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Everything posted by tonyhp32

  1. I think trying to explain to fools that that they are taking the pi$$ out of their people is a losing game. The fact that the guy's wife sent him the joke shows how low and debased some Sikhs have become. These fools don't understand why they will never see Hindus post Hindu jokes on their forums or Muslims post Muslim jokes of their Muslim forums. The non-Sikhs always post Sikh jokes mainly because we have fools in our community who think it's ok to joke about how stupid Sikhs are. Apparently if you can take the pi$$ out of your people it means you have a good sense of humour! The original fool instead of realising what a fool he is then starts to post more Sikh jokes. God help us if these fools ever become the majority in our community. Like the sakhi about the good village and the bad village I hope these stupid Sikhs stay in one place and don't infect their 'humour' on the rest of the community. To the original fool, yes I do not have a sense of humour when fools like you take the pi$$ out of our own people, if that makes me a Taliban, a fanatic or whatever other adjectives you want to throw at me in trying to prove how enlightened and liberal you are then go ahead. FYI Some Hindu woman at work accidentally forwarded an email with some Santa Banta jokes and I made sure that management disciplined her and the Muslim woman who sent the original email and both came close to being sacked. They had written warning and their argument is that even Sikhs enjoy Santa Banta jokes. Even the Black guy who investigated the matter agreed that these jokes are racist. Now perhaps you will realise why I take strong exception to these jokes especially when fools in our own community start to posting them on Sikh forums.
  2. That's the most idiotic excuse I have ever read. Maybe you should engage your brain before submitting a post. You probably complain about Sardars being portrayed in Bollywood films as stupid but your are just proving their point. Firstly, what you stupidly posted on here was a santa-banta type joke used as a way poking fun at Sikhs. Secondly, it then uses terms that is uniquely stated at the end of the Ardas to bless those who have made a voluntary donation. So what next hero, you going to use some Gurbani to make a crude joke?
  3. Nothing funny about the joke. The funny thing is that some non-sikh made the joke up to show how stupid Sikhs are and some Sikhs on here have just proved his point.
  4. The Hindus of Pakistan have the Hindu government of India to protect them so why should we care what happens to them? Where are your BJP, Bandar sena/Trishul dharis Hindus who like to scare the minorities where they are in a majority, let's see them go to Pakistan and protect your Hindu women who are daily being abducted,
  5. A Bania Kirar writing about Jats, what a joke. Like with most things you know f all about what you write about. First learn about the difference between the Jats such as Deswali, Bagri and Pachhada and then come back on here and tell us how glorious the history of the Hindu Jats was.
  6. Another retard joins the Islamic nuthouse!
  7. Well while the majority of the population were effeminate Punjabi Hindus then it was under foreign rule before the Khalsa was created
  8. Hindustanis are monkeys, Sikh are not Hindustanis ergo Sikhs are not monkeys. Is that so hard to understand? Only a batty boy Hindu Punjabi like you would believe the Bullshyt that comes out of the Indian media. It looks like the monkey Hindustani media would like a repeat of Mumbai 2008 but this time involving Sikhs. FYI I think the Mumbai attack was wrong in that it attacked innocent civilians, had the attacker just resorted to killing Indian police like that 'encounter' expert harami that was killed then I would have nothing but admiration for the attackers. What they did against civilians was grotesque.
  9. These monkey Hindustanis have been crying wolf about Sikh 'terrorists' for the last decade. One part of me hopes the report is true and these Khalistanis wreck havoc in India as they have had it coming to them for years now!
  10. Backstabbing, man your people the Tarkhans are well known for backstabbing. They have virtually made it a virtue. The ones from India are slightly better than the ones for Africa. I can only assume you are one of the duggus from Kenya, the ones who blame everything negative that happens to them on the Jats. A duggu loses out on an overpriced building contract, he blames a Jat because the Jat gave a more competitive quote. A duggu's off licence goes down the pan because a local tesco opens up down the road and he blames his Jat customers and laments why they shop at tescos instead of paying the duggus highly inflated prices. Ask a Sikh of any background what their experience of Tarkhans are and they will always say it is negative. At least the other Sikhs tend to be straightforward but the duggus will stab even their mother in the back as long as there is a couple of pennies in it. You need to get off you high horse and stop hating on Jats, it's our fault you were born a duggu, get over it and move on.
  11. Just because the demand was from the Akalis it meant that it was a sectarian demand! You are following the same faulty logic that the Punjabi Hindus used to try and sabotage the Punjabi Suba demand. It is the same logic that turns a demand for more state powers into a secessionist demand. When will the Punjabi Hindus learn from their mistakes? Their foolish actions ensured that Punjabi Suba became a Sikh majority state. Their actions against ASR ensured that the demand for Khalistan was raised. Now they welcome the Bhiayafication of Punjab when they will also suffer most from the criminal activities of some of the Bhaiyas. Your slanted views show why there can be no unity between Sikhs and Punjabi Hindus. You and your ilk celebrate any loss of the Sikhs and sulk when there is any win for the Sikhs. Why should not the Punjab have a Sikh CM? We are over 60% of the population and democracy ensures that the will of the majority is carried out. At least the Jats have a claim through democracy whereas your Brahmin-Bania are less than 10% of the population and yet have ruled India for the most amount of time. Should you not be protesting this fact? Why don't you Punjabi Hindus try and become CMs of Himachal and Haryana? Maybe because the Haryanvis and Paharis know what traitors you are and they do not want to place their faith in traitors. It is only the foolish Badal Akalis who are sharing power with the Punjabi Hindu traitors. If they had any sense they would ditch the anti-Sikh Punjabi Hindus and rule on their own.
  12. You are the one who is in denial. The Punjabi Suba demand was for Punjabi areas to be separated from Hindu speaking areas and constitute a state where the official language would be Punjabi. How is this demand sectarian? The fact is the if the Hindus had not denied that their mother tongue was Punjabi then the Punjabi Suba would have been a state where the majority albeit a small majority would have been Hindus. How can you blame the Sikhs when it was the Hindus that ensured that the Punjabi Suba would be a Sikh majority state by turning Punjabi speaking areas into Hindi speaking ones.
  13. So, if a whole community disowned their mother tongue then what does that make them? Haramzadas
  14. Go back to sleep. You have nothing constructive to write but your own prejudices which have been proven false each and every time. You are becoming a parody. You haven't even been to Punjab at least the Hindu Punjab misnamed as Sher appears to know something about Punjab but fools like you who have never been to Punjab suddenly become experts. The statistics prove that the urban Hindus and the urban Sikhs are the worst offenders for aborting females. As many urban Sikhs are tarkhans then you belong to a community which is the worst kurimars in Punjab.
  15. I am not surprised at your reaction. You like nothing more than trashing Jats and as the Hindu version of you in our friend Sher also like to bash the Jats so you do not like it when statistics are produced which give a lie to your prejudices. Rural Punjab is not dominated by Jats aborting their daughters one second and raping a Dalit girl the next, get over it!
  16. As it states in my post, there figures are from the censuses of various years. It's called original research and not the Hindu propaganda that you are sprouting. The 2011 census is of no use to the debate we are having because it has not published the figures for religion yet. The figures are only available for the censuses prior to 2001. Until those figures are available we can only use the 2001 census to debate the points you raised. Your argument that Sikhs are the biggest Kurimars in Punjab has been proven false.
  17. The Punjabi Hindu sprouts half truths and propaganda and has little facts to back these up. The Punjabi urban HIndu is the one who started the trend with selective sex abortions. The clinics that doted the cities then started to appear in the small towns and from there the rural people started to take part in these disgusting acts. The Punjabi Hindus have always had a low sex ratio compared to the Sikhs. These are from the censuses of various years-; 1971 --------1981 --------- 1991 -------- 2001 Sikhs -------865----------882 ------------ 891 ----------896 Hindus ------- 863 ----------873------------ 867 ----------845 Our Hindu Punjabi friend seems to think that just because the Hindu majority districts have a higher gender ratio then it means that Hindus don't have sex selective abortions. It is actually the higher sex ratios in Sikhs that give these districts such high gender ratios. Here are the figures for the Hindu majority districts in 2001 Gurdaspur Sikhs 906 (Rural 910 -- Urban 886 ) Hindus 877 (Rural 889 -- Urban 865) Jalandhar Sikhs 929 (Rural 939 - Urban 906) Hindus 864 (Rural 886 -- Urban 847) Hoshiarpur Sikhs 960 (Rural 963 -- Urban 936) Hindus 923 (Rural 936 -- Urban 878) In fact the rural areas of these districts the Sikhs have a higher gender ratio than the Hindus. The Hindu Punjabi is plying propaganda that Jats are killing their daughters and the Banias of urban Punjab are not aborting their daughters. But the figures above show a different picture. He also makes a big deal about Fatehgarh Sahib having a very low sex ratio. But it is the Hindus in that district having a low sex ratio that brings the whole district down to last in the sex ratio for Punjab. Fatehgarh Sahib Sikhs 881 Hindus 774 Lying is a Hindu Punjabi trait especially when it comes trying to malign Sikhs.
  18. Don't let him rile you. It's a common Hindu tactic. He talks of Jat owned Khalsaism. That's a really original argument. Looks like he's been reading Mcleod or something. For someone who comes from a religion where one can worship Amitabh Bachchan as an avtar or worship rats and serve them milk, he will not understand or appreciate the rehat of the Khalsa. For him if Sikhi was a religion containing contradicting teachings then why follow it when you have the uberreligion of contradictions in Hinduism. If Sikhi is about rehat then he will never accept it because his mind is conditioned to accept any anything goes attitude. He has issues with shastars in the Gurdwaras yet will happy accept any number of half naked but armed sadhus as enlightened persons.
  19. I read the book when it was first published in the mid 80s. It's extremely biased and presents the government's view with a few criticisms of the government just to keep some pretence at being objective. Tully's daughter is married to some wealthy Hindu who has connections to the congress party. He is hardly and objective author.
  20. Stop taking your sanatan BS. The Sikhs were over 2 millions during the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh and the population went down when the British annexed the Punjab when the self servers reverted back to being Hindus when it didn't make economic sense to stay a Sikh. The Sikh population then remained static and started to increased from 1881 on wards.
  21. MI5 won't do anything. He is just a typical Hindu Punjabi scum.bag If they were to take action against him they would have to put the rest of the Hindu Punjabi in prison as well. Best to let the f.ool wallow in his belief that Hindus are some kind of warriors. Chances are the next time he has any beef with a Muslim, Black or even white racist he will be running to the Singhs asking for protection just as his worthless ancestors did throughout the last five centuries. Leave the khusra to his delusions of grandeur.
  22. Either you are trying to be very PC or you have no idea of what your religion teaches about non-Muslims. There is no such teaching as equality between Muslims and non-Muslims. For the life pf me I can't fathom why someone would want to convert into a religion where the so-called prophet allowed his followers to RAPE captive women prisoners. Married a child of 9 years of age and ordered the murder of old women poets who had criticised him.
  23. So you took it out on them! It is interesting how the fight back came after the British had gifted the country to the undeserving Hindus. Show me the Hindus fighting in places where they are a minority to the Muslims and then we might agree that you Hindus have some pride.
  24. The Ravidassia are Hindu Chamars from Doaba region who had been influenced by Sikhism who are now attempting to create their own religion. Whether this is successful or not is another matter. Various attempts had been made in the last century by them to break away from Hinduism such as the Ad Dharm movement and in the 70s there was a movement to become Buddhists, Their attempts at creating Ravidassia dharam will turn the Hindus into a minority in Doaba region.
  25. Ok you won the argument when two muppets like Manmohan Singh and Navjot Sidhu do means that Sikhs are becoming Hindus. You obviously don't have a clue about what politicians will do to get the votes of fools like you. As for Bhaiyastan, good luck to the Punjabi Hindus when the Bhaiyas take over in Delhi. You think they are you co-religionists and have some regard for you but all you and other Punjabi Hindus are to them are cash cows to have their necks slit and murdered for money.
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