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Everything posted by HSD

  1. He didn’t say anything wrong, was just dumb to get caught caught doing it.
  2. Californian guns don’t sit right with me but it’s better than nothing I guess.
  3. HSD

    Just jokes

    Still trying to get my attention after all these months when I’m not even here, you’re too funny. I’m not the father figure you’re so desperately looking for. Sikhi doesn’t need ambassadors, it’s not a brand that is for sale. You have appointed yourself as some sort of important figure but you’re just a rambling raving nutter who argues with everyone and fouls up thread after thread with inane posts. This is due to you being a sad angloid with a white saviour complex who throws childish tantrums or argues endlessly when anyone doesn’t do what you want. It’s what you grew up with and you consider it normal. Stop it and grow up. Why are you on here all the time? You’re an obsessive narcissist who can’t leave people alone, like a typical white racist. Did you just post pictures of two brown people implying they are the same………… that’s racist broooooooooo lol. I don’t mind having to spell things out or spoon feed the simpletons on here, but I draw the line at having to deal with the mentally ill. Social media has a lot more Sikhs on it, forums are dying due to posters like gurjant.
  4. HSD

    Just jokes

    I’ll take it from that comment that you’ve never met any welsh or been to wales. Most of the world and plenty of oceans are soaked in someone’s blood. You care a lot about it, but you ain’t there either. Anyway, keep your personal details to yourself. You kept bringing those things up so if you don’t want to talk about it… you could try not talking about it. Just make sure you keep your creepy obsession away from me in future. As for the physique and knife fantasies….. lol.
  5. HSD

    Just jokes

    How long were you in the USAF? Point scoring…. don’t make me play the narcissism card again bro. Well it’s not true. Supposedly. You accused me of being a stalker when you were up in my profile. Wasn’t wrong about the welsh either: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wales_in_the_Roman_era https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ambrosius_Aurelianus I ain’t fat either. Or a liar. Cry about it.
  6. HSD

    Just jokes

    I’m also going to apologise to Premi. I don’t know you to be honest and I’ve got nothing against you either.
  7. Don’t be sore. Did you ever take the SATs and if so which year? If you don’t want to say that’s cool.
  8. HSD

    Just jokes

    How could I have taken it if I’m not in the USAF? Your accusations contradict one another from one sentence to the next. You called me fat, dumb and other things without proof either. I sent personal emails from that account to various people. Not this email. You need to brush up on your reading comprehension. It’s not my fault it’s easy to believe these things about you especially with the way you go on.
  9. HSD

    Just jokes

    They claimed to be a concerned individual who followed this forum. They said they knew something about him and then went on about infiltrators everywhere etc. It’s not like it hasn’t happened before. I’m just going to report it. Not giving you my email address. If you don’t believe don’t. They probably have you under watch too if they can get to me. Work fast as in uploading it to the web from this forum. You really need to stop twisting things to fit your narrative. If you’re gonna be rude we can go back to arguing. Ain’t no such thing as a Sikh card.
  10. HSD

    Just jokes

    I have sent messages to some people from it as well. Most of them I trusted.
  11. HSD

    Just jokes

    It’s on Protonmail. I have used it for a lot of sites.
  12. HSD

    Just jokes

    It was on a random email account I use to sign into certain sites.
  13. HSD

    Just jokes

    So it’s definitely not him in that photo then?
  14. HSD

    Just jokes

    I’ve written enough in the past, not everyone wants to read long texts though. Vids tend to be more appreciated. I got sent that photo and some stuff about you. If it ain’t true then I apologise. It just seemed too well put together. When you started having a go it felt like you were making a move. You caught the tiger by the tail. Be popular all you want. It ain’t about the kudos. I look forward to meeting you in person though.
  15. HSD

    Just jokes

    Good thing you don’t get to be the judge of that. Have you received any weird emails or social media messages about me in the last three weeks?
  16. HSD

    Just jokes

    You do know I was taking the p*ss? Most places don’t even do that now.
  17. HSD

    Just jokes

    You keep saying the same dumb thing even though it had nothing to do with you. As for being RSS now that is full retard. Ain’t nothing of the sort.
  18. HSD

    Just jokes

    If it isn’t him, then I need to say something about a weird thing that happened recently. But I need someone to completely verify it like sarabatam, dally or chatanga.
  19. HSD

    Just jokes

    Can someone confirm if that isn’t him in the photo? Like 100%.
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