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Posts posted by HSD

  1. On 1/14/2023 at 8:13 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    I think the idea of Sikh autonomy and sovereignty isn't far from many Sikhs minds. That being said, seeing as how despite decades, there's been no progress or development outside of using the word Khalistan as a slogan to pee off Delhi isn't exactly inspiring now is it. It wasn't originally a 'dumb jutt idea' but you wouldn't know, because you probably wasn't even born when all the stuff was originally happening. But yes, subsequently, 'dumb jutts' under the guise of the police did their fair share of attacking pro-independence Sikhs to the point of sadistic torture and murder. 

    If things were difficult to establish K'stan in the 80s, the situation is stacked against Sikhs even more now. India was just a backwards, third world, back water previously, but it's now become economically and  strategically important (if not central) to big plans. It doesn't make me a shill to have noticed and highlighted the undeniable progress India has made in the last few decades. They have their own space program, they send satellites into space for europeans, their economy is going in the right direction - and any amount of sour grapes on people like your part, doesn't make any difference to that. I know the place is still a backwards sh1thole, but they at least are trying to develop, unlike our rustics. Fact is, a certain type of moron (are you one?) is likely to push apnay into another one-sided genocide because of their hubris and inability to grasp changes and realities. What's your big idea? Get weapons off people who've mass groomed and raped apneean, go 'bwwwaaaaahhhhh!!!' and try and take on an infinitely better armed foe, who could now afford and easily use the latest surveillance tech and have umpteen allies?

    The only good position we are in now, is that on the cusp of another potential world war (if it hasn't started already), we don't have hundreds of thousands of peasants press-ganged and ready to leave Panjab to do someone else's dirty work -  for a change...........


    And we should squarely face the question - do jutts really want a state based upon Sikh theocracy or is it that they just want to do better financially/economically - hiding behind dharam is a cheap shot no one is really falling for, especially when people can obviously see where the majority of the jutt communities proclivities and passions lie:





    See my last point above, but again, that some prominent person (and he was quite well respected in the past) still came out with what he did in this day and age is scary. I hope you are right that it is just a one off hark back to our enslaved days. In contrast, think whatever you want about him, Modi has shown a prudence in the face of a potential ww3 that our lot could learn from. I don't know about the rumours btw. 


    It's you that doesn't get what I'm saying. I'm not saying I can predict what is coming, but it's undeniable that big global changes aren't unlikely to happen, and that our panth is slap bang in middle of the players trying to change the global game.  You might think you're big fish in a small pond, but the pond just grew into an ocean now. 


    All of these years of us bouncing ideas off each other - what the f**k makes you think I've gone this route????? Just because I'm pushing that internal-egalitarian principle Sikh society has unquestionably been based upon, doesn't make me a lefty. Where's your head at?

    Just out of bafflement: how is it that you think I confirm their prejudices?


    Yeah, and we need to avoid a slaughter which could easily be bought about, and have umpteen parties vying for it if not involved (directly and indirectly). I grew up under the shadow of the last andolan - some of us don't seem to be able to learn tactical lessons from that. And plainly put, I don't want to see another SIkh bloodbath - we need to focus on development and modernisation. Not some growth of the current feudal, rural shyte we have going on. 

    What like this shyte? 


    GANGSTER JATT (FULL Video) : Sidhu Moosewala || Punjabi GTA Video 2020 ||  Pistal Group Productions - YouTube


    You can live in denial about it, but my point about apnay making pendu fools of themselves through jutt bhangra culture is as valid as ever. Just because the idiocy comes from close to home, don't be in denial about it mate. 

    And how the eff are we going to get to any modern development until the norm of feudal fighting over acres has ended anyway. I don't think you really know apnay to be honest. 

    Pure Bhangra - World Tour

    Just because you were born then doesn’t mean you knew what was going on. You were as confused as anyone else back then, you’ve said yourself a whole bunch of different things about Khalistan so don’t act like you have a coherent viewpoint. Using your excuse for logic most of the victims of the Punjab Police are jatts too…. how do you reconcile that fact with your warped thinking?

    I’ve already said no one is suggesting a return to the methods of the 80s. Your straw man argument about getting crusty RPDs off the sulleh just shows how you can’t reason properly so you claim someone said something and then argue against it. Anyway it’s clear you are more than happy with the status quo and how India treats Sikhs.

    East Punjabis are already doing other people’s dirty work.  There has been a huge exodus from there if you haven’t noticed. 

    Modi doesn’t have a choice. He gets his weapons and large amounts of raw materials from Russia. Ukraine has always been sympathetic to pakiland. It’s a no brainer for him.  What’s more important here is the backwards Sikhs who can’t solve their own problems but stick their noses in other people’s business. 

    If you don’t understand what is going on then don’t go on about it like you do. You thought the Arabs bought oil from the Russians ffs. If you can’t predict things then give it a rest with the ‘momentous changes’ and other nonsense about nazis in Argentina. You clearly don’t even understand the basics of global trade. The world has always been full of oceans. Just because you learnt something new that was obvious to others doesn’t make the rest of us stupid. It just makes you slow. 

    If you knew how to read you might have remembered the point you made about me using language from the angloid framework. My point is that your interpretation of what I say reflects your angloid mindset. Expecting me to use specific wording to p*ssyfoot around others’ preconceptions is ridiculous. If you haven’t noticed the left like to invent new words and phrases due to claims of issues surround existing terminology. The right on the other hand code their meanings using other words/phrases to hide their true attitudes (like with political correctness or cultural marxism). Crying about the language someone uses is not egalitarian in the slightest. You would understand this if you weren’t so closeted. 

    It’s clear you need to give it a rest about things you don’t understand. Economics is not your strong point and some Great Leap Forward like you have in mind will do more harm than good. Unless that’s your intention all along. If Sikhs find themselves under attack it will be most likely because they have made themselves an easy target. Your roundabout logic and bizarre view on topics you don’t understand is symbolic of a common Sikh mentality that has caused this. 

    Moosewala may have been an annoying poser but he paid the price for his nonsense. Unfortunately you’re not too different from him, whereas he posed with guns as a faux gangster you pose with your ramblings as a quasi-intellectual. 

    I hate to break it you but all the Sikhs that do that bhangra are doing so because they think Sikhi is some modern ‘love everyone, let’s all have good feels n vibes bruv, everyone wants to be Sikh innit’ attitude or a variation on that. You would know if you actually talked to any of them. Your constant attempts to make it into a caste issue show how out of touch you are. Modern interpretations of Sikhi are causing a whole host of problems. Anyway, you’ve just come out with the same tired cliches and stereotypes you always do. It’s funny how you can’t even go a few posts without posting bhangra gifs like your mind is obsessed and broken. It’s obvious you can’t defend your points on the BRICS so you dragged the discussion into casteist territory that you are used to. Senility is a horrible thing. 

  2. On 1/12/2023 at 2:12 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    First thing, you don't know what my feelings are towards India, but one thing I think is ridiculous from you is how you just wash over potentially momentous changes like they haven't happened. We've already had one (previously respected) numpty calling for apnay to jump into the Russ-Ukraine jungh, even after all the panth has been through since the 70s and all we now know about the colonial period. That just shows you our lot still have the potential to make the dumbest moves. 

    Well, don't use these 'angloid' frameworks in the first place. It's stupid thinking like that that keeps our growth stunted. 


    You talk about others not understanding and then come out with this........ you could be our Zelensky comedian leader in future.

    If you recall, over the years I was the one making the most noise about how deeply brainwashed rural pendus were with the colonial propaganda, even decades after the goray twats had left Panjab. It's your tats that are the slow ones who struggle to grasp this. It was apparent to me that the government here didn't give a toss about 84 and whatnot, and it was obvious that they were the ones historically responsible for our decline after their 'annexation'. It was obvious also that the state here were covering up the grooming of Sikh females for decades and actually protecting the perpetrators. If you want to find oblivious dumbos, look closer to home - they aren't hard to miss:


    Desi jatt paun bhangra


    On 1/12/2023 at 2:00 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    If this corridor thing happens, I think India might be even more flush with weapons. We might even get a normalised weapon culture there - which would be inline with our Sikh culture. I know weapons already proliferate, but there might be a better range available. 

    Plus, if India wants to make the country more stable against external aggression in an increasingly unpredictable world, it probably should have a well armed populace - if it has the balls for that, and can control it. 


    Mate, keep it real. Anyone with even half a brain knows that the first people that are going to rip off any 'NRIs' of their land/business/property will be their own immediate family. It's a long standing Panjabi cultural norm.

    Be honest now you’ve always been a bit of a shill for India, especially as you saw Khalistan as a dumb jatt idea. If you’ve changed your mind after all that’s been revealed or just learnt to hide it then that’s up to you. Either way the whole ‘you don’t know how I think/feel’ is a very brishit sociopathic thing to say. Feel free to clarify your views on India and Khalistan otherwise I’ll just go on what you said in the past. 

    Simranjeet Singh Mann’s views are only surprising if you’ve been taken in by the whole crying old man routine. You do know there is a deep rooted coconut mentality in a lot of Sikhs right? When their own people suffer they don’t care but when the west is in trouble they start crying over it and demanding something be done. SSM just reset to his default settings. Speaking of the 1970s …… there were always those stories about him from his police days. Don’t know if they were true though. 

    These momentous changes as you call them have a bit more to it than what you can learn from Wikipedia and YouTube videos. The BRICS will have to learn to settle their future trades in one another’s currencies. This means each central bank having to trust the others with their deposits and reconciliations as well as figuring out ways to deal with forex and interest rate hedging when it comes to future payments. Then there is the whole issue of artificially pegged currencies and the means to resolve issues if a government devalues its currency and the potential effect on the holdings of foreign countries as a result. Not to mention issues around political upheaval. I haven’t even mentioned the likely results of deglobalization in the future too. Or whether these countries will be able to fully trade without the use of SWIFT which is a whole other issue. If anyone doesn’t understand the details here it is you. 

    I’ll use whatever words are convenient as it’s up to you how you interpret them. No one has time to just sit around reinventing or making up words. We all know those with an angloid mindset just see what confirms their prejudices and you do an awful lot of that.  Policing language is another angloid thing as they are obsessed with the superficial. Don’t make me go on about paying lip service and shibboleths again. This looney lefty ‘language/silence is violence’ is just ridiculous. If you let their way of thinking in there is no hope for you. 

    Zalenski is just a cocaine fuelled manlet.  Not sure what he has to do with anything Sikh related. Our leadership is already a full blown circus. 

    As for guns, let’s face it, this India. Most guns end up in criminal hands and people with gun licences end up getting penalised for all the gun related crimes. Though there is nothing stopping a normal person getting one and keeping it a secret. That means no posing like in the music videos or social media. Also, the Russians are going to keep the good stuff for themselves as they need it in Ukraine. No point buying the monkey model stuff they sell off if you know anything about weapons.

    When I talk about investment I’m talking about genuine capital expenditure and job creation, not some feudal fools fighting over a few acres like you are accustomed to. It’s becoming obvious a lot of what you say is skewed by talking to village idiots from East Punjab. Most of the recent emigrants from there are from the towns and cities. It’s a bit racist how all your talking points come back to funny dances/music and stereotypes. It’s like you’re Alf Garnett incarnate. 

  3. 10 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    India will also be able to get crops (via the proposed new trade route) that they traditionally get from Panjab. This just highlights how important evolving away from an agricultural dependent economy is for us. People have been saying this for years but a certain unprogressive majority amongst us has resisted, and yet again put us in a potentially bad spot.  

    It’s beyond that now. People did try and invest in East Punjab only for the Badals to take their businesses off them and scare them away. The Indian govt get the produce from East Punjab at a huge discount. They have no interest in letting East Punjab better itself or paying higher prices for foreign foodstuffs. 

    What’s really needed is a reorganisation of agriculture and better protection for foreign investment against the likes of Congress/SAD. East Punjabis will have to do the jobs that result from this rather than risking it all on getting abroad to work for below minimum wage - having spent tens of €thousands to get there. 

  4. 13 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    What are you waffling on about??? You are a pampered type. And your 'Sikh identity' is so skewed it's comical. You actually think we are some "race". How retarded is that? Just having basic knowledge on the background of the panj piaray would clarify that - where do you get these stupid ideas from? It's definitely not from informed Sikh sources.   Are you another fragile minded peasant that just makes shyte up as you go along, just to keep that brain from overloading? 

    I'm sure no one cares about Argentina's history, that doesn't mean we shouldn't make the wider sangat aware about it.  


    Well, I don't exactly see the movement growing in any sophistication. A few of us knew that outsiders were involved, it's the majority that live in some clueless bubble. 


    These are your own words only a few weeks ago......so you don't even remember what you're talking about? 


    "The Sikh race will undergo a lot soon in order to reforge the Sikh nation. The old parts of what made Sikhs great will undo the scheming and theatrics of the those who have held us back the last 170 years. That means all the white worshipping coconuts, casteists, sulleh appeasing commies and hairy fairies will get what’s coming to them just as the brits are. "




    No! not everyone knows or even care. Most of our lot are pendus. Go to the 'mainstream' Singh Sabha Gurdwaras, the majority there still believe the victorian, anglicised 'Sikhism' thing. 

    You've lost the plot by the sounds of it bro. 




    So more straw man arguments. I’m not pampered and you are stupid to even say so. If anyone has a brain that overloads it’s yourself or one of the other lunatics on here who can’t understand any issues. 

    Take for example your claims that others don’t have any real world experience or are closeted - an accusation you throw at anyone who disagrees with you. What real world experience do you have that makes you so knowledgeable about the global economy and international trade then? You’re so dumb you thought the Saudis would buy oil off the Russians. You still haven’t explained that one. All I can see is that you made it up and then projected that I did the same. 

    As for Argentina, no one cares and no one wants to know. Everyone knows the whole Argentina nazi thing is no longer relevant and is being used by the alt right as a psyop to distract from obvious racism in the west. I’ll school you on a little history: outside of the second world the only country to not have a nazi secret group in it was Egypt and that’s because they accidentally discovered them. Which brings me to your beloved little India…… ever heard of these two?


    Those two are just the tip of the iceberg.

    As for the comment above, you do know that there is a difference between biological race and a nation group? If you read the whole comment I was clearly talking about a nation which can also be described using the term race. I never described it in the biological sense like you are going on about. This is the problem with people like you, no ability to understand nuance or complexity. 

    You didn’t know any outsiders were involved back then. You were as dumb as the rest of the people you moan about. Do you still think you are better than those in East Punjab because your lot left it to go to Britain? Let’s see how that works out. Some would call it karma…..

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