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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Further to the email sent on 07/07/05 - 2 Gurdwara's have been attacked in the UK and this maybe just the beginging (hopefully the end) please be careful!!

    Please read the following VERY IMPORTANT!!


    Following the tragic events of Thursday 7 July in London and the growing reports of hate crimes against Sikhs it is important for the community to have basic information on the level, type and location of these crimes. This information will help Sikhs lobby the authorities to take appropriate actions as they appear to be currently failing the Sikh community.

    A hate crime is when someone attacks another person verbally, via mail or email, or perhaps physically, and the crime is driven by the attacker's prejudice against a particular group of people. While more hate crime is verbal than physical, that does not mean it's not serious, or very upsetting for the person being harassed.

    What should you do if it happens to you or someone you know?

    Don't retaliate: you could risk violence or make the situation worse.

    Do tell someone about it: hate crime is inexcusable and should be dealt with as soon as possible. If you're at school or college, tell a teacher or staff member what has happened and they'll help you sort it out and help you decide whether you want to inform the police.

    In any situation, it's your right to go to the police, report a crime and have it investigated. If you're scared to go to the police there are hundreds of third-party reporting sites. These places are community centres, other public places including some Gurdwaras where you can discuss your situation with a person trained to fill in a crime form to notify the police. You can even notify the police of a non-urgent crime over the internet.

    Many Sikhs are not on email therefore feel free to report second hand on any hate crimes that you become aware of in your locality.

    Please visit: http://www.sikh-secretariat.com/sikh_incident_form.htm

    to fill in a simple incident form.

    The information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence.

    Note: The Sikh Secretariat has been asked to co-ordinate collation of the information so it can be used for the benefit of the Sikh community in getting the authorities to take this issue much more seriously.

    Sikh Secretariat


  2. I find hari post to be interesting.

    From a simliar type topic he posted earlier:

    This is about transliteration and not wether Omkar means the same as Oankar.They are both different transliterations of the same Divine Name.

    The word Omkar/Oankar existed well befroe Satguru Nanak Nirankar manifested on this plane.

    In Devnagari script (used for Hindi and Sanskrit) you have a nasal sound called anusvara or chandrabindu which is transliterated as "m".This is what appears at the end of Om ---> A-U-M.When you couple Om with kaar, you pronounce the "m" as a nasal "n".Hence you get Oankar.

    Omkar is not pronounced "Omkar" but Oankar.

    Om appears in Gurbani as ura-aira-tippee, also the Akshar Onam which appears in Dakhni Oankar is supposed to be synonymous with Om/Oan.

    Om is known as Mool Mantra, as is Ek Oankar.

    Hari Om Shanti Shanti Shanti...

  3. When reading stories contained in these old granths, one should good shrewd judgment. If something written in these stories is contrary to Gurbani, then it is very likely that the story is distorted or false. When reading these old Janamsakhis of the Gurus, we find great Sakhis, but sometimes we come across such a Sakhi which is in odds with Gurmat/Gurbani, that is when critical thinking comes in and should be used.

    Please go by singh47 advice when going through such texts ! :idea:

  4. I saw loads of sikhs reciting maha mantar/bij mantar as Ikomkar whereas correct prounounciation is -Ikongkar??

    Please post your views...why there is variation in these maha mantar?..especially when the whole creation came about from bij mantar.

    Bij mantar sab ko gian ||

    and there are other references given about in gurbani - where whole creation came about from resoance/dhuni of ikongkar.

    Please discuss :D

  5. Really sad to racial attacks are happening in country like- England..i guess real white supermacy movement ie- red necks, KKK are finally coming outta their caves and showing their true colors..!!!

    I know this is goin sound crazy but media is also fully responsible in their bias news and subtle attacks on miniority.

  6. The Devil In Disguise

    Written by an enlightened soul!

    When I was a kid I hid behind a pillow while watching Count Dracula

    about to bite the neck of some poor girl. And then trying to creep

    upstairs past the open window was terrible. Thoughts of "What if a

    vampire bat flies and bites me?" We all like to feel a bit of fear

    and that's why we watch scary movies, and afterwards we can laugh it

    off "its not real – just a story."

    We can laugh of Count Dracula as a fictional character, but billions

    of people actually believe in the existance of the Devil. Listen to

    any Christian evangelist on the GOD channel screaming about how the

    Devil is running the world. Or even within Sikhs we hear people

    say "Kaljug" (The Dark Age) came as a Devil to tempt Guru Nanak

    Dev Ji.

    Why do religions need the concept of the Devil? A Christian

    psycholgist told me that in the old days Christian preaching was done

    with the basic premise "DO THIS OR GOT TO HELL!". Meaning people

    who didn't fit in with the general society would be punished. Fear

    was the motivating force to make people pray to God and to conform to

    the religious belief system. But scientific thinking has exposed

    the false belief systems imposed by religious organisations.

    For example, Galileo lived around the time of Guru Arjun Dev ji –

    1600s. He was a monk as a kid and then became a famous mathemetician

    and astrologer. He worked out that the planets revolve around the

    sun. However, the Catholic Church interpreted the Bible to mean

    that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. The Pope of the time

    had Galileo sentenced to lifelong imprisonment. Even upto this day,

    the Catholic Church has not admitted they were wrong for what they


    "On 31 October 1992, 350 years after Galileo's death, Pope John Paul

    II gave an address on behalf of the Catholic Church in which he

    admitted that errors had been made by the theological advisors in the

    case of Galileo. He declared the Galileo case closed, but he did not

    admit that the Church was wrong to convict Galileo on a charge of

    heresy because of his belief that the Earth rotates round the sun."



    If the Pope of Galileo's time and the Pope of our time are more

    concerned with preserving their Church's reputation than accepting

    the Truth, then who is the Devil that is corrupting the masses?

    Some imaginary being with horns and a red tail, or some real figure

    dressed in white , smiling and looking good on the outside but fake

    on the inside?

    Are the relgious leaders the Devil in disguise?

    Are the President and Prime Ministers the devil in disguise?

    Gurbani teaches that the individual consumed by the 5 thieves –

    anger, greed, lust, attachment and pride – is the living, talking,

    walking Devil.

    It doesn't matter that on the outside the religious leaders look

    good in their robes and preach morality. That they lay down what

    they think is God's law about social topics like abortion, gay

    marriage, using contraception etc etc. It doesn't matter that

    Presidents wear business suits and have utmost respect from world

    leaders. It doesn't matter that they justify wars saying "Good

    against evil". None of it matters if they are consumed by the 5

    thieves. Then all they say and do is corrupt. Beware of these

    Devils that walk about in broad daylight to the adoration of the

    media and the masses. Its just a show.

    Are they not corrupt? In the old days the power lay with the King

    and the Church, and the musicians entertained them whilst the masses

    lived in fear. Now in the 21st Century, neither the Rulers nor the

    Religions managed to save the starving in Africa. Why? Because they

    are not interested where people of their nation or their relgion are

    not involved. They have not had enough compassion to help the God in

    the heart of the dying Africans. So where the Rulers and the

    Relgion have failed, the Heart of God singing love songs from the

    mouths of musicians have managed to move the world into action (Live8

    concerts last weekend).

    The time where people lived in fear of their Rulers and of the

    Relgions is coming to an end. Now is the time for the heart of God

    in every body to come forward and make a difference.

    God is the power in our body that can make the world better for

    everyone. Don't be scared of some imaginary Devil or "Kaljug",

    look inside and only be scared of yourself turning into the Devil in

    disguise. And avoid the Devils in organised religion and politics.

    Don't give them time or money, don't give them respect. With your

    own hands go and feed the poor and needy. There's a saying "The

    mouth of the poor is the Guru's moneybox." Don't waste your

    money in donations to Building funds and travelling preachers

    building Temple complexes in India.

    Guru Nanak Ji says that wherever the poor are looked after God's

    mercy rains down. So become God on Earth, not a Devil in Disguise.

    And remember "If you are not part of the solution, then you are part

    of the problem."

    Written under GurPrasad.

    Dust of your feet.

    ("Become the dust of everyone's feet then come to me"

    "hoi sabhna kee renka thao ao hamaraay paas" ... Guru Arjun Dev Ji)


  7. source: http://www.info-sikh.com/MassPage1.html

    When Hargobind Sahib Ji was anointed the sixth guru of the Sikhs he asked Baba Buddha Ji, an eminent Sikh to bring forth two swords. These Guru Sahib Ji put on as symbols of spiritual (miri) and temporal (piri) authority. Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji is known as ‘miri piri thay malik’, Lord of miri piri.

    Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji built the Akal Takhat, the throne of the Almighty, opposite the Harmindar Sahib (Golden temple), again this was a sign of bringing together spiritual and temporal powers.

    In December, 1634 Guru Hargobind Sahib fought a fierce battle against Mughal forces near the river Beas, although heavily outnumbered Guru Ji was victorious. Guru Sahib Ji decided to stay for a while, and soon a settlement grew up. The settlement expanded into a town which became known as Sri Hargobindpur (-pur, being a suffix for place of). As the conflict with the Mughals was intensifying the towns defences were fortified. In fact, these fortifications were so solid that the original city walls and many buildings within are still visible today throughout Sri Hargobindpur


    Residents of all faiths flocked to the Guru and perceived themselves as heirs to the sixth Guru’s desire to found a secure and secular home on the banks of the Beas. The Sikhs built themselves a Gurdwara (Sikh temple) but the local Muslims did not have the capacity to build themselves a place of worship. They came to the Guru and asked him for help. The All Knowing Guru was equally comfortable with Muslim faqirs and Hindu sadhus and saw all people with one benevolent gaze. Guru Sahib Ji ordered his Sikhs to start construction of a maseet (mosque). The maseet was duly completed and handed over to the Muslims.

    With the turmoil of the partitioning of India in 1947, the mosque fell into a state of neglect and disrepair. In time the care of the masset fell into the hands of a group a Nihang Singhs who installed the Sikh scriptures Guru Granth Sahib. For many years, the mosque was maintained by the Nihangs.

    In February 8th, 2003 a “Memorandum of Understanding” (MoU) was signed by Baba Kirtan Singh the chief of the Nihangs, the Sikh caretakers of the mosque, and the Punjab Waqf Board. It was Baba Kirtan Singhs desire that Muslims perform their prayers at the mosque which was gifted to them. As per the wishes of Baba Kirtan Singh, five saplings were planted in the names of the Sikh Gurus. Dr Mohammad Rizwanul Haque, Punjab Waqf Board Administrator, described the MoU as an international event which would pave the way for strengthening communal harmony in the country.

    The mosque was in a state of disrepair and work began on its restoration by a group of Sikhs and Muslims in a unique manifestation of India's multi-religious society. Sikhs offered their labour, Muslim masons repaired the walls and an all-woman team of restorers led by Ms Gurmeet Kaur Rai lent its expertise. The entire village, and even those from the surrounding areas, answered Rai's call for clearing the earth around the shrine. Hundreds of school children and Nihangs did the spadework. Today the mosque stands elevated. "We will now try and remove all later additions, like cement, plaster and white-wash from the brick structure, and then apply lime paste plaster, which will allow the building to breathe," said Rai. The work was finally completed on March 23rd, 2004.

    ''The performance of Muslim religious prayers in the mosque after 55 years would be recorded in history as an event when Sikhs showed so much magnanimity towards Muslims,'' said Dr Mohammed Rizwanul Haque.


    Sikhs look on as Muslim brethren pray at the maseet.

    In a similar event a year ago Sikhs of Chahar Mazra village in Ropar District built a mosque for their Muslim neighbours. Sant Varyam Singh, who heads Vishwa Gurumat spiritual mission in the adjacent Ratwara Sahib village, built the mosque for the Muslims of the area. The first prayers were offered in March last year. After the prayers there were heart-warning scenes of celebrations and Muslims embracing their Sikh brethren.

    The Guru’s civic plan reflected this understanding of the concept of God having multiple names but being one entity as the town includes gurdwaras, temples and a mosque. Even today, the people of Sri Hargobindpur visit all these places frequently and freely, regardless of their religious affiliations.

  8. Here are event details:

    Start Date: 12/07/2005

    Start Time: 7:00 pm End Time: 9:00 pm

    Category: General

    Baba Ranjit Singh Kirtan Darbar Part 3


    New Pictures and Movies added in the Media Section Other pictures can be viewed at ektaone.com With the Grace of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji one of Sikh Panth's eminent preacher Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadriana Wale is coming to the UK as part of Guru Maneo Granth Chetna Samagam from 19/06/05 - 11/07/05 However, due to popular demand they have extended their program to undertake the final kirtan darbar which will be held at Sedgley Street Gurdwara Wolverhampton on the 12 July 2005 from 19:00 - 21:00 and will be followed by AMRIT SANCHAR

  9. source: sikhsangat.com


    Theres a new video online at EktaOne.com featuring some artistes who have got together to launch a fresh Tsunami appeal - proceeds from the sales of the single and album go to the Tsunami relief fund.

    Check it out ( http://www.ektaone.com/video/tsunami_appeal.wmv ) or go to the home page and check out the the streaming video on the front page.

    Thanks to these artistes for releasing this video which raises awareness of an issue that has lost momentum since the tragedy struck 7 months ago. This is a fresh appeal from us to everyone... however much u can.. please donate to this worthwhile cause at http://www.khalsaaid.org and play a part in helping rebuild the grief struck areas.

    Forgive our mistakes.


  10. Veer ji who set up this Maryada that only 'Gursikhs' (Amritdharis) are allowed to do parchaar in Gurudwaras? Im curious has it always been this way?

    If i remember correctly was it not Sai Mian Meer ji who was a Muslim Saint that set the foundation of the Gurudwara. Why is it that this Maryada says that we should not allow a Man of God (assuming what he has to say is divine) to speak in the Gurudwaras whos foundation was set by a non-Gursikh(amritdhari)?

    If i remember correctly was it not Guru Gobind Singh ji who had 52 Poet of different religion in his darbaar who would recite poets? Were they all Sikh (Amritdhari)? If they can be given time to speak in the presence of the 10th master then why can't this Swami ji?

    very interesting observations pheena ji...also i would like to add to your post that in puratan times- muslims(descendents from bhai mardana) and other's shardlu muslims used to kirtan in darbar sahib

    If may i take a shot at answering your queries ..here is my opnion- Loads of things were changed after 220 yrs of creation of khalsa panth.

    Tat Khalsa/SGPC/Singh Sabha had loads of good sikhs and loads of radical sikhs which made loads of changes - They were good(free gurdwara from curropt mahants, stopped idol worshipping) changes and bad changes (rejecting ragmalla , bhagata di bani, disowning dasam granth, forcing women to wear dastar, spread propaganda against saints, destroying gurmat sangeet, martial hertiage , changin mangals in siri guroo granth sahib ji).

    They can deny it all they want but they were heavily influenced by british (ferengi) forces..with the help of them- they killled loads of puratan akali nihangs...

    Obviously their kartuota(deeds) are not written in any sgpc approve books because of the power they have to shut people off but these kinda things you get to know when you talk older sikhs from nirmaley, taksali, nihang , seva panthi orders.

  11. It was Narsingh avtar who saved parlad from harnashk.

    Basically Harnashkh did lot of tapyasa in his life as well ..he was given vars(power) that you will not die neither by human or nor beast(animal), you will not die neither in day or night.

    Narsingha avtar sent by God appear out of sky- as half tiger and half human..it was neither day nor night..it was both.

    Here is illustration how Narsingha avtar killed harnakash to save the bhagat- parladh.


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