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Ideal Singh

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Everything posted by Ideal Singh

  1. Nice Pics Steele Bangle Ji, But where is your Steel Bangle... missing in both Picz. :shock:
  2. Thanx Sardu for returning some decency to the Thread dedicated to my Beloved Game... Alone I was waging a hard battle... :wink:
  3. How to calculate? 1. What is the friction force between the ball and the table? 2. What is the acceleration of the ball¡H How the speed changed? 3. What is the torque to the ball? ¡HHow the angular velocity changed? 4. What is the velocity of the contact point relative to table? Can you write down the equations of motion ? I did that already. It is your turn, now? ¡]The momentum of initial for the hard sphere ball is I = (2/5) m r2 , I= (2/3)mr2 for thin spherical shell )
  4. Kaur1999 Penji!! Your childhood snapz are real Cutie Pie... !!! And Karas (Steel Bangles) in your handz look beautiful...!!! Looking forward to the snapz of lalleswari (Penji :shock: )... coz I initially thought as the name suggests that He is She, but He said "No! I am not She, I am He.... "... So I am kinda confused... :?
  5. Moments when you should sense DANGER in chess: 1. There has been a change in the pawn structure. Your opponent has 8 and you don't have any. 2. Your opponent begins to throw pawns at your eyes. 3. You have a postion won but your opponent has a gun. 4. The Director tells you not to bother turning in your scoresheet after the game. 5. Before game begins you notice your opponents 1st initials are 'GM'. 6. After completing your development you sense your opponent playing the endgame. 7. Just as you make your opening move your opponent announces mate in 11. 8. You don't control any squares at all. 9. Your draw offer sends all the people watching your game into uncontrollable laughter. 10. Your opponent has 3 bishops.
  6. A king is sitting on his throne one day and is bored out of his mind. He decides to make a contest to kill his boredom. He tells his servant to send out for a person to find the biggest ping pong ball and the reward would be one million dollars. So his servant announces this to the kingdom and everyone rushes out. The first man walks into the king's castle and has a huge ball 2 feet long. The king is in shock and says, "That is a huge ping pong ball." He tells the man to step aside, and wait for the others turn. Another man brings a ping pong ball 4 feet long. The king is astonished, and says to the man, "Wow! That's a humungous ball. I think you'll probably be the winner, but lets wait to see the last person's ball!" The next man starts pushing this HUGE, hairy , bloody, brown thing into the kings castle. The king jumps up and screams, "Good god man! What kind of ping pong ball is that?" The man replies, "Ping pong ball? Ping pong ball? I thought you said KING KONG'S BALLS?!?" :wink: :twisted: :wink: :evil: :wink: :twisted:
  7. Ok Ok you got me !! But who is this Jhon Daly? :roll:
  8. When was the term "Khalistan" coined and Why? Why Couldn't this demand be executed in 1947 ? :roll:
  9. Ha! Haa!! so you know about him... Its my way of judging your knowledge... :wink:
  10. Lolz !!! BTW Gr8 idea of inviting everybody to post their childhood photo...
  11. Have you ever use your finger to press down one side of the ping-pong ball?If you press hard enough, you will find ping-pong ball running away from you.However, a few seconds later, the ping-pong starts to rolling back toward you. Why? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ball starts with an initial velocity Vo, and an initial angular velocity wo. Due to the friction force between ping-pong ball and the table Fu=u mg. (Blue arrow) The center of mass of the ping-pong ball will slow down. V= Vo - a t The friction force will produce a torque ( r u mg , where r is the radius of the ball ) to change its rotating speed w = wo - t * (r u mg)/I . where I is the moment of inertia of the ball. When the velocity of the contact point related to the table V - r w becomes zero, the friction force vanishes. The motion become a free rolling (rolling without slipping). V = r w if V< 0. then ping-pong ball rolling backward (toward you). Is it passible to let the ball stop? (velocity V=0.) or moving forward(V>0.)?
  12. Truely Awesome !! Does Dara Singh too fit in the same category? What about him ?
  13. Poor Jugraj... hez out for a while...
  14. Neil Amstrong in Cycling for his endurance... Five time Tour De France Champion... Amazing stamina... that too after a serious accident...
  15. <--------- This is myself when four months old...
  16. Yeah Itz disgusting indeed... Again this again proves that there is a immediate need for a Sikh Media & Entertainment Centre which would air true Sikhi Stuff to the world audience...
  17. What are you trying to convey through this message, dear Amrit.
  18. Potential Medical Benefits • The possibility that through cloning technology we will learn to renew activity of damaged cells by growing new cells and replacing them. • The capability to create humans with identical genetic makeup to act as organ donors for each other, i.e., kidney and bone marrow transplants. • The benefit of studying cell differentiation at the same time that cloning is studied and developed. • Sterile couples will be able to have offspring will have either the mother’s or father’s genetic pattern. Potential Harms and Disadvantages • The possibility of compromising individualities. • Loss of genetic variation. • A “black market†of fetuses may arise from desirable donors that will want to be able to clone themselves, i.e., movie stars, athletes, and others. • Technology is not well developed. It has a low fertility rate. In cloning Dolly, 277 eggs were used, 30 started to divide, nine induced pregnancy, and only one survived to term (Nash). • Clones may be treated as second-class citizens. • Unknown psychosocial harms with impacts on the family and society.
  19. This is what Quoran has to say about Miracles : Whenever a man claims that he has a link with the Creator of the Universe Who possesses Infinite Knowledge and Absolute Power, he should perform such deeds and say such things as others cannot do. To prove the truth of his claim he should cause such events to happen as are beyond human power, and this will show that he has his link with the other world. Such deeds are called miracles. A Question: How do the miracles of the Prophets differ from the skill and feats of the inventors, magicians, devout worshippers, wrestlers, and why are these people not recognized as Prophets? Answer: The answer to this question is that the feats of these people are the result of their constant practice and exercise of a long period of time just as in the beginning an athlete lifts a small weight that an ordinary man can do but gradually by virtue of regular practice and exercise he is able to lift a heavy weight of a dumbbell which can only be lifted by several men combined. But in the case of Prophet Saleh when the people asked him to perform a miracle by bringing a she-camel of a particular characteristics out of a mountain, he did not tell them to wait until he could practice performing that sort of deed because such extraordinary supernatural feats cannot be done even after lifelong efforts and practice What do you think about this view ??
  20. Why is it against any Religion or Godz will ? What are pros and cons in Human Cloning ? Letz discuss it.
  21. Anju George did what Milkha Singh and Pity Usha could not do... a medal in World Championshop of Athletics... So what we need is opporrtunities...
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