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Posts posted by HSD

  1. 17 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:


    What do you make of this? You're usually clued up about this geopolitical stuff. 

    What is it that you want to know? This stuff has been around for a while, have you just heard about it old man?

    I first came across the BRICS in 2005. It was used to describe potential high growth markets. As the wiki states it was Goldman Sachs who came up with it but this was to sell shares/bonds from those places to investors and clients. Even the name BRICS is meant to sound like bricks which are used for construction. Construction implies growth and growth hints at profit. This was the vampire squid of Wall Street using potentially lucrative economic development as a way of getting its clients/investors to give them more money. 
    In reality only China lived up to the hype. Brazil was riven by political issues, Russia faced enmity from the vindictive occident, India couldn’t get over the colonial hurdles left by the brits and South Africa has a lot of crime and health issues that hold it back. Goldman Sachs kept all the money it was given though and charged hefty commissions. 

    The whole BRICS thing is responsible for some Sikhs investing in East Punjab following the Great Financial Crash of 2008. This in turn led to a whole load of problems. If you’re thinking of doing the same you should tread carefully. 

  2. 10 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Not so clued up on doxing people. 

    Stop crying you weird little hobbit.

    You’re not clued up on haplogroups and the science behind genetics. You're not clued up on posting Gurbani and not being blasphemous. You’re not even clued up about who your dad is. Or the difference between the Irish and Welsh. 
    All you are good for is munching on free food, begging for money and making snarky b*tchy comments that are typical for someone who comes from an angloid single parent home. You’re not even Sikh so why are you here? 

    Also did you create a guest profile to argue with yourself on that wooden weapon thread? How sad is that!

    Stop replying everytime I am mentioned. I know you’re a sad obsessed mentally ill freak but I don’t want anything to do with you. Go talk to all the other nutters behind my back like you did before. Or go work on your dumb ideas like the camera for a gun!  


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