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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Sarbloh granth is work of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, how did you come to that conclusion? (please don't say its puratan or sampardya..etc..).

    mehargags - I would recommend just sticking with Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Thats all you need. nothing less nothing more.

    why don't you do search on this forum on sarbloh granth, read the debates and come to your own conclusion too???

  2. really bad news...my prayers to people who are effected..i hope british gov't should take his troops out of iraq..let US clean their own mess.. this war on iraq was not justified nor this killing of innocent people ... leaders/gov't should get their acts together, take accountablity and stop normal people suffer from this (bush, blair vs iraq) war which is not justified!!

  3. Ninth poem

    1. EVEN KING CANNOT Vie with the beggar at your door. The regalia of Kingship and the tilted Cap of Power have no meaning for us.

    2. He who conquers the Kingdom of the heart, becomes the monarch. The man who captures You, there is no better warrior than him.

    3. The beggar at your threshold is like the Kings of both the worlds. One captured by the Ecstasy of your love needs no Resurrection day.

    4. Where is the eye which has not the lustre of your light! Where is the heart which is not the treasure- chest of your Name.

    5. Be a sacrifice to the Beloved , without demur, O Goya, for, in the Vocabulary of lovers there is no word like "excuse".


    Thus is the supreme moment of all existence, dissolution of all attachments positive and negative. Bhai Nand Lal lived this experience and succeeded in passing this meditation experience to the world in a Language familiar to the ears of understanding. As a mystic master we have to rank Goya among the great sufis and bhagats who succeeded in doing what men of the world do not know or recognize as within the possibility of human performance.

  4. Eight poem

    1. THE FULL MOON DIMS before your beauty. Even the world illumining Sun is like a slave to you

    2. My eye perceives nothing but the Truth. O ! lucky is the eye that recognizes reality.

    3. Never do we boast of false Piety, God forgives even the sinners.

    4. From where shall we produce another one, The whole world is acclaiming the one, and the only one.

    5. Nothing but the name of the True one is ever utter able. For, God, O goya, is the source of amnesty to all.


    Only when the human heart gets filled with the dazzle of the light of Happiness, happiness that flows like a fountain from fulfillment, does the upsurge of Love, born of gratitude , releases the emotion of the devout worship and man sings the songs of Praise Divine. So does Goya, joyfully and tearfully.

  5. Seventh poem

    1. THE EYE HAS SEEN the statue of indifference passing. The beloved has gone this way and I have lost my eyes, forever.

    2. All went black and the heart emitted sparks, And I am like the smoke from the fire, rising to the high heavens.

    3. A single dart from the beloved's eye brow is enough to be slain, Now there is no saving me, since the arrow has left the bow.

    4. For even a moment, I did not realize myself and the path Ah me ! whose life, the only treasure , has all been despoiled.

    5. He never pines for a stroll in the seventh heaven, who lives, O Goya, in the joy of the path the adores.


    Once again the note of surrender is struck. This is the supreme sacrifice of man. No doubt the self is obdurate in submitting but what we call surrender is the ladder to immortality. Immortality in the sense of the clock means the hand at six o'clock and the pendulum of life at the stand still. When the pendulum does not move either to the right or to the left it stands still in the middle. So is middle path the highway to the cessation of being. To the poet this awareness brings realization.

    At this sublime point the Ecstasy begins to ebb and foot steps of the spirit bring him back to the sense world, descending the spiral. He is back to earth, to the world of men and things, and he bursts into song of Praise.

  6. Sixth Poem

    1. IF THE HEART GETS WISE, it finds the Beloved inside it. If the eye can see, the beloved is every-where.

    2. He is to be seen everywhere, but where is the eye that can see Him? On all sides, there is the Lightning struck Toor, and all around the flames alight.

    3. If you have your heard, take it as an offering to lay at his feet.

    4. If you have life, Sacrifice it on his altar, if need be. If you have hands, go and catch the garment of the beloved, O,way farer.

    And walk the same way, if your feet have the pride of the speed.

    5. If the Ear hears, what can it hear but the name of the True beloved, If the tongue speaks, O Goya, in very word there is this assertion.

    6. The Brahmin adores the idol. The mullah prays at the mosque. Where ever the Cup of Love is going round, I have found them drunk.

    7. Do not tread on the path of love without devotion, Mansoor has taught thus. Among the way farers of this path he is the fore- runner.

    8. What ever you have, sacrifice it for the beloved. Even if you have, like Goya, the talent that creates pearls.


    Goya feels himself like the lightning struck peak of Mount Toor. He sees flames leaping around him. He gets drunk with Light, at one time, and feel another moment that he is burnt to cinders- reduced to Ashes, and in a moment of elation laments in Song, the urge of the heart to lay his head as a sacrifice at the alter. These are the drum beats of his heart when he sees flashes of Light of Noor- A new cycle in the ascending spiral of ecstasy begins. Goya sees the vision which bought Light to Saints and Prophets. At the superb sight of grandeur, the lightening scorched mountain top. The Toor, a symbol of worldly height, seems as dark and low as dust, seen in celestial light and compared to the Heavens. Goya, humbled to dust in devotion , and moved in every fibre of his being calls out like a raving mad man.

  7. Fifth Poem

    1. I BOW MY HEAD to my Masters, on the true way. My heart's homage of worship to God, whose name is on my lips.

    2. Everywhere I see the manifestation of the Almighty, The company of the holy Masters has conferred on me the blessing of realization.

    3. The eye inside me did not open without His Light, With which I saw the vanity of the world.

    4. The dust of the feet of the wise gives brightness to the heart If good fortune gets you their guidance.

    5. Where is the man, O Goya, who did not get the wish of his heart. Who has mastered himself.


    After surrender man becomes one with himself and one with the Divine. And the moment of that awakening is the Supreme moment when the mystic stands breathless experiencing the majesty Divine.

  8. Fourth Poem

    1. COME MY GAY(cheerful) BELOVED, fill for me the Cup of love, The thrill of your ruby red lips will give me the clue of the True way.

    2. When the Goblet of Mansoor's life was breaking, it clanked "I am the truth". Reason stood breathless, in this moment of the Supreme Faith.

    3. The world is like the dark of the night, awake, my beloved, Let your moon face be a candle to the way-farer.

    4. Even a moment spent in the ecstasy of awareness makes the whole of life worth living. And if one lives a single moment of this burning quest, life becomes bearable.

    5. These two eyes, O Goya, are like KAUSER O TASNIM, the twin celestial streams in flood. From each tear sprouts the greenery of a hundred smiling gardens.


    Goya's thought has followed his passion for the ruby lipped gay(cheerful)-beloved to the tearful moment, which is the moment of finding highest Joy, of emotion uncontrolled, when every outlet opens the prison gates of the self. And, the mind soars to the highest imagery of it's inner reflexes. Goya sees the streams of heavens in his own tears and with them the world is made as green as the garden of Eden. That for him is the moment of supreme Surrender, moment of the highest sacrifice of man. When man bows his head, the entire universe comes to a stand still.

  9. Third poem-

    1. GIVE ME MY BELOVED, the cup of life, in which I may color my heart, And my eye becomes clear for solving the riddle of riddles.

    2. On my way to the beloved every footsteps jingles with happiness, The bells calling for the night's half have no meaning, nor the temptation of the resting place.

    3. God is present. Look ! here is the Holy Light ! Neither the whirl pool bars the lover's way nor the torrent, nor the shore.

    4. Why, O heart, are you vainly wandering round the desert and the wood, The queen of beauty resides in your own eyes.

    5. Wherever I look, I find nothing else but the Holy presence. Then, O Goya, where can i go, if i leave the world and it's trappings?


    The rhythm of meditation thought was brought him to the point of awareness of light- what to the mean of the world seems as "losing oneself", that to the mystic seeker is the moment of Light, of "highest consciousness". Look, says Goya, here is the holy light, Light of the ever present. In this moment of finding, of fulfillment, there is the ring of triumph, and of realization that all is one and the all pervading is every where, in himself, in the world itself, in the world of men and things. In the movement of meditation one flight is over and second round of the spiral begins and Goya calls out with the abandonment of a drunkard "Come my Gay(cheerful) beloved".

  10. Guru Gobind Singh and God were one to Bhai Nand Lal Goya. As a Poet Bhai Nand Lal sang of the Almighty but for naming his qualities he drew inspiration from Guru-Darshan. The Presence divine of Guru- Gobind Singh Maharaj the prophet of Light and liberty at whose holy feet.


    On Goya,


    Far off Ghazni, an old capital city in Central Asia, is known to the people of India as the home-town of two gigantic figures. One belonged to the field of battle and sword, and the other to thought and the pen. One was Mahmud of Ghazni and the other was Bhai Nand Lal. Mahmud was drawn to India by the lustre of yellow metal and Bhai Nand Lal by soundless call of the spirit.


    India, the ageless magnet, has drawn, since known history seekers of soul and bullion. Bhai Nand Lal also arrived in India and found cool refuge with Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru of the Sikhs.


    Guru Gobind Singh was warring against the Mogul Emperor, in defense of human rights, of body and soul.


    Behind the battle line of cannon and thought, over fifty scholars of eminence were laboring to create literature, new and translated, for the new pattern of mind which the Guru was designing for his followers. Background music to the creation of the Master, and men of letters, came from Bhai Nand Lal, the mystic poet Laureate. His songs range from the beloved to the Beloved.


    Goya wrote in Persian. In every word his soul dances, and love plays on the harp of the heart. For nearly three hundred years, millions of eyes have shed pearls of love tears, moved by the songs of Goya. These songs will float down the stream of time and ripple round the sphered, as long as the ears of the soul do not burst, with the "Atam" or the Atom exploding.

  11. taken from tapoban.org

    Illustrated: Hinduization of Sikh Faith & History

    Based on “Tabai Roas Jagio” by Dr. Sukhpreet Singh Udokay

    Last week’s announcement by the VHP of putting portraits of Guru Gobind Singh and Sree Guru Granth Sahib in Hindu Mandirs has shocked Sikhs worldwide. The fact is that attacks on the Sikh faith and history have been ongoing for years in order to show Sikhs to be a part of Hinduism.

    How Did This Begin?

    Brahminism has always feared the Sikh faith. The Sikh Gurus proclaimed the equality of all humanity and rejected practices like caste, holy threads and worship of the cow. The exploitation of simple people by the Brahmin was eliminated. Although Hindu fundamentalists have taken a keen interest in destroying Sikhism for centuries, this latest cycle of Hindu attacks on Sikhism can be traced to 1993. The Sikh Liberation Movement had been brutally crushed in Punjab and was on its final breaths. Sikh villagers were afraid of being identified as being practicing Sikhs and roves of young Sikh men were cutting their hair so that they would not be harassed or killed by the police.

    It was at this point that a new “Sikh” organization, the Rashtri Sikh Sangat began to enter Sikh villages. This organization began to distribute literature about the Sikh faith and hold meetings. Many villagers thought that it was an attempt to revive Sikh pride, but in fact, the literature was written to show Sikhs to be a part of Hinduism.

    Akali Dal/BJP/RSS Alliance


    Badal & RSS Leaders

    The “Akali” party of Punjab, while claiming to represent Sikhs, is lead by the same old men who allowed the 1978 Amritsar massacre and the martyrdom of Bhai Fauja Singh and 12 other fellow Singhs. They are the same ones who let Gurbachana Narakdhari go unpunished.

    The Akali party, in an alliance with the Hindu BJP began to rule Punjab. The RSS activity in Punjab also increased. Sangh programs were held in places like Guru Nanak Dev Stadium (Ludhiana) with the presence of Parkash Badal and other Akali/BJP leaders. On November 16, 1997, Badal while introducing the new RSS chief sad, “I can say with confidence that the Sangh, under the leadership of Raju Bhaiya is working towards removing all its shortcomings. Whenever this country has faced either internal or external danger, the Sangh and it’s workers have been on the front lines.

    Today, I am feeling very lucky to be a part of this gathering.”

    Raju Bhaiya in his speech that day, in the presence of Badal, declared, “All Hindus are Sikhs and Sikhs Hindus. We are all one. Some grow hair and some don’t. I say that All Hindus are Sikhs and all Sikh are Hindus. Our principles are the same. With the help of unity, we become very powerful…People are right when they say that Hindus have the power to make Hindustan a leader in the world!”

    An RSS Poster for Punjab

    Under the watchful guidance of this unholy alliance, the RSS increased its parchar amongst the Sikhs. It was a perfect time to move in for the kill. The Sikhs had been beaten very badly by the Indian government and their confidence had been shaken. The RSS would give the Sikhs sweet poison. They shouted loudly that the RSS and all Hindus LOVED Sikhs. They would preach that Sikhs were after all no different than Hindus. The Sikh Gurus were true Hindus and Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu blessed the Sikh faith. The Sikhs, they claimed, should feel proud as the sword-arm of Hinduism.

    In this way, the RSS has tried to make the Sikh masses try to take pride in establishing a link between Sikhism and Hinduism. Once this link becomes solid, the RSS has already devised a plan to decay the foundations of the Sikh faith and history.

    India's "Heros": Guru Nanak an equal of Indira Gandhi?

    Who is the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat?

    The Rashtriya Sikh Sangat (RSS) was officially formed on November 23, 1986 in Amritsar. The founder was one “Shamsher Sinh”

    The express goals of the RSS are

    1) To strengthen the bonds between Sikhs and Hindus to promote National unity, awareness and patriotism.

    2) To make Guru Nanak’s “Hindustan Smaalsee Bola” a reality and maintain national patriotism and unity.

    3) To promote Sri Guru Bani fro Sri Guru Granth Sahib

    4) To perform seva with “Sarbat Da Bhala” in mind.

    The Rashtriya Sikh Sangat has 500 branches across India and publishes the magazine “Sangat Sandesh”.

    Other goals of this organization are the creation of a Mandar at Ayodhya’s “Ram Janam Bhoomi” and also a Gurdwara to commemorate visits by Guru Nanak, Guru Tegh Bahadur and Guru Gobind Singh.

    Every month, the Rashtriya Sikh Sangat has a function in which occasionally Sri Guru Granth Sahib is parkash and sometimes not. Usually the function takes place with paintings of Guru Nanak, Guru Tegh Bahadur and Guru Gobind Singh at the front. These paintings are accompanied by paintings of Ram and Krishna. The paintings are garlanded with flowers.

    The meeting begins with 5 readings of the Mool Mantar and then 20 minutes of keertan. After this, Sukhmani Sahib or Ram Avtar or Krishan Avtar are read. This is followed by a singing of “Vanday Matram”.

    The meeting concludes with a 20 minute lecture on the history the original RSS founder Golvarkar and discussion of the role of Sanskrit in Sri Guru Granth Sahib or some other similar topic.

    Some Quotes…

    * “Instead of sacrificing humans, Guru ji sacrificed goats and started the tradition of Punj Pyaaray. All five Pyaaras were followers of the Hindu faith” {Dr. Himmat Sinh in Rashtra Dharam)

    * “The Sikh Gurus showed faith in the Hindu faith and visited Hindu pilgrimage sites to show this” (Rashtra Dharam, p. 31)

    * “When Guru Arjan was doing the Kar Seva of Harimandeir, Vishnu reflected and said, “Lakshmi, the Guru is my own form. There is no difference between us. He is making my temple. Let us go and see the building of our new temple…” (Rashtra Dharam, 90)

    * “The difference between Hindus and Sikhs was the creation of the English mind.” (Rashtra Dharam, 98)

    * “If today someone were to make a portrait of Guru Nanak without a beard and turban, his life would be in danger but in fact, the practice of keeping long hair and beards began only in the 20th Century. (Madhu Kishvara, Hindustan Times Aug 21, 1999)

    * “Guru Arjan Dev and Guru Tegh Bahadur used to pay obeisance to the feet of the Devi” (Surindar Kumar, Jag Bani)

    * “Guru Gobind Singh with the blessings of the Avtars (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) created the Khalsa Panth.” (Sangat Sandesh, Sept 1998)

    * “Maharana Partap, the Rani of Jhansi and Guru Gobind Singh were all great patriots” (Rashtra Dharam)

    * “The Sangh [RSS] is the Khalsa” (Ravani, Dec 1997)

    “Guru Mati Das Sharma”???

    Bhai Mati Das jee is a famous Shahid of the Sikhs who happily faced death by being sawn alive but did not forsake his faith. Bhatt Vehis record the history of this Shahid and it is known that Bhai Mati Das’s grandfather, Bhai Paraga jee was a Sikh of Guru Hargobind and also became a Shaheed in the battle of Ruhila.

    Bhai Mati Das jee was of course then born into a Sikh family. The family had been Sikh since the time of Guru Ram Das. Bhai Sati Das was Bhai Sahib’s brother. Bhai Mati Das accompanied Guru Tegh Bahadur in his travels to Assam, Bengal and Bihar. When Guru Sahib was arrested and brought to Delhi, Bhai Mati Das was also brought with him. When offered the choice to forsake the Sikh faith and become a Muslim or to face death, Bhai Mati Das happily accepted the latter and only asked that he die while facing the Guru. Even when Bhai Sahib’s body had been cut in two, Japji Sahib could be heard from both halves.

    Bhai Sati Das was also offered the choice to forsake Sikhi or death, and accepted death. He was wrapped in cotton and burnt alive.

    Hindu fundamentalist organizations, in an effort to demean Guru Tegh Bahadur’s Shaheedee, have appropriated Bhai Mati Das and Bhai Sati Das as Hindu heros. Yearly events are held to commemorate their martyrdoms but they are presented as Hindus who died for their faith.

    Bhai Hakeekat Singh jee was a young Sikh who is recorded in Bhatt Vehis as “Hakeekat Singh” but later was appropriated by Hindus as their own. Just like Bhai Hakeekat Singh is now referred to as Hakeekat Rai even by Sikhs, these groups hope Sikhs will also give up these two Sikh Shaheeds.

    Sikhs and Raam

    Another fallacy being promoted by the RSS is that the Sikh Gurus were from the family of Raam. That throughout history, Vishnu has supported the Sikhs. No Hindu text gives the family tree of Raam, and so there is no foundation for this claim. Giani Puran Singh gave this lie credence by repeating it publicly when he was Jathedar of the Akal Takhat. The only support this lie has is in a work by Kesar Singh Chhiber that has been corrupted. It claims the link between Raam and the Gurus but it also claims that Guru Gobind Singh worshipped Durga and took permission to keep his kesh from her. It also claims that the Sikh Gurus accepted Sanatan Hindu rites.

    Baba Banda Singh Bahadur or Veer Banda Bairagi?

    Veer Bandai Bairagi"

    One of the RSS’s early targets has been Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. Baba Banda Singh is a Sikh hero who first created a Sikh Rule in Punjab and struck a Sikh coin. Baba Banda Singh is also a great Sikh martyr who sacrificed his life but did not compromise his faith.

    The RSS has attempted to turn this great Sikh hero, into a Hindu Patriot. In the book “Veer Banda Bairagi” by Bhai Parmanand, Guru Gobind Singh was a defeated man who went to Nander in sadness. There he met the Hindu, Banda Bairagi who agreed to help Guru Sahib take revenge for the death of his sons. Banda Baigragi had with him Rajput warriors and a he gathered a Hindu army to punish the evil Wazir Khan.

    Guru Gobind Singh giving "Veer Bairagi" arms

    The new Hindu history claims that Banda Bairagi never became a Sikh and was an example of a pious Hindu helping his Sikh friend.

    This story is of course utterly false. There was never any character named “Banda Bairagi”. Baba Banda Singh was known as Madho Das. He became a Sikh of Guru Gobind Singh by receiving Khanday Kee Pahul. This fact is confirmed by the oldest sources including Tavarikh-Iradat Khan (1714) and Panj Sau Sakhi (1734). The Bhatt Vehis mention how Guru Gobind Singh himself gave Baba Banda Singh the five kakaars and tied a keski on his head.

    Baba Banda Singh’s own hukumnamas all make clear that he was a Sikh of the Guru and call upon “srbqR Akwl purK jIE dw Kwlsw”[.

    The question arises, if “Banda Bairagi” had an army of Hindu warriors, why wouldn’t he have taken revenge for the Mughal excesses at Kanshi and Mathura? Why are none of the famous Hindus in his army recorded in history? Why were the Faujdars of conquered areas always Sikhs? Why do even his own family accounts (Bansavalinama) refer to him and his sons with the name “Singh”?

    It is a blatant lie by the RSS to appropriate a Sikh hero and make him into a Hindu.

    A 25-Point of Attack

    The RSS has 25 points with which it hopes to attack the Sikh faith and lead to its eventual assimilation. All 25 points are very easily refuted but lack of education and knowledge coupled with the RSS’s organized attack make this a serious danger.

    These points are already being incorporated into school text books and taught as real history. This skewed history is already taught in many areas.

    1) Sikhs are an inseparable part of Hindu society.

    2) If Hinduism is a tree, Sikhism is a fruit on that tree.

    3) Gurbani is like the Ganga, it emerges from the Gangotri of the Vedas

    4) The Khalsa was crated to protect Hinduism and Hindustan

    5) Japji Sahib is a summary of the Gita

    6) The Failure of the 1857 “War of Independence” [in reality an unorganized uprising by Poorbiya soldiers who 8 years earlier helped the British conquer Punjab] was defeated only by the Sikhs

    7) Banda Singh Bahadur was really Veer Banda Bairagi

    8) The Sikh Gurus worshipped the cow

    9) Condemning Bhai Kanh Singh Nabha and Bhai Veer Singh

    10) Use examples from Trumpp and other anti-Sikh western scholars

    11) The Sikh Gurus used Vedic ceremonies

    12) Guru Gobind Singh worshipped the Goddess Durga

    13) Guru Sahib was from the family or Ram and his devotee

    14) Sikhs are from Lav-Kush

    15) Baba Ram Singh was the legitimate Guru of the Sikhs

    16) Create posters which challenge Sikh principles but appear to be pro-Sikh

    17) Insist on using the Bikrami calendar and share Hindu festivals

    18) Call Bhai Hakeekat Singh, Hakeekat Rai and illustrate him as a clean-

    shaven Hindu

    19) Claim [with no historical basis] that Guru Gobind Singh sent his army to liberate Ram Janam Bhumi in Ayodhya from the Mughals

    20) To create the Khalsa, Guru Gobind Singh seeked blessing from the gods and goddesses and used Hindu mantras. The Kakaars were also

    blessings from the gods.

    21) Equate ÅÆ with “OM”

    22) Call Bhai Mati Das “Guru Mati Das Sharma”

    23) To do parkash of Sree Guru Granth Sahib in Mandirs and put pictures of

    Hindu Gods in Sikh Gurdwaras

    24) Project Guru Gobind Singh as having taken a different ideology from Guru Nanak and to make him into a Patriotic Hero of India


    Guru Gobind Singh with Rana Partap and other Hindu "Heros"

    25) Make all of Sikh history take a Hindu tint.

    Small Steps to Oblivion

    The RSS recognizes that Hinduism is many hundreds of years old and it can slowly assimilate the Sikhs with time. By establishing links between Vishnu/Raam and the Gurus, they hope that Sikhs will see these Hindu gods as their own. With time, perhaps pictures of Raam and Vishnu will find their way into Gurdwaras. The RSS has commissioned paintings and posters that mix Hinduism and Sikhism and present Sikh figures receiving blessings from Hindu gods.


    Idol worship, which is taboo in Sikhism is also being slowly introduced. Idols of Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Nanak can now be purchased from many stores. Some Nanaksar Thaats have also installed these idols. If idols of Sikh Gurus are acceptable, then perhaps with time Hindu idols can be accepted. Gurdwara Manikaran is a good example of what the RSS would like to see more common.

    By putting Guru Granth Sahib in Hindu mandirs, simple Sikh villagers will begin to go to pay obeisance regularly. With Sikhs attending Hindu Mandirs, they will also offer worship to the Hindu gods and goddesses there. Sikh marriages may also begin to take place in Mandirs. Eventually, Hinduism in Punjab will be a mish/mash of Sikhism and Hinduism and the Sikhs will lose their distinct identity. Given a few generations, Guru Nanak will be an Avtar of Vishnu just like the Buddha has become and the Sikhs will be eliminated.


    Today, Hindu Mandirs and idols again surround Sree Darbaar Sahib in Amritsar. In total, nine mandirs surround the Darbar Sahib complex, with some even in the galleria. When will these small mandirs be turned into massive buildings? When they are, what will the Sikhs have to say?

    The Sikhs today are facing dark days. The Sikh Liberation Movement has been destroyed along with Sikh self-confidence. Hindu Fundamentalist organizations are making deep inroads into the community and still there is no reaction. We will be remembered as the first generation of Sikhs to have accepted defeat and subjugation from an adversary.

    Will we wake up when it is too late?

  12. got this from other forum:


    From last week SSTV's owner Ravinder Singh Pannu is showing as interview with Sukhwinder singh who has written a book called "Santan De Kautak ?". In this book he have basically disrespected almost every Gurmukh including Bhai Randheer Singh ji, Baba Attar Singh ji Mastuana Sahib Wale, Baba Isher Singh ji Rara Sahib Wale, Ranjit Singh ji Dhadrian Wale etc. I was just wondering if anyone has been watching this interview or have read this book by themselve. just looking for ur view points...


    has anyone read his books?? I saw him personally talkin about it on t.von sukh sagar.. his claims are baseless..this guy has personal vendetta against all the sants including- damdami taksal mahapursh, akj, nihangs, nirmaley, udasi, seva panthis, kar seva baba's... all of them...when he was asked - does he have any personal vedenetta? he brings the usual token of oh no - i m doing seva for the panth..blah blah...sticking to gurmat sidhant...he is actually seeing soo called gurmat sidhant from his tunnel view....

    That's why i feel very important that we must define Gurmat Sidhant from spiritual and temporal (miri- piri) point of view (even though it's going to be very hard from spiritual persecptive) - we must need to define it so we can stop people like him and his types to hijack- sacred word- Gurmat Sidhant to spread their own propaganda against orders, sants of Sikhism !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. what%20in%20the%20world.JPG

    This is very shameful picture- why these brainwashed bibya's by fanatic/wahabis/talibans khalistanis are targetting hinduism ?? I thought Indian gov't was responsible for all the genocide caused?? not any religion??

    Then they wonder- why media bash us sikhs?? It's because of these fanatics - media potray normal sikh looking person as terrorist??

    Before people tell me to shut up. I will not..equating hinduism as nazism is not a deed of a Sikh ...as sikh of siri guru gobind singh ji we must point out fanatics in our own religion before cussing muslims, hindus,christians, buddhist etc.

    It's really sad how organizers have no shame allowing such a bigotry in name of Sikh Dharma.

    Vah Vah what a glorfying example of Siri Guru Nanak Dev Nirankar Sikhi !!!!!!!!!!!

    Giving amrit to such hate mongering people (malech khalsa) who brainwash innocent bibya's and spread hatred towards other religion is like feeding milk to an poisnous snake !!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Is it End of a Civilization?

    By: Arvind Singh

    Amritsar Times.

    Are we witnessing the end of a Civilization? Is our own Sikh civilization slowly self-destructing? Thirty years ago, eminent Sikh Historian Khushwant Singh had predicted that Sikh civilization is in decline and there may be no Sikh left by the year 2000.

    Was he right? Sikh not only survived but celebrated the 300 Years of Khalsa with pride in the year 1999. Today Sikhs thrive in Punjab, Rest of India, South Asia, UK, and here in North America. Nishaan-E-Khalsa award at the Tri-Centenary Celebration at Anandpur Sahib, Khushwant Singh admitted that he was wrong.

    Reality check

    But was he far from truth in his earlier prediction? Sikhism today stands at the same crossroads as Buddhism did in year 500 AD. The Sikh civilization is facing challenges coming from several directions:

    Will Sikhism survive in India? Sikh civilization has undergone dramatic transformation after the Sikh Genocide of 1984 where thousands of Sikh Youth perished. There is widespread Apostasy in Punjab. In most of the villages, it is disheartening to see that 60-80% of youth have shorn their hair and no longer wear turbans. Alcohol and drug abuse is common practice. In several villages you rarely spot a young Sikh boy with Patka.

    Our ancestors…

    We all are proud of our ancestors and their achievements. We are proud of our spiritual and moral mentors, our Gurus and the path shown by them. We are proud that they had the courage to take on the invincible Mughals and finally seal the Indian border from centuries of invasions and plunders. Recalling their sacrifices and their resistance against evil heartens us. We are proud to recall the struggles of early immigrants to the USA and how they have established as one of the most prosperous immigrant community in US.

    How did they achieve so much? Was it just luck? Or mere coincidence? If they were the high achievers then why decline in that situation now? Today we are concerned about our lost glory and anxious that our lost glory is restored. Today we pray that our weaknesses eradicated. Did we ever analyze why this is happening to us? What was the strength of our ancestors? In my understanding our Glory, Honor, and prominence comes from the teachings of the Gurus. Our ancestor’s strength stemmed from their beliefs. It came from their total faith in Guru Granth Sahib and power of Saadh Sangat.

    Do we realize that it was Gurbani that enriched the souls of our ancestors and it was Amrit Ceremony that electrified the Sikh warriors to display amazing courage? Our heritage is based on deeds and not mere words. Today you hear older generation lament about the lack of culture and religious knowledge among the youth. When we deplore our degeneration, why don’t we realize that our separation from Gurbani and Sangat is the main cause of our downfall?

    There is only one place where we can get both Gurbani and Saadh Sangat. It is the Gurdwara! Gurdwara is the place of our Guru: Sri Guru Granth Sahib. We get the opportunity to meet and listen to our Guru in Gurdwaras. It is also an example of Community Worship. Guru Nanak preached the benefits of community worship.

    The Gurdwaras have regular scheduled programs. Regular Morning Prayer service on Nitnem is held in the early morning daily. Additionally, recitation of Asa Di Vaar is performed on weekends. In the evening recitation of Rehraas Sahib is performed.

    There is plenty opportunity for the youth to participate and contribute in the Gurdwaras. You could participate in regular services held in the Gurdwaras and join the group of volunteers who provide valuable SEWA in various ways.

    Sign of Hope…

    Recently the events after 9/11 tragedy has shown a very positive outcome for the Sikh Community. The Gurdwara managements felt helpless at the turn of events and looked up to the youth for help. A number of young Sikhs took initiative and too control of the situation. Their hard work brought benefits to the entire community. Their achievements are highly commendable!

    Learn from past Mistakes

    Let’s get back to basics, understand the message of Gurbani. Unite by not politicking like your parents generation. There is an example of what the Jews did in 1945. In a meeting in Paris they decided that to strengthen the community. They will not waste their efforts in criticizing the actions of fellow Jews. Learning their languages and the scriptures (Back to basics, active role) Challenge every Jew to strive for excellence in his/her field of endeavor. (Gaining strength, active role) There is a lesson for us to learn from this story. Learn your own language and scriptures and then you will benefit from the teachings of the Gurus. Indulge in speaking Punjabi with each other. Be proud of your own culture, your language, and your people. Study Gurbani and listen to Shabads, you will enjoy it. Read Punjabi Literature by various acclaimed writers and poets.

    There is so much depth in our literature. Go to library and borrow Punjabi literature from there. If your library doesn’t have Punjabi books, ask for it to be added. Learn about Waris Shah, Bhai Veer Singh, Mohan Singh, Amrita Pritam, Nanak Singh and many other famous Punjabi writers and poets. If you don’t understand Punjabi, you may want to study the English translations available from various sources.

    Cultivate respect for your fellow Sikhs. Make a commitment that whenever you see a fellow Sikh, you will take the initiative to greet him with “Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh”. You could also wish them “Sat Shri Akal”. A little effort from you might make the day for the fellow Sikh. Remember that a Gursikh is the image of our Guru. As Guru Gobind Singh Ji said, “Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Khaas.”. This also means that if you are preserving the Sikh appearance, then you need to also take the responsibility that comes with it. Discourage criticism of fellow Sikhs and Sikh institutions. Support them in any way that you can. Don’t criticize or tell them how to do it right. Instead join in and make the difference you would like to see. Appreciate and reap the benefits from the established institution of Gurdwara.

    Visit your Gurdwara Regularly! Aaye Mil Gursikh Aye mil, too mere Guru Ke pyareya.


    Guru Nanak Dev stayed with Bhai Lalo when he began his preaching missions. Bhai Lalo was a carpenter who earned his living honestly by working hard all day. The local village official was a corrupt person. He was known as Malik Bhago. One day he invited every resident of the village to a feast so he could make a good impression on the people. Guru Nanak Dev declined to go to the feast. Special messengers were sent to bring him. Bhago offered delicious food to the Guru and in response to his offer, waited for good words from him. Guru Nanak Dev rather than blessing Malik Bhago declined to accept any food from him. Bhago was surprised to hear a refusal for the delicious food and he immediately asked the reason for the refusal.

    The Guru told him that the food which Malik Bhago considered to be tasty and sweet was, in fact, made from the blood of the poor. Malik Bhago had been extracting money from the people, instead of living on his honest earnings. Bhago was very much embarrassed by the bold and frank comments of the Guru. Everyone else appreciated the truth fearlessly spoken by Guru Nanak Dev. Bhago could not deny the allegations made against him at his face in the presence of the respectable people of the village. Good senses prevailed and Malik Bhago confessed his guilt. He requested to be pardoned for his past deeds and promised to live a true and honest life in the future.

    Guru Nanak Dev told the gathering there that only honestly earned food, as that of Bhai Lalo, tastes good and sweet like milk. All dishonest earnings are the blood of the innocent. If drops of blood fall on a cloth, it becomes dirty. How can the mind of a person who lives on the blood of the helpless people remain pious and clean?

    Such was the effect of Guru Nanak's piety and personality that people did visualize blood in Malik's delicious dinner and milk in Bhai Lalo's frugal meal.

    Taking away the rights of others is like drawing their blood, it pollutes the mind. Honest earnings are like sweet milk, they make the mind pious.



    Guru Nanak was the first Guru of the Sikhs. He was also the founder of the Sikh religion. He travelled far and wide. Once he visited Lahore. Lahore is a big town in Paki­stan. A very rich man named Duni Chand lived there. He was so rich that he had seven million rupees. To show his riches, he had put seven flags on his house. On the day when the Guru arrived, he was giving a sharadh. A sharadh is a big feast which the Hindus offer to the Brahmans.

    They think that whatever they give to the Brahmans after the feast, reaches their dead forefathers in the next world. They pre­pare the best food and give away fine clothes and money to the Brahmans on this day. They call it Dakshana. Duni Chand had invited many Brahmans and saints on the Sharadh of his father. He invited Guru Nanak too.

    Guru Nanak sat down on one side. He told Duni Chand that he would like to wait till the Brahmans had eaten their food. Duni Chand agreed to this and gave a very fine feast, offering money and clothes to the Brahmans as Dakshana. He believed that all this would reach his dead father. When the Brahmans had gone, Duni Chand asked the Guru to have some food. The Gum gave a smile.

    "Duni Chand," he said, "Do you think that your father is no longer hungry? Have your gifts reached him?"

    "Yes, sir," said Duni Chand. "The Brahmans have eaten so much that my father needs no more food for at least a year He also has enough money and clothes to last for one year."

    "Duni Chand," said the Guru laughing, "The Brahmans ate food; they will sell the clothes and spend all the money. I cannot understand how it can reach your dead father."

    "You are right, sir," said Duni Chand, "You cannot understand it, neither can I. But it's God's will. The Brahman tells us so and we all believe it. I thought you were a Brahman and knew about it, but I am glad I didnt, waste my food on you."

    You did the right thing, Duni Chand said the Guru, "I not carry your food to your father and that's why I did like to let your food go to waste. You may feast the Brahmans in anyway you like. I myself don't need any food I would be pleased if you would do me another favour instead."

    "Yes, gladly," replied Duni Chand.

    "Here is a sewing needle," said the Guru. "Keep it with you- use it if you like. I would like you to give my needle back to me in the next world when we meet after death."

    Duni Chand did not quite understand the Guru and said, "How can I carry this needle with me when I die?"

    "If an old Brahman can carry enough clothes, food and money to last for a whole year, not only for your father but also for many others," said the Guru, "I wonder why this small needle should seem too heavy for you to carry! If the Brahmans refuse to do this work, how will you take all your money, horses, gold and other costly things into the next world?"

    The idea went home to Duni Chand. He asked for the Guru's advice. "Duni Chand," said the Guru, "Work hard, share your earnings with the needy and remember God. Don t worry about your dead forefathers."

    "That's what I already do Sir" , said Duni Chand. "I have hundreds of servants who work for me. I give alot of money and clothes to Brahmans and holy men who come and sing hymns in my house".

    "This is not the way to do it, Duni Chand" said the Guru.

    "Give away all your money to the poor and the needy. You haven't earned it by honest labour. Start going to your farm. Work hard among your servants. Whatever you eam in this way, share equally among all the workers. Then from your own share give away as much as you can in charity. Look upon your servants as brothers and love everybody. Sit among them when you find time and sing God's praises. This is the true way. Duni Chand. One can expect to receive in the next world only that, which one earns by honest labour and gives away in charity to the needy in this world."

    Duni Chand understood the Guru's advice. He gave up his princely life and started working with his own hands. His wife also did the same. Duni Chand's house became a temple where rich and poor, black and white, high and low, all sang songs of God. Duni Chand and his wife became the Guru's followers and helped many others to follow the Guru's Way.

    "If a thief steals something and gives it in Dakshana for his forefathers,

    The stolen Dakshana will be noticed in God's court and hence make the forefathers thieves. It is only justice, therefore, to cut off the hands of those who arrange this selfish deal.

    (Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the king of kings and the saint of saints)

    "Work hard and share your earnings with the needy Nanak; thus shall you find the way to God's grace."

    (Satguru Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the king of kings and the saint of saints)


  17. Guru Gobind Singh’s portraits to adorn temples

    Amritsar, June 29

    Firebrand Ashok Singhal, and Dr Praveen Togadia have been re-elected president and general secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) for the next three years at a Central management meeting of the body, held here today.

    In an attempt to woo Sikhs, the VHP has given due representation to them in the 46-member national body. Mr Prem Singh ‘Sher’, a former member of Parliament from New Delhi who converted to Sikhism a few years ago has been made one of the national Secretaries.

    The VHP announced to put up a portrait of Guru Gobind Singh, 10th Sikh master in all temples including Ram temple at Ayodhya. The VHP leaders said that being a ‘saint soldier’, Guru Gobind Singh was one of the most revered for all Indians. Earlier, the VHP had created ripples by announcing that holy Guru Granth Sahib would be placed in temples.

    Without naming BJP chief Lal Krishan Advani, Mr Togadia alleged that ‘the persons who had been riding ‘Ram Rath’ never wanted to construct Ram temple in Ayodhya. He announced that from now onwards, only religious and apolitical persons would spearhead the campaign for constructing the Ram temple.

    Meanwhile, quoting from history, the national annual meet of the VHP unanimously passed a resolution describing Kashmir as ‘old Hindi state’ which was converted into the Muslim-dominated area by the Mughal invaders. Another resolution strongly criticised the reservation for the Muslims at the cost of crores of poor Hindus and other unemployed persons. The resolution alleged that the ‘appeasement policies’ of the central government amounted to the creation of ‘many Pakistan’ within India. Coming down heavily on the political parties, especially the Congress, the VHP said that such policies would lead the nation to disintegration. The VHP while mentioning the 50 per cent resolution for Muslims in Aligarh Muslim University for the community said the decision to this effect was taken in the presence of Ms Sonia Gandhi, President, Indian National Congress. The Human Resource Development Minister announced the huge reservation. The VHP also expressed shock and disbelief over the opposition parties for remaining ‘mute spectators’ to the appeasement policies to the Muslims which would allegedly pose a threat to the sovereignty of the country. The VHP also expressed grave concern over the rising population of the Muslims in India.

    Substantiating the claims that Kashmir was once a Hindu state, the VHP resolution stated that the excavations of the area had given ample proof regarding this. The VHP strongly opposed the re-naming of Shankaracharya hill (temple) as ‘Suleman Tang’ and described the move as second invasion on the ‘symbol of India’. Another hill, Hariparvat’s name which has now being called as ‘Sikandar But Shikan’ by a Minister of the troubled state had also come under the scanner of the VHP. The resolution criticised the Congress, which is political partner of the PDP Government for maintaining studied silence. The VHP alleged that the PDP had been endeavouring to fulfil all ‘unjust demands’ of the Muslim community in Jammu and Kashmir.Afterwards he said sikhs have to come back to Hinduism.

    SSF (Mehta) protests against VHP leaders’ remarks

    Amritsar, June 29

    The Sikh Students Federation (Mehta) today protested against the alleged controversial regarding Sikhs byleaders of the VHP. They burnt an effigy of Acharya Giriraj Kishore, vice-president and Dr Praveen Togadia, national general secretary of the parishad, and raised slogans against them.

    The protest march started from Gurdwara Rani Ka Bagh and reached Dr Kichlu Chowk near the site of the convention of the VHP, after pushing aside policemen led by Mr Ashish Kapur, DSP.

    Mr Gurcharan Singh Grewal, president of the federation, said the VHP had come with some ulterior motive and conspiracy to create an unsavory atmosphere that would disturb the peace in the state. They termed the VHP leaders as ‘communal terrorists’ and demanded immediate ban on the convention being held in here.

    Later, federation members, along with Mr Rajinder Singh Mehta, SGPC member, presented a memorandum to the Deputy Commissioner demanding the arrests of parishad leaders. They also urged the state government to ban the entry of these leaders in the state.

    The VHP leaders had in a statement described the Sikhs as the armed wing of the Hindus community. Mr Grewal said the Sikhs had a separate and distinct identity and the parishad leaders should desist from issuing such statements, that hurt the feelings of the Sikhs. The activists said the Sikhs could consider launching a nationwide campaign, in association with representatives of other religions if the VHP did not refrain from issuing controversial statements. They said the Sikhs did not require any certificate from Hindu leaders.

    Meanwhile, the Khalra Mission Committee while demanding a ban on the organisation, in a press statement issued has alleged that parishad leaders were baselessly accusing others for conversions in the country while ignoring the fact that untouchability and discrimination for Dalits at places of worships still existed. Due to this practice, many Dalits adopted other religions it added.

    Mr Harbir Singh Sandhu, office secretary SAD (A) has also condemned the statements of the VHP.

    VHP vitiating atmosphere, says Bhaur

    Phagwara, June 29

    SGPC general secretary Sukhdev Singh Bhaur today flayed VHP leaders for their irresponsible utterances aimed at vitiating the atmosphere in Punjab by whipping up communal disaffection. He called upon the government to take due notice of these divisive statements being dished out daily for the past three days from Amritsar where VHP leaders had converged to attend their national convention. Talking to The Tribune here, Jathedar Bhaur reminded VHP leaders that “Sikhs were a separate quam, they are and would continue to be so for ever.”

    He was commenting on the statements of VHP top brass that everybody born in Hindustan was a Hindu and that the Khalsa was an armed wing of the Hindus.

    A person born in Hindustan could be a Hindustani but not Hindu, asserted Jathedar Bhaur. Besides, the Khalsa maintained its distinct identity by making supreme sacrifices, he said. The Sikh faith founded by Guru Nanak Dev against “pakhandwaad”was turned into Khalsa by Guru Gobind Singh, he remarked.

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