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  1. source: The radiance of complete journey to Akaal Purkh by Sant baba Jagjit Singh Ji Harkhowaley.

    Four ways of Faqiri.

    1. Shariat - Rituals

    2. Trikat - the way of worship for inner mind's purification

    3. Marfat - means knowledge

    4. Hakikat- means realization of supreme reality.

    "Guru said with a mile, do not adopt apposing ways (love less ness). Guru's command is real as to custom of Veda’s instructions. Do not nurture lust, anger, infatuation, greed and commit no crime. Saint's path goes through simple and pure heart “(Gurpartap Suraj, rut 3, Ansu 50."

    1. Bairaag- love detachment- a) Attempt to renounce attachment and jealously etc.

    2. Betrack- Understanding of one's flows.

    3.Ekindrie- Stoppage of external temptations yet nurturing subtle desires in mind.

    4. Basikaram- renouncing sudden evil desires. Further there are three further divisions - 1. Mand Bairaag- Due to problems one flees family and household life, runs to foreign land yet comes back with five chandals. 2.Tibar Bairaag- Mental Renunciation of desire for wife, children in this life. 3. Tibar Tar Bairaag- Negation of desire for the comforts of both worlds, this world and world after death.

    Two forces of ignorance (Sun of ignorance has two of forces)- Awaran and vikshep two types of Awaran.

    1. A Sat Wpadik

    2. Aabhamapadik: God is net untrue- This knowledge comes from Asatwapadik and direct knowledge removes this force Aabanapadik involves the realization that God has no differentiation. Indirect knowledge removes this force.

    This is indirect knowledge. Faith in Guru's and veda shastars give direct knowledge whereas listening from Guru's mouth gives indirect knowledge.

    Division of Phases

    1. Congreegational persons is phase- Daram Khand

    2. Servant- Gian Khand

    3. Sikh-Disciple- Saram Khand

    4. Sanmukh- Karam Khand the phase of grace.

    5. Gurmukh in sachkhand also known as Turia Phase.

    20 Parts of Knowledge

    1. Not indulging in self praise.

    2. Not mention Dharma for self praise.

    3. Tolerating the excess of the weak.

    4. Living without deceit.

    5. Sacrificing body, mind and wealth in Guru's service.

    6. Cleaning place with water and soil.

    7. Purifying mind by renouncing attachment and jealously.

    8. Unshakable faith in the path of salvation.

    9. Physical discipline.

    10 Renunciation of sensual desires.

    11. To be of great fortune by dispelling ego.

    12. Considering birth and death and worldy pains as flower

    13. Renouncing attachment for wife and children.

    14 Always keeping equipoise in good or bad.

    15 Keeping mind in tune with God.

    16 Living in seclusion jovially

    17. Live dispassionately

    18 Comprehending the real element i.e. - soul and supreme soul

    19. To be liberated and transcendental

    20 These twenty characteristics are described in various ways

    (Gurmukh Parkash p- 728)

    Q- What is form of hearing?

    Ans- The final outcome of one Mono Litchi God is Sarvan(hearing) -

    1. Hearing holy words from Guru's by which one feels that individual soul is in essence same as the supreme soul knowing the essence of all utterances in God, the pure, the truth and unique through Guru's word by six lingas-

    Seven lingas-

    1. Beginning and end with same subject.

    2. Repetition

    3. Apoorbta

    4. Result- achievement of spiritual knowledge.

    5. Arthvadi- focusing attention into meaning of monistic nature of God.

    6. Utpati- Ugti argument in the state ment of monism.

    7. Believing- The supportive examples of thinking about the identification of soul and the supreme soul as also opposing examples of the difference between individual soul and the supreme soul.

    Negative arguments of differentiation:

    [He who worships the being other than God, he lives in dread, so says Veda. " ] - P- 1163

    "Those who have feeling of otherness, away from God, are like animals."

    "People who feel difference between soul and the supreme soul are like the Animals".

    Page- 617

    "As fire is locked in the wood and butter in the milk, so does the lord pervade all hearts, and his light illumines high and low."

    Just as there is fire in whole vegetation and there is butter in milk similarly God's light is pervading everything high or low and layer within layer.

    Hidhi Asam: Renunciation of tendencies that give rise to ignorance and attainment of such tendencies as help gaining knowledge in know as Nidhia Sam.

    [Var Bhai Gurdas Ji- Pauri - 3]

    "Persons engaged in Nidhi Asam have no sexual desire, anger, conflict, greed, obsession and ego, They are firm in their faith in truth, contentment, mercy righteousness, God's Naam, Charity and holy bath'

    Tat And Twan: To Obtain the idea of unity of soul and Brahm(God)

    ["Supreme Lord without the darkness of illusion is all by himself.”]

    Five Kinds of Faquiri

    1. Khechri - To enjoy yoga by joining tongue with upper plato of mouth to taste sweat chemical coughs in mouth. Also to know bodies moving in organs and acquiring power.

    2. Bhoochari- To focus eye sight in-between the brows & acquiring the power to walk on earth.

    3. Charchari- To focus attention in trikurti and to acquire power of wake in water.

    4. Agoachari- To go beyond the confinement of six cycles to know the line to enter Dasam dwar(tenth door) and to see 1000 petal lotus of dasam dwar.

    5 Unmani- To acquire Brahma lok (spiritual domain) by exhaling and inhaling breath through soul at dasam dwar within human body. Lotus petal's mind's power or merger with the flame of consciouness and getting or merge into Braham by breaking Braham Randhar vein.

    Five Pranas

    1. To have known the identity of supreme soul

    2. Apan: to be without the identity of the world.

    3. Bian: to be without duality

    4. Swan: to think omnipresent.

    5. Udhari to consider world, wilderness

    Five Sub paranas-

    1. Karical- to cause sneezing

    2. Kooram : to open eye lids

    3. Naag: to cause belching

    4. Devdut- to cause yawning

    5. Dhaniyay to inflate stomach after death

    1. Kheechri- to be able to wake in sky.

    2. Boochari- setting attention in Brahm

    3. Charchar attention always in brahm's excitements.

    4. Unmani - Turia stage

    Five elements and meditation:

    1. Those who meditation upon earth up to knees do not remain buried in earth.

    2. Meditate upon water up to the waist do not drown in water.

    3. Meditate upon fire up to naval, do not burn fire.

    4. Meditate upon air (wind) up to throat, can fly in air.

    5. Meditate upon the sky with dasam dwar can listen all at will.

    Five clashes tensions:

    1. Avidya- Education less- to be without sunlight.

    2. Asmata: Not to have equilibrium.

    3. False attachment and obsession

    4. Jealously and enmity

    5. Avinesh to be stubborn in direction opposite to veda shastras and Guru's teaching.

    1. Khat Parman- Knowledge acquired by the sense organs (eyes etc) with inner mind.

    2. Anuman- Knowledge of an action thought cause- Fire is not far from the smoke similarly krishna avtar thou(god) are known by the illusion.

    3. To know something form some well known object resembling in appearance-

    4. Sabde- Statement in religious texts or universe axioms.

    5. Arthapati- A meaning less statement cause imaginative of some thing else for truth.

    6. Anulopathi- Not feeling the presence of something by example-

    [Page- 695]

    "Why curse thy god, O Ignorant woman, when the good and the bad receives is the fruit one one's deeds" prays- trilochans, "O lord, bless me with thy name."

    7. Sambhav- where something is possible.

    8 Aitiyah: some statement traditionally valid but having no known origin.

    [bilawal Sadan a]

    "To wed a king's daughter, a personal assumed the grab (of vishnu ) Bairaag.

    Nine different types of bairaag.

    1. Reason Bairag: Shasthri got bairaag due to his wife's adultery.

    2. Mand Bairaag- due to the lack of worldly materials.

    3. Ek indra bairaag- to be unstable in

    4. Yatman: to distinguish between Truth and Lie.

    5. Vatrek Bairaag: to think about merits and demerits on congregation.

    6. Vasikarn: to control sense organs.

    7. Teebar tami bairaag- To renounce desire for paradise.

    8. Teebar Bairaag- Desire for worldly kingship and comforts.

    9. Teebar tar bairaag- to renounce the objects of Bhramlok.

    Three varties of bairaag:

    1. Donky bairaag- Renouncing household then again drawn to the family attachment.

    2. Horse bairaag- FIrst going out from family life, then coming back at family member insistence.

    3. Lion Bairaag- Never coming back to family life, sanyans- Renunciation.

    1. Hans(swan)- Just as swan separate milk from water...drinks milk and leaves water. same way. Maya too is untrue, non conscious and pain. Renouncing Maya and Grasping Guru's knowledge of God's attainment is Hans Sanyas.

    It's is further of two types:

    1. Kutichiac: to live in a hut. 2. Bahadur: to live and walk along the bank of a river.

    Supreme Hans: Those who know how to distinguish between true and untrue and renounce the illusion of separateness of soul and the supreme soul are pram handas. Knowing smallness of individual song giving up six evils and knowing omniscience of God as also giving up of six qualities and acquiring of true status is also being paramhans.

    It is also types Bibidkha- To always keep on trying to get supreme truth(God) by renouncing worldly attachments.

    Bidut- After having attainment brahm keep attached with timeless being for salvation although renounciation is desired.

    Six Attributes of Almighty -


    1. Creation

    2. Presentation

    3. Destruction

    4. Omniscience

    5. Awarding according to deeds

    6. Transmigration of Species

    Apart from these contemplating about the greatness of God (truth consciousness and bless) , Six demerits of human soul- Birth & Death, Hunger & Thirst, Happiness and Sorrow.

    Three doubts:

    1. Whether the statement is about monism or Dualism is clarified by hearing bani (Guru's word)

    2. Whether the doubt about knowledge about unity of Braham and soul is true or the knowledge about the duality of bhram and soul is true is removed by believing.

    3. Visible world, bodies are true or the distinction between soul and the supreme soul is true. This doubt can be removed by Nidhasan.

    Upasana (Worship) - in stages

    1. Ideal worship (Bringin saroop of Guru or Murshid)

    2.: Ahingarae : To worship cosmic form of God by considering Nirguna (un-equal lied) all pervading.

    3. To know all spirit orientated.

    1. Prananmabad: As curd form milk but curd cannot revert back to milk

    2. Vivarbad: meet ornaments from Gold- could back to the gold. Similarly universe and God are related.



    Neither- true nor untrue nor in-between true and untrue. Neither self created nor created by external agency nor in between self and non self. Neither separate nor non- separate (identified) nor in between.

    Then What is it?

    It's is in-describe able (cannot be proven this worlds) but can be stopped by knowledge.

    1. Mother 2. fraud. 3. Illusion 4. Wealth, property. 5. God's creative power 6. Grace. 7 Three attributes- Rajo, Tamo and Sato.

    These are meaning and different forms of maya. In short, individual and soul person and soul (God) are one.

    Body six symptoms: conception, birth growth, decrease, change destruction individual soul, the prime life element in organic bodies and root causes of desires is described by many to be heart of mind.. Some believe to be all embracing. Bodies have soul...it is essential part of God. The truth, consciousness and bliss and transcendent any consideration of space time, country and is self- evident. Dual soul is not separate from braham only appears so due to physical condition which is also responsible for separateness of individual.

    Soul and God.

    Atheist believe individual soul to be eternal also like materials scientists are of the view that soul is the out come of characteristic of brain cortex's syrasphetic Ganglunic cell. Meanings of individual soul.

    1. Atma and Paratma are one.

    2. Supreme Soul wonderful Lord par Brahm

    3 Inner Mind.

    4. Nature.

    5. Body

    6. Patience.

    7. Intellect.

    8. Sun

    9 Fire

    10 Air.

    Inner mind with consciousness becomes individual living organism. Intellect with consciousness becomes soul. Qualified special maya which consciousness becomes manifest form of reality. Brahm is referred to as devoid of three attributes of Maya and Pure consciousness creation, Master of derived from beah(root) meaning to increase to grow.

    Illusion: Travel around of mirage myth to appear different, misunderstanding. According to vedanta's ignorance, illusion of consciousness, in ignorance all three are being image in ignorance. Just as sun's reflection thousands of pitchers

    Five kinds of Illusions

    1. Separateness: Not to accept God as soul nurturing.

    2. Creativeness: To think “I m the creator.”

    3. Company: I am body and go through birth.

    4. Curvature: World is an disorder of Brahm(God).

    5. Existence: To Consider about existence intellect doubt and evil thoughts.

    Seven merits of perfect persons:

    1. To recite Maha Mantar in meditation of Omnipresent God- Creator.

    2. Through Good conduct incur no ones enmity and keeping knowledge unshakable in pain or pleasure.

    3. To control temptations and showing mercy on all living beings.

    4. To Consider Kirtan(praising lord) as food and keep de-attached lotus flower inward.

    5. Devotion and faith in creator. Equal treatment to friend or foe.

    6. To be humble like feet dust and listening so calumny.

    Ten organs: ears, skin, eyes, tongue, nasal, mouth, feet, hands, rectum, sex organ.

    Three bodies- Solid, Subtle and Cause

    There stages- Awakened, dreamy and in between.

    Five treasures (kosas/sheats) :

    1. Anmay Kos (Food oriented)

    2. Pranmay Kos (Respiration Orientated)

    3 Mnumay Kos (Mind orientated)

    4. Vigyanmay Kos (Knowledge/sceince orientated)

    5. Anandmay Kos (Bliss orientated).

    Three attiributes: Sato , Rajo, Tamo

    Five subjects: word, touch, beauty, taste, odour- smell, Witness.

    Spiritual knowledge: to consider soul transcendental of all every thing. To consider soul above everything and see divine light in whole nature is the real spiritual knowledge. One who gets to this stage enjoys liberation while being alive and obtains bodiless salvation in the end. Such a one is a great person and has spiritual existence. This stage is obtained by Guru's grace and being worthy of God's mercy by efforts and prayer.

    1. Lord of wonder is beyond mind and intellect. He is the greatest and creator worthy or praise.

    "O wonderful lord, the whole universe is thine cosmic play. Thou are it's creator.

    2. Sikh Gurmantar - "True Guru out of his kindness uttered Waheguru the true Mantar" (Bhai Gurdas Ji)

    3. Bhai Santokh Singh has explained the meaning of Waheguru in first chapter of Guru Nanak Parkash- Wahe(Wonderful) - Gu(Darkness) Ru (Enligthner).

    "O True and ever - abiding art thou: the container of Lakshmi " The Prime-val person,

    "O true and ever abiding art thou: the container of Lakshmi" The primeval person, "O wonderous, beauteous and lustrous Guru"

    Nothing is equal to Naam.

    Bhai Santhokh Singh says millions of fasts, sacrificial fires, worship, meditation, vedas reading, penances, charities, baths and million kind of recital. Dharmas don't match Hari naam. Ten years meditation in satyug equals one year meditation in treta which equal one's month's meditation in dwapar which further is equal to one's day meditation in Kalyug.

    Importance of Naam.

    Naam's importance knowns shankara, who drank poison silent in his time.

    Meditation is ten times greater than the sacrificial fire and remembrance by respiration is thousand times greater. Remember Onkar with devotion everyday in secluded sacred place. This way instinctive forces are disciplined and if onkar is meditation upon 20000 times for one year continuously. All sins are destroyed instantly and person remains always happy and peaceful.


    According to tantra and yoga a nerve lying in 3 1/2 coils like snake in the root of sukhmana is known as kundalini . It gets awakened by Yoga and climb to dasam dwara through Sukhmana. As it goes up yogi feels ecstatic accordingly keeping kundalni in dasam dwar and then getting it down is the completion of Yoga.

    Surat, Nirat: Hearing and watching dance, kundalini, while in rectum, sex organs, naval cycles remains indulgent in food drink and pleasures when it gets on to heart's ground leaving behind physical pleasures, it has the glimpses of divine light but still there is doubt of getting downwards. Divine inclinations live in the throat. It may slip down again. But when it goes above the throat onto trikuri. Then there is no fear of going back. Here is the realization of comfort and peace which is the out come of god's vision. There is a transparent curtain like glass in between which gets tattered by 21 days continuous practice. Now mind does not go below throat and heart merger with motionless status (Nirban pad)


    "The breath is turned in through the moon channel and retained in the sush mand and turned out through the sun channel uttering six-teen times (God's name) And the mind - potency of the mind is broken and ceases it's outgoing; and it's wildness is tamed and one in drinks (the god's) nectar. O mind, when one contemplates the primal lord, the source of all the virtue, one sense's of duality is stilled. When one dwells on God worthy of being Dwelt upon, and puts faith in the one worthy of devotion, then one becomes one with God, as water mingles with water, Says jaidev: "When I contemplate the God's name. I attain unto the all pervading and detached Lord. "

    The pranas and then filled pierced not filled again them through moon tone with shabad (letter) reciting. Ong mantar sixtreen times in sun tone. Weakened bodly force and established the unstable mind which is corrigible. Having mounted in the consciousness drank nectar. Adored the creator lord that is the root cause of the beginning of inner mind and all qualities . This way dual doubteness I vanished away. Worshipped- the worthy of worship and kept devotion in for one worthy of devotion. Water mingled with water.

    Says- Jaidev- that by meditation upon the one who is the prime cause of all I got mingled with Nirvan (Braham desire less) Brham.

    Maya's play (mirage).

    It means just as things stated above in the stanza are impossible so is the knowledge without Guru which shows the path.

    Traditional exponents (gianis) interpret thus- Maya, wife produced her husband (Master). God implying the separateness of individual soul and the soul supreme is due to maya. Son had his father play around implying that individual soul had supreme soul got busy in it's bringing up milk drunk without mammals. Implying maya got individual soul indulgent into sensual pleasures. Son had his own mothers as wife coiled) implying soul got maya's ownership. Mind is without feet yet has long jumps.

    It's without mouth, yet makes hearty open laughter singing feels happy due to sensual temptations... Individual soul is in reality, without sleep but is sleeping due to darkness (ignorance). It's without body yet indulges in pleasures. Mammal less cow is giving milk maya without stability is giving material comforts. Soul is without the cycle of birth or death yet roam in 84 lacs (8.4 million) reincarnation. That is maya's play.

    Pranyam: It is fourth part of yoga. According to yog sutra controlling of breathing (inhaling and exhaling of respiration) is called pranyam atrie rishi writes controlling breath and reciting three times giatr is pranayam.

    Hath Yoga: Hath yog pardeepika says that joining sun and moon is that yoga implying joining Ira and Pingala with Sukhmana.

    Ashtang: Yam Niyam, Praihar, Dharna, Dhian, Meditation (concentration) samadhi, stopping of breath make efforts and fast of trying to with hold mind and sense organs.

    Astaiye- renouncing theft.

    Yam Niyam: Ten means of prohibiting mind and sense organs from temptations and adopting rules of merits.

    Yam Ahinsa (Non- Violence)- Giving up of torturing and killing of animals. To be truthful line nuneation of falsehood.

    Asittaiya - giving up theft.

    Bhramcharya (celibacy)- learning while remaining celibate.

    Aprogrehi- Renunciation of amassing wealth., rules, cleanliness, sacredness, contentment, patience, penance to equipose in pain or pleasure, reading yoga texts (self study), liberation and recital of mantar, surrender of deeds to God and renunciation of ego: cleanliness contentment penance, posture and the piece of cloth to sit upon while posturing for yoga.

    Third part of yoga: sitting in yoga meditation in 84 different positions, according to yoga text imitating birds and other objects.

    Determination: According to Yoga mind concentration in Brahm forgetting all other emotions. Adopt righteousness.

    Dhian: Contemplation from dhan not pondering implies merging attention on it. Some thing with holding mind form all sides and focusing in single object thought contemplation are valid.

    Smadhi - Perfect concentration of mind, merger of inner mind into 'dhay'

    Sehaj yog- Easy meditation and easy distinct yog in different hath yoga. Concentration of mind through naam simran (remembrance) yoga which mentioned in Gurbani as Bhagti Yoga. Sehaj jog described thus.

    Asa Mohalla 1 (p- 359)

    Let the Guru's word be thy mind's ear rings and compassion thy coat and submit thou lovingly to this will, thus will thou attain to the glory of sehaj yoga, He who is attained to the great quintessence is forever a yogi, for, he taste the nectar name of the immaculate lord, and his body bathes in the essence of wisdom (1) . I have my seat in my self and have forsaken all dis philation and my horn is the Guru's word and it's music ever rings in my mind (2). Reflection is my begging bowl and awakened intellect my staff and to live in this presence is the ashes I apply to my body. The lord's presence is my daily routine, The Guru's way my love support is to see the lord's light in all, though the garbs by many Says Nanak “Listen thou, Bharthari a yogi is he who is ever attuned to the transcendent Lord. "

    Nirurkti explains- Something worthy of believing in Mantra Tantra text says the word worthy of recitation for appears god or for fulfilling purpose is Yoga.

    Five inclination of Mind.

    1. Parmani : To be indulgent in visible things.

    2. Viparjai- To consider world as true and brahmas non-existent against Guru's word.

    3. Sleep: No realization of jagan-supan- awakening, dreamy and always be in sleepy condition due to ignorance- Sukhopati.

    4. Vikalp- Scattered mind.. too much desiring remedy

    5. Memorizing- To remember other things at the time of remembering God's Name.

    Tantar Shastar- In Tantar Shastra - the letters add to 50 and reading them from beginning and end amounts to 100 then first letters of all groups.

    When added come equal to 8. Therefore 108 bead rosary is meant for all mantras. It is also written that each rashi contains 9 letters. Hence 12 X 9 - 108. Further more each planet contains 4 letters. Hence the aggregate 27 X 4- 108.

    Also four directions multiplied by 27 planets equals 108. This way 108 bead rosary stands for 108 upinshadas of knowledge. There are 27 planets in the sky and 4 directions of earth. 108 number represents the whole universe. Therefore "Bhram Gyani", the knower of the supreme reality is addressed as respectable, 108 which means that a divine soul is worthy of worship in the Universe.

  2. source: sant baba isher singh ji maharaj rara sahib audio divan.

    1. Vishaye Anand (Drop of Anand) - Worldy Materialstic, Superfical things ie- relationships, bhog bilas(sexual orgasm), getting new car, house, job, status in a soceity.

    2. Bhajan Anand (River of Anand)- Listening to bhajan in form of katha, kirtan, patt - doing bachan bilas of adhyatamik (spiritual) subjects.

    3. Brhma Anand (Ocean of Anand Hiiii Anand)- Realization of Tat Gyan, Bhramgyan Gyan... travelling through antish karan, panj kosh..finally reaching it's desination- Atma-Paratama !!!!!!!!!

  3. Toronto challenged

    Beginning July 16, Toronto Challenge teams will work in partnership with churches to meet the 48 percent of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) residents who weren't born there in order to spread the gospel. Toronto's multi-ethnic/religious community includes Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs. Canada is home to the largest community of Sikhs outside of the Punjab in India, home to half of Canada's Sikh and Hindu population. For three weeks, teams will visit Muslim mosques, Hindu temples, Sikh gurdwaras or Buddhist temples while learning about other faiths and cultures. Call 1-877-487-7777 or email: andy@cdn.om.org.


    Poster at http://www.omcanada.org/tc05.doc.pdf

  4. Takht Jathedar condemns London blasts

    Tribune News Service

    Amritsar, July 7

    Jathedar of Akal Takht, Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, today strongly condemned the series of bomb blasts in London.

    In a press statement, issued here, Jathedar Vedanti said that Sikhism always stood against the innocent killings and acts of violence. He urged the world to maintain peace and harmony at all costs.

  5. Black Goddess Jee,

    I dont understand is, how does a person become an afghan simply because they dont agree with you on some swami jee? despite what Swami Jee has to say about what he beleives in, he is not Gursikh, hense has no authority to lecture Sikhs in a Gurdwara (of all places) on Dharm. Maybe a Mandhir or community center would be a more appropriate place for such events to be held.

    Ever heard of Inter-faith ??

    Ever heard of Guru Kee Masjeed Singh47?

  6. Dr Bains honored with Order of British Columbia

    Order of British Columbia yet Another Jewel in the Crown of Dr. Bains’ Honors in Canada


    From Left is His Honour Gordon Campbell, the Premier of British Columbia, Center Dr Raghbir Singh Bains O.B.C. and on right is Her Honour Lt Governor, Campagnolo Iona

    VICTORIA: In presence of the high dignitaries including Gordon Campbell, the Premier of British Columbia, Honourable Lance S.G. Finch Chief Justice of British Columbia, Ministers and Members of Canadian Parliament, Dr. Raghbir Singh Bains the compiler of the first of its kind "Encyclopaedia of Sikhism" and Producer-Creator of “Multimedia Sikh Museum” has been honored by the Lieutenant Governor of B.C. Iona Campagnolo with the highest honor of the “Order of British Columbia” 2005. Her Honour the Lieutenant Governor praised the outstanding contribution of Dr. Bains and other recipients of this highest award who attributed towards strengthening the province in a variety of exceptional ways. She said,”This year’s memorable class also boasts Dr. Raghbir Singh Baines whose reach extends across the great issues of our time to include an encyclopedic work on Sikhism and extend our shared understanding of the Sikh culture and religion that has been at home here in BC now for more than five generations”.

    Former Lieutenant Governor Garde Gardom, the Awards Advisory Council, Official Party, other high ups and guests were also present at the occasion. In addition to the medal, members of the Order received a lapel pin and a Certificate of Appointment in the form of Letters Patent. Members are also granted the right to have the letters O.B.C. placed after their names.

    The recipients were also invited at Government House for gala dinner by the British Columbia’s Lieutenant Governor. The dinner party was attended by Hon’ble Gordon Campbell the Premier of British Columbia, Hon’ble chief Justice Finch, Official party and spouses of the awards recipients. Speaking at the dinner party, the Lieutenant Governor praised Dr. Bains for writing the Encyclopaedia of Sikhism which benefited the Canadians to understand the social and cultural heritage of the Sikhs. Her Honor further said, “Our province welcomes each recipient to the distinction that their dedication merits as members of the Order of British Columbia.” Hon’ble Gordon Campbell, the Premier of B.C. thanked the recipients of the Order of British Columbia for making tireless efforts to build up the province.

    The Order of British Columbia represents the highest form of recognition the province can extend to its select citizens. It was established by Statute on April 21, 1989, to recognize those persons who have served with the greatest distinction and excelled in any field of endeavour benefiting the people of the Province of British Columbia, the land of Canada or elsewhere in the world.

    The Order of British Columbia awardees are carefully selected from public nominations by an independent Advisory Council chaired by British Columbia Chief Justice and seven advisory members.

    The citation pronounced at the induction ceremony reads, “Dr. Raghbir Singh Bains emigrated to Canada in 1990, and has since worked tirelessly as a volunteer, community activist and educator for many organizations to promote cultural understanding and mutual respect. He has presented at seminars and conferences world-wide on the subjects of drugs and youth, AIDS awareness, environmental issues and world peace. He is author of the ‘Encyclopaedia of Sikhism’, an educational reference that covers Sikh religion, history, culture and heritage. Dr. Bains produced the ‘Multimedia Sikh Museum’ in India, the first of its kind in the world, using new technology to make it easily accessible and interactive for all. Dr. Bains has won over 60 local, national and

    international awards for his volunteer work. He was declared Scholar of the 20th Century by the Government of Punjab, and awarded the Order of Khalsa. He has received the Bhai Gurdas

    International Award from India, and Good Citizen of the Year Award from the City of Surrey. Dr. Bains was awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee medal for outstanding community service”.

    Dr Bains is an innovative and committed volunteer who toured dozens of countries in the world to spread the message of peace and universal prosperity. Although his stay in Canada is less than 15 years but he fully utilized the golden period of his life in service of the people of British Columbia with vigor and full commitment. He is campaigning vigorously against drugs, AIDS and prostitution. Because of his expertise in the field, he is in constant demand for youth camps and seminars everywhere and all the times in the world.

    On receiving the top-notch kudos in a well organized ceremony Victoria, Dr. Bains paid zillions of thanks to his family, friends, community and the society at large for providing him opportunity to serve the global people especially the youth. He said, “Indeed it is a happy occasion for me and my family. I love this land and her people with a passion. It is my good luck that I have been blessed to serve the people of this marvelous land. I am delighted that some body was there to notice my work in the country of my dreams. It has added to my enthusiasm”. Dr. Bains further said, “Volunteerism will remain the sublimest activity in the rest of my life. I will make all the endeavors to make British Columbia a better place to live in”.

    Dr. Bains is a worldwide known volunteer, prolific writer and a celebrated futurist. He is a well-known figure in literary and volunteer circles. His mission is to promote a fair society and to spread the message of universal peace, human prosperity, brotherhood, goodness, honesty and integrity depicted in the scriptures, literature, history, culture and heritage of the Sikh people. He is committed to strengthen the human roots by bridging the social and cultural gaps in the world. He has a rich experience of working on multiple jobs in India and Canada

    Dr. Bains belongs to Manik Dheri village in Hoshiarpur district (Punjab). He is resident of Urban Estate Jalandhar and now settled in Surrey, B.C. (Canada). He is recipient of dozens of national and international awards, titles and medals including the Order of Khalsa, Panth Ratan (Gem of the nation), Sahitya Shiromani Vashesh, Queen Elizabeth II’s Golden Jubilee Medal, Good Citizen of Surrey-Canada, Bhai Gurdas Award, Wisdom of Age Mentorship award, and many other honours. Recently, Nishan-e-Sikhi award was presented to Dr. Bains by Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti Jathedar Sri Akal Takht Sahib Amritsar, the highest spirituo-temporal throne of the Sikhs.

    The Order of British Columbia is yet another jewel in the crown of his achievements. With the new investiture, Dr. Bains attained a unique niche in the world for himself and did the nation to be proud of him.

  7. unbreakable,

    This is - "1. Hinduism/Other Indian religious traditions' section and we are discussing different religions...

    I hope in your dictionary just discussing about geeta or reading geeta to get more knowledge is not - Manmat..if it is then i must recommend you to join other wahabi type of forums.

    This forum apperciates- peace and harmony towards other religion by discussing other religion, traditions, school of thoughts or reading upon it so the ignorance can be vanished.

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