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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Niddar Singh and his associates did speak to Baba Hari Singh Ji and did not include anything about this on their site. So much for being unbaised and stating all the facts!

    kam veer ji this is interesting... can you please tell us what did they talk about?

    Here you can state your truth..this site is all about freedom of speech by stating facts... so no worries.. !

    will await for your reply :)

  2. Perhaps the Admins on SikhSangat are just trying to avoid a discussion which will lead no where and will only end up creating hatred and anger. Its been discussed many times, the same points will be brought up again and again.

    Perhaps you should post in their Feedback forum and ask to explain their decisions.

    That's only reason I beleive.

    Please confirm with Sikhsangat admins before posting threads about them.

    This topic is locked to avoid un-wanted bickering and slandering.

  3. Sikhism and yoga have found a new home in Mexico, reports Ajit Jain


    IF you visit the Shunia Yoga Life centre in the swank Polanco district of Mexico City, don’t let the owner’s name, Jai Hari Singh, mislead you. He is Francois Valuet, a French national who has lived in Mexico City for over 30 years, converted to Sikhism and changed his name.

    Why? "It (Sikhism) is a way of life. More than anything else, it teaches discipline in life. It is based on the simple belief of one god. And god is inside you," Jai Hari answers. "When there’s one god Khalsa, when you live on simple beliefs, you begin to see a lot of things that make life enjoyable."


    Jai Hari Singh teaching yoga in his yoga centre in Mexico City and (below) his daughter Ananda Kaur with her German-Sikh husband Amrit Singh, who converted to Sikhism eight years ago.


    The change in his religious and social thinking came slowly after he started learning yoga from Harbhajan Singh Khalsa — better known as Yogi Bhajan — a renowned Sikh yoga teacher who came to America in the late 1960s and who died in October 2004. Like his teachers, Jai Hari teaches Kundalini yoga. "After I started practicing Kundalini yoga, my life changed a lot. I became healthier, I was able to control my emotions and my family life became better," he says. "I became a vegetarian. I stopped drinking and smoking."

    There is only one gurdwara in Mexico City. And Arjan Singh, an Indian and a granthi from India, who came to Mexico City in 1976, looks after it. He is also a Yogi Bhajan disciple, and runs a yoga centre. "There’s reference to Kundalini yoga in Gurbani," says Arjan. The students at his centre start sadhana (prayer) at four in the morning. "We teach devotion, meditation. Kundalini yoga gives you strength of mind and body. We can control strength through devotion."

    He says there are about 50 yoga centres in Mexico and a number of people have converted to Sikhism. Jai Hari and Arjan are married to Mexican women, who are also Sikhs. The women wear white turbans. Arjan Singh’s 20-year-old son also practices Sikhism and after spending four years India is now back in Mexico.

    Jai Hari, who is married to Jai Hari Kaur (birth name: Blanca Rosa Hernandez) says his three daughters — Ananda, 26, Prabhu Atma, 24, and Kirtan, 17 — have adopted Sikhism too. Ananda is married to a German who became Sikh too. They live in Amritsar, India.

    He calls himself Amrit Singh and is the director of the Miri Piri Academy, an American high school in Amritsar. They also teach yoga and meditation. In a phone interview with this reporter from Amritsar, Amrit says, "I used to drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes and take drugs. I was polluting my body. Under the influence of Kundalini yoga, during which we use lot of mantras like Sat Namm etc, I got more interested in the Sikh dharma. I started wearing a turban and a kirpan just to try it out. I liked the effect on my whole system, my whole body. I like doing it. At one point I realised, ‘Oh look, I am a Sikh now’ and that was unconsciously."

    Amrit is now vegetarian. He doesn’t drink alcohol, he doesn’t smoke or do drugs anymore. He believes he is much happier. Amrit said he hasn’t officially announced that he is Sikh but his lifestyle is Sikh. "Sikh dharma is not a religion but a lifestyle that anybody can adopt. For me, it is a way to live your life. It is not like a dead religion from the book. Just read the book and this is what you have to do."


    Amrit Singh and Ananda Kaur are directors of Miri Piri Academy, a school in Amritsar where they are now living

    "I love being a Sikh," says Guru Dev Singh. "The teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib are very universal, very non-fanatical. It has a simple message. The Guru Granth Sahib only guides us to meditate. (With meditation) your life becomes more focused and you are able to look into your soul. All the happiness comes out of that. Yes, I am a much happier person now." And does he still go to church? "I go to the gurdwara. No, I don’t go to the church.

    Jai Hari Singh feels the Sikh dharma is a way of life. "It teaches discipline in life more than anything else. It is based on a very simple belief of one God and that God is inside you," he says. "When there’s one God Khalsa, his name is truth. When you live on simple beliefs, you begin to see a lot of things that makes life enjoyable. You have to be disciplined to enjoy the benefits of all what Sikh dharma stands for, more than the actual practice of religion.

    "Through the practice of Kundalini yoga, slowly I became a healthier person and that attracted me, influenced my thinking because it was an experience. Your life itself is an experience."

    Salemeron agrees. "I was a Catholic because I was born in a Catholic family. At one time I felt that was not enough for me. I met a person who invited me to yoga classes and that person became my wife. I started attending yoga classes and I wanted to know more and more. Finally, I studied and have become a yoga teacher. I am now a Sikh minister. My concept of life has changed. I enjoy better health. I have a better disposition. I am more assertive and able to take quick decisions."

    Surinder Singh Gill, India’s Ambassdor to Mexico, says Jai Hari is converting many Mexicans to Sikhism. Jai Hari, however, is averse to using the word conversion — he says it has negative connotations. "I am not here to convert anybody. We teach Kundalini yoga and discipline in life so that people can lead a healthier and happier life," Jai Hari says.

    How does he describe discipline?

    "You have to make meditation, yoga and prayers everyday practices. The rest follows on its own."

    Jai Hari’s centre has a memorandum of understanding with the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, and the Kundalini Research Institute, California. Of the 130 students at his centre, 5 per cent may adopt the Khalsa way of life, adds Jai Hari.

    "Yogi Bhajan told us there are a lot of different paths to have a good life. But I found my home in Kundalini yoga, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, and in Sikh dharma. I learnt to be a better person, to help other people to serve humanity."

    He says Mexicans and Indians are culturally similar. Both eat roti, both eat hot sauce and chilly. Mexico is an openhearted country whose people are very devotional, says Jai Hari.

    One of Jai Hari’s two brothers is a Catholic priest in France and the other has become a follower of the Dalai Lama. "I am not here to convert anybody," Jai Hari repeats. "I don’t mind if there are many Sikhs here or a few." Arjan says the difference between Sikhism and Catholicism is that Catholics believe in sins.

    "The word sin doesn’t exist in Sikhism. God is neither happy, nor sad. God is not angry with us. Even among the Sikhs, we sometimes try to create the fear of God. We shouldn’t be afraid

    of God."

    Ambassador Gill says of the 150 Indian families living in Mexico, a majority are Sikhs. He says a lot of Mexicans are converting to Sikhism and adopting the philosophy of a simple life and truthfulness. "I am amazed when I see Mexican men and women singing Gurbani with guitars. There’s great fascination for Indian culture here."

    Gill says "possibly India’s distance brings a fascination for Mexicans. What comes across is Indian spirituality and very often when I meet people from all walks of life, they talk about a guru, someone they can relate to..." Gill believes there is some kind of mysticism attached to the word ‘guru’.

    "I have gone to some Mexican homes and some of them will show you photos saying ‘here’s my Guru in Madras,’ etc."

    Courtsey: India Abroad, Toronto.

  4. I have heard Maharaaj referred as Aad Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee (not sure why - again more knowledgeable can answer this) but never as Adi Guru Durbar

    bhul chuk maaf karna jee

    i think there is no difference in prounciation between ad or adi...it's prounced as "ad".. it's just way of saying it i think just like you don't prounce knife as "k"nife.

  5. Taksal turned into white-wearing, vegetarians from the Hindu influence.

    oh really , i thought taksal adapted white -wearing from sant baba sunder singh ji bhindranvaley time's not just recently...and they were vegetarians from nirmaley influence not hindu influence.

    Author failed to mention it was nirmaley in help of singh sabha movement who implemented anand karaj ceremony.

    Also, yes there has been few hindu influence in our sampardha's but to call vegeterainism an hindu influence is completely absurd...nirmaley has been always vegeterians since they were created 1. Bhai Dya Singh Ji Sampardha 2. Bhai Dharam Singh Sampardha... it's only few cases according to circumstances like baba sahib singh bedi who was a nirmala and a soldier that he hunted..again but we can't follow his foot steps... because for a bhramgyani at that stage... there is no paap or paun (sin or good deed) and we are not his stage...you will see sants in nirmala mandali may have hunted or eaten meat only in certain circumstances but their shish were never given an non veggie diet.

  6. Response from sikhnet:

    Enjoy ! :)

    My understanding is that we should worship Waheguru just like a bride’s love and devotion for her groom and give love to Waheguru unconditionally.

    All humans are not Females but devotion should be like a female love for her spouse. Make Waheguru as your spouse, Husband. Surrender your body and mind to the True Guru. Embellish yourself with the Service for Waheguru pleasure. Just like a Suhaagan’s love for her Husband. Become Lord’s Suhaagan……Sadda Suhaagan. Get lost in Waheguru’s love and service. Submit like a female love for Waheguru.

    (May be today’s wives do not have same kind of devotion for their husbands as our guru’s time, but that can be another discussion)

  7. Naam Simran Vichaar.

    Recitation: Three types:

    1. Vachak: In letters and words for the listener’s understanding.

    2. Apaasu: With lips is low tone but not audible to other sitting beside.

    3. Maanas: Only with Mind.

    1. Concentration of Mind 2. Cleanliness of body or purity of body 3. Silence 4. Contentment 5. To feel god present always. 6. Seclusion 7. Faith in Mentor (Guru/Murshid/Mahapurkh) 8. Practice for long time without any desire and Men of contentment server their lord and dwell upon none but the True one They put not their feet in sin, they do good and practice Dharma.

    Parts of Jap:

    1. God Almighty (Ishat- Timeless Being) 2. Rishi (seer) Guru Nanak Dev Ji 3. Guru Angad Dev Ji capable of many powers manifest. 4. Chants in Asa and Gujri in style with puratan janam sakhi 5 Keelik Siri Guru Arjan Dev Ji the compiler of Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. 6 Seed form ek ongkar.

    Jaaps (Recitation) 4 types:

    1. Biakhri with Tongue. 2. Madhma with mind on throat cycle. 3. Pashanti - with mind on heart cycle. 4 Para bani - with subtle faculities of mind or naval cycle. Para is however incomplete because these spots are beneath third eye secondly- secret Naam comes out of God himself and is only audible in musical waves. This cannot be described in words only such a one, who recited within heart without using tongue can know that Naam is recited. Naam within heart without using tongue can know that Naam is the creator of planets, stars and universe.

    Malar Mohalla 1

    He, who utters the Naam with the heart and not with the tongue alone (knows alone) for, how can anyone else realize the Name.

    Melody if Naam, rests inside the human but is hard to know without some, one experienced enough and without this (Naam), we waste away our life Naam is also a letter beginning with tongue constituting first step in the path of spiritual existence. Thus says Bhagat Ravidas Ji

    Page- 1167

    Without seeing (God), the desire (to see him) well up not,

    But how to see him when all that seems will pass away?

    He who dwells upon the (Lord's) name through his praise,

    That yogi becomes detached forsodth (1)

    Like apparently non living solid puppet dancing with an invisible thread in the hands of puppet master, similarly naam and subject are invisibly related with each other. Letter Naam leads to the subjective existence of God. Mind, therefore needs to be awakened through letter Naam. But without sound, intellect cannot transcendent physical body to soaring heights. Letter lies in tongue that speaks but sound rests in unspoken language which is one and same for whole world. Holmen’s message is common for one and all i.e.- khatri, brahman, sood and vaish-all the four classes are entitled to recite one and same Naam of God which pervades everywhere...e.g.-

    Suhi Mohalla 5 (P-747)

    Guru's message is common to all

    The story of Mian Mitha in Janam Sakhi (page- 174) sheds light on the Naam. He lived in Mithan Kot, Guru Nanak visited him and had discussed on several subjects. Guru told him that human always remains in chains and without Naam he cannot be free. Main asked what naam is? Guru ji replied, "Mianji, no one has been able to evaluate him. It is a matter of experience rather than understand. Mian requested, "Sir, you tell me about this secret Naam, whatever way you can.”Then Guru told Mian Mitho ! Listen attentively, do you hear anything. Mian Mitho- No, Sir. Guru held him by the arm, walked to a secluded place, looked at him and asked, now tell me? O sir “though is Master of helpless and redeemer of the sinner. Now I feel unbroken waves of God's Melodious Naam rippling in my each and every hair. This story testifies to the fact that Naam is unspeakable subject which has vibrations and is a subject of experience.

    Ramkali Mohalla 1 (p-941)

    Gurmukh's hair meditates upon God.

    Therefore holy men say God is one and there is only one way to meet him. It does not meddle with nations or religions and anyone can do this irrespective of nationality or religion. This path is right there in everyone's heart and one who journey's inside can achieve merger with the Lord. But this can only be understood if one creates partnership with the Naam. Everybody has had been in chains since ages and it is pretty hard to go inculcate new ideas. Only experienced saints can make this possible e.g.-

    Sarang Mohalla 1 (p- 1232)

    In thy heart then rings the even-toned melody, which is subdued not, nor can be evaluated, yea, without the lord's name, every one is pauper: this is the wisdom I hi have learnt from the Guru (4).

    In the village of body when concentrated intellect soars high, it goes eight petal lotuses behind eyes and listens to the Naam.

    Ramkali Mohalla 3 (p-908)

    Ask for the alms in the township of the body, and then, thou, art blest with the Lord's Name (3)

    It has an enchanting melody which drives intellect onto spiritual realms just as iron needle to a magnet because intellect Nam and the lord are composted of same and similar elemental extract. Naam's attraction gets spirit out of body shell.

    O my love, I live only be remembering your Name, my true Guru has told me to be firm in God's Name.

    If I tell you a little about those melodious sound then spirit would rise out of the physical shells. Somehow, by reciting same thing, one gets introvert if extrovert and listens into inner melodies, the Naam gives ecstasy.

    Maru Mohalla 1 (p-986)

    That he alone attains bliss that is ever imbued with the Name.

    Time for meditation:

    Any and every time is good for Naam recitation but ambrosial hour of early mornings are the best ones.

    Meditation thou, in ambrosial morning, on he true name, his greatness glory (Japuji)

    Gouri Mohall 5 (page- 255)

    Rise thou early and meditate on the Name, dwell on the lord night and day. Then, thou suffer not sorrow and all thy woes depart (1)

    Why Naam cannot be heard?-

    Mind floating in waves of evil thoughts and temptations is scattered rather than concentrate and cannot hear Naam.

    Sarang Mohalla 5 (P-1247)

    So long as this mind is trapped by the whirlpool (of desire), one is puffed up by Ego one loves not the word, nor cherishes the Lord's Name.

    Real Naaam is secret and untraceable: Real Naam resides in all but it is secret and can only be realized with the help of some one experienced and well versed in meditation.

    The secret name is in action in kalyug and every where. God permeates all. This Name becomes visible in such heart as runs to the Guru's shelter.

    Naam a thread leading to the Lord: The stream of Naam is pervading all universes and sustaining everything. Body is also micro cosmos which is sustained by Naam. This streams is like an unbreakable thread which join us with the Lord. It flows from brain to the lower part of body. Intellect reaches the Treasure of Naam through Naam thread. Therefore Naam path is also known as reverse path since it work’s in opposite direction to the worldly path.

    Gauri Mohalla 5 (P- 281)

    They whose mind hath accepted the company of the Name.

    Nanak known have they the Lord, Immaculate (3)

    Naam: Stick to locate place Tilang Namdev Ji (P-727)

    For me, the blind one, Thy Name, O creator is the only support; I am a poor, Meek Soul, O Lord, and my mainstay is thy Name.

    Naam is accepted means in kalyug when vices/demerits overtake virtues. Righteousness falls help ness resulting into all round degradation. Human loses intelligence. In times such as those perfect Guru preaches Naam since there is no other way out. Right actions and ritualism are only valid in other ages but in kaliyug only Naam is helpful.

    God’s Name: Mind like iron, sharpened by desire like sharpener is mixed in illusion as iron as sand. To gather it, Guru’s word serves as magnet, without Naam mind does not get concentrated Lord’s Naam gives inner wisdom.

    1. Naam Da Saroop (Nature of Naam)

    2. Naam Da Karan (Cause)

    3 Naam da Abhyaas (Practice)

    4. Naam Di Audhi (Duration)

    5. Naam Da Phaul (Fruit/Result)

    1. Naam Saroop:

    There are two types of Naam Saroop/Shabad Roop - Varan Aatmak and Dhun Aatmak.

    a. Varan Atamak- To Purify eyes, recite/read it using your eyes

    Akhri Naam Akhri Salah || (Panna- 4)

    so example- write Vahiguroo, Satnaam, Ram on paper and read it. This is called Varan Aatmak.

    b. Dhun Aatmak- Listen it with your ears. Listen to naam dhuni via ears.

    Dhun Meh Dhyan Meh Janiya Gurmukh Akth Kahani || (Panna- 879)

    According to Moukh Panth Parkash- Naam Da Vachaak Akhand Tat Budh(Gyan) is discussed.

    According to Pantjali, naam is considered as Gyan da Saroop example- cleanses of budhi.

    2. Naam Da Karan (Reason): Fear is considered Naam Da Karan. Fear of jamdoots, hell, 84 lakh reincarnations, and fear of coming in womb causing naam to reside in this being.

    There are many types of fear just like example- mouse is afraid of cat, cat is afraid of dog, tiger is afraid of hunter with gun.just like that whole world is in fear.

    Sagal Saamgri Daraeh Baiepi Binh Dar Karnaiee Haaraa || (Panna - 999)

    3. Naam Da Abhayas: First recite with tongue then do simran through breaths (swasa) example- doing simran with coming and going breaths (inhale- Vahi and exhaling- Guru)

    Jinna Sas Garas Na Visraie Har Nama Mann Mant ||

    Dhan Sie Saiee Nanaka Pooran Soiii Sant ||

    (panna- 319)

    Jina Saas Garas Na Visraie Sai Pooraie Pardhan || (Panna - 313)

    Then automatically naam simran will start happening via Surati (Dhyaan).one just needs to do have phurna (thought) in the Surat and it will start happening.

    Then one will feel like every hair (rom rom) of the body reciting vahiguroo's naam just like tongue. One will hear naam simran dhuni from rom rom

    Gurmukh Rom Rom Har Dhaavaaye || (Panna- 941)

    4. Naam Di Audhi- In this state one will feel that every milli inch of his creation is reciting Vahiguroo's Naam.

    Animals, Birds, Earth, Sky including 5 elements of body reciting his Vahiguroo's Naam.

    Farida Houu Balhari Tin Pankhiya Jungal Jinna Vas ||

    Kakarh Chughan Thal Vasan Rab Na Chhudan Pass || (Panna- 1383)

    Dhart Patal Akaas Hai Meri Jindaree

    Sabh Har Har Naam Dhaavaye Ram ||

    5. Naam Da Phaul (Fruit) - One who meditates on Naam becomes his (Naami) roop.

    Har Har Jan Duii ek hai Bib Bichaar Kuch Nahi || (Panna- 273)

    This is the last stage of prema bhagti marg/shabad Surat marg. Bhagti starts from two- Sikh and Guru, Ishvar and Bhagat and ends with only one.

    Gur Chelee Ki Sandh Milaei

    Naam/Shadad is of two types-

    1.Descriptive: Containing letters and words.

    2.Sound Wise: Involving only sound. First kind involves words and letters and can be seen with eyes as a writing. Second type deals with sound and heard with ears such as divine music, sermon that purify audition system of body.

    Thoughts about Naam:

    1. To recite with tongue 2. Practice through breathing incoming and outgoing activities intellect. 3. Through intellect process becomes automatic beyond Trikurti (confluence of three veins- Ira, Pingla, Sukhmana) 4. One needs to control thoughts in order to hear sound of Naam like self flowing water of spring. 5. Further on all hair on body become kind of tongues uttering Naam. 6. Further down the path Guru’s word is heard from all the elements. All these techniques can be learnt from Naam practicising Holy Persons.

    Kabir Sahib

    I got the company of the knower of spiritual mystery and I recognized the Real Thing thereby

    I reached the destination in a moment the path and the distances of million births.

    Jap: worthy of recitation: First and foremost verse. Jap for the sikhs in sacred scripture Sari Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj.

    The fruits of Jap:

    Upon hearing, tenth guru spoke lovingly.

    You know japji as prime mantar. It is composed of 25 letters.

    It gives you what you wish. Kind Guru told the meaning of japuji for the benefits of Sikhs.

    Do silent meditation of 25 letters and then utter with tongue and mind enjoys. By that all, pains and ailments take leave. It also finishes physical ills of stomach, throat and gas problems. By reciting it one gets salvation, way of life and highest status. He enjoys comfort and does not meet despoiled? Life (Avgat) and if it is uttered on food prosperity increases and food does not go waste. Food is digested comfortably and does not produce burning. Being timeless, if abolishes pains. In financial gains as well as in the realm of religion. It sows the seed of detachment. For marrying a woman or procreating son, for travels to countries of abroad for going into battlefield and for weapon striking they win the game. For entering house, for going out and other big tasks one should bow his forehead before the siri guru granth and should begin simran with firm faith and donate one tenth of income in financial exchange it protects from ghost or other horrible things. A Gursikh should read Japu ji sahib with faith. Tenth king true guru made the scriber write these divine words further on writes began writing them and praised them:


    At the time of walking away exchange of charity one conquers mind. Wing battles and comforts of kingship for meeting each other and Raj Jog’s enthusiasm. For delay in a task 55 recital of Jap ji be done. Then he should do 36 and 38, one lac and half 25 lettered and 36 lettered Jap be recited thousand times. He has all his hurdles vanished. By Guru’s glory Japuji Sahib completes a task. It brings meditation knowledge, Jog and active doing good deeds. Dedication in Guru does everything. To be liberated by Guru’s grace and to be working of Guru’s grace knowledge of 5 types. Foremost merit of the Mantar is that it gives four objects.

    Dohra- 36 letters the treasure of 5 heavenly deeds. 25 letters stands for element and knowledge. O wish sikh! you do write it by Guru’s grace 8 letters are holded for writing hari and five in the middle of five prans. 25 in all behaviors. It makes you the sharer of 36 lacs merits and if one gives that 36 lac in offering, he gets salvation right way, Since when soul becomes pured, problems are avoid. (Gurpartap Suraj Parkash granth by Bhai Sahib Kavi Santok Singh Nirmala)

  8. Hence through the practice of vichar and samadhi we can begin to increase our vairaag.

    roger that :D.. this is sehaj jog guys which is recommended by our guru maharaj.... :D

    There are three types of people when it comes to bairaag

    First are those who reounce household then again drawn back to family attachment. That is called "Donky Bairaag"

    Second are those who are going away from family in spike of bairaag but then coming back at family insistence. That is "Horse Bairaag".

    Third are those who once they go away from family life, then they never come back to family. Full Sanyans: Renuncitation. That is "Sher Bairaag"

    In Gurmat both grisht and celibacy is well parvan. One could merge with vahiguroo well in family as well. As bhai gurdas ji refers to Raja Janak as-

    "Gurmukh Maya Vich Udasi " ||

    Even though he was a raja and had more than enough worldly duties he was still gurmukh ..nirlaip from maya just like kamal(lotus).

  9. i think in both aspects you are correct. Without the first spark from him we cannot even begin our journey, let alone think of Vairaag. . He gave us a spark, now it is up to us to keep the fire lit, with your efforts to seek him.

    Your mother gave you a taste of her Love, now you seek the same in the state of Vairaag and the more you seek the more vairaag grows.

    yes very good post challenge-everything sian and pheena :D

  10. Sant Baba Mohinder Singh Ji also known as Jathedar ji, said in diwan. "Char pardarth mil de sadou tuo", koi koi mukt mangda, but a person who can give this blessings have to be muhkt and real brahmgaini him self. If they do bachen then its possible, but you will have to do naam the abayaas! "Bina Guru tou Mukht Na Milhe..... " If its in your karam, you surely will get this avasta

    even at that , one who is receiving that bachan now have to follow those bachans more than their life in loveeeeeeeeeeeee not in darr(fear).

    After that test comes from Akaal Purkh.

    Kabir Kaosuti Ram Ki Jhota Teka Nai Jai ||

    next line goes something else..if i m wrong..i m so soorry to guru ji..if someone can verify it.that be great.

    Ram Kaousti jo Karie Jo MarJiva Hoi ||

  11. Love has stages... from love to reach uncoditional love there are stages of bairaag(emotions)... bairaag comes with desire to merge with vahiguroo...

    Bairaag not only help one to do naam simran with pyaar but bairaag towards atamdev, ishatdev and gurdev also helps in struggle within one self when one is going through constant maya struggle ie- ridhiya, sidhiya in meditation stages.

    Bahut Janam Visraie they Madhoo, Eh Janam Tumharaie Laikhaey ||

    Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi

  12. No talk of sant, mahapurush, babe, dehdhari gurus or kangurus. Because at the end of the day that is what it's all about: dehdhari guruship.

    I do agree that one needs to keep in mind that- Sab tu vada satgur nanak jin kar rakhi meri ||

    at the same time we need guidance(how to naam jap jugtiya, atamik gyan/bhram vidya ) from sant mahapursh to get adobe of sachkhand and merge with nanak parbarham(nirankar jot) because they have expereinced Gurbani but we have not..!

    As puratan sampardhai mangal charan says:

    Firstly meditating upon Aatam Dev

    Nirmal Jot, of Sat Chit Anand Svaroop

    Then I bow to the lotus feet of Ishtadev

    SatGuru Maharaj, Dasaan Patshahian di Jot

    Finally I offer salutations to Gurdev/murshid

    , under whose guidance

    All efforts blossom forth

  13. Also Ganka Papan was given the name 'Raam' by the Saint to do Jap on. just something to ponder upon the vastness of the names leading to the same goal.

    That is correct..Also ajamal was given "Narayan" and bhagat kabir japped on ram kai, ram bool when he came in encounter with guru ramanand ji.

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