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Posts posted by HSD

  1. On 1/23/2023 at 10:24 PM, paapiman said:

    Can you please elaborate on the point above?



    Bhul chuk maaf

    Ask people from East Punjab about some of the going ons there in the last decade  to get what this means. Think about it. Where did all the money come from for those infrastructure projects over the last decade? Why does East Punjab have such high government debt? Who is it owed to? Where did the SAD/Congress get all their bad ideas from?

    On 1/23/2023 at 10:29 PM, paapiman said:

    You might be right, but don't you think that if non-Jatt Sikhs were more influential in the Panth, our Panth would be, speaking overall, in a better condition?


    Bhul chuk maaf

    I don’t think the poor Sikhs in East Punjab are going to care if someone in the west gets a leadership position as it won’t improve anything for them. They want other things and have more immediate concerns. It’ll just be another person on the gravy train that is the Sikh power structure.

    We would be better off figuring out ways to get rid of bad leaders rather than engaging in pointless tokenism and adding even more layers of useless ‘decision making’. Look at Priti Patel or Rishi Sunak for examples of bad leadership not being dependent on background. 

    On 1/23/2023 at 11:18 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    Whilst he is at it, he could maybe let us know if he understands this guys point of view? I don't mean he has to agree with it, just wondering if HSD even knows what others think about juttism and how it negatively effects the panth. 

    @paapiman Whilst you're at it, what do you think of what he is saying? 


    The guy he is on about has come out of nowhere and I genuinely don’t know if he’s parroting what others tell him or he came up with it himself. As for omissions, if you want token representations just say it. The SGPC can issue a tickbox sheet so every time someone is talked about in a positive way then several people from other castes need to be brought up too. Most casteists are highly derisory of other castes - that’s real casteism. 

    On 1/24/2023 at 1:29 AM, dalsingh101 said:

    Plus you seem to be missing the point. Others are purposefully excluded and undermined. Their history and contribution to the panth purposefully hidden and undermined. 

    The people doing this will not willingly extend equality to them (but the opposite). What choice is there other than to confront and highlight this evil, which has been going on for a long time. It's obvious that the people doing it most have the support of most of their caste biraderi in this evil. Anyone playing it down, excusing it or ignoring it (like HSD does), is simply supporting this stuff.

    It's exactly like institutional white racism where most of it takes place slyly and covertly, and the people behind it rely on other people's silence and obfuscation to continue as they are.  


    How much longer are we supposed to tolerate this crap? 

    There are plenty of topics I don’t post on. For you to maliciously claim I’m a casteist for not yapping on all the time just shows your own prejudice as no one can do right if they are from a certain background in your mind. I let you talk about this subject as I wanted you to feel you were in a safe space and that you were being listened to without those who you feel may have privilege talking over you. Now it appears you were just looking for sympathy for trauma that is not even yours.

    As for comparing casteism to racism, well it was the brits who provided the template for casteists using the floater’s racism as a guide. Come to think of it, I was the one who compared the treatment of certain castes in East Punjab to apartheid initially. You didn’t understand the link back then. Regardless, casteism has stood still whilst racism has adapted. The grandkids of most casteists have moved onto new western mantras like LGBBQ+/Free Palestine/BLM.  Don’t downplay that with your immature takes. 

    13 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:


    I reckon you're angry because this is how you and your mates probably like dressing up and doing when the opportunity arises. 



    Bhangra – Legendary Folk Dance of Punjab – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam





    Hehe, you’re the angry one because you hoped this discussion would descend into pointless name calling like it usually does on SikhSangat but instead I schooled you.

    I don’t even know what dance they are doing. Is that the polka?

    Anyway, it’s not surprising you like going on about brown people dancing when you had this guy for a father figure growing up:


  2. 3 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    If even now, you're failing to acknowledge how a certain caste has infiltrated all major Sikh institutes and have been playing havoc with the principle of egalitarianism that is central to the idea of Sikh society - it says it all.....  But then maybe I shouldn't really be surprised because you've never once addressed the issue in all these years. You are part of the problem, just like a white denying racism has any serious impact on british society. 

    You've completely turned a blind eye to my comments about how an agriculture dependent economy has been, and will in all likely cases will continue to be a dead end for Panjab. If anything things will get even worse in this department if things like BRICS happen, because India will probably be able to get cheap grains and whatnot from elsewhere. On top of the matter of a falling water table and increasingly unpredictable weather. It's not complicated. Plus you fail to address the fact that very few people (including people from farming families) actually want to do farming. This is no mysterious thing, even the children of farmers in the west have this problem.  It's laughable how you've failed to comprehend my point about wider global geo-political changes having the potential to change the game in Panjab. That was the whole point of the big fish in small ponds suddenly finding themselves in an ocean with a whole bunch of new things to contend with. 


    It's funny because I learnt that 'rectal parasite' phrase from you years ago. At that point you were making the very point that we can't continue like this. You're one to talk about having an island monkey way of thinking - you're not even capable of conversing with the people you try and champion in their own native tongue. So it's no wonder your ideas are so 'out there'. You really haven't mixed with apnay - and if you did, what did you do, speak broken english with them? I'm not saying this to have a dig, but in all sincerity, how can you be influenced by, and absorb your cultural heritage (Sikh one NOT Panjabi)  without being able to communicate with people or read/access texts which help you imbibe the culture? None of us are perfect, but that gaping vacuum puts you in danger of all manner of miscomprehensions. That's doubled because a large number of people you encounter don't know much themselves. 


    Now we see your toffo nature coming out. I'm better than you and more intelligent.....course you are........

    I've had intelligent exchanges with you in the past. But i don't think we are going to progress until we confront and defeat the current norm of disgraceful inequality amongst Sikhs. We all know who the main culprits are in terms of trying to position themselves as some high caste, superior beings in the panth. I've been warning about the consequences of this for well over a decade - and look!!! Exactly what I was trying to warn about has come to be - we have people leaving the panth because of discrimination and forming their own groups as well as conversions to other faiths because of it. Then we NOW have opportunistists jumping on the bandwagon too. People like yourself helped bring this about through underplaying the issue.  


    If we had a better culture than the normalised cut throat one in Panjab, we might be able to circumvent some of Delhi's moves against Sikhs. It's not just one way. Plenty of our own are willing instruments in what's going on. 

    What a load of gibberish. I've tried hard to uncover precolonial Sikhi over the years. Are you going to deny that? You've lost the plot. If anything I was at the forefront of trying to highlight the 'jedi mind trick' done on apnay's psyches during colonialism. To your credit, you did recognise this to some extent. But you are in a tiny minority. But things are slowly slowly (hopefully changing). It might take a few generations the way some of our lot are so slow (and frankly apathetic). 

    That just reinforces what I'm saying: a man who primarily wrote caste based, 'hard man' songs turns out to be the most popular singer in modern times - it just perfectly reflects what I'm saying about where the majority of this crowd's head is at!  


    I'm not an economist - neither are you. None of us can accurately predict the future. But it looks like big changes are coming whether we like it or not. You STILL fail to address the issue that most people in Panjab don't want to work in the agricultural industry. And on top of that, a diverse, modern economy is a smart move.

    I did that collage to make a valid point about where we are and how I feel about it in a humorous way that even an unlettered imbecile could understand.  And it's not just bhangra, it's a whole pendu mindset that is also part and parcel of that, that is holding us back. I don't watch Panjabi music videos btw. I don't watch the films either. You can just do a 5 second search and be flooded with evidence of where apnay's heads are at in this respect.


    Alone Jatt ||Dhamaka Bhangra Dance ||Jassa Dhillon ||Gur Sidhu ||New  Punjabi Song 2022 /Dance By Hit - YouTube

    There was no infiltration though. They were placed there by the you know whos. This goes for literally every position back then. For you to dumb it down to simple casteist nonsense just trivialises what happened.  For you to associate me with british racists shows how demented you are. I’ve already talked about the issue plenty over the years but just because I don’t pay lip service to the same old discussions each and everytime isn’t a sign of anything. We can’t all be mental like gurjant and constantly post inane musings and mock concern all the time. 

    None of your economic points stand. As I’ve said before, India gets foodstuffs from East Punjab at a significant discount. In fact, India ends up exporting a lot of it to other countries. There are no cheap imports compared to their domestic producers. The water table is dropping because they grow water intensive crops there - those are the only ones guaranteed by the government’s minimum price scheme. If they could grow others they would but they aren’t allowed to. East Punjabis are also completely fascinated with westernisation. It’s a huge driver of various issues amongst them. I’ve already answered your other points about BRICS, I’m not going to keep repeating myself as normal sane people don’t say the same thing over and over again repetitively. 

    A lot of freshies won’t even speak Punjabi once they get here. You may speak to some yokels who don’t know anything but the townies and city folk are a mixed bag in my experience. Acting as if you have a monopoly on apneh is just weird. They do all sorts of jobs and have varied education levels, though those aren’t always good indicators of the sort of person they are.  I can’t believe I have to spell this out to you but there are people who’ve read Granths and literature their whole lives….. but it hasn’t changed who they are. If you are using this as some sort of measurement for people don’t be surprised if it doesn’t turn out to be quite accurate. Just take a look at most of our committees for examples.

    You just can’t stop crying that I know more about these topics than you. You try and sound knowledgeable, then you call me a know it all and finally you just resort to conjecture. Class envy is a weird thing for a Sikh to do.

    When it comes to conversions the main cause is the obsession with westernisation, with casteism and poverty being secondary causes. If you actually talked to these people you would know that. People like gurjant go around on this forum spewing xtian verses and you are silent. Now you care about conversions all of a sudden? Do you think I am as dumb as you are?

    I won’t call you an amateur hour Indiana Jones but you sometimes do come close to it. Most clued up Sikhs know that the colonial period wasn’t all benevolent brits giving us ‘choo-choo’ trains or letting us join in their ‘international escapades’. They effectively lobotomised and then robbed us before trying to finish us for good. Those who don’t see it this way have a vested interest in deluding themselves. Come to think of it I was the one explaining the ins and outs of what was going on to you. 

    Moosewala wasn’t just popular with Sikhs. As for his songs, well he said he was a Khalistani but then tried to get elected with Congress so who knows what he really was. 

    You don’t know what qualifications I have or what I am. I know a damn well more about this subject than you. It’s all well and good claiming you want to move forward, but the Badals said the same thing and look what they did - a colossal unprecedented mess. You will probably end up causing a Great Leap Forward type event with your thinking. Go look it up if you want to actually learn something rather than repeating yourself. You don’t even know about the debt levels of the government there, who their loans are owed to, the issues surrounding paying loans in foreign currencies with changing interest rates and the harm brishit management consultants have caused over the past decade to East Punjab. Have a clue about something before you start going on.

    The collage was primary school level. You’re going to have to do better if you want to be taken seriously. In fact, feel free to post it on various bhangra music videos and social media pages. Don’t just save it for the lucky souls on this forum. 

  3. https://www.amazon.ca/Parasite-Rex-Bizarre-Dangerous-Creatures/dp/074320011X

    For centuries, parasites have lived in nightmares, horror stories, and the darkest shadows of science. In Parasite Rex, Carl Zimmer takes readers on a fantastic voyage into the secret universe of these extraordinary life-forms—which are not only among the most highly evolved on Earth, but make up the majority of life’s diversity. Traveling from the steamy jungles of Costa Rica to the parasite-riddled war zone of southern Sudan, Zimmer introduces an array of amazing creatures that invade their hosts, prey on them from within, and control their behavior. He also vividly describes parasites that can change DNA, rewire the brain, make men more distrustful and women more outgoing, and turn hosts into the living dead. This comprehensive, gracefully written book brings parasites out into the open and uncovers what they can teach us all about the most fundamental survival tactics in the universe—the laws of Parasite Rex.

  4. 3 hours ago, dalsingh101 said:

    You've just reinforced my point about dumb juts derailing the movement.  If we didn't have such a strong mercenary/sociopathic tendencies in that caste/tribe/race (whatever the f**k you're selling that shyte as these days?) we wouldn't have had our own, destroy the movement. But you (typically) don't learn and struggle to face the truth. Until cohesion in the panth is high (and I specifically mean the panth here and not just peasants) , we're highly likely  to end up in deep do-do. 


    I don't think you can reason properly. You've got no logistics planning, no coherent strategy, an idiotic economic plan revolving around farmers and farming when it should be obvious the only people who 'want' to work in that sector are seriously desperate and impoverished people from other even more backwards states.  Your vision is typically poorly thought out, myopic thinking, centred around the usual jut sense of entitlement that's dragging us down.  

    I dislike how India treats Sikhs as much as I dislike how hordes of fudhus in the panth treat others due to their backwards thinking. 


    Of course. Having failed in everyway possible (in terms of economy and society)  certain people are now trying to escape the mess they've created. These people have always behaved liked opportunistic rectal parasites. No nothing new there. 


    And that specific behaviour has a long history and is a trait that characterises a particular subgroup. Look close to home. 

    My point is that if India is coming up, Sikhs might as well take advantage of it. 

    You also need to face up to the fact that we can all see what a shyte state of affairs a certain people, who have long considered themselves as some sort of natural leaders of the panth, have created. You talk to these twats and they go on like our current state is nothing to do with them and their decisions. You're the slow one, with the weak brain that doesn't seem to have any critical thinking skills when it has to point close to home. 



    I'll be brutally frank with you, I'm more worried that despite all your rabbiting on, at this point of your life you still haven't made sufficient to master your mother toungue to be able to access original Sikh texts. You're Latin is probably better than your Gurmukhi. The only issue with that is that for someone who goes on like you have Sikh interests at heart, you don't even have seemed to have done the rudimentary to preserve your culture (and I don't mean the grinning like an idiot, waggling your head part of your culture here).  And again, you've just shown yourself to be a twat again, after all I've said over the years, you think I give a shyte about you referring to goray as angloids? No, what  I find more disturbing is your disingenuousness and stupidity regarding your idiotic conception of a Sikh race, which you denied earlier.   You said (to Gurjant): 

    That says it all about where your head is. What the f**k has that got to do with the Sikh panth? 


    You're an expert are you then? I already clearly said the future is unpredictable. Plus like Sikhs haven't already made themselves easy targets. I see how the 'leaders' picked from bhangra singers (who cater to a specific demographics caste identity) have been pretty much knocked off without much effort.


    Bollocks to that. It's the result of a longstanding subversion by a certain caste to undermine Sikh culture and sneak in their own barn dancing culture as if that was a central part of 'Sikh culture'.  

    Before you give anyone any lectures, clean up your own jaats act. You w@nkers have pushed us in this stupid direction. Sort your mess out and stop being in denial about the panthwide consequences of your actions.  If I post those things it's to drag your heads out of the ground and show you what stupid place we've ended up because of a certain people's 'culture'. Confused tats, trying to tell everyone else what's what.........it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. 


    What's so hard for you to understand? I don't see any prosperous, stable future for Sikhs in Panjab if they continue to stick to a heavily agricultural based economy.  


    Stream GogsDhesi | Listen to Bhangra playlist online for free on SoundCloud

    If your understanding of the Khalistan issue comes down to a simple caste binary then you clearly don’t get any of the issues around it. 

    You fail to make any clear points and then drag the debate back into the usual casteist nonsense you are used to. You say people only want Khalistan for monetary reasons yet you also moan about the british colonial period….. even though the Indians are doing the exact same thing by reducing Sikhs to nothing more than farmers and fighters. You whinge about how bhaiye are treated in East Punjab but are too thick to understand that the whole need for cheap labour was caused by the reduced prices that are paid by the government for agricultural produce in the first place. The rest of your second paragraph is just a buzzword salad, typical mud slinging without substance. You watched a few YouTube videos and read a few Wikipedia articles and then started spouting about big fishes in little ponds who are now in oceans. It’s laughable how ridiculous and whimsical your understanding of this topic is. 

    Don’t act like you care about East Punjabis. You called Sikhs being enslaved in Italy some form of karma. You’ve said in the past you feel you’re better than them because your lot left there early to come to the U.K.  Now that is an island monkey way of thinking. 

    Just as soon as you claim these people are a concern to you, they are then called rectal parasites.  You have a very thinly veiled contempt and self hatred for Sikhs but considering your background that is hardly surprising, it has become an intrinsic part of you. 

    How exactly are Sikhs going to take advantage of a growing India when it’s in the Hindustanis’ interest/mentality to keep us down and do us harm? For someone who claims I can’t critically think you don’t seem that good at it either lmao. Your schizophrenic tendency to turn everything into a caste issue just reflects your inability to face how most Sikhs are today regardless of their caste background. Othering a problem doesn’t make it go away even if it makes you feel better by accusing others and absolving yourself. 

    Not everyone learns their heritage from translating Granths. Plenty of history is passed down from in other ways. Anyway it’s becoming apparent that my intelligence is highly triggering to the likes of you, premi, gurjant etc. People like yourself are so used to acting intelligent that when you come across someone who knows more than you your ego just can’t take it. Typical Sikh quasi-intellectual attitude. 

    Once again you fail to acknowledge context. It was gurjant who bought up haplogroups in the past to claim his ancestors were brown. The science is sketchy to say the least but I won’t go on about why as you’ll just start crying that I’m a know it all. Come to think of it, gurjant told me that I should be grateful to live in a white country and called me ‘boy’ even though he is a middle earth manlet - both examples of a racist mindset. Funny how you don’t bring that up. Most likely because you want some Macauliffe figure to b*m lick and be your oceanic g*ylord. I’d rather believe in the concept of Quom than carry on like you are. 

    Moosewala made himself a target and got hit hard for it. Says a lot about Sikhs if this is their idea of a hard man. 

    It’s pretty clear I get this topic a bit more than you do. You’ve shied away from every point regarding economics I’ve brought up. I won’t bother asking again, you know the things you don’t understand. 

    As for the rest of your points it’s the same old casteist nonsense. If you think sitting around on MS Paint doing collages of Pulp Fiction and some dancer is a good use of your time then I can’t really set you straight. It’s infantile but also bizarre. I’ve made my points about bhangra above, feel free to talk to these people to find out the truth. That’s if you’re not too busy watching stupid Punjabi music videos. 

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