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Everything posted by tonyhp32

  1. Yeah Dalsingh 'my' people have been raping and killing chamars for years.. happy now? I'm actually planning a trip to Punjab this year to carry on the great raping and killing tradition of my forefathers.. you can come along and be a honorary Jat, we can give you a typical Jat nickname like Dallu. Just don't bring your starched pug along otherwise my pendu buddies might get suspicious! The Ravidasi movement is following the same pattern as the Radha Swamis or the Sirsa wala idiot. A Sadh sets up shop near a pind and the villagers taking him to be a Sikh because he teaches and installs the Guru Granth Sahib, they donate land to set up a dera and a few decades later the dera considers itself to be holy place of a particular caste group. Money mainly from foreign sources flowing into the dera then gives the dera head ideas above his station and he starts to dabble in politics. The funny thing is that most of these chamars don't even know they are being taken for a ride. They assume that they are following their own caste leaders but the sirsa idiot is a Jat as is the radha swami leader.
  2. Why are you supporting India at all? Don't you know how many Sikhs India has killed?
  3. What a stupid thing to do. I would feel embarrassed to have firstly had these people round and put a programme that was bound to be heated on and then brag about it on this forum and claim 'what a laughing stock we are'. Only a fool would place himself outside the 'we' especially when he showed such stupidity in the first place. I suppose due to your stupidity these Pakistanis were able to take the high moral ground even though their own people are bombing the shyte out of each other!
  4. Contrary to Shaheediyan's depiction of the debate as a joke and an embarrassment, I found it extremely enlightening. Mind you, self flagellation is Shaheediyan's default position when it comes to anything to do with Sikhs. Perhaps that comes from watching too many Shia channels! Anyway back to the debate. It consisted of two members of the three groups standing for the committee elections on the 6th March. It had Sohi and I think some guy called Garcha from his committee. Sarpanch and Malhi from that committee and two guys from the third committee whose spokesman was a guy called Gurpreet Singh. I found Gurpreet Singh to be the most articulate and his views made a great deal of sense. He attacked both of the other groups based on facts rather than personal attacks. It did get heated especially when Sohi and Malhi were questioned on the issues that their committees had failed on. Malhi and Sarpanch could not answer the question as to why they sent coaches to the Hyde Park protests yet gave a saropa to the Indian High Commissioner. Sarpanch was forced to admit that he did not support this act but then we was put on the spot as to why he did not resign from the committee. Sarpanch's only retort was that his land had been seized by the Indian govt and he is on the blacklist and not allowed to got to India. Still not an reason for why he didn't resign. He attacked Gurpreet Singh in that his committee contained too many relatives and 5 members from the youth committee that ran the Gurdwara from 1984-1994. The programme was not ideal but it was the best and only chance that members like me can see the groups having to answer uncomfortable questions. Rather than being a joke and an embarrassment according to some pitnay-wale, where else could you have see Sohi and Malhi answer the questions which the whole Sangat wants them to answer. I can't imagine them being asked these questions during the committee meetings. Personally the four members in my household who before the programme were likely to vote for Malhi but given the debate we will most probably vote for Gurpreet Singh and his committee.
  5. Nah don't wish that on Dal Singh, If his views about Jats are true, we'll see Dal Singh's laash floating down the Thames courtesy his Jatti's father and brothers!
  6. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! After the Jat shock therapy either Dal Singh will be in a box or become a tolerant, accepting and a well rounded human being!
  7. What does surprise me is that some Sikhs are all too ready to accept some simplistic Islamic explanations of why Muslims do certain things but want a thesis in order to accept why they as Sikhs should do or not do certain things.
  8. Nope, I don't suffer from Dalophobia. How can you fear someone whose beliefs about jats are a constant source of amusement. If I was Dal Singh's therapist I would prescribe some shock therapy, maybe a weekend of watching Jat films, followed by hanging out with a gang of freshies all day and listening to their guppan. Then a stint of a day with a Bhangra group where every few minutes they all break out in a chorus of Buuahhs and balleh ballehs!
  9. Thanks Dal Singh, where would we be without your pearls of wisdom? Like I thought, you have serious issues my friend and my advice to you still stands. You need some counselling to get over your hatred of Jats which is not available on this forum. You've been found out and now your true face stands exposed. Now what's the likelihood that had the boy been a Jat and the girl a lower caste, that Dal Singh would spun this story into one of his 'jats rape lower caste girls' fantasies? This brings the next follow on question, does Dal Singh suffer from Jatphobia?
  10. The real question is where is Dal Singh and why isn't he playing his Jat bashing dafli on this thread?
  11. Let's be honest here, the scumb*g got what he deserved. It's interesting how people on here jump to conclusions straight away..ie Jat Raj Zindabad type comments. How would Amardeep react if some guy is caught hiding under a bed in his home? If a Jat boy was caught in the same position and got killed then I would say he deserved it as well. If you enter someone's home in the middle of the night in order to play out some bollywood love story then you deserve everything the girl's family hit you with.
  12. It's a magazine. Although the two other magazines of SGPC such as Gurmat Parkash and it's Hindi translation are online on the sgoc website, Gurdwara Gazette isn't online. If your local Gurdwara has a library then chances are they will have a copy of Gurdwara Gazette.
  13. There are two good documentaries on tonight worth watching. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ven8CUiEGu0 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1356361/Shame-Britains-Muslim-schools-Secret-filming-shows-pupils-beaten.html http://movie-tv-episode-database.com/Documentary/Geert-Wilders-Europe-s-Most-Dangerous-Man--787167/
  14. Some of these behams might be punjab wide or regional to Malwa. 6. Three people should not leave the house together on any task as it's bad luck. The way to counter this is that one person leaves ahead of the others and meets the other two at a predetermined spot. 7. Only wash hair on monday, wednesday, friday and sunday. 8. Not to do the washing on a day when a family member has gone on a long journey. 9. Budh Kam Sudh - always start any new task on a wednesday 10. Not to bring anything metallic home on a Tuesday. 11. Not to swing your legs when sitting down - especially kids 12. Mothers use the black grease from a nalka to use as eyeliner on their young sons. I think it's supposed to stop the evil eye. 13. Not to brag about the birth of a son as someone might do a haunka - a sigh and that's bed luck on the kid. I think this can also relate to just bragging about what good luck you have had and then someone sighs, (ie why didn't that happen to me! )and that affects your luck.
  15. The 1985 elections can't be compared to a normal election as a lot of Sikhs boycotted the elections due to the stance of Baba Joginder Singh, the father of Sant Bhindranwale. I think he set up the United Akali Dal which was joined by Tohra and Badal. The SAD after Longowal's killing was led by Barnala. Rajiv Gandhi was criticised that the Congress had not fought hard enough to win the elections as they wanted to have the Akalis in power to deal with the militants. The Hindus voted en mass for the Congress and the Sikhs who did vote, voted for the SAD. There was no choice for the militants as the United Akali Dal boycotted the elections. Baba Joginder Singh later admitted that the boycott was a mistake as it allowed the moderate Akalis a free run.
  16. The Shuddhi movement was very successful in the 1920 especially amongst tribes which still had residual Hindu customs even though they had been Muslims from some generations. The Mehrat Rajputs of UP underwent Shuddhi as did other Muslim tribes. This was one of the reasons that the Muslims started the Jamaat-i-islami. You need to realise that one of the main benefits that Muslims gained through partition was that they had a state of their own with which they could enact laws and use the resources of the state to entrench Muslims into Islam. We see this now that the Muslims in Pakistan are the most fanatical about Islam, whereas prior to 1947 a majority still had many Hindu customs. The Hindus never carried on with the Shuddhi movement after 1847 and have only recently revived it to bring in Hindu tribals who had converted to Christianity through inducements from the missionaries.
  17. Had India not be partitioned in 1947 then the likelihood is that the Hindu leadership like Hindu Mahasabha and RSS would have made more of an effort to continue the Shuddhi movement aimed at converting Muslims which they had started in the 20s and 30s. After 1947 as the Muslims were only 10% they overlooked the Muslims for over five decades. No sensible leadership just stays mute while it the people it claims to represent starts to become a minority. Once the Muslim population had started to go towards 30% in a non-partitioned India the Hindu leadership would have started a mass campaign to increase the Hindu birth rate to at least the level of the Muslims. Pakistan might be half covered by mountains but it still has over 20% of it's land area (between Chenab and Ravi) which is the best agricultural land in Asia, most of which was developed by the Sikhs.
  18. Chatanga is right. The Muslims were the main winners of the partition. They managed to gain 24% of the land area of India whilst they only had 25% of the population in 1941. With only 70% of the Muslims population of united India they got land equivalent to what 100% of the Muslim population should have got. They have ethnically cleansed the non-Muslims out of Pakistan and Bangladesh whilst living as equal citizens in India. They have about 13% of the Indian population so at any stage they could become a third column in the event of war.
  19. A Duggu I worked with told me so that makes me an expert on East African Sikhs and their relations with the native Africans!
  20. No doubt like the African Tarkhans the farmers will have to move out. Hopefully they will leave a better impression than the Tarkhans did in Uganda and now Kenya!
  21. Mithar, What's the expression, none so blind as those who refuse to see! Dalsingh is the personification of that saying. What he knows about the situation in Punjab you could put on the back of a postage stamp! and most of the space would be filled with just the word Jat. He hasn't even been to a Pind let alone lived there for any length of time in order to see whether his preconceived notions have any basis. You can expose his lack of knowledge as much as you want but as with any hater he would just brush it aside. First he's an expert on the pinds without ever having been there and now he's an expert on the east coast gangs and is arguing with someone who lives there! Aside from the comic element of his posts, my advice is to just take any of his views on the Punjab pinds as a lot of hot air.
  22. I'm sure you can access the video if you use a proxy server with a UK IP address. Just found the same video on youtube. It should work for everyone http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfED3F26M3w
  23. Come off it Dal. You posted the whole news report and made sure you highlighted in bold about the numbers of soldiers now in jail or suffering mental breakdown. If that's not gloating, I don't know what it. If you are gloating at one side of a war then naturally you are rooting for the other side. You denied you have underlying mental issues with Jats and I suppose similarly you are denying that you hold the Taliban as your heroes. Given your hero worship of the Taliban, I am sure there's a vacancy for the oldest 'dancing boy' of Afghanistan just for you!
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