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Posts posted by gsingh00

  1. Javanmard,

    I see one fault in your arguement, you seem to be putting guru sahib on the same level as his sikhs, Guru Sahib could do whatever they wanted, however, as a Sikh we are bounded to the bani or guru sahib. The argument that Guru Sahib went hunting so it is fine for Sikhs to eat meat doesn't hold up just because u cant compare a Sikh to their Guru. We are bound to our faith that bani is 100% correct.

    jee-a baDhahu so Dharam kar thaapahu aDhram kahhu kat bhaa-ee.

    You kill living beings, and call it a righteous action. Tell me, brother, what would you call an unrighteous action?

    aapas ka-o munivar kar thaapahu kaa ka-o kahhu kasaa-ee. ||2||

    You call yourself the most excellent sage; then who would you call a butcher? ||2||

    how can we continue to say bani is 100% true, if we concur with this translation but still say eating meat is alright?

  2. this is how all these meat augments always seem to end up

    One person provides translations of bani which sem to give the impressionion that eating meat is wrong, and then another guy comes and provides translations of bani which seem to show that there is nothing wong with eating meat. Now how can both of these translations be correct, can bani ever contradict itself?

    Instead of providing out of context or false translations which seem to oppose eachother why don't we try understanding what each tuk is saying.

  3. i would reccomend the katha on kalki avtar by baba avtar singh, epecially the overview he does at the beginning of the katha. It seems to me a lot of sikhs make kalki avtar to be another coming of Guru Gobind Singh Jee or another sargun saroop of akaal purkh, which I personally do not agree with, not truely undertand why it's done. Granted that Kalki avtaar should be shown a lot of respect, to put it on the same level as guru sahib seems plain wrong to me. Also, not to forget, although kalki avtar sill clean up the gandh, he will also end up saying he is akaal purkh and make the same mistake other avtaars also did.

  4. i think you guys are a little confused on what "traditional" taksaal really did.

    Just look at Sant Gyanee Gurbachan Singh Jee's tenure as jathedar. Not only did they do MASSIVe prachar but were also very involved inthe politics of the panth. Unlke Dhumma however, the past jathedars were not stooges or puppets. They came out and spoke the truth, regardless of what anyone thought about it.

    If Dhuma is speaking up against Ashutosh, then I commend him for that, as I also do for him standing up against this Gulshan guy that SGPC wants to make head granth of harmandir sahib. However, that does not mean that his other political mis-haps should just be forgotten.

  5. indeed it is a problem. and the first step to solving it would be to get youth to actually listen to kathavachiks like baba jagjit singh, instead of listening to tupac/50 cent and watching garbage movies.

    Katha needs to some how be promoted to the youth, or we need some english katha or something......it seems like the only time youth come to the gurdwara is when its a AKJ program/youth keertan.

  6. note**

    if you read my post before and didnt understand anything I wrote, re-read it, cuz I fixed the gramatical errors, and it now makes sense.

    Also, Happy, even though I don;t agree with many of the beliefs AKJ people hold, I see this as no reason to try to throw an insult at them whenever the oppurtunity presents itself. Sikhs are so eagar to protect people of other religions whenever another Sikh says anything negative about another religion, and some even go to lengths to make sure nothing negative is said about groups such as naamdharis and radhaswamis who directly attack our religion. I'm not saying these people are bad or wrong, as it is a good quality to stand up for other peoples dharams. However, are the beliefs of AKJ not worthy of being defended? If you can defend people such as naamdharis and call them "gurmukhs" (as i have seen on this forum), then can you not atleast see some positive in AKJ people? If nothing else, atleast AKJ people dont look at guru sahibs bani as just a book (well, atleast they respect 1429 angs of bani), and to even suggest that AKJ twists the history of Sikhs even close to the amount that it is twisted by naamdharis would be a joke.

    My point here is not that we should hate people of other dharams, in fact it is quite the opposite, and we should not only respect other religions but also respect people that are members of your own religion..

    PS: once again I did not proof read my post, so if it made no sense, my bad


    Moderator note: This topic is locked until further notice. Please send us all your queries through PMs. Please send private message to N30S!ingh

  7. neo, whenever anyone says that this forum bashes a specific group, you always write, gimme an example of where a group was bashed.

    Althought I am not AKJ, it is obvious that Akj is being "bashed" by happys first post here..

    If I was ever to write bhai daya singh samparda is full of crap (which i would never say), my post would get edited for sure.

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