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Posts posted by HSD

  1. 14 hours ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    I think two thirds of it, if not more, would make a great Sikh homeland. 

    I try and pitch it to the zionists that hold the rss leash all the time but their little devils pact is too entrentched in facism. 

    Ultimately the zionists don't care about us at all btw. 

    Absolute lunatic post. 

    17 hours ago, paapiman said:

    Some Baloch militant groups have joined Taliban right? Is the situation in Pakistan really bad? Is there a chance that Pakistan will split into different nations?


    Bhul chuk maaf 

    Everyone has the knives out for each other in that country now. Only a matter of time before it all implodes. Not surprising as it’s a Frankenstein country built on brishit criminality. 

    We just need to make sure our lot in East Punjab don’t take any refugees in from what happens next. As well as get them prepared for the violence that will come with the fallout of a failed Islamist state. It won’t be long before Hindustan goes the same way. 

  2. 4 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    So much lack of realpolitik in your thinking, it doesn't look like you've had much real life experiences outside of a pampered bubble.......

    In another post you said (and maybe there is some truth in what you said?), that some brown people in E. London may have subconsciously imbibed that indigenous, regional tribalism famous in the area. Okay, but I think you may have also imbibed that pompous, know it all, twat mentality from your educational background/influences. I don't blame you for it - it is what it is. 

    I don't claim to be able to predict what the future holds, but still, a block like BRICS could potentially have a lot of economical sway - to the point of potentially becoming a dominant force in time. It appears as if A LOT of nations are tired of western hegemony on geopolitics. This could be a driving force. But, it's not all clear cut - India's issues with China, the outcome of the Russian-Ukraine conflict and a host of other things are obstacles. I see Argentina wants to join, but what I know about actual top level nazis ending up there after 'WW2' and how they've developed colonies over there, makes that questionable. Iran (a top oil producer) being able to circumvent US sanctions against them, would also benefit.

    Also, I think your arrogant dismissal of forces arranged against pro-K'stan Sikhs is bordering on delusional. It almost guarantees a defeat. Before, people were aligned against such Sikhs secretly, and our lot didn't even understand or find out until decades later, and that too, through other people's investigative efforts or disclosures. 


    And the way you appear to think that Sikh identity wraps around some sort of idea of a 'Sikh race' rather than a creed (i.e. a set of beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions), says a lot about you.........hell it looks like you've actually got your own 'identity' off of angloid ideas rather than the dharam you've inherited??? Can you seriously not see that bro? THAT is a PROPER oxymoron.   



    If the best you can come up with is to say back to me what I said to you then you’ve clearly not got a clue. The likes of you and gurjant are too demented and delusional to engage in realpolitik so don’t even start. The BRICS will be a trading system at most and nothing else. If anything the reason it will be a success is if it avoids political and social considerations like the western system does. No one in the BRICS cares about Nazis in Argentina, even Brazil want them in there. 

    You are so out of it all you can come up with are tired cliches and stereotypes that were barely relevant in the 1990s but now come across as derangement. I had a fairly austere upbringing and never went to a fee paying school. The fact that you have convinced yourself otherwise just shows that you believe whatever suits you. Coupled with your need to stick people in convenient boxes this shows you have an angloid mindset that doesn’t allow you to think otherwise. Not all of us spent our childhoods lounging around reading comics or sh*tting ourselves at the prospect of physical discipline from our parents like some people. 

    If you are a coward when it comes to Khalistan, I don’t blame you. This must be very scary for you and popularity matters for people like you. It was fairly evident that India wasn’t fighting by itself, just because some thickos take decades to understand something doesn’t mean every Sikh is like that. I’m the one who has posted about other peoples interference in 1984 and Khalistan, not you. Don’t talk as if you’re the knowledgeable one on this. Any Khalistani suggesting a return to the methods of the 80s/90s is a moron and shouldn’t be listened to.

    I have never said that a Sikh race exists. That’s another straw man argument that you keep bringing up without evidence. Everyone knows Sikhs we’re different before 1849 compared to now. The Sikhi  you believe in is just the post annexation nonsense where the brits instilled universalism into Sikhs and co-opted the faith to suit their needs. What angloid ideas do I espouse? Your beliefs are just some fruity hippy nonsense mixed with warrior larp. As for creed, anyone can pay lip service and say the right shibboleths to come across a certain way. You must be very naive and gullible not to see that. If there is someone on this forum who hanged out with racist skinheads in the past, it wasn’t me…..

    An oxymoron is a term to describe a few words that contradict one another. It can’t be applied to beliefs or attitudes. Learn what something means before you start going off on one. 

  3. 5 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    What about Saudis and Iran joining? That could be a game changer you silver spoon peasant. 

    Right now, Saudis are buying cheap oil off Russia and then selling it back to the Europeans to circumvent the 'price cap'. Which is hilarious when you think about. Russia still gets paid, and then the Arabs too.

    Plus in terms of K'stan, India just got a whole lot more international support to help quash it if it came to it. 

    So much wrong in one post I can’t believe the senility of it. Let’s start with the casteist oxymoron as that is just the same dumb thing you say every time. At least try to come up with something original. 

    As for newcomers, well Iran will get in but Saudi Arabia is a bit too close to Pakiland for India’s liking. Also SA won’t last long if it moves away from the West’s sphere of influence completely.  You’re getting a bit carried away with what the BRICS are for as they are not as cohesive as the Collective Security Treaty Organization or the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It’s purely economic with the BRICS. 

    The Saudis aren’t buying Russian oil. If you had passed GCSE Chemistry you would know that the oil that comes out of the ground has to be processed into other products before it can be useful. The Saudis have their own refineries that run on the stuff from their own wells. They don’t have the spare capacity to process other people’s crude oil. They also have lower production costs than Russia so it makes no sense for them to buy oil from them. It’s actually India that has the spare capacity and has been buying Russian oil for a below market price before shipping it to the EU. Putting sanctions on raw materials is always stupid as once it’s on a ship it is difficult to tell where it came from. That price cap won’t do anything apart from cause more headaches for certain importers. 

    If Khalistan is a no go then all the Hindustan lovers are free to return back there then, yourself included. Let the smells of gutkapur fill your nostrils and the crowds of bandarchods embrace you when you get there as you can all celebrate the territorial integrity of your country as it was given to you by the angloids. 

    It doesn’t bother me how much help India gets. It had plenty of help last time, especially being one of Britannia’s B*st*rds. There is a bit more to it next time. 

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