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Ideal Singh

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Everything posted by Ideal Singh

  1. Do you think they are gonna gundown Arsenal... I dont think so...
  2. Naa! No way!! that moment can never be repeated... thanks for revitalising that electrifying moment...
  3. I wonder what is Chelsea is upto... So many transfers...and now a 6th Midfielder... Whatz his name... !!!
  4. Had we remembered the deeds of our past births, it would have helped us to know what we did in our previous births that earned us the fate in this birth. I still believe that it was just one of the tact of Gurus to make ignorant people understand that they should beware of their wrong deeds because they would face the consequences latter. It was much easier to mold the thinking of the people rather than all out refuting of the prevalent system. There was no way that psyche of the people could be changed overnight. So, our Gurus tried to reform using their prevalent myths, faiths and beliefs. According to Karmic System, we are just the playing objects in the hand of God, If He takes notes of all the acts of us then why does He not allowed us to realize our follies in this Birth only so that we could start afresh in next birth. Why to maintain such lengthy bank account of everybody, when there is no reconciliation of the accounts periodically. When we talk of death of a newly born child then do you think that God made a mistake by giving the child the birth because he did not gave that child a chance to make amends in the mistakes done in the previous birth. And why did He made the mother of that child suffer if the child had to die in infancy. Now, we assume that it was the karmas of mother that she had to suffer for her deeds in previous births. But, then a very serious point comes into consideration. Now, if the things moved like this in the hands of God, then when the husband of a newly wedded bride dies. Does that mean that it is the karams of the newly wedded bride? Then that means that we are not doing any wrong when we put the blame that bride even if she is suffering on her own due to her karmas in previous life. But then our Guru firmly advocated widow marriage... Then Why did our Gurus not left these unfortunate widows to suffer their life in misery due to their Karmas in previous life...? Again when we talk of beggars or poor people then when the God has made them materialistically poor then why should worry about their lot. They deserve to be left to their fates and we should make no efforts to improve their lot. There was no need for people like Bhagat Puran Singh to devote a lifetime to help of less privileged people in the society. They should continue to suffer as what they got in their lot was what they deserved according to their karmas in previous births... And then even Bhagat Ji committed a sin by going against the Karmic System...
  5. You are trying to suggest that itz not abosolutely important as to whether we should listen to Gurbani in RAAGS. Now thatz somewhat inconsistant with the whole discussion. Anybody has to say about this claim... !!!
  6. I havn't been to Southall. What is so special about it ? If I am not wrong... I have heard that there is a Gurudwara, which is the costiliest ever Gurudwara made... 10 Million Pounds !! So whatz so special about it ? Every other day there are new Gurudwaraz installed... So what ? If I am not wrong with so much money NRI Sikhz could have easily launched at least five good quality worldwide TV Channels which could spread the word of Sikhi... Building Gurudwaras is no big deal... Everyother day a new Gurudwara crops up in my vicinity... Sab Maya Jaal Hae... But at least... Thank God that now you think that there is some progess on this issue... So is my proposal of a TV channal, impractical ?
  7. Taken from the history book "The Masters & The World Divine" by S. J. S. Pall, Page no. 97 "Bhai Banno, a prominent Sikh at the time of Guru Arjan Dev, who had taken the first compilation of the Holy Book to Lahore for the purpose of binding. It is believed that in the course fo his journey to Lahore, he first went to his village, where he prepared his own copy of the Holy Book. This recension is now known as Bhai Banno's Beer. Although, it is the copy of the original recension written by Bhai Gurdas Ji also known as Bhai Gurdas Beer or Kartarpuri Beer, there appears to be some interpolation made therein due to which reason, the same is not considered as on authentic recension. The recension was first installed by Bhai Banno in this own house at Khara-Mangat in Phalia Tehsil of Gujarat District (now in Pakistan). This recension is still available with the decendants of Bhai Banno..." My questions out of curisity is: What were the interpolations which occurred in Bhai Banno's Beer, which resulted in it being rejected as un-authentic recension. Now as a matter of fact Bhai Banno ji was handed over the original hand written Adi Granth of our Gurus. How it was established that there are some interpolations... and what happend to Bahi Banno after the fact was known ? And why the currupt copy not destroyed by Sikh at that time/ Why did they not made the effort to recover the the false retension of SGGS from the decendants of Bhai Banno? Why subsequently no effort was made to recover that copy? What is the status of that Recension now ? Somewhere in the history books it is written that Guru Gobin Singh Ji had requested Bhai Banno's decendants to hand over the copy of that Beer so that the same could be consulted... but they refused... What could be the reasons for their refusal ? I dont have much knowledge of History but while reading these history books some points create questions which althogth irrelivant create intrigue in mind... so I would feel oblidged if some one could clear the matter...
  8. I wonder whether this so much talked about Golden Future would ever come or it ever prevailed... because if we read the oldest available manuscripts available with us there is no mention that at that time there was no sin being committed... nobody killed other for materilistic possessions... Before humans there were dynasorus, who ruled on this earth... they were pretty ruthless too when it came down to survival and then came the humans... I am talkning about millions of years ago... And if there pravailed a Golden Period then why is there no mention or proof of it in the manuscripts... Was it that in the Golden Period there was no language to communicate with each other and hence no manuscripts which would suggest that there ever existed a Golden Period... The oldest availble manuscript is just 6000 yrs old which tells a boy not to indugle in thefts... so where is the Golden Period? Dont you think that its just a yearning of a person that there should be place where there is all prevading peace and nothing else... no tension... no malice... nothing to worry.... about... I think there is nothing like a Golden Period or Furture and there will never be... Golden Period can only exist in our mind... Talking about Mythologies... Let us take a look at Hindu Mythology... they believe that Ramayan was written in Sat Yug... but if we start analysing Ramayan... we would find that it is totally based on deception and malice... brothers fighitng with each other... Ram abondoning her wife... Ravan kidnapping otherz wife with bad intensions... everybody fighitng with each other... so where is the Sat Yug or Golden period... we are talking about... Where is the peace or prosperity we are talkning about... There is no Golden future as such... Its a pure Myth... Regards
  9. Ho Ho Hoo !!! Poor Man U bite the dust from the push overs !!! I think Arsenal will run through this year...
  10. Well if you think that I am being unreasonable then how could you say that passion for sikhi is less in India... You only see what ever is propogated on the media... remember my first very post called "Would Sikhism Survive this Century" where I had refuted the role of Media in spoiling the image of Sikh in the Wolrd community as bunch of Jokers and as bast*rds... I still support that view of mine... You can read it here: http://www.sikhawareness.com/sikhawareness...opic.php?t=1455 Now lets face it NRI sikhs are living in countries where there is freedon of expression and thought... Could not anybody of you prospering Sikhs ever thought of launching a proper TV Channel where true type of Sikhi is shown to the world day in day out... That type of contribution of I was talking about... I think Sikh are the most prospering community out side India becasuse they are allowed to practice Sikhi... But dont you think they should take it as their moral responsibilty to present Sikhi the way it is... Rather than loiterring like a rock star... Bhul Chuk Maaf...
  11. Indeed ! Very well said Sir!! And everybody should be thankful for your efforts... But I think you all persons in command should not get discouraged for little tit- bits of Criticism, rather you should take this as a opportunity to improvise... that would be much better... Regards.
  12. Not Really.... Come on ! Jassa !! I think we are here on this forum not to arguement but to discuss the topics... Answer my valid questions rather than changing the course of discussion to arguements...
  13. I think this trend is equally prevalent in outside India. The first thing a Sikh does after going abroad is to learn using a pair of scissors... This trend is more prevalent in villages though...
  14. The fact of the matter is, no one can stop human curiosity and cloning is bound to happen. What Sikhism sayz about Cloning... Human Cloning in particular...? How will a Sikh treat a Clone ?
  15. Havnt read it indepth.. but still a good article... http://www.gurbani.org/webart39.htm
  16. You are absolutely right Jassa... But not getting in to blame game... becasue discussion has to move on... How can we resolve the difference of opinions between; 1. Husband & wife; 2. wife & her in-laws; 3. husband & his in laws; 4. Most importantly, between wife & his mother, coz a wife comes and shares the love and attention of husband... which was xclusively for the mother before marriage...
  17. Why do you have this feeling that passion of Sikhi is less in India than in abroad... If there is more passion abroad then why NRI Sikhs are confused with Muslims... Why they are afraid of putting on Turbans while going to their offices... I have seen many Sikhs abroad who roam about in the streets USA with their Kesh tied like a pop singer and a Cap on their heads... No body can judge you are a Sikh or a imposter... Then whatz the use of the distinct identity given to us be our Gurus...? Why Sikhs have been faced with Hate Crimes... If there is a passion for Sikhi then why to supress it. Why not feel proud to be a Sikh and declare it openly that you are a Sikh?
  18. Now that it has been undoubtable that Reincarnation is accepted in Sikhism... and may be it is a another chance to improve our Dush-Karams but still what is the philosophy behind Reincarnation? Why there are so few cases of Reincarnation reported...? And how do they remember all that stuff from previous lives...?
  19. BALBIR SINGH SENIOR 3 Time Olympic Gold Medallist - 1948 (London), 1952 (Helsinki), 1956 (Melbourne) Flag Bearer of Indian Olympic Contingent - 1952 (Helsinki), 1956 (Melbourne) World Cup - 1971 (Barcelona - Silver, Coach), 1975 (Kuala Lumpur - Gold, Manager) Asian Games - 1958 (Tokyo - Silver), 1970 (Bangkok - Silver, Manager), 1982 (New Delhi - Silver, Manager; Lit the Sacred Flame) Captain of Championship Teams - 1945 (Punjab - Inter-University Champions), 1949 (Punjab - National Champions), 1956 (India - Olympic Champions) National Honours - 1957 (Padma Shri, First Hockey Player to Win the Award)
  20. Before independence and subsequent partition of India, the national hockey championship was called the inter-provincials championship. The undivided Punjab team of 1946 beat Delhi in the final to win the Calcutta Nationals - thus bringing the title back to Punjab after 14 years. Punjab Hockey Association president, Sir John Benett, received the team at Lahore Railway Station, and later hosted a public reception at Lahore.
  21. Marriage is An Institution... a Challenge or just a Compromise... Why it is said that the craze of marriage is only for six months or a year? Why is this thinking prevaling in our Society? And how we can feel this bliss for the whole life? How can we run the marriage institution smoothly and What Gurbani has to say about this? Can anyone in this forum elaborate on this topic which I think is the need of the hour... coz now in our society Divorce is very common... What are the reasonz?
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