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Everything posted by tonyhp32

  1. Dalsingh, The easiest way to deal in stock and not risk your cash is to sign up for the milliondollar challenge on cnbc. There's a chance to win $ 1 million and some other prizes but the best part is that you can use the site as a learning tool and for paper trading without risking any of your own money. http://milliondollar.cnbc.com/? The contest starts tomorrow
  2. There's no doubt that if Matheen produced these tape recordings, the Nangs will claim either that they are fakes or that these Babay are making counter statements as they do not want to 'rock the boat'. This kind of denial is a trait in all cults. Once people have brought the guppan hook like and sinker then they are loathe to use their common sense. A good example of this is the way you, Satgyan-Pujari ( you are a pujari of something but it certainly isn't satgyan!) cannot accept that you have been caught out LYING about the views of KGM. Your explanation that the above does not BLAME NIHANGS AND NIDDAR FOR BLUESTAR is -; What a joke!
  3. You might not have mentioned Bluestar by name but what was the-; Stop digging and admit your error and move on.
  4. Look up the word slander before you post your sanctimonious claptrap. It's not propogation of the art but a way to make money. If they cannot sing Gurbani yet live a life contrary to it then what does that make them?
  5. For a system like Sharia which claims to be God given and superior to man made legal systems, it take the genius of men to make sense of the ramblings of Mohammed and his alter ego Allah.
  6. Is telling lies about what someone has written, in this case KhalistaniGunman a way to greater unity? You accused his specifically of blaming Nihangs and Niddar for Bluestar so either place the quote here or accept that in your eagerness to badmouth SikhSangat you got carried away. I agree wholeheartedly with his KGM's views as quoted by you. He is right that Nihangs after 1984 had a very bad rep amongst Sikhs as well and it will be a cold day in hell before you see uk nangs fighting for the Panth.
  7. This Kul thing is the biggest scam going. Any Tom, Dick and Abdul makes out that they are of the kul of some Gursikh and Sikhs go ga ga over him. The biggest scam of recent years was that descendent of Rai Kalha who takes the Ganga Sagar on tours to fleece Sikhs of their hard earned money. I have seen women place gold rings and bangan as charawa to the Ganga Sagar. Does anyone seriously believe that Guru Gobind Singh gifted the Ganga Sagar as a means of fleecing his Sikhs?
  8. The communists won less seats in the 2007 assembly elections than they have party factions! If you are wondering they contested 39 seats and lost in all of them!
  9. I've debated with these N.angs on various forums going back to the original N.ang on the Sikh History Forum nearly a decade ago. That was when he was formulating his bukwas by cutting and pasting biased translations of Gurbani from RSS and Hindu websites. He then went on to create these sites. The problem you will get when debating with people who believe in fairy stories of 'secret texts', 'secret history' and 'secret martial art' is that they never offer any concrete evidence to back up their fairy stories. They have the best cover story for not having any evidence, it was after all a secret! The only evidence they always offer is some Baba or other whose guppan were recorded by some n.ang usually sometime in 1999.
  10. They'll never know unless they try. I think we've tried living under the Indian system for over 60 years so why not try and become independent. Are the southern Sudanese more deserving off freedom than Sikhs?
  11. Nothing beats listening to Kirtan from a hukka smoking Muslim! I wonder if he still does a kurli after doing Kirtan so as to clean his mouth after having to recite 'Kafir' scriptures? One hopes he does Ishnaan at least.
  12. The coin is not from 1804, the mint of that time would not have used the Gregorian year but the Bikrami samvat. The date 1804 would be 1747 AD. It looks like the coin might have had the the date put on at a later date.
  13. How am I defending jattism? Reservation which at one time was needed has now created a situation where people whose background is Jat, Tarkhan, Saini, Kamboh and Rajput now have no hope of ever getting a government job no matter how highly educated they might be. I would take your comment more seriously if you actually knew anything about reservation in Punjab. Funny how the two people on this board who have never been to Punjab think they are some kind of authority on it.
  14. The problem is the reservation system itself. It does not take account of the fact that there might be rich dalits and poor Jats. It just assumes that all dalits are poor and all jats are millionaires! The reason that castes which would never ordinarily consider themselves as backward trying for inclusion into the OBC list is that they can then at least go for jobs and college seats on an equal footing. At the moment a job will be offered to a dalit who has just scraped a pass in their degree and denied to a jat, saini or suniar who might have passed with flying colours. When people claim that the educational system in Punjab is down the toilet then the reason is that the teaching jobs have been cornered by chamars who know they do not need to study to get a good pass, just show their sc certificate and they can walk into the job. It is not selfishness that is making other castes fight for the obc status.
  15. It is ironic that an organisation aiming to spread knowledge about the Harmandir Sahib uses the term 'Golden Temple'
  16. This shows what the true agenda is. Why would a chamar have issues with Sant Bhindranwale stickers? Chamars are as stupid as the Jats who bring out Jat songs. They forget that the true masters are the Brahmin-Bania combine who rule India.
  17. The problem is that when Punjabi youths come over they, unlike Somalis, Iraqis and Afghanis are unable to claim political asylum. If they could claim asylum they would be able to get housing and benefits to survive just as the Somalis and others get. It is useless complaining that apnay should stay in Punjab and yet the world and his wife are coming over to the UK and getting benefits and free housing. Everyone has a desire to improve their social and financial status. I'm not surprised at our Jat bashing Thoka Dalsingh's lack of sympathy, to sympathise you need to care and have a knowledge of someone's situation. As he doesn't know jack about the situation in Punjab we can perhaps forgive his hard hearted comments. No doubt if it was some thoka duggus coming from Kenya after getting their businesses confiscated by the kalay he would be beating a different drum. Ignoramuses like Dalsingh think that all farmers in Punjab have lots of farmland and just sit around while the bhaiyas do all the work the farmers make the profits. Farming for the vast majority of small farmers is unprofitable and they only do it just to survive as there are no other employment avenues. The government jobs have reservation for lower castes. Education is down the pan with each and every child having to pay for tuition just to get a bare education. In such a situation either a revolution has to take place and the old order destroyed or people migrate in search of better pastures. For many small farmers selling the one acre they have in order to finance their offspring getting to the West or Australia/ NZ is the only avenue they have left.
  18. If you start from the top left hand corner you can clearly make out "ek onkar", unfortunately the buckle obscures the rest of the text but after the buckle you can make out " Aas Guru Nanak Ji Ki" then the buckle and line below "Jaagihro Pehro Loha" On the right hand side it starts " Saariye --- jeetay Doot Sidaar" Then the buckle and line below " --- din rakhay raat raakhay "
  19. A simple Thoka like you might want to look up terms with which you might not be familiar with. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/race%5B3%5D?show=0&t=1303887719 3race noun 1: a breeding stock of animals 2a : a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock b : a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics and 1. A local geographic or global human population distinguished as a more or less distinct group by genetically transmitted physical characteristics. 2. A group of people united or classified together on the basis of common history, nationality, or geographic distributio. 3. A genealogical line; a lineage. 4. Humans considered as a group.
  20. Funnily enough, you might need to 'blame' the Gurus for the martial law theory as they made the Khalsa into a martial race. Any Hindu having some fire in his belly and a sense of adventure became a member of the Khalsa and aligned himself with one of the Misls. The ones who were quietists stayed Hindus. The basic facts are that since the last 100 or so years, the Hindus in Punjab have always been either shop keeping lalas or lower castes. The Sikhs have always been the go getting Jawans or Kisans. There was no British conspiracy, the Sikh as the farmer and the Hindu as the urban shopkeeper had been the case since the times of Guru Gobind Singh. This was also the case in the Muslim majority areas of west Punjab where the urban Hindu was referred to as Kiraar or coward.
  21. You can see the kuka harami who represents Sikhs in the minorities commission on the video below
  22. The Pathans revolted because the war was against the Ottoman Empire whose head was also the Caliph. No similar situation was involved with the Sikhs. If anything they would have relished a chance to fight the 'turks' given how turks are regarded in the rehatnama literature. The only situation which could be regarded on par would have been the 1984 attack and many Sikh soldiers also mutinied as the pathans had done during world war 1.
  23. I don't know what video Sikh channel have been watching, but the Sikh officer is the bas*ard who says 'Pagh dhahlai ehdi' (knock off his pagh) the other harami in the red pagh who is also holding the guy says 'Pagh lah leh' (take his pagh off) The original bas*ard later barks 'Bathah gaddi'ch'(sit him in the vehicle) The Hindu just shouts something unintelligible.
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