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Everything posted by HSD

  1. Your whole generation are a bunch of coconuts. Face it, growing up you lot wanted nothing more than to be like them. I’ve never been like that nor have a lot of young ones nowadays. Before you start with the sob stories about being disparaged over curry or called the p-word at school before being chased by Right Said Fred doppelgängers down the street like in a Benny Hill skit, don’t bother I’ve heard it before from everyone else my parent’s age. You lot don’t have a monopoly on dealing with bigotry. As for becoming more religious I’ve had to school some numpty on here about quoting full Angs. Come to think of it I’ve taught you a thing or two over the years as well. For some of us piety and faith are personal things, not some larp to indulge preening egos. None of that changes the points in my previous post you’ve chosen to ignore. I don’t know where you picked up this tactic but you’re like a white person who goes around preemptively accusing others of racism in the hope of avoiding any accusations themselves. All you’re doing is trivialising a serious issue by shoehorning it into things that aren’t related to it.
  2. The idea that your ancestral vocation has an impact on the type of person you are is absurd. Thousands of years ago it made sense to keep a rigid society so that people would farm enough food for society but nowadays people need to do other things. I doubt the Jews were defeated in NYC by a caste structure either, they probably just had kids who moved onto better/safer jobs than selling jewellery.
  3. Shame this one got away, he had such a lovely singing voice.
  4. Hmmmm. I seem to remember someone once saying Sikhs who end up in slavery trying to get to the west (like in Italy) deserved it as some sort of karma. It’s a bit rich to start crying about this then. Also whilst ignoring what the gujjars have been doing. For the record, who has been advocating for gujjars and bhaiye to come to East Punjab and for Sikhs to leave it? It wasn’t me. Half of you lot could have this going on in your pindh and you wouldn’t even know it. Think about that before your start getting hysterical.
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