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Everything posted by HSD

  1. So weak. I don’t think you even know what you are on about to be honest. It’s just bootlicker this, bootlicker that, that’s it. I’m not even a bootlicker, it’s just a culture war slur that people through around so much it’s lost it’s meaning. Your ancestors were the ultimate bootlickers and you’re not much better yourself.
  2. It says motherland in the video, even you should be able to figure that out. Stop hiding behind other people’s music you culture vulture. You’ve already butchered Gurbani trying to prove your points.
  3. HSD

    Just jokes

    No. I’m fine. You shouldn’t drink on the job son.
  4. HSD

    Just jokes

    You lie a lot so don’t get upset if I don’t believe you son. I’m just taking care of my community, making sure they aren’t taken advantage of or harmed by ignorance. Both sides of my family took part in the two wars, nice try at trying to defame them though.
  5. HSD

    Just jokes

    No they weren’t. The Irish werent up to much then. It was my ancestors who were sorting them out. Oh son, who was in command of the EIC forces at the time - it wasn’t that irishman Gough was it lol. Wait a minute, yes it was.
  6. HSD

    Just jokes

    Lol. Stop making it up. Btw what were you and Premi doing on my profile first? Is that a screenshot from Premi’s phone lol? You still haven’t shown me where I went for African Americans. You quoted your own post son, so it was you who said it lol.
  7. HSD

    Just jokes

    No they weren’t. Which imperials were they? I hope it’s not the ones from Star Wars son…..these fantasies need to stop.
  8. HSD

    Just jokes

    No you never son. Stop lying. I had to educate you on welsh history because you’re dumb and now you’re just throwing around accusations.
  9. HSD

    Just jokes

    Answer my questions first son. Leave your boyfriend out of this.
  10. HSD

    Just jokes

    Never said anything bad about African Americans though have I? How are your Black Israelite conversions going lol? Come on son, answer the questions.
  11. HSD

    Just jokes

    The racist always cries they are in danger when they are exposed. As for the Sikh image, are you dangling promises in front of gullible Sikhs again? Trying to scare them with the threat of being alone or isolated? Nice try. We’ve faced worst in the past without your kinds help. What were your ancestors doing in the 1840s by the way?
  12. HSD

    Just jokes

    Did you just put that up? Damn you work fast. Answer my points on this thread or the questions on Premi’s Native American thread if you can. Don’t be a coward son, everyone should be allowed free speech. I was here before you, though that is why you probably want to get rid of me. Did you learn about manifest destiny in school, is that how you came up with this?
  13. HSD

    Just jokes

    Do I need to teach you to read now as well son?! Damn what was your mom doing all this time? Don’t worry, I’ll be your daddy and make sure you pass elementary school this time. I’ll take care of your mom the only way a man can too, like you never could.
  14. HSD

    Just jokes

    Answer my questions first son. Be a good kid for once.
  15. HSD

    Just jokes

    Calm down son, daddy is here now. You answer my questions first.
  16. HSD

    Just jokes

    No worries son.
  17. HSD

    Just jokes

    Don’t be scared now. Or do you mean you only do it for paying customers? Explains why Premi has a vid then…..
  18. HSD

    Just jokes

    No real counters or ripostes. Let’s see the video then if Premi has it. As long as it’s safe for work lol. Calling a non-white man a boy? Oooh who’s the naughty racist now……
  19. HSD

    Just jokes

    Ok liar. You’re still in the USAF even though you say you’re not. The stuff you told us was just some sob story about your background. You’re one of those American larpers who likes to infiltrate other communities to encourage the stupid and mentally ill ones to do bad things to further the culture war your superiors and the DIA/other three letter agencies like to stir up. You’re a troublemaker. This is you back in January of this year: Any Sikhs who talk to this guy need to be very careful to not be manipulated into doing something stupid.
  20. HSD

    Just jokes

    And? You have no proof of either. Just more slurs when you are a bigot who runs to other Sikhs on here to help carry you. Don’t worry I know.
  21. HSD

    Just jokes

    More butchery. These things clearly do affect you though.
  22. HSD

    Just jokes

    It wasn’t a threat though. You posted ad hominem about me, so I just offered to return the favour. Don’t start crying and defecating yourself about the big bad scary Sikh man who schooled you online now you chubby crybaby lol.
  23. HSD

    Just jokes

    If you were a true Sikh then you would know quoting lines of our Guru’s bani rather than the whole Ang is considered mutilation. Nice blasphemy you just did there. It is disgusting how you hide behind our Guru’s words now to advance your agenda. As for the Romans, telling the truth about them isn’t bootlicking. I learnt from an education, not stupid social media or music videos like yourself. Don’t project your own inadequacy onto others. You, by going on about the welsh, have proven yourself to be the british bootlicker.
  24. Did you just google some Native American music videos and throw them on here? Is that meant to mean something lol. It doesn’t change anything I said though does it. Answer the questions. Do you know any Native Americans? What happened to the Black Israelites? Why do you lie so much?
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