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Posts posted by HSD

  1. On 2/17/2023 at 4:40 PM, GurjantGnostic said:

    Yes I do. Nice fail. 

    Not surprised you picked cartoons over Gurbani and science...at all

    No you don’t otherwise you wouldn’t have said all this rubbish. The only failure here is you quoting nonsense from a tax evading, wife beating, nonce loving xtian weirdo who only appeals to the stupid or psychotic.

    Cartoons are about the only thing you would understand. As for Gurbani and science, you don’t know anything about either so give it a rest. 

  2. On 2/16/2023 at 8:53 PM, dalsingh101 said:

    Knowing our pendu freshies, we should thank our lucky stars they weren't bhangra-paaing when they filmed this............  

    Plenty of time for that later. First they have to make sure they are given satisfactory accommodation, food and drink. None of that toad in the hole muck that passes for food with the locals. It’s the least the brits can do for them after their long trip. 

  3. On 2/11/2023 at 5:23 PM, GurjantGnostic said:

    Yes Gurbani says so.

    As do cave paintings that have accurate skin depictions of dinosaurs. Which you don't see on bones millions of years old. You see that on...living dragons. 

    So you don’t know the difference between fossils and bones.

    As for paintings, even I could do better and find what you xtian Yankees would call actual video evidence: 


  4. On 2/11/2023 at 1:35 PM, dalsingh101 said:



    I think you need to read these. They also weave in the cold war and neo-nazis into the narrative. 


    Given what I heard years ago on the street grapevine, there is likely to be more behind this narrative than just fiction. The sudden way in which the author died shortly after supplying his manuscript to his publishers  (and before publication) is spooky and shockingly ominous given some of the plots in the story. 

    Hehehe I already read them a few years ago but I didn’t get through them as quick as you did! It’s one of the most realistic thrillers I’ve read and the author wanted to write ten books on the subject so you’re right about them silencing him. The Swedish far-right were meant to be instrumental in sending supplies to fascists for Operation Gladio as they hoped Sweden’s neutrality would prevent them being dragged into a hot war. This is similar to how they acted in WW2. There were probably a bunch of other things he would have come out with too.

    The Lisbeth character was probably based on a real person too, the way she is treated just for knowing things she shouldn’t is how right wing persecution works. Nordic countries like to have a squeaky clean image but a lot of weird things happen there, like the Jennifer Fairgate case.

    Any Sikh who reads these books shouldn’t just presume that this sort of thing doesn’t happen in their own country because it sounds unpalatable. 

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