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Posts posted by HSD

  1. 1 hour ago, dalsingh101 said:


    Check out the very brief speech from the guy at 144.50 (Ranjit Singh - Azadism). Look how late people are even thinking about this. That doesn't bode well. It's poorly thought out, reactive actions that lead to defeat.




    Some say it’s better late than never but there is a point were it’s too far gone. I don’t have a problem with frameworks and building models for financial planning but bare in mind that this will have to go hand in hand with other things like political and social systems. Tax levels will also be dependent on the fiscal situation a state finds itself in. It’s good that people are beginning to get their heads around these things but they need to pick up the pace a little. Another thing is that any new country needs to avoid pitfalls that other countries have fallen into like taking huge loans from foreign powers.

    I’ll post this guide to the basics of economics which tries to explain things at a base level here though it’s probably better to discuss it on an economics thread:


    The 33 different pages give some idea into how economies are run. Any Sikhs who wants to understand this topic should see it as a good onboarding point, there is a lot more to learn depending on how far you want to take it. Sikhs shouldn’t be worried if whatever system we come up with has parallels with existing systems, as long as it doesn’t cause inequality or illness etc. 

  2. 8 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Bro you don't have an opinion on anyone converting. You're entirely ignorant and not a Sikh. I pray you convert Har Kirpa. 

    With that logic you don’t have an opinion on anything as you don’t have a brain. I was always a Sikh, you’re the convert.  Don’t forget that or convince yourself otherwise no matter how much your ego desires it. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Did allowing jas to shame all her ancestors with her racism and to abuse me bring her closer to Sikhi? Seemed to me she left having served her purpose. And hsd absolutely followed me over here to continue. That's on the page etched in text. 

    I'm all for punjabis becoming Sikhs. I'm not for these clearly...insideous posting trends devoid of truth looking like a red flag hedgehog. 

    I posted to premi they were going to use a female before they did. 

    Wait, you think I’m that Jassa person? She and her white boyfriend may have been racist but you're not much better.

    This is difficult for a narcissist like you to understand but not everyone wants to indulge your child like behaviour. To hide behind Gurbani and claim this is because you are a convert is ridiculous. It’s the way you are that causes these issues.  I’ve never had a problem with normal people converting from whatever background.  

  4. 17 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Look now you're harassing him too. He just wants his privacy and unspoken selfish will respected on this public forum, is that too much to ask?

    Typical hyperbole. How hard is to understand that I don’t want you to talk nonsense to me all day long?


    19 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    You've said nothing again. 

    18 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    And you don't Gurbani at all. Zero. Feel free to link the butchering. 

    You did it on the Just Jokes thread. Don’t act like you’ve forgotten. I rarely post Gurbani because I’m respectful enough to not use my Guru’s words to win banal arguments with the likes of you. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    It's potentially VERY serious. Those new routes will probably have all manner of unpredictable consequences. Opportunistic 'business people' are likely to exploit them. An increase in contraband is a given. So for examples we could have the whisky love affair in Panjab supplanted by vodka. Exotic drugs that aren't usually unavailable becoming available in Panjab like meth or whatever (like many of our lot wouldn't indulge or get involved in the supply). Intelligence networks will form. Experienced mercenaries could be used against us. That all being said, we too could potentially benefit from changes. 

    A lot of that is happening now or has already happened. It’s all up in the air. Another possible issue is that our lot may not even grasp anything and end up being shut out of any positives. It’s like these lot aim for the worst of both worlds type outcomes. Overall I think world trade is going to go through a lot of ups and downs that make greater cohesion redundant, but time will tell. Not trying to be a doomer, just that’s how I see it going - though it’s all there to play for so nothing is completely messed up yet.  

  7. 5 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    Seriously, I don't feel that control you talk about, I feel like hukam is more in control than anything else. More now, than ever. 

    Chill out dude. We're supposed to be on the same team. If I ask you questions, it's because I have at least some respect for your opinions. I don't remotely agree with a lot of them, but I know (from my perspective) you can drop insightful perspectives.  

    So which character in star trek do you identify with most..........you're definitely not a klingon. That's a joke btw, don't get all catty with me about it dude, and you talk about stereotyping when you come out with Alf Garnet being my father figure.......... that was funny

    F**king smile dude. Have a bit of a laugh. 

    ……what makes you think I was joking about Alf Garnett? I thought all East Londoners looked up to him……

    Joking aside, I don’t really relate to Star Trek. It’s just different to most other stuff on tv so it can be interesting. I tried watching Picard and Discovery but they aren’t very good. Strange New Worlds has been good so far. If I had to choose though, I’m clearly a lot like Khan Noonien Singh…..

  8. 7 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:

    Dude, are you okay? 

    Some of that stuff is said tongue in cheek. You're really uptight these days. 

    Those new proposed routes could bring a lot of cultural changes along with them. New relationships. Potentially new industries developing. If this thing comes off, the changes aren't likely to be small. Good and bad will obviously come from it. Economics ain't a field I've ever really been interested in, until recently. I'm not particularly clued up about it. There's no big issue with that.  Really, I think I'm probably more interested in the cultural impact or changes this may bring about. I'm wondering if our own Sikh thing could spread this way? I know certain fudhus in the panth (you know who!) will probably not an opportunity to dress up like colourful bandhers and prance around - but I wonder if this could actually help the panth expedite the process of  mental decolonialisation our people seem to desperately need. 

    And look, as much as your ego seems to tell you otherwise, you, like anyone else, don't know everything.  If you have developed knowledge in particular areas, it doesn't hurt to share it. That's the whole point of forums like this.  You come across as if you think you know everything about everything. Take it down a peg or two.  


    I hope you're alright geez, you seem stressed and touchy. 

    I’m fine. I think your letting your own feelings cause you to read my posts in odd ways. When someone gets into a subject it can be frustrating trying to get them to ‘catch up’ as what may seem obvious isn’t quick to grasp, so it can seem I’m being terse but I’m trying to make sure you’re not being simple about what in time can become quite a serious issue. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    Uhhh...he has a lot of points and refutes redshift. Try harder. Evolution is your religion bro. 

    Gurbani says this was made instantly. 

    He doesn’t refute anything. Even his own side say he is completely wrong. Seeing as you’ve butchered Gurbani in the past, how could you possibly understand it?

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