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Posts posted by HSD

  1. 1 minute ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    No it's funny. I don't need your permission to post. 

    Well if you keep replying to me with inane comments or moaning about me constantly then that’s harassment. 

    1 minute ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Prediction. Another question will go unanswered. 

    How's that "racist"?

    You’re comparing my actions to a genocide against Native Americans, the fact that you need it explained to you shows what a twisted evil colonist you are.  

  2. 1 minute ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    ? Refute his points ? I don't know about pedo circles that's all you bro. 

    Just now, GurjantGnostic said:

    Bro..it's obvious you aren't a Sikh. 

    I’ve already mentioned redshift to counter his point about no evidence of a single moment of creation. You’re clearly too dumb to understand even basic things so don’t expect any more explanation. 

  3. 1 minute ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Uhh...I started by responding to your posts where you quoted me?

    It's a public forum?

    Theres an ignore button?

    You've left a trail of tears of lies and dropped points? 

    I’ve never quoted you on this page. You’re insane. Why don’t you use the ignore button then if you are so b*tthurt by my posts?

    Referring to a trail of tears like that….. damn that’s racist. 

  4. 1 minute ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Oof. Fail. Here's a mirror. 

    Just now, GurjantGnostic said:

    Was this dude always special needs or he like....suffer a tbi?

    Still not going to explain why you listen to the logic of a paedophile? It’s clear that if you watched a two hour video of nonsense then you’re the one with the mental issues. Even his own people have said his views don’t fit any known concepts and they were going on things they learnt from the bible only. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    I still have an account I don't use. You can see my post on this site explaining that. Another L for bright boy. 

    10 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    He left out before you hurt yourself again. 

    You don’t use it because you harass people on there just like you harass me on here. I’ve told you to leave me alone on the BRICS thread but you are just too psychotic to know better. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Ill go bottom to top,

    Okay so tackle his arguments. 

    Only person who shouldn't be posting is you. 

    My views are on both forums I don't see you debating anything. 

    Sorry to hear the dude is a pos, debate his points. 

    Now heres the sad part. 

    Gurbani says what about creation?

    What Yugh is it now, and how do they work? 

    How long do we live now compared to Satyug. 

    Thank you for executing yourself.


    More ridiculous gibberish. Redshift of light proves that the universe was created at a single point. No one is going to watch further into the video as the guy is clearly a stupid creep.

    Why are you a crypto-xtian? Why are you posting videos of a paedophile and his arguments that you agree with? Own up to who you really are. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    By all means post the links. 


    You ever been tested for allergies to things like Gurbani and the Truth?

    Prediction? No links are forthcoming. 

    They buggered you off the forum. Now you’re here. Why can’t you understand that?

  8. 1 hour ago, dalsingh101 said:

    You really do jump to conclusions at a drop of a hat sometimes......

    What 'beliefs'' do you think I have about this???? (That was rhetorical, no need to answer).

    To clarify to your often over active mind, I'm just observing what is possibly taking place and the potential broad implications of this. It is interesting and of especial relevance to Panjabi Sikhs, and it could well (if successful, and we know that there are a lot of obstacles in that respect) change the global game against white western euro/us hegemony. 

    I think the more interesting aspect (to me anyway) is the proposed new routes for goods transport. If that gets pulled off, basically europe would be out of the loop. But knowing them, we could expect all sorts of shenanigans to derail things. Also, given that containers may have to traverse close to pedostan waters, we'd probably see them trying to become the 'somali pirates' of the region. 

    Your beliefs referred to the attempts you made at understanding economics. Go crack open a macroeconomics textbook and get back to me when you’ve learned something.

    Dont project your hyperactivity onto me. As for the rest of your ‘insights’ I’ve already answered them. Your piracy comments are new but also silly. Most BRICS countries have navies large enough to carry out convoy escort or maritime patrol duties. Pakiland’s navy is entirely reliant on China too, I doubt they would let them just become pirates. Any criminal gangs who try to operate from their coast will get wiped out. Have you seen what modern naval guns can do to unarmored targets?

  9. On 2/6/2023 at 5:35 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    I'd have never guessed he was gay..................

    Guess he’s the one who put the sh*t into ‘City Sikhs’. 

    On 2/6/2023 at 6:48 PM, GurjantGnostic said:

    Kinda like a gay whats her name from ss everyone fell all over. Jas. Hsd remembers her. 

    You would know as they buggered you repeatedly lol!

    On 2/6/2023 at 7:51 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    Hard to tell who is the train and who is the tunnel with this pair..............

    Odd thing to think about…..

  10. On 2/6/2023 at 1:48 PM, GurjantGnostic said:

    Fully worth the listen.

    Gurbani clearly supports creation. Here's some arguments against the religion of evolution, being both unscientific and racist. 

    There is devolution in Gurbani not evolution. Same as sceince. Entropy. 

    Lemme know what y'all think. 

    These args alone kill the evolution religion. Let alone other modern scientific refutations. 

    I just don't agree with his timeline. 

    And ya know bro....your contributions here seem to have a common theme and agenda and it isn't to support Sikhi. 

    Which group you represent?


    I would ask you to quote Gurbani but seeing as you’ve butchered it in the past on purpose I won’t encourage any further sacrilege.

    As for the rest of your nonsense, I will point out that he has quoted a video from Kent Hovind, a convicted criminal who physically abused his wife amongst other things. Not only that but the guy in the video posted by gurjant also has links to paedophiles:


    Is this the sort of person you are allowing to post on this forum? He can’t be a Sikh as he is clearly a crypto-xtian.

    As for the science, only those who failed their GCSEs or were kicked out of school would agree with him. He even sprinkles in random unconnected words like entropy to try and make his post sound smart. Only a moron would be taken in by his insanity. 

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