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Everything posted by tonyhp32

  1. I have noticed the Kenyan Tarkhan types really have it in for the Faujis. Maybe it's because the faujis are undercutting the established tarkhans. Personally, all power to the faujis, I say. I remember a decade or so ago all the tarkhans charging the earth for building work, most of which was substandard. Nowadays the faujis do a good job and they are not so expensive. Most of the builders that did the renovation of my house were faujis. I also had a garden flat built for £7,000 whilst the local Tarkhan cowboy was asking me for £17,000. If you can handle the gup shup they are good workers. Maybe there's a residual bias against Jats from our Tarkhan friend.
  2. When lawyers shower flowers on the murderer of a Chief Minister then is there any surprise when these kinds of events take place. The whole country is on it's way towards a mass bloodbath.
  3. The way you go about these Taliban junglees it's obvious they are your heroes.
  4. Of course there is.. according to the Sarbloh site so and so Baba said blah blah blah. How dare you not take such evidence as true!
  5. I take all these claims of 'my rehat's older than yours' claims with a pinch of salt. It seems the original rehat was a made of a few ordinances which through the next 300 years any tim dick and harry has had an attempt at adding to with whatever whim took their fancy. If you follow a Rehat then follow it to the core but do not take your following a particular rehat at an invitation to attack all the others.
  6. Your heroes the Taliban also suffer from the same mental problems due to the war. http://www.newsweek.com/2010/12/06/do-the-taliban-get-ptsd.html War is hell, what else is new?
  7. The journalist who wrote the article is an idiot. The Vibrant Gujarat is an economic summit not just for Gujarati NRIs but for foreign investors, which is held twice yearly. The Punjabi version is a cynical attempt to get Punjabi NRIs to show support for the ruling party and get some publicity for the various chumchas of the ruling party. In any case the $450BN is in the form of memorandum of understanding, not enforcible by law but basically letters of common intent. I would be surprised if even 10% of these M.O.Us are realised.
  8. You are incredibly naive. Have you heard of gup shup? I had some freshies working on my house and one of them told me that he had 15 acres near Moga. Now if I had been you, I would have thought 'wow, these freshies must all own a lot of land back in India' But thankfully I am not as naive as you and I actually know what the situation is like in Punjab. I know that if he had 15 acres near Moga he would be worth hundreds of thousands of Pounds. I know that he would not have to do a days work as he would be getting something like 30-35,000 rupees per year per acre on mamla (look up what mamla is). That's 4.5 to 5.25 lakh per year. That's equivalent to a very good wage in India somewhere akin to what a software engineer would earn. So why would he be doing a labouring job in the UK? Freshies have a tendency to gup shup, the more a Boiee (the word freshies use for people here for a long time or born here)listens to their gup shup the more gup shup they come up with. Other gup shup I've heard is that a freshie has a lot of baak feet (influence) with some DGP or MLA and if I have any land problems in Punjab he could sort them out for me! The best way to get them to stop their gup shup is to call their bluff. Say you have a problem in Punjab and ask him to give you the direct telephone number of the MLA and ask the freshie for his name and village and say you will ring the MLA and say his number was passed to you by the freshie. Watch him squirm. Actually knowing the ground reality of a situation stops one being bullsh*tted to. Unfortunately as you have never been to a Pind in Punjab you don't have a clue when freshies start to gup shup with you.
  9. Where have I peddled anything? I have responded to your bukwas about Jats raping lower caste girls with FACTS. Now your 'I heard it down the building site during my lunch break from a freshie so it must be true!' Let's leave it to the other forum members to decide whether I am peddling Jattism or you have a mental illness.
  10. I remember the text from an old copy of the Sikh review magazine either from the late 60s or early 70s. The article was written by Trilochan Singh who wrote an excellent book on Guru Nanak for the DSGMC in 1969. Another scholar responded to the article and proved it to be a qadiani forgery to put forward their agenda that Guru Nanak was a muslim.
  11. You should also stop masking your hatred of Jats using the cover of Sikhi. You have major issues which will never be resolved here. You are a bitter man full of hatred and no one can help you here. I urge you seek some counselling outside of the forum.
  12. It's a Qadiani forgery. I think I read about this a decade ago.
  13. This is a political stunt. This bas*ard Ravneet Singh is the grandson of Beant Singh who killed thousands of Sikh youths.
  14. So what makes to think that the freshies you worked with were being natural with you? Have you considered that they could very well be bigging themselves up because they were ashamed to be working on a crappy building site, work which is generally done by tarkhans and lower castes? I think you need to consider that between me and Mithar we have more experience of what goes on in Punjabi villages than you do. Have you actually spoken to any Chamars from India. I am sure some of the freshies come from these families so I would give their experiences more weight. You haven't commented on the fact that 12% of the SGPC is reserved for 28% of the Sikh population. In addition that 28% have a right to contest the other 88% of the seats. So what makes you think that the SGPC is Jat dominated? Is it the Indian media which always likes to put every issue as being between Jat and non-Jat. Very few disputes in Punjabi villages run along these lines. It is more of one faction of Jats supported by lower castes against another Jat faction with lower caste support. If what you write about what is happening in Punjab is true then why doesn't the Punjab also have private caste armies like Bihar and UP or even a Naxalite rebellion like Chattisgarh? You seem to have a very poor view of lower castes if you think that they would take the crap that you accuse Jats of dishing out on them lying down.
  15. Personally I don't think you have evaluated any other views. You said that Jat boys were going around raping lower caste girls. I showed you official data that shows that is not the case. Instead of taking that on board you came up with some anecdotes about hearing so and so from Jats you work with. Unless you actually go to a Punjabi village and investigate the facts yourself you will only ever have a blinkered view about Jats.
  16. I think Mithar is bringing in the DSGMC to show that it isn't just organisations with a Jat majority that can become corrupt. If your intention is to show that corruption in a Jat trait then you have show that corruption does not exist in organisations dominated by non-Jats. You obviously don't have a clue about Punjab or Sikh politics in India for that matter. Reading Mark Tully doesn't make you an expert. Btw you might not be aware but 20 seats are reserved in the SGPC for so-called scheduled castes. That's 12% reservation whereas the scheduled castes are about 28% of the Sikh population. SCs can also contest the other 150 seats of the SGPC. Unfortunately no caste wide data on membership of the SGPC has been done. Jats constitute between 55 to 60% of Sikhs. So wouldn't you expect Jats to have a majority of the seats in the SGPC. Why don't you start a campaign against the fact that the UK parliament is monopolised by white people! Why don't they have a majority of non-Whites, isn't that racism!
  17. I thought I made it clear that Kanti Lal was a counter balance to dhimmis like you. Btw have you set up your account with the Islamic bank of Britain so that you can start paying the jizya when the Muslims become your masters.
  18. He pretty much confirmed that he has never been to a Punjabi village and yet thinks all Jats go around raping the lower caste girls. I showed him the official data that show this isn't the case but Dalsingh is on a one man crusade to blacken the name of Jats. He is a caricature of everything he claims to oppose. He is a casteist who unlike the Jats he claims to oppose is a hypocrite to boot. So what? Big deal, they don't have to follow your pseudo-intellectual anti-imperialist blah blah blah ..a revolution from my bed..power to the people..unite against fascism bullshyt.
  19. This book contains the background to the Phulkian States. Ala Singh's life story is contained within the chapters about Patiala state. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=ZEkBAAAAQAAJ&pg=PA28&dq=ala+singh&hl=en&ei=pdIoTZOTNtK7hAfgq-jrCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=2&ved=0CC4Q6AEwAQ#v=onepage&q=ala%20singh&f=false
  20. So he would have been your hero had be fought against the British and supported the resurrected Mughal empire? If he and other think Sikhs have been a blind to Sikh interests at the time as you seem to be then we would probably have Punjab today as a province of the Mughal empire with some descendent of the effeminate Bahadur Shah as emperor.
  21. The gullibility of some people is astounding. To think that the British govt would have amounted such an elaborate operation just to satisfy the family of a minor British police official is pure foolishness. It is interesting that when we have just less than three decades from when the government massacred thousands of unarmed pilgrims at the Darbar Sahib which has never been fully researched and yet people have the time and money to research events which happened 8 decades ago!
  22. The first Sikh state though short lived was in the time of Banda Singh Bahadur around 1710AD until his shaheedi. In most of the history books Sikh sovereignity is usually shown as having been lost until the Misls started to divide the Punjab between themselves in the 1760s. But a decade after Banda Singh, Ala Singh started to carve up his own kingdom in the Patiala area. Other branches of Ala Singh's family carved up areas in Faridkot-Mansa-Bathinda area into minor kingdoms which later became the Sikh states which were dissolved in 1948.
  23. After the Anglo-Sikh war Jawahir Singh Nalwa was one of the first to join the British against the mutineers in 1857 and fought in UP in command as the Senior Native Officer 1st Sikh cavalry. He took part in 18 encounters with the enemy. After the mutiny he was given a Rs 12,000 per annum jagir and became a honorary magistrate at Gujranwala. Sorry to burst your anti-imperialist bubble but Jawahir Singh and other Sikhs knew that the Sikh interests lay with supporting the British and not in sitting back or actively supporting the resurrection of the Mughal empire!
  24. Lauren Booth..nice.. sensible ? On being asked about the punishment for apostasy she side stepped the question by stating she doesn't know anyone who wants to leave Islam.. on the question of Mohammed marrying a child of 6 she stated that it is no a part of Islam! Show how well she studied the religion she not acts as a propagandist for. The male convert was a nutjob regurgitating the same old bukwas about the quran containing scientific information unknown at the time of its inception. The case of Lauren Booth is interesting, she wants a career and also plaudits for being a mother which she does not think that she is getting. She is divorced, financially bankrupt and working with a Islamic propaganda satellite station owned by the Mullahs of Iran. One can guess at the type of information she got about Islam at Press TV. Allied to the fact that her own half sister who is the wife of Tony Blair is listed as one of her creditors! It must be a shock to her ego that her half sibling has been a success in life whilst she has been a failure. So similar types convert to Islam as a protest against their way they have been treated by family and society. I would have more respect for LB if she actually knew something about the religion she had converted into. Converts to Islam for the most part are people who just like converts to other religions have something missing in their lives but they have an added dimension, the desire to act the rebel and stick up two fingers at their society. The converts to other religion will show some criticism of their lives beforehand but converts to Islam are more vociferous about what was wrong in their lives prior to Islam as well as society in general. A few decades ago these people would have become ardent communists and before that they would have been fascists. The male convert they had later was the classic Islam 'revert', a fool with an empty head which had on conversion to Islam been filled with so-called Islamic 'science'. The guy Steve who had the debate with LB had better knowledge of Islam than the convert! I suppose Kanti Lal the Islamophobe is the universe's way of keeping the balance and cancelling out extreme Islamophiles like Shaheediyan.
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