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Everything posted by tonyhp32

  1. That's the beauty of SV fantasy stories, Niddar can add or deduct to them without fear of being found out because the fantasy stories are his own creation!
  2. Shaheediyan If you look at all that I have written by SV I have never once stated an opinion on the utility or otherwise of this martial art. What I have always doubted is the made up fake history namely that Guru Nanak was a practioner of this art which is something that can be easily disproved in that none of the Janamsakhis mention this. Then there is the whole 'lord of the rings' fairy tales fake history such as the 'established 1661' which looks like Niddar just picked that date out of thin air. The of what passes as 'history' in Niddar's circles in based around so and so baba said etc etc.
  3. Not really Guru Nanak did not read the Namaz as he saw that it was basically a fake act in which Muslims indulge in order to show some sense of religiosity to non-Muslims.
  4. The Sikhs of the 18th and 19th centuries weren't PC idiots like we get some nowadays. They knew that the Quran and Sunnah allow Muslims to lie in order to further the cause of Islam. You don't survive 70 odd years of genocidal persecution by looking at the world with rose tinted specs! Interesting enough these Sikhs also realised that you deal with Muslims the same way they deal with non-Muslims. During the Khalsa Raj the Muslim call to prayer was banned, some mosques were used as stables including the main Badshahi Mosque at Lahore. The fine for killing a Kashmiri Muslim was less than that of killing non-Muslims. Never trust a Muslim, never place any reliance on his/her words and never allow a Muslim to hold a position of authority in your house. Gems from the Rehat which if followed would prevent much of the cr*p that Muslims have been doing to Sikhs in the UK over the last few years.
  5. Unfortunately it isn't fake. Here is a news report about the court case http://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/local/...0,4993216.story
  6. Sorry to burst everyones bubble but far from the persecution of Sikhs being by the Mughals elites only, the common Muslim was as much a persecutor of the Sikhs as the Mughal armies ever were. When bounties were placed on Sikh heads, it wasn't the Mughal soldiers going into the lakhi jungle or spying on Sikhs in the villages it was the common Muslim. As for the Afghans helping the Sikhs against the British it was in the last stages of the 2nd Anglo-Sikh war that the Sikhs offered the Afghans Peshawar in exchange for help.
  7. It's Islam that teaches death for apostasy not Islamic fanatics. Islamaniacs just carry out Islam's injunctions. So I'm sorry but you are wrong Neo. On a side note when I viewed the video I got this feeling that any minute now the guy who had the girl in his arms would turn out to be one of those Glory TV Masihi pakistani Christians who would face the camera and say ' praeise dah laard'
  8. But doesn't the Quran dehumanise non-Muslims claiming them to be the worst of creatures because they refuse to believe the so-called prophet? Aren't you being dehumanised when the Sharia places a less value in terms of blood money on you than on a Muslim? You really need to get out more instead of reading psychological bukwas by some PhD idiot.
  9. Yeah but isn't he one of the students of Mcleod or is he a student of a student of Mcleod? But I thought McLeod was good geezer according to some on this forum.
  10. Lol.. reminds of that Pakistani film.. international gorillay.. when a crack team of paki commandos attack Salman Rushdie and his Israel protectors and the Quran performs it's only miracle to date (apart from it's linguistic beauty thingy) by killing Rushdie with some well aimed lightning bolts!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0P5IaIE_LI...player_embedded
  12. Bhai Sahib, Niddar's 'shastarvidya' is a commodity around which fantastical claims have been made. Like the proverbial snake oil salesman he has convinced some buyers that what he teaches is some kind of 'lost' Sikh martial art which apparently the British could not destroy. It makes for a good story but like all products around much tall claims are made most of it is nonsense. The way he give interviews to foreign media outlets sprouting the same old fantasy stories reminds of that Gurdas Mann song! Harriyan Peeliyan Wangan Charalo Nak Binalo Kann Binalo Hoka Sun Vanjare da Main Bhajji Bhajji Ayie Main Doarri Doarri Ayie
  13. Dalsingh101, I am of the same generation as you and I remember all too well the events of the 70s and 80s. I lived through the Southall riots in '79 as well as the burning of the Hamborough Tavern a few years later. Having worked with both goray and Muslims I have come to the realisation that there are some goray who harbour racism but due to the nature of Islam, ALL practising Muslims harbour a hatred of non-Muslims. So the maths is quite simple. Yes, there are racist goray but they are a miniscule minority and for the most part goray tend to be tolerant. There has been a sea change amongs both goray and amongst Muslims. Racism and hatred has decreased amongst goray but hatred of non-Muslims has increased many fold amongst Muslims. In the last few decades the Muslims have become more extreme, ditching the collective 'asian' identity unless it suits them in order to deflect from the crimes of Muslims. dalsingh101 you are an intelligent guy but you appear to have never moved away from the mentality of the 70s and 80s. Others of our generation have moved away from this mentality and realise that Islam is, has been and always will be the biggest threat to the peace of this Island as well as to good community relations.
  14. Shaheediyan, You appear to suffering from a severe case of moral equivalence. You excuse the atrocities of Muslims because according to you others such as Jews and Christians have also done the same. If we carry this further then you would excuse the genocide committed against Sikhs by the Mughal because had the Sikhs been in the same position then the Mughals would have suffered a similar fate. Your contention reeks of a desire to not face up to reality. Read up on Islamic law and you will see that it allows for all the atrocites such as rape, enslavement and murder for those who have been defeated by the Muslims. Such is not the case with those who lost to us Sikhs or those who have lost to the UK and US in recent years. You contention that if a similar survey were to be held regarding the killing of civilans in Islamic countries then the result would be similar. This is a tall claim. Are you saying the 52% of people in the UK would be ok with their army killing civilians in Iraq indiscriminately? I serious doubt that would be the case. The cases taken up by the media prove that this would not be the case.
  15. The only difference between the UK and Canada is that the Muslim population is Canada is not as large as it is here. Canada is 10 years behind the UK, give it time and you will see the same problems in Canada as we get here. Although the situation here is bad, it is not as bad as it is in Sweden or in Holland. In Canada you have already had a terrorist conspiracy to attack the parliament and behead the PM.
  16. It's tragic but unfortunately if the founder of the religion didn't think rape was wrong then why would the mad mullahs of Iran have any reason to be against it.
  17. Muslims have a tendency to provoke non-Muslims until they then suffer a massacre and then they will complain about it endlessly. They are still crying over the Crusades even though the Crusades were a direct outcome of the Islamic Jihad against Christian Europe. At the moment the Muslims believe that they have the support of the left wing nutcases and other assorted anarchist orgs. The truth is should the majority in this country ever take the law into their own hands no Muslim and no Mosque will be safe. Beating up a few football hooligans and attacking a few white bystanders is hardly the great victory these Muslims claim it to be. It is just a matter of time before the whites realise what a fifth column they have allowed to take root in their country. It might take one of smaller European countries such as Holland or Sweden to succumb to a Muslim majority and then the rest of Europe will see the Muslims in their true colours. You might even see the native Dutch or Swedes leaving the newly set up Islamic hellhole and becoming refugees in neighbouring countries, I think only then will the majority of the whites realise what Islam and Muslims are all about. Even mekhan'ch might wake up to reality then unless of course he sees the devilish Swedes as part of the freemason conspiracy!
  18. I agree, Neo needs to bring some examples so that we can all see whether it is twisting of the meaning or just another interpretation which might be equally valid. The only twisting that I have seen online is ironically by RSS, a few Neo-Nihang types, Ahmediyas as well as the usual fanatic Muslim.
  19. Kalyug, Unfortunately the saying 'None so blind as those who refuse to see' is the perfect description for some on this forum. Most of these people had they been alive during the time of the Gurus would have been the ones who would have been asking the Guru to accept the oath of Aurangzeb because it was taken on the 'holy' Quran! The world is a mad place. You have Muslims complaining about the US troops raping and pillaging Iraq and Afghanistan when there are very few cases of rape and those that are are punished quite quickly, yet they adhere to a religion that should they ever God forbid win a war against any non-Muslims their religion teaches them to rape, kill, enslave and strip the non-Muslims of their goods. A bit like the Nazis complaining that the Dresden bombings were a war crime! Of course the reason that most Muslims can rationalise their hyprocrisy is that one raping and pillaging is due to the neo-con zionist crusader agenda whereas their raping and pillaging is ordained by Allah!
  20. Singh2 Ok I see what you are getting at, my quote may be taken as implying that PS states that Guru Nanak had nothing to do with the Mool Mantar. My intention as the quote given by myself that along with a lot of Shabads PS states that Guru Arjan Dev changed the words of Mool mantar to be more in line with poetic metre. Basically he is saying that Guru Nanak was not such a good poet and Guru Arjan had to refine Guru Nanak's shabads to give them to final shape they are today. This is blasphemy because as a Sikh he should believe Guru Nanak when he states ਜੈਸੀ ਮੈ ਆਵੈ ਖਸਮ ਕੀ ਬਾਣੀ ਤੈਸੜਾ ਕਰੀ ਗਿਆਨੁ ਵੇ ਲਾਲੋ ॥ Guru Arjan Dev also says-; ਬੋਲਾਇਆ ਬੋਲੀ ਖਸਮ ਦਾ ॥ So if both the Gurus state that they pass on the Bani as it comes from Waheguru then who is Peshaura Singh to make blasphemous statements which attack the integrity of Gurbani? Peshaura Singh stated the above in his research, then at Akal Takht he admitted his mistake but then once he was out of India he has been publishing bukwas such as this as his research, all the time using the money donated by Sikhs!
  21. Read the whole list of Peshaura Singh's so-called research. http://www.sikhnn.com/print.php?sid=619
  22. Seems like the reporter has taken Niddar's theories about 'banned martial art' as gospel.
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