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Ideal Singh

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Everything posted by Ideal Singh

  1. :twisted: Well you never know what you can become... Infact I am learning the concept of Spamming... :twisted:
  2. Well itz not possible each of time... but you have to be a genuine good politican to maintain the right balance in the family after marriage... so that expectationz of each of them are met :twisted: Stress has got to there... but you have to take this as challenge and endure this challenge for the lifetime... :roll:
  3. Yep ! Here in Punjab generally itz around 24-25 for Girlz and 27-28 for boyz because now everybody has to study even till post graduation to get good decent jobz here. It is said that first baby should be before you are 30 (boyz) so that by your retirement ie. 58 yrs atleast one of kidz is in an earning member. :!:
  4. I hope Truthsingh & Amardeep can put some light on the applicability of follwoing idea... Just have look at the link in the end. Itz a discussion forum also based on phpbb, so I think its implimentable to Sikhawareness as well. Just put a glance to left hand side in that forum... there is a small chatter box where we can infact put some messages and have a chat with each other online without actually getting out of that website at all... I think that would be cool addition to sikhawareness discussion forum as well... . Regardz http://www.ephilosopher.com/phpBB_14.html
  5. Oh I had read this before and yet itz as refreshing as ever... Thanx G
  6. A little boy is telling his grandma how everything is going wrong... school, family problems, severe health problems, etc. Meanwhile, Grandma is baking a cake. She asks her grandson if he would like a snack,which, of course, he does. "Here, have some cooking oil." "Yuck" says the boy. "How about a couple raw eggs?" "Gross, Grandma!" "Would you like some flour then? Or maybe baking soda?" "Grandma, those are all yucky!" "Yes, all those things seem bad all by themselves, but when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake! God works the same way. Many times we wonder why he would let us go through such bad and difficult times, but God knows that when He puts these things all in His order, they always work for good! We just have to trust Him and, eventually, they will all make something wonderful!" God is crazy about you. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Whenever you want to talk, He'll listen. He can live anywhere in the universe, and He chose your heart. Hope your day is a "piece of cake!"
  7. WOwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! Simply Amazing Collection !!!
  8. Oh this is really touching and absolutely True...
  9. Well, in my perception the simple reason is lack of Surprise Element... these numbered fundamentalist groups are fully aware that as soon as they utter a bitter word against our religion, we would get irritated and start creating nuisanse... Simple Remedy, Arrae Baee !! Let them bark freely (their freedom of expression... ) coz thatz their main characteristic... Why should we adapt to this characterstick... But should be fully awake to the reality and ready in case of physically challenged....
  10. Clear & Loud observationz, dear Sardu... really appreciate it... would like to stress more on your one very important point i.e. till we are actually phisically harmed by them... Let us take an example of An Elephant... Ever heard about the nature of an Elephant... He would roam about in a Jungle peacefully, while rest of animalz like dogz etc would keep on shouting and barking at the size and strature of that Elephant... but He would continue to stroll peacfully and he is least bothered about all this shouting going on until and unless he is physically endangered... his very existance is at stake... So when an Elephant strikes back even the most powerfull animalz are dumb founded... awe struck... running for their skinz... the surprise element... Likewise should be image or stature of Sikhz... breed the pshyche of an Elephant... Let everybody shout and bark until and unless we are physically challenged... for example like our scripturez are not manuplated... or they are not misinterprated to the next generation... Raise your voice when utterly needed otherwise you will only join the company of those barking animalz, of which Elephant is least bothered... You would remember that some 2-3 years ago, some fundamentalistz tried to enforce the recitation of Gaytari Manter in Gurudwaraz... Now that was a danger to the very existance of Sikhism... and a physical challenge... and you would also remember fully about the size and stature of that united agitation by Sikhz that lead to the running of such animalz for their skinz... Now thatz what I call a fight for a cauze... I am afraid... Rest is simple Jokerism !! BCM
  11. Does anybody know anything about spamming ? No, i am not talking about the remedy but How spamming is actually done ?
  12. I am not sure itz already discussed... Recently my PC was hit by this worm. It simply blocks your internet surfing speed (data transfer) over the Networkz. It currupts SVCHOST.exe file by creating a duplicate one... There is a cool remedy though... STINGER by NetWork Solution Inc. http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/ Stinger is a stand-alone utility used to detect and remove specific viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when dealing with an infected system. Stinger utilizes next generation scan engine technology, including process scanning, digitally signed DAT files, and scan performance optimizations. This version of Stinger includes detection for all known variants, as of September 19, 2003: BackDoor-AQJ Bat/Mumu.worm Exploit-DcomRpc IPCScan IRC/Flood.ap IRC/Flood.bi IRC/Flood.cd NTServiceLoader PWS-Narod PWS-Sincom W32/Bugbear@MM W32/Deborm.worm.gen W32/Dumaru@MM W32/Elkern.cav W32/Fizzer.gen@MM W32/FunLove W32/Klez W32/Lirva W32/Lovgate W32/Lovsan.worm W32/Mimail@MM W32/MoFei.worm W32/Mumu.b.worm W32/Nachi.worm W32/Nimda W32/Sdbot.worm.gen W32/SirCam@MM W32/Sobig W32/SQLSlammer.worm W32/Swen@MM W32/Yaha@MM I hope it is helpfull Regardz
  13. Dont worry for back biting, I think Magermach Singh is here... Oh my Gosh three monthz !!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
  14. Oh! Come on Baby! Who the hell wantz to be on your side for bullying around over petty issuez such as these and making jokerz of ourselves ? :arrow: And whatz the use of using this same old tape of Hindu & Muslims saying this and that to Sikhz... In fact people like you are brain washing the simple mentality of Sikhz by continuosly feeding ill will in their mindz against other Religionz. Then whatz the differnce between your religion and theirz if what they do is only breed hatred ? :arrow: You booast so much knowledge of Holy Bookz and History bookz and yet you could not derive a simlpe crux from all these scripturz and that is how to get Peace of Mind... Did actz of "jjj" bring peace of mind to him...? :arrow: May God bless everybody with peace of mind & Serenity... :arrow: Read the following text deligently and patiently... this text has quite a lot to say on this regard about the peole like your thinking... __________________________________________________________ Have a close deep dive into this article... itz so introspecting... worth reading... I personally agree to it... __________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ What do you think ? Pls Share... Humbly BCM
  15. Yesterday saw Double Jeopady by Tommy Lee Jones
  16. Yeah... I kind of somewhat agree with you when the cause is big enough like continuously dipicting Sikhz as jokers on a silver screen coz there the audience is world wide... But the fact of the matter is that: Have the cable channelz really stopped dipicting Sikhz as jokerz ? No, I dont think so... Serialz like Jassi Jaisa Koyee nahi & many more continue to be aired... but then so what? But I am focussing on petty scuffles like being narrated by "jjj" where the outcome is nothing to boost off other then just being a laughing stock for onlookerz... "jjj" is specifying about his friend touching his dara and kesh but when a scuffle starts everything is possible while fighitng... Can you expect from other person while fighitng that he would not hurt you where you would feel even more irritated... ? I dont think so... this is just trying to justify your act of fighitng... Well, Letz take a simple example, What if "B" does not react to what filth "A" showers on "B"? "A" would sooner or later stop behaving that way as he would realise that he is simply making an idiot of himself coz nobody is responding to his stupidity... But, on the other hand, if "A" realises that by showering some ill directed insults, in the name of Religion in this case, the EGO of "B" can be easily aroused, irritated, agitated, angered and "B" can be easily used to promote commotion as happend with "jjj", then "A" would definitely indulge in more spit spatting to irritate "B"... Just give it a thought... Just dont get irritated to what otherz shout ? Aarrae bhai ohdae kole vee tae freedom of expression hae kae nahi? Pavaen oh ess noon misuse kar rehae hae pur eh osdee samaj hae... oss noon jo tarbiyat milli hae, oh onna ku hee soch sakdaa hae naa... kae nahi...? "A" has also got the freedom of expression or not? Although he is missusing it but thatz his level of understanding... He can think only to the extanct to what was his upbringing. Most likely the other person would stop indulging in such a activity... Dont you think every Religion/Faith askz itz followerz to reach a IDEAL state of mind... Now, if the followers tend to deviate from the path defined, that would bring bad name to the Religion... I wonder, by bullying around, what kind of respect you are seeking or breeding for Sikhi...? A respect earned by Region of Terror... thatz of no use to anybody... In my perception, the 3rd rule of Newton... "that for every action their is an equal and oppsosite Reaction" should never be applied to any Religion... coz Hatred breedz Hatred... Rather "Mann Nivaan, Matt Uchee" should be the Motto of any follower of any Religion... coz Love breedz Love... My perception may seem be too IDEAListic... but: Is there any other way around to breed Communal Harmony... ofcourse besides Buying a Island... (just kidding !) A Humble Thought BCM
  17. Exactly... likewise by staying in family we can gradually control our Moh... BCM
  18. Well I trust my relatives coz one of them happenz to be my real brother and one my momz real brother and one my momz real sister. They are putting up in America since 1984. So if I cant trust them for what they say then why should I trust you... ?
  19. ‘‘Ideal Hindu Village’’ In Cong-ruled state, Bajrang Dal makes a village ‘Muslim-free’ ANURADHA NAGARAJ AKLERA (RAJASTHAN), SEPT 27: It couldn't be less subtle. A bright saffron board welcomes you to the ‘‘Ideal Hindu Village’’, Mishroli. Nestled in picturesque green surroundings, the village has acquired this tag just this month. The past 10 days have seen armed Bajrang Dal activists on the rampage, driving out about 25 Muslim families from their homes, ransacking their houses and setting them on fire. ‘‘This was never a Hindu village but they will make sure it becomes one,’’ says a distressed Iqbal Hussain as he tries to salvage the medicines in his Ayurveda dispensary. ‘‘Nobody wants to come back here, not after what we have been through.’’ Mishroli is at the epicentre of communal violence that has seen around 70 Muslim families of seven villages in Aklera leave their homes and migrate to neighbouring districts and Madhya Pradesh. Bajrang Dal Suraksha Prabhari for Kota, Bharat Bhushan Sharma, warns: ‘‘We will create these Hindu villages which will run in accordance with our traditions and there will be full overall development here. They will surround Muslim-dominated pockets and if the Muslims create any public nuisance, they will have to pay the price. If they want to co-exist, they will have to live by our rules.’’ It all began on September 17. That morning, on a 45-odd-km stretch on National Highway 12, a ‘chakka jam’ by Bajrang Dal activists, angry at police arresting some people for not buying bus tickets, threw traffic out of gear. As police and the district administration desperately tried to manoeuvre their way through the streets, angry mobs walked down narrow village lanes in Aklera, identifying Muslim houses and tearing them down. ‘‘We saw them coming and ran into the fields to hide,’’ says Kanija Begum. ‘‘We saw them burn our houses and destroy the mosque nearby. As we saw the mosque crumble, we just ran away.’’ Next to Kanija Begum’s house in Gehunkheri village, the district administration is trying to reconstruct the mosque now. Sitting at his relative’s house in Aklera town, Siraj Mohammad says: ‘‘I look after the mosque and it is not easy for me to just walk back into this new thing they are building and pretend that nothing happened. Because it did.’’ According to the Muslims, they had told police they apprehended trouble on September 16 night itself, and had been promised forces by next morning. However, Home Minister Gulab Singh Shaktawat denies police was late in reacting. ‘‘If people file verbal complaints, police can’t act. And there was no report of a written complaint,’’ he says. So far, police have arrested 31 people and registered 28 complaints. However, villagers allege that the masterminds, Devi Lal Meena and Kanwar Lal Meena, are still absconding. New Bajrang Dal recruits in Mishroli village blame everything on the Muslims who ‘‘killed a peacock on Janmashtami day’’. ‘‘Ever since there has been trouble,’’ says Bhoj Raj. ‘‘And then that Muslim bus driver took our activists to the police station saying we were not buying tickets. We were willing to pay but he wasn’t giving us the ticket.’’ The Bajrang Dal too blames police for the violence, with its Vibhag Sangathan Mantri Khushpal Singh Chauhan saying the problem started because they were ‘‘over-sensitive to the Muslims’’. ASP Jhalawar Ram Niwas Sharma denies this. ‘‘They were travelling without tickets and so the driver brought the bus to the Aklera police station where they attacked policemen.’’ http://www.indianexpress.com/full_story.php?content_id=32403
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