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Everything posted by tonyhp32

  1. tonyhp32


    Muslims are not adverse to lying if it helps Islam. The biggest lie to date is the one repeated ad nauseum about Islam means Peace! We can see the results of the Cognitive dissonance on many people here!
  2. tonyhp32


    That's the standard dhimmi reply. You base your views of Islam on some muslim mate and what he tells you. For dhimmis like you if someone doesn't agree with your rose tinted specs view of Islam then automatically it means that that person hasn't studied Islam! I don't claim to any expert so I look forward to some thoughtful responses from the people on this forum and not the standard dhimmi bukwas and insults from people like you.
  3. tonyhp32


    Shaheediyan, Is that all you have? This is the second time you called me Comical Ali and that after I had posted a video of him a few months ago. Be original at least.
  4. tonyhp32


    Both things are linked. One leads to the other. If you are prepared to change the way you conduct you daily activities, ie stop sitting in one place and move to another out of view of the fasting Muslim then it's not much of a leap to then allow yourself to be further secluded and eventually banned from eating just because the Muslims are fasting.
  5. Neo, The outrage over so-called atrocities committed by the Alliance in Iraq and Afghanistan is a sham. It is a cloak to give some legitimacy to their hidden aim to act as a fifth column in this country. Whatever the rights or wrongs of the West's intervention in these countries, it cannot be compared to what was done during the colonial era. The deception of people like Chaudhry can be guaged from the fact that he and his organisation never protest against the atrocities commited by Muslims against other Muslims. The vast majority of the deaths in Iraq are due to the violence between Sunnis and Shias yet no Muslim in the West protests against these acts, just against what the West has been doing.
  6. My view is that the transistion towards the RSS view of history was planned from the start. If the aim was to just put forward the Buddha Dal views then it is not difficult to stick to them. The aim had been to hoodwink impressionable youth with the photos of Nihangs and their 'warrior' lifestyle and then to gradually brainwash them with RSS bukwas. Could it be that all those people who were on this forum from when it first started in 2003 were right in their warnings about the shastarvidya website being RSS inspired?
  7. tonyhp32


    It depends on the country, in some places they allow non-Muslims to eat but in seclusion lest the fact that someone is not fasting cause the fasting Muslims to riot. Such is the self control of Muslims! I don't think it will take long before resturants whether Muslim or non-Muslim are forced to close during the day at Ramadan in Muslim areas of the UK. But then those who are so concerned lest a Muslim be offended by their eating in his vacinity should have no problem with that.
  8. I think some people need a reality check here. If the whole Panth became Nihang tomorrow what would that achieve. What have the Buddha Dal achieved lately living the lifestyle that they do. If they had joined the movement en masse then possibly the idolising of them here would make some sense but because they didn't and because their achievements in the last few decades amount to zilch then praising and attempting to make their lifestyle an aspiration for the Panth is just a pipe dream. The Kharkoos were the true heirs of the Dal Khalsa and the Misls and not the Buddha Dal. None can deny that the mass of the Kharkoos died the death of martyrs in the same way that our ancestors achieved martyrdom during the struggle against the Mughals and Afghans. The Kharkoos might not have been as colourful as the Nihangs are and they may not have been able to display oversized domalas or claim to have been given farlas but they did what the Panth asked of them which was to the fight the enemies of the Panth. This is something that the Nihangs never did and to try and posit their lifestyle as some sort of ideal Khalsa lifestyle is sheer lunacy.
  9. I am surprised that based on that dubious saying you haven't woven another fantastical theory about Mohammed being an Iranian. Come on there's still time and I am sure the ever gullible Iranians will lap it all up! Joker!
  10. No probs Kalyug. Most people on here know who I am. Ishraqi has mentioned me a few times as has Neo. Interesting enough the foundation of the Khalsa involved converting a people used to living as Dhimmis in a Muslim state into people who were given a new sense of self respect and who would demand a life of honour and not disgrace. The wearing of swords and the riding of horses by dhimmis is specifically banned. There isn't any record of a Sikh paying Jizya, the payment of which is an acceptance of ones Dhimmi status. It's ironic that some Sikhs here in the UK are bending over backwards to become Dhimmis again when the Khalsa did so much to destroy this concept. I cannot imagine that a Khalsa of the 18th century would be meek enough to worry about whether he was offending a fasting Muslim or not by eating in front of him.
  11. tonyhp32


    Come on man, you're the sort of person who would fast for a day to show 'understanding' for his Muslim friends!
  12. So she wasn't an Arab female? What was she then? Does raising her status subsequently due to political motives and to provide a living for her countless descendents deprive her of being an Arab female?
  13. So the Mughal state is destroyed by the destruction of Qurans, Baang and circumcision? Read the underlying message of Uggardanti and it's resonance in the Var 41 of Bhai Gurdas as well as the rehatnamas. Dhimmi traditionally means a non-Muslim who lives in subservience under Muslim rule. In modern times a Dhimmi is a useful idiot who looks forward to having the Muslims as his masters.
  14. How have I insulted the 'queen of the universe'? I just said that she was a arabni who lived 1300 years ago and the schism between the Sunnis and Shias started because she wanted her 'cut' from the loot that Mohammed had taken from Jews and fellow Arabs. For this to be an insult you would need to prove that-; 1. That Mohammed did not rob and loot during his career. 2. That Fatimah did not want any part of that loot 3. That Fatimah is in fact the 'queen of the universe' and was created even before the world was created. Over to you my friend and please feel free to use any 'research' that the 'great' scholar of Sikhism Mr Javanmard has done to back up your views.
  15. You know what the Uggardanti states about the ultimate end of Islam, the destruction of the Korans, the call to prayer etc. Unless of course you've managed to procure a 'dhimmi' version where all these verses have been conveniently excised for those of your mellow temprament. All I stated was that you seem to be ranting against these guys for wanting rid of Islam when the Uggardanti clearly also wants the same thing. So is it just the method of seeking Nazi bedfellows that you object to or the campaign in general. Would you be amenable if these guys soley set up a Sikh campaign to destroy Islam in line with Uggaranti?
  16. tonyhp32


    You Sir are a dhimmi par excellence. There's no use hiding your trueself. What kind of muppet goes around restricting his daily activities so as to show respect to a people who hate him 'for the sake of Allah'! Myself I don't restrict my daily activities so as to give someone a power trip. Will you be 'fasting' or should I say changing your eating habits so as to show how much respect you have for Islam? It wouldn't surprise me in the very least and given your advice to me to start learning Kirtan maybe you yourself should stop watching such propaganda channels as Ahlubayt and do something productive with your time!
  17. Wow, I'm headed for hell because I don't give any credence to your fairy stories about some Arabni who lived 1300 years ago. Come on Bahadur, do you really believe that drivel about Fatimah having existed before the creation of the world? I thgought that was Ali, or was it Mohammed? There I was thinking you are a rational educated human being. Ok you can accuse me of reducing her status somewhat but what you do is to make her into some kind of unique personage, I thought that was against your religion mind you it's hard knowing what your 'religion' is at any given time! It's good to hear that we won't next read of you blowing yourself up but shouldn't you be informing the mullahs of Iran who support Hazbollah that suicide is forbidden. Of course Shi'ism existed before anything was created, Shi'ism was there before even Ali was around. Man, your revisionist nonsense does you no credit.
  18. Bahadur, You have a lot of anger and I don't think that this is conducive to your well being especially living in the trigger happy Middle East. Someone could easily use your anger to convince you that strapping on a bomb and setting it off amongst Sunnis is your ticket to paradise. Just because some Arab beat an Arabni 1300 years ago should not determine who a Portugese in love with Iran lives his life. You are basing your life and your opinions about others on a political rivalry between one group of Arabs and another group of Arabs. That fight started because the daughter of someone who killed and seized the lands of Jews wanted a share of that person's ill gotten gain. It was a fight over chori da maal not a fight between good and evil as you try and portray it. As for the ill gotten gain, in the rustic logic of the Punjab, Haraam di kamaie rehindi nahi. I could understand your anger if you were born a Shia but you are an educated European so I think in your own interests you should cease this, trying to prove that as a convert you are more Shia than those who were born Shias. Btw so it is true that Shias claim that Sunnis changed the Quran? I have heard Shias deny this, so they must been practising Taqqiya.
  19. Shaheediyan, Will you also be proposing that Sikhs get rid of the Uggardanti as well? That text seems to not fit into your dhimmi worldview as well.
  20. tonyhp32


    Shaheediyan, You really do live your life wearing rose tinted specs! Why is it that I am not surprised that you offer to eat your food away from fasting Muslims out of 'respect' I suppose these Muslims also reciprocate by offering not to eat Halal meat around you? If you have this mentality of showing 'respect' which in fact is a form of dhimmitude (look this up as you are an ideal dhimmi) then I am sorry but no one can help you from your self imposed stupor. Fasting helps Muslims think about the unfortunate? Another Muslim propaganda piece. You really seem to be a sponge ready to absorb any Muslim propaganda they throw out at you. Did you know that on average Muslims GAIN weight during Ramadan? How's that for 'thinking' about all the starving around the world? I am sorry but I don't share your enthuasm about a group who change their eating habits (gorge themselves before and after sunset rather than during the day) for a month and think this is such a great experience.
  21. tonyhp32


    It does take the shine of the usual Muslim propaganda about how great they feel fasting at Ramadan, if they can't even handle someone eating in front of them while they are fasting! Btw you can't blame it on shariaism as UAE is one of the more moderate Arab states where a lot of westerners live and work!
  22. tonyhp32


    http://business.maktoob.com/20090000366234/People_caught_eating_during_Ramadan_face_jail/Article.htm People caught eating during Ramadan face jail Aug 19, 2009 at 12:56 People caught eating in the day during Ramadan will be jailed, Dubai Police warned on Wednesday, and called on members of the public to report anyone seen breaking the fast before sundown. "We call on people to help us by reporting anyone they see breaking the fast," Khalil Ibrahim Mansouri, director general of the department of criminal investigation said in a statement. "We ask that all people of all faiths are respectful at this important time.” Dubai Police said people found consuming food or drink, or smoking cigarettes in public could either be jailed for up to a month or fined a maximum 2,000 dirhams ($550). In the last three years 24 people were jailed for breaching the ban. The police singled out sports clubs for particular attention, warning they face closure for up to a month if members are not prevented from breaking the fast. The fast lasts from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, which is expected to start on Thursday night.
  23. Bahadur it is amusing to me that you consider possibly 90% of the Muslims (sunnis) in the world as Kafirs as per your dodgy pro-Shia hadith but that 90% consider you to be a kafir and a mad minority of these might take great pleasure in killing you. How does that expression go again? Issslamm issss Peeeaase!
  24. I hope that United Sikhs will be concentrating on the Sikh refugees and not get entangled in helping all and sundry under the guise of 'sewa'. The Sikhs are refugees through no fault of their own wherease the Muslim refugees were the same ones who were cheering on the Pakistani Taliban and wanting Sharia law in the area. Now they have got what they wanted and they are reaping the consequences of their actions. I hope now they will realise how idiotic Sharia law is and how it is unworkable. For the Sikhs they are caught in between a rock and a hard place and need the help of all Sikhs outside Pakistan.
  25. I'm not someone who sits behind a computer and has never been to Punjab. I was born there are spent my childhood there and have been back for long periods virtually every year. Drawof is right, Nihangs have very little respect from normal Sikhs. They are seen as layabouts and loafers who could not make it in the real world and so joined the Nihang dals. They are looked on similarly as hippies might have been looked at during the 1960s. They might have been respected pre-1984 but not nowadays. You have a very romantic notion about Nihangs which is not based on reality. You claimed that if I badmouted Nihangs to Sikhs in Punjab I would get a 'kick back' whatever that means, more like they would agree with me. Your statement that just a few Nihangs were used by anti-Sikh forces shows that you lack knowledge of what happened in 1984 and the aftermath. It was the Nihang Jathedar who betrayed the Khalsa and hence if a few Nihangs chose to go against him and fight on the side of the Khalsa then they did so in full knowledge that they were going against the views and actions of their Jathedar.
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