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Everything posted by HSD

  1. HSD

    Just jokes

    Sometimes when one accusation gets thrown around all it leads to is more of the same. Deescalation isn’t one of my strong points.
  2. HSD

    Just jokes

    I never said I was the one that took the photo or that it can’t be found on the web as well. Doesn’t change how I proved you wrong about everything else though.
  3. HSD

    Just jokes

    God damn you are dumb.
  4. HSD

    Just jokes

    There is a search function. If people don’t like me looking at their profile they should at least have the decency to not keep coming on my profile all the time before they throw around the creepy stalker accusation. As for the other stuff, it can be a hassle answering questions and typing up long explanations so please understand.
  5. HSD

    Just jokes

    I’ve explained myself several times. Stay off my profile from now on, you have both been on it way too many times for just content reasons. I never said I don’t like him. Stop being childish. If you two are going to ask me strange questions and keep randomly posting dumb comments in response to mine, whilst slagging me off behind my back you shouldn’t be surprised by my reaction.
  6. HSD

    Just jokes

    Lol. So it’s ok if you do it but if someone else does it then it’s a problem? Classic racist narcissist. I only looked at his profile because when I went on my profile it showed you two had both been there which is stalking and harassment. Where is Premi anyway, studying for his 11+?
  7. HSD

    Just jokes

    More deflection from a narcissist. You need to seek help for your mother issues and leave non-white people alone. You’re clearly dangerous.
  8. HSD

    Just jokes

    Not everything is about you. You’re some sad American who gets their kicks constantly replying to my posts for several months now. I used to ignore it but you can’t stop. The fact you think everything I do is about you shows how demented you are. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Why would I post videos of black people to trigger you - I’ve got plenty of Irish ones too. You are just a lunatic.
  9. HSD

    Just jokes

    And? He has been on my profile several times over the last few months. You can’t accuse me of doing what you lot were doing first. How stupid are you? You’ve been on my profile several times too. So that makes you the creepy stalker.
  10. HSD

    Just jokes

    You fit the criteria above Gurjant. I suggest you seek medical help. If you can afford it lol.
  11. I have an 150 IQ, certified by MENSA. The only test you and Premi could pass is for MINCER lol. You haven’t explained yourself. Just posted random nonsense that only makes sense to you. That’s not good enough. Try harder son.
  12. HSD

    Just jokes

    Lol. I’ve completely proved your heritage is false. You just can’t handle reality. I post random videos, only a racist like you would chalk up the race of each one. In fact I didn’t post some of the more wild ones, glad I didn’t now. I never claimed you and Premi touched me. What are you on about? Were you touched as a child, hence all the wild comments about abuse? Both my parents are brown Sikhs. I know who my father is, unlike some. Are you sure your dad wasn’t english? It’s not like you would know is it? I bet your mom doesn’t even know.
  13. HSD

    Just jokes

    Lol. You can accuse me of being a narcissist all day but it’s clear you are one. Your constant need for attention and ridiculous self delusions are incredible. I have never creeped Premi’s profile, like I've said several times he has been creeping on mine for months now. Stop accusing me of what you two are doing. You are not psychologically qualified, even though you have read many books on the subject as you attempted to self diagnose your multiple issues. I have never said one is born a Sikh and that’s it - you brought that up as it is your own insecurity about your made up heritage. I have no caste. Ask some people on here who’ve known me for sometime. You asking for personal details again? More stalking and harassment.
  14. HSD

    Just jokes

    Wow, trivialising abuse by claiming I’m a child who has to show where they were touched. Classy.
  15. HSD

    Just jokes

    If you think that was a threat then you are mentally ill. I bet everything is a threat to a sensitive soul like yours. You and Premi have been harassing me for months now. Constantly replying to my posts with inane comments, demanding to know personal details about my location etc and coordinating behind my back. This is stalking, harassment and threatening behaviour. Now you are inciting others to attack me. It’s not my fault that you are obsessed with your delusional revisionist history or that Premi is upset by my intelligence.
  16. Wow, America really needs to pour money into its mental health services. Your ramblings are pure insanity.
  17. HSD

    Just jokes

    I have never done this and you have no proof of any threats. This is a malicious slur against me and I hope you know that.
  18. HSD

    Just jokes

    I’m not stalking his profile, I went on my profile and saw you both had been looking at mine so it’s only fair I had a look at yours. Don’t start sh*tt*ng yourselves over it. Stalking? The hyperbole never ends with you. Nice to know you’ve been moaning about me behind my back. The very definition of nindiya.
  19. HSD

    Just jokes

    You said what you said. I think any intelligent Sikh knows full well what you meant.
  20. HSD

    Just jokes

    Oh damn, a white guy called me a subhuman untermensch. Not the first time it’s happened to me, probably won’t be the last either.
  21. HSD

    Just jokes

    You haven’t answered anything. Nor have you explained why you brought Premi into it.
  22. HSD

    Just jokes

    Yeah I’m really going to do that for someone like you. You still haven’t answered a single point or question. Was that a screenshot from Premi’s phone lol? As for comebacks, I wouldn’t talk if I were you son.
  23. Fail lol? This isn’t your school grades son. You’re pure cringe with your whole noble civiliser talking down to savages like me routine. I’m beginning to think you’re just not able to comprehend basic facts. That’s just sad man.
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