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Everything posted by HSD

  1. Give the book a go once you’ve watched the show.
  2. It’s good to see people dropping their knowledge and videos. Keep it up. If you are looking for an AK in the USA but don’t want a Yugo made one, Kalashnikov are selling the KR-103 (American made version of the AK-103): https://kalashnikov-usa.com/product/kr-103-7-62x39mm-rifle/ It can be modded with a better stock, hand guard, optics rail etc if this is a bit basic for you. There is also a version of the AK-101 coming soon.
  3. Some of you deny the affinity between them but it looks like Britannia’s B*st*rds have always had a strong bond with their parent country.
  4. Punjab Governor Ch Sarwar thanks Lord Hannan for his efforts Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party for British Affairs and a member of the British House of Lords Lord Daniel Hannan says a statue of the Father of the Nation Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Jinnah will be erected in London on August 14 as part of 75th Independence Day of Pakistan celebrations this year. Speaking during a press conference alongside Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar and UK-based businessman Dr Nasir Awan at the Governor’s House, Lahore, he said the year 2022 was significant for Pakistan, as it celebrated its 75th birth-anniversary. Lord Daniel said he would seek formal approval from the House of Lords to erect a statue of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah in London. He said the UK had already extended full support to Pakistan for extension of GSP Plus status and will continue to do so in future. Daniel expressed hope that ties between Pakistan and the UK will strengthen further. He assured of his full support for bolstering Pakistan-UK trade ties besides fullest support for eradication of terrorism. He thanked Governor Punjab Chaudhry Mohammad Sarwar for inviting him to the maiden visit to Pakistan. Governor Mohammad Sarwar said the statues of Gandhi and other important personalities had already been erected in Britain and now they had decided that a statue of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah will also be erected at some important location in London. “Daniel Hannan has assured that the British House of Lords will soon give formal approval for installation of the statue in London”, Sarwar said. He said Daniel Hannan had also assured full support for establishment of peace in Afghanistan as well as for eradication of poverty and unemployment in the region. Sarwar said he was grateful to the United Kingdom government for its full support for extension in GSP plus status to Pakistan, adding that extension in GSP Plus status will result in benefit of billions of dollars annually to the Pakistani businesses. The governor said exchange of business delegations will help in promotion of trade ties between the two countries. Dr. Nasir Awan said all expenses to be incurred on installation of Quaid-e-Azam’s statue will be borne by him and the UK-based business community. He said overseas Pakistanis had been playing their role in strengthening country’s economy and will continue to do so for the development and prosperity of our country. He reiterated the commitment that the Pakistani diaspora will not hesitate from any sacrifice for the prosperity of Pakistan. https://dailytimes.com.pk/863834/jinnahs-statue-to-be-erected-in-britain/
  5. HSD

    Just jokes

    If you think that’s bad wait till you find out about this guy: What makes you think it’s in Scandinavia? It looks like the U.K. to me….
  6. Esotericism is just a freemason code word for occultism. I’d recommend Epistulae Morales Ad Lucilium by Seneca, definitely a good book for those who are genuinely interested in philosophy.
  7. Reports from East Punjab claim that Deep Sidhu has died in a ‘car accident’ ….
  8. Only one of the accounts was closed. It’s not that surprising as these views are widely held amongst football fans and players alike. Sikhs seem to be obsessed with football thinking it is a sign of acceptance and inclusiveness when in reality the brits only tolerate these Sikhs because they buy tickets kits etc - they just want our money. They pretend not to be racist when it suits them. The brits themselves only like football as it gives them some sense of individuality by supporting a team they can claim they have a link to or gives them a sense of belonging. In reality they are pretty much all the same and the theatrics they go through, whether in sport or politics, are just for show. If you banned football or anything else tribal, these floaters would just start arguing and fighting over which flavour of crisps is the best. It’s just their nature. There is a racial nickname that Sikhs have in the U.K. that started in the football terraces and used to be used in some of their chants. If you know what it is you would think it’s ironic considering what they do to their women every time England lose a football match.
  9. This is a good movie. The motorcycle sword scene is something else lol.
  10. He should do a review for each gun he gets and review accessories too. If he gets popular enough, the gun companies will send him weapons to make videos especially if Sikhs start buying guns en masse. Those of you who have guns in a Russian calibre (7.62x54, 7.62x39, 5.45x39 and 9x39) should think about stockpiling ammo soon. Most of it that you buy in the West is manufactured in Ukraine and if a war starts or they get invaded you won’t be able to get hold of it as easily. Some countries in E. Europe make it but they will either keep it for themselves (like Poland) or it will be poor quality (like from that sh*th*le Bulgaria) so I’ve heard.
  11. The vast majority of Sikh organisations just exist to hoover money up from upset Sikhs for causes they have no intention of fixing. They then sit on the donations until people forget and then spend it on themselves. Most Gurdwaras are managed in the same way. Khalsa Aid leeched over four million in donations that they haven’t spent. Your Sewa is one of the few exceptions.
  12. I think this is some alt-right coup masquerading as a protest so Sikhs need to be careful. This guy has joined them:
  13. I did say purportedly lol. Lots of stories are coming out of the NWFP about constant fighting between the Taliban and Pakistan, hopefully there will be more up to date videos available soon.
  14. The Taliban probably saw the paks as useful idiots. They’ve needed the pak airforce to deal with Panjshir and supplies for their infantry but they look down on Punjabi muslims. Historically, Afghans have always seen Punjabi muslims as some sort of colonial subjects. With all the gear left by the Yankees and the new Islamist friends they have, the talibs probably do think they have a chance at taking Peshawar back. Don’t forget that Pakistan is also fighting against a Baloch freedom movement that is getting deadlier so they can’t concentrate everything in NWFP. Also, the talibs have to rely on the Gulf states for financial aid. Those countries aren’t happy with Pakistan as the soldiers sent from there have been useless in the war against Yemen. In fact the Gulf states are more worried by Iran and her proxies than they are by Israel and India. This means Kashmir is off the table for now. China’s recent skirmishes in the region have led to heavy military buildup there. The Islamists aren’t keen on fighting against Apache gunships anytime soon…. especially as they have so many other easier and more profitable war zones to go to.
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