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Posts posted by HSD

  1. On 2/11/2023 at 1:28 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    I couldn't count the amount of times media mention 'East London' as the location of unsavoury stuff, even when the location is actually miles away (esp. in Essex). 

    There is an agenda to portray London as some out of control, immigrant cesspit, which I'm pretty sure is racially motivated given the demographics. They never do this with white sh1tholes in Scotland, Manchester etc.


    Look at how already they are trying to deflect the racist aspects of the matter by portraying it as some 'rogue family':



    There’s a bit of classism in the moaning about the East End or south of the river. There are good and bad parts all over London like most metropolitan cities.

    As for the racism, they can’t blame all this on one family:


  2. https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d3xxb/neo-nazi-pedophile-cult-arrest-order-of-nine-angles

    Neo-Nazi Pedophilic Cult Member Allegedly Coerced Minors to Make Child Porn

    Angel Almeida, a 22-year-old Queens man, has been charged with sexual exploitation of minors and possession of child porn, among other alleged crimes. 

    WARNING: This story contains references to and descriptions of sexual exploitation of minors and child pornography.

    A neo-Nazi affiliated with a satanic pedophilic cult gave himself away on social media, including posting a photo of himself, wearing a T-shirt that read “kiddie diddler” in front of a swastika, police say. 

    He has since been arrested and charged with sexually exploiting minors and possession of child pornography, among other alleged crimes. 

    After being tipped off to disturbing social media posts, FBI agents raided the home of Angel Almeida, 22, in Queens, New York, in Nov. 2021 and seized a handgun along with occult texts and memorabilia that show his affiliation with Order of Nine Angles (O9A), a satanic group that pushes its adherents to commit depraved acts, including sexually abusing minors. On two separate occasions, Almeida spent months coercing two minors into partaking in sexual activities to create child porn, according to the Department of Justice. 

    Almeida was initially indicted on charges relating to the handgun in Dec. 2021 but was indicted on child abuse charges Tuesday. 

    On social media, Almeida posted images of himself boasting about his alleged sexual crimes, as well as pictures of dead animals, and a firearm (despite being a felon), according to the feds. 

    The FBI was initially tipped off to a Facebook account under the name “Sargent Grey,” that had images of Almeida wearing a skull mask, a signifier of neo-Nazi accelerationist groups in front of an O9A flag. This led authorities to a second account under the name “Necropedocell,” with images of a child bound and gagged and a photo of a handgun with the caption “for the 2k pedophile haters.”

    On yet another account, this one on Instagram under the name Stain_Lord_352, the FBI found the picture of Almeida wearing the T-shirt with “kiddie diddler” written on it. The image also included a sign that read, “I am addicted to hardcore child pornography.” The account posted another photo with the caption “no limits evil” alongside a photo of a bloody cat that had been stabbed with a knife. This account also contained several references to O9A. 

    In addition to finding the social media posts, authorities seized a drawing of runic symbols smeared with what appeared to be blood from Almeida’s house. The bottom of the paper features the words “a covenant signed in blood may the DEVIL walk with you always” and the name of a satanist, also smeared with blood.

    Almeida’s most recent indictment alleges that from July 2021 to Dec. 2021, he coerced a minor into creating child pornography to sell. The documents further allege that Almeida, from Feb, 2020 and Nov. 2021, coerced another minor into performing sex acts. He also allegedly had child porn on multiple cell phones and was selling them as a way to distribute the material.

    The Order of Nine Angles, which was founded in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, has a long violent history and found new life in the internet age. The group has become infamous for its depraved belief system, the violent actions of its followers, and being deliberately obtuse in its ideology. Experts who have long followed the group say sexual abuse, including rape as well as possessing and creating child pornography, is encouraged, and O9A has been connected to murders, assaults, child exploitation and pornography, and sexual crimes against children. 

    “O9A is a very, very small organization, which is very extreme. It's not commonplace, even in terms of the far-right,” Nick Lowles, the founder of U.K.-based anti-racism advocacy group Hope Not Hate, which has been researching the group for decades, told VICE News in 2020. “The last five years or so has been their golden time, in a way. Here was an organization that, up to a few years ago, was deeply secretive, deeply hidden. It was very hard outside of that satanic world to come across them.”

    The Order of Nine Angles traditionally operates through local groups, which they call “nexions.” The group has long worried experts, because adherents don’t necessarily need to be in contact with leaders, nor even other members of the cult, to radicalize themselves to commit violence. So despite the group’s relatively small size, it’s still influential globally.  

    The group has been connected to neo-Nazi terror cells, predominantly Atomwaffen Division, an infamous neo-Nazi group connected to multiple murders, but also The Base.

    “Their reach is far bigger than their organizational size,” Lowles previously said. “You don't measure in terms of numbers you measure in terms of who they're influencing.”

    Several adherents of the Order of Nine Angles are currently serving prison sentences for abuse against children, including Ryan Fleming, a U.K. neo-Nazi who was imprisoned for sexually assaulting a 14-year-old girl and other sexual crimes against children. 

    One unnamed U.K. teenager who stumbled upon O9A teachings is now serving time for terror offences but also multiple sexual assaults, including one against a 12-year-old girl. Many other affiliates have been charged with possession or sharing of child pornography. The list of sexual crimes committed by people, primarily young men, with connection to O9A goes on. 

    In 2020, Toronto police arrested and charged Guilherme (William) Von Neutegem in connection to the random murders of two men. Von Neutegem had posted several things on social media showing he was, at the very least, deeply interested in the occult group. 

    Last year, Ethan Melzer, a U.S. Army private connected to the group, pleaded guilty to his connections in a plot to get his unit ambushed by a jihadi group. The attempt was in the hopes of creating further conflict overseas that would work to further destabilize geopolitics.

  3. 2 hours ago, Premi said:





    42 minutes ago, dalsingh101 said:



    Family Forever members, pictured in 2020, resemble the Black Panther revolutionary activists of 1960s America

    Two suspects arrested over 'vicious' racially-motivated attack on black girl,  15, banned... - LBC


    Mother of 15-year-old beaten by teens in Surrey thankful for community  support | CBC News

    Protesters in stab vests stage rally near homes of group suspected of  racist school attack | UK | News | Express.co.uk

    Police ban five suspects arrested over 'racist' attack on black schoolgirl  from Surrey | Daily Mail Online




    The difference is that the one in Ashford had a group containing adults attacking a child where as the GB news video has two kids of the same age fighting. It’s about time someone started talking about racism in modern schools in britain.

    Anyone notice how the media keeps saying it’s in Surrey rather than West London? They don’t do that when things  happen in other parts of Greater London. Feltham is a right sh*thole so it’s not surprising this happened down the road. 

  4. On 2/9/2023 at 1:25 AM, GurjantGnostic said:



    Learn to pronounce


    exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

    "he vowed revenge with oaths and hyperboles"


    After having me point out you use words in the wrong context, you decided to do the same to me. Unfortunately words can have more than one meaning so you messed up again.


  5. On 2/8/2023 at 4:21 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    Nah, whatever has happened already is nothing compared to what could happen with the planned changes. And if our lot do what you say above, and fail to grasp and manipulate opportunities is it not just natural selection at work? I'm tired of the victim game too many rural apnay play. Yes, we're getting f**ked by others but we f** our own over without batting an eyelid. 

    If things f**k up royally, it'll be because we keep failing to organise beyond feudal level bullshit and don't even bother with strategic planning, modernisation and organising with long term and mid range goals. Instead people just keep winging it without any forethought. It's all well and good pointing outwards, but ignoring our own failings is suicidal and stupid. If this doesn't stop real soon, we will probably be picked apart by multiple sources. 

    Well time will tell. Aimless navel gazing won’t do us any good either especially as we’re already being dissected by outsiders for some time now. 

  6. On 2/8/2023 at 7:33 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    I think the problem goes beyond just economics. It's like nothing at all is planned. Militarily, socially, politically - f**k all. 

    A lot of people can see this, and it might hurt you to know, but that situation is enough to put them off any idea of Khalistan. Cynthia Mahmood decades ago highlighted this weaknesses - f**k all has got any better since then. I don't think apnay have any aptitude for this stuff anymore. We have to start from scratch but by the time we develop, plan and legislate these things it could be too late. Plus apnay don't have much of a history or predisposition in following laws/legal stuff. They are full on third world like that.  

    I get what you’re saying but historically not everything can be planned in advance either. It’s up to the cleverer ones to do the heavy lifting in this department. Anyway, if people aren’t warm to the idea of Khalistan that’s fine with me, a lot of Khalistanis have very varied ideas on the idea too. It’s better to prepare for the right moment than rush headlong into failure again, even if I’m not around to see it. 

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