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    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Khalistan destined to fail.   
    to start off, can rich sikhs buy landmass and turn it into a country. Then with a government, we have an international presence to represent sikhs and sikh rights. Need something global, it does not have to be in Panjab!
  2. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from Soulfinder in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    I do think the lacto veggie diet with lassi, ghee, makhani and raw milk dudh was good few decades back, and most of the dharam yudh kharkoos were raised on it.
    However, pre-partition there were many more jhatka eating Singhs, and they were active in our interests in politics and fighting for our gurdwaras, fighting Brits in Panjab kharkoo style.  We had "more leaders" as opposed to now we don't have many "real" leaders. Our youth don't do jhatka and shikaar, nor practice sastar (of which jhatka and shikaar is still a part), now do they do destructive drugs and also get married late so plenty of time to do other destructive manmatt practices !  Decades ago there was doday, ofeem opium, and obviously bhang (with the Nihang khalsa still doing sukhnidaan), none of these were really destructive like the drugs of now. There was and is shraab alcohol, which has been destructive to families and still is, now directly destroying our women as well instead of through their husbands and fathers before, but still the modern drugs are more destructive. 

    Physically weak, definitely, even with that good lacto diet from decades ago, the meat would still make them stronger. Hari Singh Nalwa and Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia eating a goat a day, do we get Singhs like that with lacto veggie diet?
    Mentally, still can't beat the nutrients provided with meat. To supplement with the lacto diet and fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, badam almonds etc that's how we get mentally and physically good Singhs!
  3. Confused
  4. Haha
    ipledgeblue reacted to Soulfinder in Can A Sikh Do Namaz?   
    Here is the original thread where daas read the saakhi from. Also i have copied and pasted the original thread text on this post
    Once a famous raagi singh brought a book  to Baba Ishar Singh Ji. Baba Ji asked what it was. Ragi replied this is the granth of Muhammad Sahb.
    Baba Ji replied smilingly , " Take this granth away from us, we only read the Granth of One at whose door millions Muhammad bow down. Ragi Singh, beware! do not read these granths, if at your last moment your surti stays with it, you will have to be born in a muslim family & get circumcised,  baba Ji said jokingly.
  5. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to angy15 in Truth of Damdami Taksal & BABA Harnam Singh Dhumma   
    Who is Baba Harnam Singh Dhumma and how did he manage to become Jathedar of the Damdami Taksal?
    Harnam Singh Dhumma was a green card holder of the USA.  He migrated out of India in the early 1990s during the height of the Punjab agitation and freedom struggle.  As per Baba Dhumma’s own claims, he has been tortured by the Punjab Police during the 80s, following the Dharam Yudh Morcha by Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.
    When writing about Baba Harnaam Singh Dhumma, one must refer to revelations by renowned journalist Surinder Singh.  In one of his Talking Punjab episodes, Surinder Singh mentions that K.P. Gill played a prominent role in helping Baba Dhumma take over the Damdami Taksal.  Similar revelations were made by Baba Lakha Singh in 2007 in an interview with ‘Khalsa Press’.
    In the interview, Baba Lakha accuses Baba Dhumma of working as a close associate of K.P. Gill and Prakash Badal. K.P. Gill masterminded abductions and murders of thousands of Sikhs during the 1980’s. Baba Lakha Singh held that Baba Dhumma received the ‘ticket’ to settle abroad after pleasing Gill and with the promise to infiltrate Sikh institutions. According to Baba Lakha Singh, Baba Dhumma and Baba Dharam Singh held a closed door meeting with K.P. Gill and Khushwant Singh in room number 7 at Mehta Chowk in 1992.
    As per the interview, on October 14, 1992, K.P. Gill, the Chief of Punjab Police visited Mehta Chowk headquarters where he received a Siropa at the behest of Baba Dhumma.  Some believe that the Sikhs at Mehta Chowk did not realise that the individual was Gill, until it was too late. After this Harnam Singh Dhumma became friends with K.P. Gill. It is claimed by Baba Dhumma’s critics that through Gill, he made understanding with the Indian Intelligence Agency and finally the Rashtria Sikh Sangat.  Thereafter, he settled in Seattle and then established Gurdwara Nanak Prakash in Fresno, California, which became his base in the USA.
    Before Baba Thakur Singh Ji’s death in 2004, rumours were going around who would become the next Jathedar.  Giani Raam Singh (Sangrawa) was given responsibility to manage all Damdami Taksal’s institutions.  This led to some minor disagreements within the Taksal as some groups objected to Giani Raam Singh’s appointment.  After Baba Thakar Singh Ji’s death, with the climate of rumors that Sant Jarnail Singh’s eldest son, and Jasbir Singh Rode (the nephew of Sant Ji) were also possibilities for the next Jathedar, the Indian Intelligence and Harnam Singh Dhumma seized the opportunity. Baba Dhumma was brought back from the USA to India for taking on the succession in place of predicted Giani Raam Singh.
    On 2nd of January 2005, Baba Dhumma was made the Jathedar of Damdami Taksal (Mehta Chowk) with the help of Jasbir Singh Rode, whom many people have questioned for his credentials and proximity with government agencies. In parallel, the SGPC initially gave ‘dastar’ of the Damdami Taksal to Giani Raam Singh.  It later took a U-turn and recognized Baba Dhumma as the Jathedar.  In 2005, those present at Baba Dhumma’s ‘dastarbandi’ or installation ceremony, included Baba Sarbjot Singh Bedi (President, Sant Samaj), S. Simranjit Singh Mann (President SAD, Amritsar), Bhai Mohkam Singh (Damdami Taksal), Sucha Singh Chhotepur MLA, Dr. Jagjit Singh Chauhan (former exiled-Khalistani leader), Harcharan Singh Dhami (President Dal Khalsa), Bhai Ranjit Singh (former Jathedar of Akal Takht), Karnail Singh Panjauli, and Wassan Singh Zafarwal.
    Taksal had at one point remained the center of Sikh political struggle in the 80s when Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale led the Dharam Yudh Morcha.  However, the appointment of Baba Harnam Singh Dhumma led to downfall of one of the Panth’s most prestigious Jathebandis.  By now, the Taksal was split in multiple factions –
    Harnam Singh Dhumma led Taksal: Headquarters: Mehta Chowk
    Government backed and politically aligned with Badal and SGPC
    Baba Mohan Singh Bhindranwale led Taksal Headquarters: Bhinder Kalan
    Student of Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale.  After Baba Gurbachan Singh’s passing away, Jatha Bhindran split with some saying Baba Mohan Singh was the next successor and others saying Baba Kartar Singh Ji.  Since the split, this particular faction of Taksal has remained quiet and has distanced from other factions.
    Giani Raam Singh Sangrawa led Taksal Headquarters: Gurdwara Gurshabad Parkash (Sangrawa, Batala)
    Earlier indicators before Baba Thakur Singh Ji death were in favour of him being the ‘caretaker’.  He claims Baba Thakur Singh gave him a dastar of succession before his death. He was initially recognised as the new Jathedar of Bhindran-Mehta Jatha by the Jathedars of all five Takhts and Avtar Singh Makkar (President SGPC).
    Bhai Amrik Singh Ajnala led Taksal Headquarters: Gurmat Vidyala Damdami Taksal Ajnala
    Completely rejects Baba Dhumma as the Jathedar of Damdami Taksal.  Damdami Taksal Ajnala also refuses to recognize Giani Raam Singh as Jathedar since Bhai Ajnala is of the view that Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale is not shaheed. Bhai Ajnala was chosen as the Jathedar of Takht Sri Kesgarh Sahib at the Sarbat Khalsa 2015.
    Leading the Damdami Taksal (Mehta Chowk), Harnam Singh Dhumma first presented himself as an anti-Badal, but he then made a U-turn and shook hands with Badal. This was allegedly at the instructions of the intelligence agencies.  Open declaration of union between Badal and Baba Dhumma was announced in August 2011 when both joined hands to contest the SGPC elections as one group.
    In the last 11 years Baba Dhumma’s supporters quote his achievements as:
    Has continued to do katha and parchar after the demise of Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale and Baba Thakur Singh Held Dasam Granth Gian Prabhod Samagam and trying to standardize the recitation of Dasam Granth Driving force behind constructed a 1984 memorial Gurdwara in Sri Harmandir Sahib complex, after being promised it for years by the SGPC. In the the last years Baba Dhumma’s critics quote his anti-Panthik activities as:

    anuary 2010 – Revoked the Panth-approved Nanakshahi Calendar In 2003, thousands of Sangat at Takht Damdama Sahib gathered where the then Akal Takht Jathedar, Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, passed the Gurmatta of a new fixed date calendar, known originally as the Nanakshahi calendar. Baba Dhumma along with Giani Iqbal Singh (Patna Sahib), Avtar Makkar (SGPC), Sukhbir Badal (SAD), Baba Dharampal Singh (Nanaksar Samadh-Bhai), Baba Lakha Singh (Nanaksar Kalera), Amarjeet Singh Chawla (SSF), Paramjeet Singh Khalsa (SSF Mehta) held a meeting in Delhi in 2008 seeking to change the Nanakshahi calendar and change the Akal Takht’s Sikh Rehat Maryada. The RSS had also announced that they would not allow Sikhs to have their own calendar. Soon after, Dhumma convinced the SGPC President to change the calendar without consultation with the Panth.
    Izhar Alam can be seen sitting next to Baba Dhumma, President of Sant Samaj. November 2011 – Sharing stage with notorious Sikh butcher, Izhar Alam Parkash Badal granted a clean slate to the butcher of Sikhs, former DGP, Mohammed Izhar Alam, by honouring him with a Siropa during the inauguration of Hazrat Haleema Maternity and General Hospital run by the Wakf Board at Malerkotla on 6th November 2011. After the SGPC elections, both SAD (B) and Sant Samaj were scorned by Sikh organizations for remaining silent about allegations against Izhar Alam.  It was finally after pressure by International Sikh bodies that Baba Dhumma publicly asked Badal to clear his stance on Alam.  As seen in the picture above, Baba Dhumma has shared the stage with Izhar Alam in the past.
    December 2011 – Officially joins hand of support to Prakash Badal and his Akali Dal (B) In 2005, Baba Dhumma had requested Sri Akal Takht Sahib to summon Parkash Badal when he labelled Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale a terrorist and member of Congress (I) during a debate in India’s Vidhan Sabha. The announcement that the so-called official Jathedar of Damdami Taksal will support SAD (B) leaves one to question: “Would Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale ever allow such misconduct by Damdami Taksal?”

    March 2012 – Baba Dhumma honors the victory of Prakash Badal in elections At the oath taking ceremony held at Chappar Chiri, Baba Dhumma gave a Siropa in support of Prakash Badal. The same Prakash Badal with his new government appointed DGP Sumedh Saini, who participated and orchestrated genocidal crimes against Sikhs, as the new Inspector General of Punjab Police.
    June 2015 – Dhumma led Damdami Taksal awarded ‘Panth Rattan’ to Avtar Singh Makkar (SGPC President) Damdami Taksaal (Mehta) held a Samagam to honor Shaheeds of 1984 where Baba Dhumma gave Panth Rattan award to SGPC head Avtar Singh Makkar at Gurdwara Sahib in Mehta. The same Avtar Singh Makkar had banned in the same month saying ‘Khalistan Zindabad’ in Sri Harmandir Sahib complex and had his Task Force beat countless Singhs that gathered to remember the 1984 Sikh holocaust and give their respects to the martyrs of Khalistan.

    December 2013 – Refused to support “Bandi Singh Rehae Morcha” When Bhai Gurbasksh Singh started the “Bandi Singh Rehai Morcha” from Gurdwara Amb Sahib, many Sikh personalities became involved.  One person however remained missing until the very end.  This was Baba Harnaam Singh Dhumma.  When Bhai Gurbaksh Singh was struggling at Amb Sahib, Baba Dhumma spent much of the time in Mumbai.  He came to Bhai Gurbaksh Singh’s support at the very end, just days before the morcha was sabotaged.  He has since not taken up the issue with the Punjab Government, despite being a strong ally.
    September 2015 – Supported the pardoning of anti-Sikh cultist ‘Baba Ram Rahim’ Ram Rahim attempted to impersonate Guru Gobind Singh Ji and mock the Amrit Sanchaar ceremony of 1699, landing him in trouble with Sikhs. With protests that followed Sikhs attained martyrdom and were attacked by his followers. With a list of criminal cases against him, including rape, murder and castration of male followers, the Badal appointed Jathedars of the Takhts gave him pardon which was justified and supported by Baba Dhumma. As a consequence of this, Sant Samaj fired Baba Dhumma as being President of Sant Samaj.
    October 2015 – Baba Dhumma fails to attend protest at Bargarhi against Beadbi of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. During the countless beadbis of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and the Kot Kapura killings of innocent Sikh protestors, Baba Dhumma and his faction took a back seat and didn’t come to the forefront. Many had expected that Baba Dhumma would be on the forefront and put pressure on the government considering his close links with the Badal ruling party. Due to his silence and inaction, on 13th October 2015, someone in the Sangat of his USA controlled Gurdwara in Fresno, removed his photograph from the gallery.
    November 2015 – Called for a boycott of Sarbat Khalsa 2015 On 28th October 2015, Baba Dhumma with a section of Sant Samaj had a meeting with the Prakash Badal and Sukhbir Badal to stop the planned Sarbat Khalsa in November 2015. Baba Dhumma along with CM Prakash Badal appealed to the Sikh community to boycott the Sarbat Khalsa. He refused to acknowledge the Sarbat Khalsa 2015 gathering as Sarbat Khalsa and nor does he acknowledge the Panth chosen Jathedars, as supposed to the Badal appointed rejected Jathedars.

    May 2016 – Has his hitmen attack Bhai Dhadrianwale Baba Dhumma did a speech at Gurdwara Bangla Sahib criticising Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale for violating Maryada. 25 days, Bhai Dhadrianwale gives a response and calls Bhai Dhumma a ‘Sarkari Sant’ on the stage. In reaction to this, Baba Dhumma had assassins from his group stop Bhai Dhadrianwale and his cavalcade in the excuse that they were Sikh serving cold drinks as part of ‘Chhabeel’. After stopping the assassins of  Baba Dhumma’s group attack Bhai Dhadrianwale’s vehicles and attempted to murder him, however, instead Sikh preacher, Bhai Bhupinder Singh, got shot dead in cold blood.  Baba Dhumma made comments to the press afterwards that they will provide legal costs for the murderers and that is what happens when people criticise Damdami Taksal.
    Dhumma a lackey of KP Gill & Badal: Baba Lakha Singh (2007), http://www.Panthik.org/articles/3685
    Baba Dhumma’s Picture Stolen from Gurdwara Nanak Parkash (Fresno) (2015), https://www.sikh24.com/2015/10/17/california-baba-dhummas-picture-stolen-from-gurdwara-nanak-parkash-fresno/
    Bhindranwale aide is taksal chief (2003) – http://www.tribuneindia.com/2003/20030619/main10.htm
  6. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to angy15 in Truth of Damdami Taksal & BABA Harnam Singh Dhumma   
    The Bindranwalas have their origin in Giani Sunder Singh (1883-1930) of Bhinder Kalan village (in Firozpur district). Sunder Singh was known as ‘Sri Maan 108 Giani Sunder Singh Nirmala’; he was a student of Pandit Jawala Das Udasi;[1] Giani Sunder Singh’s mission was a combination of Udasi andNirmala activities and they used the weapon of khanday-di-pahul and series of akhand path to attract crowds of people; and they achieved tremendous success. Giani Sunder Singh was succeeded by Giani Gurbachan Singh (1902-1961); now the jatha (which had come to be known as ‘Jatha Bhindran’ because Giani Sunder Singh belonged to Bhinder Kalan village) was divided into two factions: one headed by Giani Kartar Singh and the other by Giani Mohan Singh;[2] Giani Kartar Singh (1932-1977) died in 1977 and was succeeded by Giani Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala[3] of Rode village (in Moga district).
    Clashes between the Nirankaris and the Bhindran-Jatha
    The clashes between Nirankaris and the Jatha Bhindran-Mehta began when (on the 13th of September 1973) the former began holding functions in the village of Chowk Mehta and the other areas which the Jatha Bhindran regarded its exclusive monopoly zone; hence the Jatha Bhindran considered the entry of the Nirankaris in that area as ‘pouncing upon its market’ which would have meant losing some, if not several, followers and the Jatha declared it as an invasion. The Jatha Bhindran-Mehta is an extension of the Udasi-Nirmala ideology which is a semi-Hindu Movement but as the field of functioning of this Jatha was the Sikh Homeland, like other Udasi-Nirmala deras they too used akhand paths of Guru Granth Sahib and amrit parchars (giving initiation) to attract people. They regarded Guru Granth Sahib as their Scripture but also gave equal, if not more, respect to the Hindu mythological books like Ramayana, Mahabharata and the so-called dasamgranth (90% of which is translation of Hindu fictional and mythological writings). The preachers of this Jatha, in their exegesis and discourses, use more from the Hindu fictional works than even Guru Granth Sahib; and, their religious, ritual and social practices are almost wholly Hindu in nature.
    Professional and business interests, zonal monopoly and cult interests were the root cause of clashes between these two groups. Between 1973 and 1978 these clashes remained on very low scale; Giani Kartar Singh succeeded in using the SGPC to pass (on the 18th of November 1973) a resolution against the Nirankaris.[4]This resolution remained buried in the achieves of the SGPC and there was no follow up; but on the 13th of April 1978, when the Nirankaris held a function at Amritsar in the religious capital of the Sikh Homeland and it resulted into killing of 13 Sikhs by the Nirankari ‘army’,[5] the Jatha Bhindran – Nirankari dispute became a Sikh – Nirankari dispute. At that time the Punjab was being ruled by the Akali Party under the chief minister ship of Parkash Singh Badal; the Congress Party cells among the Sikhs and the pro-Congress Indian Intelligence Agencies manoeuvred to provoke common Sikhs to create a Movement against the Nirankaris; they also began patting and promoting Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala though different sources. These Agencies had no grudge against the Nirankaris (rather they had been collaborating with them and had a soft corner for them) but their target was the Akali Government; neither Bhindranwala nor the Sikh elite could understand the game of the Intelligence Agencies.
    The acquittal of the Nirankari chief and all the 60 accused persons (in 1980), in the April 1978 murder case, became the starting point of the chapter of neo phase of militancy; now Bhindranwala and some other groups of Sikh radicals began thinking of planning to kill the Nirankari chief; though he could not achieve it but two individuals (Ranjit Singh and Kabal Singh) did accomplish it; Bhindranwala too had contributed to this militant action by providing Ranjit Singh a carbine to kill the Nirankari. Murder of Nirankari boosted the morale of the Sikhs, especially the Sikh youth and the Sikh elite, and with this began the militant movement (which engulfed the Sikh Homeland for the next fifteen years) and Bhindranwala had become the leader of this Movement. Once the Sikh youth and the Sikh elite accepted Bhindranwala as their leader he became emotionally involved in the Sikh national movement; now he was not a cult leader but a Lok Nayak (hero of the masses) of the Sikh mainstream; and, due to the manoeuvrings of the Intelligence Agencies the Movement went on turning more and more serious as well as complicated; and in this scenario Bhindranwala resolved to fight for the Sikhs’ rights; he swore not to backtrack or run away from the field.
    During this period Indira Gandhi decided to attack Darbar Sahib in order to get lion’s share of Hindu votes and under this planning she operated a movement of terror in the Punjab; Giani Jarnail Singh had nothing to do with the terrorist actions which were in fact were acts committed by the Third Agency of the Indira Gandhi; however, when he and General Subeg Singh got information about Indira Gandhi’s planning they decided to create history by giving an unforgettable reply to the intentions of Indira Gandhi; Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala and Subeg Singh accomplished what he had proclaimed; and, this battle exalted them (Bhindranwala and Subeg Singh) to the status of the greatest war heroes of the past two centuries of the Sikhs’ history.
    The third role of Jatha Bhindran-Mehta began after 1985 when it, with the help of Sikh youth, led a militant campaign; in the struggle for Khalistan, major role was played by the activists of this Jatha, Babar Khalsa (established by Jathedar Talwinder Singh) and its second faction (under the command of Sukhdev Singh Babar, which became much more powerful after 1986). At that time Thakar Singh was the caretaker of the Chowk Mehta Dera; he was an illiterate and simple man whom any one could lead and mislead; he was, however, a show-piece and the major role was played by Mohkam Singh, Gurbachan Singh Manochahal, Manbir Singh Chaheru, Gurnam Singh Bundala etc; these people knew that Thakar Singh was a simple person so they did not declare him as chief of the Jatha; at first they presented him as the caretaker of the Dera but later they declared him as Acting Chief of Jatha Bhindran-Mehta. During all this time all of them continued asserting that Giani Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala did not die during the attack by Indian Army in June 1984; even in the presence of Guru Granth Sahib they would declare that they were in touch with Giani Jarnail Singh; this was sacrilege of Guru Granth Sahib. So much so that when one very active Sikh youth, a valuable asset of their group asserted that Bhindranwala embraced martyrdom, he was killed by Gurnam Singh Bundala in cold blood; this killing gave him a new name ‘Jallad’ (literally: executioner). By the September 1992 most of the militant leaders of the Khalistan Movement had been killed by the police in fake encounters.
    The fourth role of this Jatha began in 1992. On the 14th of October 1992, K.P. Gill the police chief visited Chowk Mehta Dera and held secret meeting with Thakar Singh, Mohkam Singh and Harnam Singh Dhumma etc. Sarup Singh, a lecturer in the Evening College of the Panjab University Chandigarh, who was one of the closest friends of K.P. Gill, mediated friendship between the police chief and the Chowk Mehta Dera officials. After this Harnam Singh Dhumma became friendly first with K.P. Gill and through him he made understanding with the Indian Intelligence Agency and finally the RSS. Thakar Singh died in 2004 and the Indian Intelligence brought Harnam Singh Dhumma (who had become a citizen of the USA by that time) to India[6] and on the 2nd of January 2005 he was installed as the chief of the Jatha through Jasbir Singh Rode (an agent of the central agencies).[7] Those who were present at Chowk Mehta to attend the ceremony of installation of Harnam Singh Dhumma included Sarbjot Singh Bedi (President, Sant Samaj), Simranjit Singh Mann (President SAD Amritsar), Mohkam Singh, Sucha Singh Chhotepur MLA, Dr Jagjit Singh Chauhan, Harcharan Singh Dhami (President Dal Khalsa), Bhai Ranjit Singh (former caretaker of Akal Takht), Karnail Singh Panjauli, Wassan Singh Zafarwal.[8]
    On the other hand, on the same day, Ram Singh, a nephew of Giani Kartar Singh (predecessor of Giani Jarnail Singh), declared himself as the new chief of Bhindran-Mehta Jatha (earlier he had served asgranthi in Darbar Sahib but has resigned when he was transferred to Jind); all the five major priests, Awtar Singh Makkar (president SGPC) and other senior leaders of Badal Akali Dal attended his installation ceremony in Gurdwara Gurshabad Parkash at village Sangrai (near Batala).[9]
    As the chief of this Jatha, Harnam Singh Dhumma first exhibited himself as an anti-Badal person, developed relations with radical Akalis but soon, under instructions from the Intelligence Agencies he began changing his stance; and, within just 13 months he had secretly shook hands with Badal;[10] the first revelation of this new relationship came to surface on the 26th of February 2006 when he chaired ‘Virsa Sambhal Sammelan’;[11] this gathering had been arranged in collaboration with Ravi Inder Singh, Surjit Barnala’s supporters, Parmjit Singh Sarna, Ranjit Singh Dhadarianwala and other anti-Badal Akalis, but, in this function Lakhbir did not say even a single word against Badal; in fact they (the organisers) did not know that he (Harnam Singh) had already established secret liaison with Badal. In the middle of this function Ravi Inder Singh and Surjit Barnala group smelt the conspiracy and left the stage before the passing of the resolutions;[12] open declaration of union between Badal and Harnam Dhumma was announced in August 2011 when both joined hands to contest the SGPC as one group.
    Another major dera had been established by Giani Amir Singh (1870-1954) at Gali Sattowali Amritsar; Amir Singh was succeeded by Giani Kirpal Singh (1918-1993); the latter had also served as caretaker of Akal Takht; he was detested by the Sikhs for his collaboration with the Indian regime after the latter’s attack on Darbar Sahib and destruction of the building of Akal Takht in June 1984.Sucha Singh (1948-2002), another student of this dera, also established a dera at Jawaddi (near Ludhiana).
    [1] www.sarbloh.info, Dr Sher Singh Giani, Amrit Jeewan, p. 37.
    [2] When Giani Kartar Singh was installed as the chief of this Jatha, the family of Giani Gurbachan Singh rejected him; so much so that that Giani Kartar Singh was not allowed even to sit on the dais during the ceremony of final prayers of Giani Gurbachan Singh; people were so angry with Giani Kartar Singh that he had to flee the village to save his life on that day. The family installed Mohan Singh as Giani Gubachan Singh’s successor. According to Hardeep Singh Dibdiba (forner PA to Jasbir Singh Rode), Jathedar Jagedev Singh Talwandi was so aggressive that he declared ‘How can we bestowMalwa’s honour on a man from Majha’ (Giani Gurbachan Singh and Giani Mohan Singh belonged toMalwa and Giani Kartar Singh belonged to Majha region of the Punjab); Giani Kartar Singh could not visit Bhinder Kalan again and he established his dera at Chowk Mehta and also renamed the jatha as Bhindran-Mehta Jatha; later, in 1977 this group began calling itself Damdami Taksal. (Hardeep Singh Dibdiba: Saka Neela Tara ton baad Tabahee ki Twareekh, pages 58-60).
    [3] Giani Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala headed a great militant movement against the Indian regime and fought one of the greatest battles of the history of the world; among the leaders of the Sikh nation he is considered as the greatest hero since Banda Singh Bahadur (1670-1716).
    [4] For details see: volume 7 of this Sikh History, pp 16-29
    [5] Ibid
    [6] For more information: Hardip Singh Dibdiba, op. cit., pp 129-134.
    [7] On this day the Chowk Mehta Dera and Jatha Bhindran Mehta acknowledged the martyrdom of Giani Jarnail Singh Bhindranwala (in order to establish Harnam Dhumma as full-fledged chief of the Jatha); this also implied that they had accepted that Thakar Singh and other persons associated with the Jatha and the Dera had been telling lies for 21 years and had been committing sacrilege of Guru Granth Sahib by saying so.
    [8] He had returned to India on the 11th of April 2001; his relative Sucha Singh Langah had managed his return with the help of Badal.
    [9] The Tribune, dated 3.1.2005
    [10] Rajinder Singh Mehta too played a mediator Badal and Harnam Dhumma (The Tribune, dated 3.1.2005).
    [11] Most of the Sikh organisations boycotted or ignored this function; prominent Sikh leaders and organizations, including Bhai Ranjit Singh, Simranjeet Singh Mann, Jathedar Ram Singh (chief of the other faction of Jatha Bhindran-Mehta), Dal Khalsa, Akhand Kirtani Jatha, Khalra Mission Committee, International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) and several others boycotted it. Many of the critics billed it to be nothing more than “a meaningless show and gathering of (so-called) Babas of variousderaas and maryadas”; Bhai Ranjit Singh (former caretaker Akal Takht) called it “a conclave of “Saadhsand police cats”, while others have labelled it “an orchestration of the Indian intelligence agencies.”
    [12] For more information: Hardip Singh Dibdiba, op. cit., pp 135-143.
  7. Haha
    ipledgeblue reacted to HSD in Khalistan destined to fail.   
    Sikhs in Airstrip One could always ask their government for devolution. Turn Southall into West Londonistan and Smethwick into Brummistan - a two for one deal. 
  8. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to GurjantGnostic in Khalistan destined to fail.   
    Agree. This could be done in multiple places at the same time. Khalisislands. 
  9. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Khalistan destined to fail.   
    to start off, can rich sikhs buy landmass and turn it into a country. Then with a government, we have an international presence to represent sikhs and sikh rights. Need something global, it does not have to be in Panjab!
  10. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to paapiman in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    Thanks a lot bro for your inputs.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  11. Thanks
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from paapiman in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    even Baba Kartar Singh Bhindrawala called meat eaters as non-sikhs, he was brought in front of Baba Santa Singh for this nindya!
    Well really we should have a santhiya style and puraatan style education, and real life lifestyle for children. But parents will also need to give up jobs, reduce expenditure, rely more on real sikh lifestyle such as growing own produce and jhatka/shikaar etc, moving to cheaper areas with land. Similar to how ancestors lived.
  12. Thanks
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from paapiman in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    I do think the lacto veggie diet with lassi, ghee, makhani and raw milk dudh was good few decades back, and most of the dharam yudh kharkoos were raised on it.
    However, pre-partition there were many more jhatka eating Singhs, and they were active in our interests in politics and fighting for our gurdwaras, fighting Brits in Panjab kharkoo style.  We had "more leaders" as opposed to now we don't have many "real" leaders. Our youth don't do jhatka and shikaar, nor practice sastar (of which jhatka and shikaar is still a part), now do they do destructive drugs and also get married late so plenty of time to do other destructive manmatt practices !  Decades ago there was doday, ofeem opium, and obviously bhang (with the Nihang khalsa still doing sukhnidaan), none of these were really destructive like the drugs of now. There was and is shraab alcohol, which has been destructive to families and still is, now directly destroying our women as well instead of through their husbands and fathers before, but still the modern drugs are more destructive. 

    Physically weak, definitely, even with that good lacto diet from decades ago, the meat would still make them stronger. Hari Singh Nalwa and Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia eating a goat a day, do we get Singhs like that with lacto veggie diet?
    Mentally, still can't beat the nutrients provided with meat. To supplement with the lacto diet and fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, badam almonds etc that's how we get mentally and physically good Singhs!
  13. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    I do think the lacto veggie diet with lassi, ghee, makhani and raw milk dudh was good few decades back, and most of the dharam yudh kharkoos were raised on it.
    However, pre-partition there were many more jhatka eating Singhs, and they were active in our interests in politics and fighting for our gurdwaras, fighting Brits in Panjab kharkoo style.  We had "more leaders" as opposed to now we don't have many "real" leaders. Our youth don't do jhatka and shikaar, nor practice sastar (of which jhatka and shikaar is still a part), now do they do destructive drugs and also get married late so plenty of time to do other destructive manmatt practices !  Decades ago there was doday, ofeem opium, and obviously bhang (with the Nihang khalsa still doing sukhnidaan), none of these were really destructive like the drugs of now. There was and is shraab alcohol, which has been destructive to families and still is, now directly destroying our women as well instead of through their husbands and fathers before, but still the modern drugs are more destructive. 

    Physically weak, definitely, even with that good lacto diet from decades ago, the meat would still make them stronger. Hari Singh Nalwa and Sardar Jassa Singh Ahluwalia eating a goat a day, do we get Singhs like that with lacto veggie diet?
    Mentally, still can't beat the nutrients provided with meat. To supplement with the lacto diet and fresh vegetables and fruits, nuts, badam almonds etc that's how we get mentally and physically good Singhs!
  14. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    even Baba Kartar Singh Bhindrawala called meat eaters as non-sikhs, he was brought in front of Baba Santa Singh for this nindya!
    Well really we should have a santhiya style and puraatan style education, and real life lifestyle for children. But parents will also need to give up jobs, reduce expenditure, rely more on real sikh lifestyle such as growing own produce and jhatka/shikaar etc, moving to cheaper areas with land. Similar to how ancestors lived.
  15. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to paapiman in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    There is evidence that during the times of Sri Satguru jee (Second Master), meat was served in the langar.
    Bro, Mahapurakhs/Brahamgyanis can be very manly and brave even by just eating grass. We need to focus on stuff which affects ordinary Sikhs, who are the majority in the Panth. 
    Please watch the video below.  Eating a lot of Soy, Milk, Rice, Wheat, etc might be bad for men.
    Bhul chuk maaf
  16. Like
  17. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    we need to push for jhatka in schools. which country or area is this school in?
    Jhatka needs to be recognised. The anti-meat sikhs aren't as outspoken as they used to be.
  18. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to chatanga1 in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    Well start by taking a look at the name of the R & D & Operations Manager of KFC. Luqman Rabbani. So, obviously being in a position of power, has worked out well for the halal eaters.
    From my experience, fast food providers in the west, see the two biggest market customers as the white natives who don't care whether its halal or not, and Muslims. Vegetarianism is big amongst Hindu and Sikh communities so we don't get too much of a look in. Also halal method of dispatch is closer to the western model of animal dispatch, whereas jhatka is very different.
    In the town where I live, we have a tim bloody hortons for about 3 years now, and after a year seeing the absence of muslims from their outlet they went to halal only chicken. I asked one of the workers there, and she told me that halal is only different because of the way the animal is dispatched. I told her that eating halal meat is against my dharam and that in our town there are more Sikhs than Muslims, so why has tim hortons changed to halal, and she couldn't answer.
    One of the biggest culprits is our people, espousing vegetarianism which puts people off having or even looking into jhatka shops.
    A teacher I know, told me that the school she worked in had a minority of muslim students but the school switched to halal even though the sikhs protested that non halal options should be available, the school refused to provide both.
  19. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to Premi in Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why    
    @ipledgeblue @chatanga1
    KFC faces backlash over halal-only menu Row over KFC halal meat in Canada; find out why 
    ByChanshimla Varah   Aug 31, 2024   12:03 pm   What's the story Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in Canada is facing backlash from Hindu and Sikh communities over its decision to serve only halal-certified chicken at most of its Ontario locations.The groups argue that this move contradicts their religious beliefs and principles of inclusiveness.According to India Today, the Hindu Forum Canada has formally requested KFC to reconsider this decision, citing "cruelty," violating the "spirit of the law," and the "principles of inclusiveness."
          Controversy unfolds KFC's halal decision sparks controversy in Ontario
    The controversy began in May, when KFC issued a memo to its restaurants in Ontario (excluding Thunder Bay and Ottawa) to switch to halal meat, citing its commitment to providing diverse and inclusive options for customers.KFC stated it will ensure "all chicken products are Halal Certified, including but not limited to: chicken on the bone, chicken tenders, popcorn chicken, sandwiches, wings, etc."It also noted that pork products have been discontinued, barring those co-branded with Taco Bell.
              Halal meaning Halal means 'permissible' in Arabic
    d.Following the KFC notification, a petition was launched by one Roop Sandhu to stop serving halal chicken in some of its Canadian outlets, as it "dismisses" dietary restrictions of other religious groups
    Feel marginalized by the decision of KFC: Petitioner 
    "I, as a Canadian, feel marginalized by the decision of KFC to serve exclusively halal meat. A lot of Canadians, including Indian religious groups like Sikhism and Hinduism, prohibit the consumption of halal meat," Sandhu stated in the petition's description.The petition argued that it is not questioning Islamic values, but rather asking KFC to ensure that "the dietary preferences of all individuals are recognized and respected.

    KFC's halal policy criticized for favoring one religion
    Sharing the concerns, the Hindu Forum Canada, said, "For some 71 years KFC has operated restaurants in Ontario without the requirement that each of its restaurants serve only halal chicken.""We believe this abrupt change is not in keeping with the spirit of the law, the principle of inclusiveness, or your own corporate brand," the notice read.
              Workplace discrimination KFC's halal policy called 'discriminatory' in workplace
    Baljeet Bawa also stated that as a Sikh he follows 'Rehat Maryada,' a Sikh code of conduct that forbids eating Halal meat.He suggested that KFC should also include Jhatka or other non-Halal forms so that other faiths do not have to compromise.The legal notice also labels KFC's halal policy as "Discriminatory" in the workplace, stating that "Halal slaughtering requires males Muslims to perform the slaughtering. This prevents woman and non-Muslims from being employed in this industry."
  20. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in Wa He Gu Roo, Focusing On 4 Different Places   
    Is the pausing stuff not more related to the Siddhas who Guru Nanak met?
  21. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in The Ringing Sound (Anhad Shabad; Sound Current)   
    pkmc diagram stuff!
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    ipledgeblue reacted to GurjantGnostic in SANGAT JI PLEASE help me. I am lost   
    Any Amrit is special brother. Be wary of anyone claiming they can sense that. They don't have theirs open or we'd know very easily. The Amrit you take is between you Akal and your Karam. It's not a potion delievered by the magic man. Look for real Sikhs not only with good Rehit but more importantly clearly living up to Sikh values in demonstration. 
    Find someone who's living Sarbat Da Bhala and protects everyone regardless of group. 
    In the uk take it from those fighting grooming gangs that don't hate muslims. 
    In hinduvtastan take it from the guys that free slaves. 
    That's my thoughts and feelings. 
  23. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to GurjantGnostic in SANGAT JI PLEASE help me. I am lost   
    Gurbani is your Sangat. Naam Simran is your Sangat.  Just live it and pray to Vaheguru. Then you'll find your people in life if any. Don't look to people. 
    The Sikh secretly putting blankets on the homless at night while nobody watches is who you should look for. Catch them doing selfless things when they think nobody sees. 
  24. Like
    ipledgeblue got a reaction from GurjantGnostic in SANGAT JI PLEASE help me. I am lost   
    how are Tarmala and PMKC able to tell who has opened dasam dwar? are the so-called gurmukhs special because they lack sahaj in their simran? What is a special institution giving khanda amrit pahul? are the 4 takhts not special institutions? 
  25. Like
    ipledgeblue reacted to Soulfinder in Bhai Mohan Singh (Sikh Awareness Society) on PBC Channel (Sky 775)   
    Here it is veer ji the facebook link to the video posted on the PBC Tv Facebook page
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