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Ideal Singh

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Everything posted by Ideal Singh

  1. I am shocked to learn that you are planning to leave your family for good ? Do you think you would be able to do simran after relinqueshing your family? Most likely your heart and mind would alwayz be with your family and you would be worried about them most of the time... There is no need to go to a holy place to do simran... Dont you think this is just equivalent to the Hindu rituals of Tirath Yatra and Sanayas... which is basically against the principles of SGGS. Simran can be practiced whilst you are in home with your family... No need to take sanyaas for that purpose. Now to your query... well, I had recenly downloaded Shri Guru Granth Darpan by Prof Sahib Singh Ji and frequently read the Gurbani along with the meaning of the Shabad from it so that my resolve of understanding Gurbani is fulfilled... In my perception mere reading is not of much of a use... Let us try to understand Gurbani and implement it in lives... A Humble thought... BCM
  2. One thing also surprising yet pleasing is that no fundamentalist from any community has dared to come to Sikhawareness Forum to slander Sikhz... Khudos !! to Adminz and Moderatorz... :bow:
  3. Well the following post may seem to be out of context but the message is quite clear in the end... Regardz 'Sardarji Barah Baj Gaye Kyaa ?' I was standing at Dadar Station when my attention went towards a Sikh youth standing nearby to me wearing a Black turban having a long beard and wearing a Kirpan over his shirt looking similar to a Terrorist. After a while one Local train arrived, which was totally packed. The Sikh youth tried to alight the train but failed to do so. Just then a voice was heard from back coach 'Sardarji Barah Baj Gaye Kyaa ?' Sikh youth looked over that voice maker who was young mischievous type of person and instead of showing any anger made a smile towards him. This smile made was so enigmatic that it seemed some type of truth lies behind it. Not able to resist my temptation I walked towards him and asked why did he smiled at that person who teased him. The Sikh replied ? he was not teasing me but was asking for my Help?. I was surprised with these words and he told me that there was a big history behind that which one should know. I was eager to know the History and the Sikh youth narrated?? During 17th Century when Hindustan was ruled by Mughals all the people were humiliated and were treated like animal. Mughals treated the Hindu women as there own property and were forcing all Hindus to accept the Islam and even used to kill the people if they were refusing to accept. That time our Ninth Guru Sri Guru Teg Bhadarji who came forward, in request of some Kashmir Pandit, to fight against all these cruel activities. Guruji told Mughal emperor if he could succeed in converting him to Islam all the Hindus would accept the same but if he failed, he should stop all those activities . Mughal Emperor happily agreed to that but even after lots of Torture to Guruji and his fellow members he failed to convert him to Islam and Guruji along with his other four fellow members who were also tortured for the same sacrificed their lives in Chandni Chowk since Mughals were unable to convert them to Islam they were assassinated thus Guruji sacrificed his life for Protection of Hindu religion (can anybody lay his life that too for protection of some other religion. This is the reason he is still remembered has Hind Ki Chaddar. For sake of whom (he had sacrificed his life, none of the them came forward to lift his body with a fear that they would also be assassinated . Seeing this incident our 10th Guruji, Sri Guru Gobind Singhiji (Son of Guru Teg Bahadarji made a resolution that he would make such a human who would not be able to hide himself and could be easily located in thousands, THE SIKH. At start Sikhs were very less in numbers even though they were fighting against the cruel Mughals emperors. At that time Nadir Shah raided Delhi in year 1739 BC and looted Hindustan and was carrying lot of Hindustan Treasures and nearly 2200 Hindu women along with him. The news spread like a fire and was heard by Sardar Jassa Singh who was the Commander of Sikh army that time . He decided to attack Nadir Shah's Khafila on the same midnight. He did so and rescued all the Hindu women and were safely sent to their homes. It didn't happened only once but thereafter whenever any Abdaalis or Iranis had looted Hindustan and were trying to carry out treasures and Hindu women along with them for selling them in Abdal markets, the Sikh army (quite few in numbers but were bravehearted attacked them in the midnight (12 O?clock and rescued women. After that time when there occurred a similar incidence people started to contact Sikh army for their Help and Sikh used to attacked the raider's at the Midnight( 12 O'clock. It continued and became a fame that at midnight (nearly at 12 O'clock it is very difficult to fight against Sikhs as the Sikhs get some Extra Power to save Religion, Nation and Humanity. Nobody can fight and win against them at midnight, this continues till now. Nowadays these smart people and some Sikh enemies who are afraid of Sikhs, have spread these words that at 12 O'clock Sikh goes out of sense. This historic fact was the reason which made me smile over that person as I thought that his Mother or Sister would be in trouble and wants my help which he was unable to provide and may be he was reminding me by saying off 'Sardarji Barah Baj Gaye'. Earlier the Sikh youth appeared as a Terrorist but now I could see the reflection of a real person in him.
  4. Very nicely explained by sukhsingh ji... but if you dont mind... Sir, I would like to have some more delibration in the follow statement by you... Thanx.. But would that act of not sparing him actually make him realise his folly... if someonez act of taking revenge is ok then what would be difference between both the parties... One party "A" spoke the insultz and the other party "B" retaliated... by beating him... "A" would keep mum for that period till the "B" is around but would definiltly start spitting insults again as soon as "B" is gone... Can we make such personz stop speaking ill wordz all the time... Is "A" gonna realise that what he said was wrong by giving him a good beating ? No I dont think so... This realization would only come with the grace of God... not by showing anger or not sparing anyone who insults Guru Ji... Sikhism is all about breeding Sehajta.... Patience and Tolerance... What he said was his Samaj (level of understanding) but by retaliating we have brought down our level of Samaj to his level... so what would be the difference between the two partiez... Moreover, Is "jjj" really happy after doing such an act... apprently he is not... coz he knowz, he lost patience/tolerance when it mattered most... at the time of crisis... Just my perception... Bhul Chuk Maaf karan dee kirpalta karnee G.
  5. Yep thatz true... but then they seem to quite popular and informative...
  6. INDIA ASIA CUP Champoinz after 21yrz... India atlast beatz Pakiz in Final 4-2
  7. A really nice idea indeed... There are many existing popular yahoo groups doing good parchaar of Sikhi... memberlist as long as 2000 Memberz... To name some... 1. Sikh-Diaspora 2. Learning-zone 3. Waheguru But there is bad newz Yahoo Groupz have been banned from India from September, 25 2003, indefinitely. http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/09/...4083178553.html
  8. Thank You Sir, as you deem Right... Thanx and Regardz
  9. A man came out of his home to admire his new truck. To his puzzlement, his 3 year-old son was happily hammering dents into the shiny paint. The man ran to his son, knocked him away, hammered the little boy's hands into a pulp as punishment. When the father calmed down, he rushed his son to the hospital. Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy's hands. When the boy woke up from the surgery and saw his bandaged stubs, he innocently said, "Daddy, I'm sorry about your truck." Then he asked, "but when are my fingers going to grow back?" The father went home and committed suicide. Think about the story the next time you see someone spill milk at dinner table or hear a baby cry. Think first before you lose your patience and become angry with someone you love. Trucks can be repaired. Broken bones and hurt feelings often cannot. Too often we fail to recognize the difference between the person and the performance. People make mistakes. We are allowed to make mistakes. But the actions we take while in a rage will haunt us forever. Pause and ponder. Think before you act. Be patient. Always remember: YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE ANGRY, BUT YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE CRUEL... UNDERSTAND AND LOVE. "IN YOUR ANGER, DO NOT SIN." "Live the present moment to the fullest,So the future will be a worthy past."
  10. Cheers !! See, you just learnt something new about India today...
  11. Dont you think itz human nature to be Judgemental on otherz...? :roll:
  12. :roll: And everybody was blaming me for being Judgemental...
  13. Today I saw TRUE LIES for well 10th... 11th timez, a lovely action comedy by Arnold...
  14. Well, I am a big Zero in the knowledge of History/Scripturz... Herez a related link http://www.sikhs.org/gurdwaras/fam1.htm The ascetic son of Guru Nanak and the founder of the Udasi order Baba Sri Chand lived here deep in the forest for the last part of his life. Baba Sri Chand was visited here by Guru Arjan Dev who told Baba Sri Chand about the hostility of his elder brother towards him. Baba Sri Chand replied: "This will be his undoing and ruin both in this world and the next. Guru Hargobind also visited Baba Sri Chand here and when Baba Sri Chand complimented the Guru on his chivalry and piety, Guru Hargobind replied with great humility, "It is all the result of your blessing". Guru Hargobind also gave his son Baba Gurditta to Baba Sri Chand as the next leader of the Udasi order. Baba Sri Chand died and was cremated here in 1612 at the ripe old age of 118.
  15. In many counties, this part of the body is generally removed by a minor operation in childhood to avoid this pain in the as*. :twisted: .
  16. Horro Moviez : Deman Dead Men Walking Evil Dead Brain Dead (pathetic horror movie ever)
  17. Well I wont cut and paste here... otherwise this nice thread would be locked. so here is the link to Fissure... :roll: http://www.fascrs.org/brochures/anal-fissure.html
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