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Everything posted by HSD

  1. I don’t think so, I didn’t see it.
  2. It’s not a crossroads though is it as that implies choice. It’s more like coming across a desert filled with people who have their heads buried. Even if you pull them out, stick them in a headlock and peel back their eyelids to see what you see - you know that as soon as you let go most will return to their old position as that is their nature. These people have been like this for 170 years and in some cases are unwilling to change even upon pain or death. This delusional self hatred isn’t something that just disappears when challenged. I think some of you not only underestimate the amount of casteists/coconuts/commies/hairy fairies amongst Sikhs but also that these untoward elements may also be present closer to home/family or even within yourselves. Anyway it’ll be interesting when there is open discussion and confrontation about these elements as there is a lot to say.
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