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Posts posted by HSD

  1. 1 hour ago, dalsingh101 said:

    Come on the guys retarded. Just randomly picking on some passer by Hindu and spouting his shyte. Imagine if he was white and done something similar to some random ethnic. Only a skinhead type or something would be loving it.


    What's happened to you man?  



    If you go to a fast food place at night there are altercations. People will be going into these places after drinking/drugging or just looking for trouble, not just because they were hungry. I remember it was common for people to eyeball each other, swear or insult, ask people to step outside etc and most of the time it came to nothing.

    Saying someone has manky feet or helped the EIC is hardly the worst things I’ve heard, the average racist/islamist/hindutva says far worse about us. We’ve only seen what was said after the little guy started recording, he could have been the instigator for all we know. 

    What I will say to Sikhs is if some white/musi/indian starts mouthing off at you but then pulls their phone out, it’s to record you. Don’t fall for their provocation like this guy did. They are recording this to get you fired or to get you arrested. 

    As for loving it, what do you make of something like this, where it looks like an adult pak went after two Sikh kids (notice how the other sulleh are slyly on code with their guy):


  2. Seeing as some people don’t like these videos I’m going to post a disclaimer: 

    If you think a video with black on black is showing them as violent, then don’t watch it. 

    If you think black on non-black shows them as aggressive, then don’t watch it. 

    If you think non-black on black shows them as weak, then don’t watch it. 

    If you think non-black on non-black is excluding them, then don’t watch it. 

    Whatever I post is going to be taken the wrong way by those who want to be offended. 

    Anyway, get ready for some good videos - I’m posting them regardless of who is in them. 

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