or anger - within his heart, God dwells. ||2|| p-633).
  11. What Gurujee says about MOH is (hay ajit soor sangraamaN at balnaa baho maradneh.O emotional attachment, you are the invincible warrior of the battlefield of life; you totally crush and destroy even the most powerful. gan ganDharab dayv maanukh-yaN pas pankhee bimohneh.You entice and fascinate even the heavenly heralds, celestial singers, gods, mortals, beasts and birds. har karanhaaraN namaskaaraN saran naanak jagdeesvareh. ||45||Nanak bows in humble surrender to the Lord; he seeks the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Universe. ||45|| p-1358 SGGS)
  12. For Lobh Gurujee says (hay lobhaa lampat sang sirmohreh anik lahree kalolatay.O greed, you cling to even the great, assaulting them with countless waves. Dhaavant jee-aa baho parkaaraN anik bhaaNt baho doltay.You cause them to run around wildly in all directions, wobbling and wavering unsteadily. nach mitraN nach istaN nach baaDhav nach maat pitaa tav lajyaa.You have no respect for friends, ideals, relations, mother or father. akranaN karot akhaad-ya khaad-yaN asaaj-yaN saaj samajyaa.You make them do what they should not do. You make them eat what they should not eat. You make them accomplish what they should not accomplish. taraahi taraahi saran su-aamee big-yaapati naanak har narhareh. ||48||Save me, save me - I have come to Your Sanctuary, O my Lord and Master; Nanak prays to the Lord. ||48|| p-1358 SGGS)
  13. SGGS about Kaam : (hay kaamaN narak bisraamaN baho jonee bharmaavneh.O sexual desire, you lead the mortals to hell; you make them wander in reincarnation(in this life ATMAK DEATH) through countless species. chit harnaN tarai lok gam-yaN jap tap seel bidaarneh.You cheat the consciousness, and pervade the three worlds. You destroy meditation, penance and virtue. alap sukh avit chanchal ooch neech samaavneh.But you give only shallow pleasure, while you make the mortals weak and unsteady; you pervade the high and the low. tav bhai bimuNchit saaDh sangam ot naanak naaraa-ineh. ||46||Your fear is dispelled in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, through the Protection and Support of the Lord. ||46|| p-1358)
  14. Gurujee said (hay janam maran moolaN ahaNkaaraN paapaatmaa.O egotism, you are the root of birth and death and the cycle of reincarnation(ATMAK DEATH); you are the very soul of sin. mitraN tajant satraN darirh-aaNt anik maa-yaa bisteerniH.You forsake friends, and hold tight to enemies. You spread out countless illusions of Maya. aavant jaavant thakant jee-aa dukh sukh baho bhognah.You cause the living beings to come and go until they are exhausted. You lead them to experience pain and pleasure. bharam bha-yaan udi-aan ramnaN mahaa bikat asaaDh rognah.You lead them to wander lost in the terrible wilderness of doubt; you lead them to contract the most horrible, incurable diseases. baid-yaN paarbarahm parmaysvar aaraaDh naanak har har haray. ||49||The only Physician is the Supreme Lord, the Transcendent Lord God. Nanak worships and adores the Lord, Har, Har, Haray. ||49|| p-1358 SGGS)
  15. Let’s see what Gurujee says about Krogh/anger (hay kal mool kroDh-aN kadanch karunaa na uparjatay.O anger, you are the root of conflict; compassion never rises up in you. bikh-yant jeevaN vas-yaN karot nirt-yaN karot jathaa marakteh.You take the corrupt, sinful beings in your power, and make them dance like monkeys. anik saasan taarhant jamdooteh tav sangay aDhamaN narah.Associating with you, mortals are debased and punished by the Messenger of Death in so many ways. deen dukh bhanjan da-yaal parabh naanak sarab jee-a rakh-yaa karot. ||47||O Destroyer of the pains of the poor, O Merciful God, Nanak prays for You to protect all begins from such anger. ||47|| p-1358 SGGS)
  16. What Gurbani has to say about this view... Should it be not the discretaion of the person if wantz to be creamated or buried...? Whatz wrong with buring... Just an afterthought really... :roll:
  17. Gap is really Closing... and Chelsea is up there almost... Something to look forward to... Letz play Fantasy Football here... http://www.espnstar.com/jsp/cda/general/fantasy.html Letz cee who Judgez well...
  18. "Nanak Satgur Tina Milaaya, Jinan Dhurae Piyaa Sanjog !!" Please discuss about this tukk and the way it is interprated... usually printed on the Marriage Invitation Cardz.
  19. Does anyone know why we cremate our dead rather than bury them? Is this too under Brahminical beliefs ??
  20. I dont think we need eyez as well after we die... :wink: well infact we can donate our whole body after we die... but do we it or can we do it ? :roll:
  21. Where are you picz lalleshwari...? :cry:
  22. Hi ! I have decided to donate my eyez after I am no more... What do you think about it...? What a Sikh thinks about donating body organz in conjunction with reincarnation and the Karmic system.. Should we donate body orgarz like this...? What do you think...?
  23. Oh Dear jsb!! I apologize if you think I am deviating from topic... and bothering you all so much... but if you (please) read the whole discussion thread you would find that the immediate debate going on above is not at all out of context... just for once un-biasdly read the whole thread and tell if there is anything written above is wrong about Manmatt while describing the figurez/image of our Guruz... Read the whole threadz completely before jumping to any conclusionz dear jsb. (Oops ! Sorry again for being judgemental...!!!) And honestly speaking I have no jealousy against anybody... Although I am least bothered by the leg pulling of mine being done by some of most active friendz in this forum ever since I have been part of it... In fact some of you may remeber from my first ever post itself... Actaully I enjoy being criticised coz that keepz me in good stead... and givez me a chance to improve myself if I have something positive to learn... and as a matter of fact I am opening a new Thread named "Let us Criticize IDEAL Singh !!!" ...so that I can improve myself... not joking... Well... Lalleshwari... as the name suggests can only be a name of a "Penji" and I call him Penji as a mark of my respect to the name (she) not to the person (he)... Lalleshwari: was a Sadhni from Jammu and very near to Guru Nanak Dev's heart... and I thank "Paaji" for enlightening me about his selection of name... And I would like to add here that although I believe in Freedon of Expression but alwayz avoid making personal remarks about anybody... You know what I am talking about dear jsb... but if I have done so please quote me where I have done it & I am really sorry for that... Oooopz!! Now I am really going out of context... So let us continue with this discussion... Recently In a survey conducted in India, it was established that Punjabiz are more prone to heart attacks than anybody in whole of the India...? I am trying to trace that article over internet... and I would surely paste it as soon as I find it... bhul chuk maaf karn di kirpalta karni G...
  24. Good Newz Lalleshwari "Penji..."... you can put all your psychological yearnigz here... http://www.sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness...opic.php?t=1962 If you say that whatever there is written in the Janamsakhiz can not be Manmatt then I take my wordz back... But Dont you think that these are sometimes glorified ? Moreover if you just simply take your vision on the Sikhawareness.comz hoarding above on your screen, you would say that the photograph shown of Guru Nanak Ji above is Manmatt... Do you think itz fake... Then why is it there at first place... and How do we know that Guru Nanak Dev looked like this image or not... Is it just our manmatt... Illustion... Thatz why I was saying that atleast spare describing the appearance of our Guruz according to our Manmatt... So, I was talking about OBESTY... Itz amazing how easily we drfit away from our main topicz...
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