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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Bulleh Shah's was a major voice against injustice. He called Guru Tegh Bahadur, the Ninth Sikh Guru, who was beheaded by Aurangzeb, a Ghazi. He hailed Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru, as a protector of Hinduism:

    I talk about neither yesterday nor tomorrow;

    I talk about today.

    Had Gobind Singh not been there,

    They would all be under Islamic sway.

    What a great writer Bulleh Shah was.

    source: http://www.apnaorg.com/poetry/bullahn/Untitled/untitled.html

  2. Sangata Nuo Lakh Lakh Vadaiya hovaie- bandi chorr divas di.


    The release of Guru Hargobind Ji, the sixth guru of the Sikhs, from

    Gwalior Fort coincides with festival of Diwali. This coincidence has

    resulted in similarity of celebration and harmony amongst Sikhs and

    Hindus. Guru Hargobind was imprisoned by Jehangir the emperor of

    India for preaching oneness of God, oneness of human race, love and

    service to all. Guru Ji refused to be freed unless the 52 Hindu Rajas

    (vassal kings) imprisoned with him were released. The emperor agreed

    to release those Rajas who could walk out holding Guru's Chola (long

    gown). Guru Ji prepared a special gown having 52 strings and got the

    release of Rajas in 1619. When the Guru came to Amritsar the whole

    city was tastefully lighted up to welcome him. It is due to getting

    the release of 52 Hindu Rajas that Guru Hargobind Ji is revered as

    Bandi Chhorh (Liberator of detainees) and the day is celebrated as

    the "Bandi Chhorh Divas" (the day of release of detainees) signifying

    selfless service and universal brotherhood.

    The martyrdom of Bhai Mani Singh, the Head Granthi (Head Priest) of

    Golden Temple Amritsar is also commemorated on Diwali day, which is

    celebrated as Bandi Chhorh Diwas. Bhai Mani Singh was great scholar

    who transcribed the final version of Guru Granth Sahib upon dictation

    from Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1704. The Mogul governor of Punjab

    martyred him for staying steadfast in his faith in 1737.

    The essence of celebrating the Festival of Lights lies in

    enlightening ourselves by acquiring the virtues of being kind,

    humble, meek, tolerant, selfless, sweet spoken. Guru Nanak Dev Ji

    tells us in Sri Guru Granth which lamp is to be lit. He says, God's

    Name (divine devotion) is my lamp to be lighted in the mind. I have

    put the oil of suffering; ego, jealousy, anger, lust, and greed into

    it. Its flame has dried up this oil, and I have escaped facing the

    Messenger of Death and attained union with God.

  3. tape 43 out of 81:

    Guru Ji further explained the same five states but from a different context to Gurmukhs,

    Five states of Mind:

    1. Kheechri- This state is for satsanghi (being in company of holy who sing praises). This state could be also known as Dharam Khand.

    2. Boochari- This state is for sevak (who has self service to the humanity). This state could be also known as Gyan Khand.

    3. Charchar- This state is for a sikh who decides to take amrit in love of Guru. This state could be also known as Saram Khand.

    4. Agoochari: This state is for a sanmukh sikh who recites Naam all day long and always loyal to his Guru and Gurbani. This state could be also known as Karam Khand.

    5. Unmani - This state is for a Gurmukh also known as turiya avastha. This state is much higher than yogi' unmani state which was discussed earlier. This state could be also known as Sachkhand. This state cannot be described in words just like how can one describe sweetness after tasting sweets.

    Gyan Ji talks about sant gyani sunder singh ji bhindranwale, how he showed the higher reality to eight of his sevaks. All the sevaks went in transcedental meditation with full of bliss. They heard Naam from walls to the bottom of the earth. After twenty- four hours these eight sevaks went back to their normal state asked sant ji, to bless them with this state all their life. Sant Ji said, just like how father take his kid on his shoulder in a huge gathering(mela) so that kid can see what's happening despite of his height, just like that I showed you such state exist so that you will not have doubts in future. If you wish to see it again, you have to grow up spiritually to that level. One should just hope such state could be attained in this life.

    Sidhas then asked Guru Ji that one bachan you said : Nanak Nirmal Panth Chaalaya || Please shed some light on that, what kind will be your panth?

    Guru Ji told them everything, how he will be in ten dress (10 forms). In the tenth dress, I shall make some changes in maryada create - Khalsa Panth and make siri guru granth sahib ji as 11th Guru. How there will be five beloved taking care of siri guru granth sahib ji and khalsa panth (intiate new comers to Khalsa Panth). Those five beloveds will be my -

    Panch parvan.

    Gyani ji talks how panj pyare who will be fully attuned to all the banis like- japji sahib, jaap sahib, tav parsad swaaye, benti chaupi sahib, anand sahib, rehras sahib and kirtan sohila where as Japji sahib gives bhramgyan, Jaap sahib is for bowing down (namaskar) to Akaal Purkh, Tav Parsad Svaaie breaks pakhand of a person, Benti Chaupi gives protection, Anand Sahib gives anand(bliss) to this being, Rehras sahib reconfirms your position in sachkhand and kirtan sohila protects at night from bad dreams and future consquences in case person dies in sleep.

    Panch Pardhan.

    tape 44 out of 81

    Guru Ji then said:

    panchay paavahi dargahi maan.

    Those five(choosen) beloved ones will receive honor in the court of God.

    panchay sohahi dar raajaan

    Those five(choosen) beloved ones will look beautiful and will be king of kings.

    panchaa kaa gur ayk Dhi-aan.

    Those five(choosen) beloved ones will always have their dhyaan(concentration) on Guru.

    Gyan ji talks about panch parvan pauri, how this puari is also dedicated to Vahiguroo(himself).

    Panch Parvan.

    Panch means head. Out of three lokas, who is the head? Vahiguroo himself is the head of all. Par means Vahiguroo is para roop and van means free from dukh(sadness). Vahiguroo itself is panch parvan.

    Panch Pardhan.

    Vahiguroo itself who is panch is also pardhan(head) which created 5 elements, 5 subtle elements, and whole creation.

    panchay paavahi dargahi maan.

    Vahiguroo who is everywhere, in his world this being receives mann(gyan/knowledge).who exactly gets gyan? Human being's 5 gyan indraie(senses).

    Guru Gobind Singh Ji said,

    Naamo Pan Panaaie ||

    I bow down to the God's energy behind his creation.

    panchay sohahi dar raajaan

    Vahiguroo you are head out of all, in your door all your bhagats, sant, mahatama's looks beautiful like kings because of your grace.

    panchaa kaa gur ayk Dhi-aan.

    Vahiguroo which is parkashak roop (fully Illuminated), one should concentrate on that Vahiguroo which is Gur Chaitaan roop.

    Vahiguroo gives nourishement to all five ishers: Bhrama, Shiv, Ganesh, Soraj, Energy(Shakti). Vahiguroo itself is param isher. So one should namaskar to energy behind these deities which is Akaal Purkh himself.

    To be Continued:

  4. tape 42 out of 81:

    Guru Ji said - Panch parvan which are controlling of five pauns that we discussed earlier.

    Guru Ji then said: Panch pardhan.

    Then there are five small puans which needs to be controlled by yogis. They are:

    1. Karical- to cause sneezing

    2. Kooram : to open eye lids

    3. Naag: to cause belching/burping

    4. Devdut- to cause yawning

    5. Dhaniyay to inflate stomach after death

    If an yogi can control over these five small pauns. Then yogis becomes panch pardhan and yogis are pardhan yog.

    Then Guru Ji said: there are five types of concentration:

    1. Kheechri- to be able to wake in sky.

    2. Boochari- setting attention in Brahm and be able to have knowledge of each elements on the earth.

    3. Charchari- attention always in brahm's excitements and be able to have power of not getting drowned in water.

    4. Agoochari - getting free from all the six chakras and going straight to dasam dwara(teenth door).

    5. Unmani - last stage of yogis taking breath all the way to tenth door and breaking bhramrandar nari(vein) with force of breath and go straight to Bhram Lok.

    Gyani Ji said- when yogis leave their body, on their head(teenth door) one can see there is small spot of blood coming out. That is a indication that this yogis has broken bhramrandar nari(vein) with force of their breath and went straight to bhram lok(realm of bhram) in which they spent quite a bit of time doing transcedental meditation which eventually transforms to non-transcedental meditation (nirvakalap samadhi).

    So Guru Ji recommended yogis, to control 10 pauns (five puans and smaller pauns) and master five types of concentration then only one can get to this state.

    panchay paavahi dargahi maan.

    Panch(Choosen ones) who gets to higher stage gets honored in dasam dwara(tenth door).

    Guru Ji said- panchay sohahi dar raajaan and advised yogis to over come:

    Five clashes tensions within this being.

    1. Avidya- Education less- to be without sunlight.

    2. Asmata: Not to have equilibrium.

    3. False attachment and obsession

    4. Jealously and enmity

    5. Avinesh to be stubborn in direction opposite to veda shastras and Guru's teaching.

    Guru ji also recommended them to focus on gur(creation):

    Meditation on five elements:

    1. Those who meditation upon earth up to knees do not remain buried in earth.

    2. Meditate upon water up to the waist do not drown in water.

    3. Meditate upon fire up to naval, do not burn fire.

    4. Meditate upon air (wind) up to throat, can fly in air.

    5. Meditate upon the sky with dasam dwar can listen all at will.

    Hence narrated: panchaa kaa gur ayk Dhi-aan.

    After following and contemplating on 10 pauns, 5 dhyans, 5 elements and over coming five tentions/clashes, yogis can get to higher stage of -

    panch parvaan panch parDhaan.

    panchay paavahi dargahi maan.

    panchay sohahi dar raajaan

    panchaa kaa gur ayk Dhi-aan.

    Gyan ji shares an sakhi of an yogi who came to third guru and complained that I have been meditating for many years, i cannot get to any bliss. Please shower grace upon me. Guru ji told him- that you should leave your body and then you will be born in a baba mauri ji. Yogi ji did what Guru Ji told him. When baby was born in baba mauri ji household. Guru ji welcomed him and said - aagaya yogi ji and give him name- Anand Ji. Guru ji then recitted a gurbani whoever reads it gets anand which was later known as anand sahib.

    Gursikhs then asked Guru ji. Please also explain us also meaning of paanch parvan panch dharan from Gurmat context.

    Guru ji said: Five types of paun which are Pran, Upan, Saman, Bhyan, Udhayan also applies to you but from a gurmat context.

    Pran: This state of recnognizing Vahiguro in everything-

    Sab Gobind Hai Sab Gobind Hai Gobind Bin Nahi Koi ||

    Upan: This state is being de-attached from world and attached with Vahiguroo.

    Saman: This state is seeing Vahiguroo as saman(sarab vayaipaakh- everywhere).

    Bhyaan: This state is being free from dvait(duality) and be non-dualistic(advait bhavna).

    Udhaayan: This state is seeing this world as jungle and nothing else.

    Guru Gobind Singh ji said in his dasam granth-

    Re Mann Aiso Kar Sanayasa Ban Saie Sadhnan Sabha Kar Sumjho Man mein Meh Udasa ||

    Guru Ji then gave gursikhs five types of dhyaan:

    1. Kheechri- Contemplating on chida akash bhram(sky).

    2. Boochari- Contemplating on bhoma roop bhram

    3. Charchari- This state is stayin in the world as nirlaip just like water.

    4. Agoochari - This state is overcome five senses.

    5. Unmani - This stage is turiya avastha(one of pure consciousness state).

    To be continued:

  5. tape 41 out of 81:

    panchay paavahi dargahi maan.

    Choosen ones get honored in court of God, dharam raja, sangat.

    Guru Ji says - All the 5 elements (sky, water, air, fire, earth) atributes are present in bhramgyani(choosen ones).

    - Bhramgyani is nirdokh(non effected) like sky. Like for example- when people swear at them or beat them bhramgyani's state does not get effected just like how someone spits at the moon, spits comes back on their face..nothing happens to the moon like that nothing happens to bhramgyani even if people give them hard ships.

    - Bhramgyani is like clean just like clarity in water.

    Gurbani says:

    Bhramgyani Nirmal Taie Nirmala Jaisa Maal Na lagaie jala ||

    - just how fire has it's attribute of parkash(light), bhramgyani is parkashak roop also.

    - Air is nirlaip(without attachment having equal effect) just like that bhramgyani is also nirlaip (without attachment having equal effect on every body.

    - Even if one tries to dig the earth, earth has no effect, just like bhramgyani also has no effect even people try to intimidate them.

    panchay sohahi dar raajaan

    Chosen ones looks beautiful like kings in the world.

    Guru Ji said: Bhramgyanis are free from 5 subtle elements: shaabd, saparash, ras, roop, gandh.

    Bhramgyanis are free from shaabd (desireful talks).

    Bhramgyanis are free from saparash(idiolizing body).

    Bhramgyanis are free from ras (getting spark of bliss from materialstic stuff/vishey bhog anand).

    Bhramgyanis are free from roop (watching roop - human body made of 5 elements, man made stuff).

    Bhramgyanis are free from gandh (smelling fragance).

    panchaa kaa gur ayk Dhi-aan.

    The chosen ones always meditate single-mindedly on the Guru.

    Bhramgyanis always meditate first on charan of Vahiguroo in sargun saroop then gets merged with nirgun saroop.

    Then Sidhas yogis asked Guru Ji, please give discourse on yoga abhyas from panch parvan pauri.

    Guru Ji said, stop five types of paun, five types of small paun and dhyaan on five different types of concentration.

    Five types of paun are Pran, Upan, Saman, Bhyan, Udhayan

    Guru ji said, real yogi is person who can can control over pran(breaths), apan(vaoio), Saman (energy exists everywhere), Bhyaan (energy exists in navel chakra) and Udhayn (energy exist in throat chakra). These pauns are connected with mind. If pauns are controlled then mind can be controlled too, also one can enhance their age and be healthy by this practise.. That's why saints recommend to extend your breath while reciting mantar. By extending your breaths, one will get peace and be free from thoughts, upon intensive practise one can control over mind.

    Gyani ji gives demonstration- Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (one breath), Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(second breath), Guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(third breath), Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(fourth breath).

    To be continued.

  6. source: from tapoban.org

    Nearly 3 years after Baisakhi of 1699 Guru ji wrote letters (hukamnamas to some sahejdhari Sikhs - non amritdhari) on 6 February 1702 signed (characteristic authentic Nissan of tenth Guruji) by Guruji. The following is the text of one of these written to Sikhs presumably in Patna as the letter is preserved there.

    "Ek Oankar Satguru ji. Siri Guru ji di agaya hai Bhai Mihar Chand Karam Chand, Guru rakhega. Guru Guru japna janam saurega. Tusi mera Khalsa ho. Ik sau ik 101) rupiah haathi di phurmais hukam dekhde he sitabee hundee karai bhejni. Ar hor jo kichh Guru ke namit ka hovai so apai lai avna. Hathiar banh ke avgu so nihal hogu. Us di ghaal thai pavagu Guru naal rahgu. Guru ke navit ka hovai so horus kise no nahee dena ar masand, masandiay naal naahee milna, nahee mannanna, Jo sikh mile so mail laina. Vadheek dikkat naahee karni. Mera hukam hai sangat. Sammat 1758 miti Fago 10, satran Ath 8."

    This is its translation.

    Ek Oankar Satguru ji. This is the command of Siri Guru ji (for) Bhai Mihar Chand and Karam Chand Guru shall protect you. Remember and recite Guru your life shall become worthwhile. YOU ARE MY KHALSA. Your name has been proposed for arranging 101 Rupees for (procuring) an elephant. On seeing this command immediately send a draft, and anything else offered in the name of the Guru, you should bring with you. Those of you who will come adorning weapons shall be blessed, their efforts shall bear fruit and their loyalty to Guru shall be upheld. Anything offered in the name of Guru is not to be handed over to anyone else. And you should not socialise with a Masand or a Masand follower nor honour them. Any sikh who intends to join (sangat) should be admitted, you should not create too much hinderance. This is my command to the Sangat. Sammat(the Indian Bikrami calendar) 1758 Date Fago(Faggan the last month of the Indian year) 10 (Western calendar 6 February 1702) Lines eight 8.

    This letter is in the Harimandar Sahib Patna (Hukamname edited by Ganda Singh, Hukamnama No. 55, published by Punjabi University Patiala, 1967)

    Very important points that emerge from this Hukamnama are:

    1. This is an actual document signed by tenth Guru ji nearly 3 years after the Baisakhi 1699 rather than some doubtful Rahitnama hence reflecting the actual view or attitude towards the sikhs to whom letter was wirtten.

    2. The letter was written to two persons who from their name are obviously not Singhs but with 'Chand' surname hence not amritdhari.

    3. The most odd thing is that Guru ji clearly says "Tusi Mera Khalsa Ho" ie You are my Khalsa". This is unusual in the sense that it means Guruji was not reserving the term Khalsa only for Amritdharis but for some Sahejdhari Sikhs as well.

    4. Guru ji appears to be more concerned about by-passing the Masands for remitting the offerings directly to Guru ji rather than anything such as urge them to get baptised.

    5. In terms of physical appearance (such as kakkaars etc) again Guruji is more particular about the Sikhs arriving with weapons on their person rather than fomally being baptised and bearing "Singh" surname.

    6. In order to secure against any forgery Guru ji put his characteristic Nissan (usually brief Mool Mantar in his own hand) on the letter and even gave the number of lines of text in the letter as 8 at the end of the letter. This was the usual security arrangement. Comparison with numerous other such letters by Guru ji confirms that this is an authentic letter.

    7. The rigid definition of a Khalsa that we are now given to accept does not seem to apply here. The main criteria for a Khalsa Guru ji appears to be emphasising is not to use the Masand channel to approach Guruji but to have direct connection with Guru ji. Indeed this is what the word "Khalisah" meant in the then existing usage of this term in the Mughal revenue administration of that time.

    Similarly there is another letter written to the Sangat in Dhaka (Bangladesh) addressed to Bhai Brindaban and Gulal Chand (ibid. Hukamnama 57) with almost identical text such as "Tusi mera khalsa ho" and commanding again 101 rupees to be arranged and coming with weapons on and not socialising with Masands.

  7. tape - 40 out of 81

    Gyani ji does quick recap on japji sahib. He said guru ji gave us adhyatamik vidiya from 1st to 7th pauri(stanza's) in japji sahib followed by Importance of Sarvan(listening), manan(following) from 7 puari onwards. Now this pauri will deal with nidhasan( contemplating on it). Saroop(characteristics) of nidasan is adapting sajati birthiya (virtues) and negating vijati birthiya(non virtues).

    panch parvaan

    Panch are those who are not stuck in parpanach(world). Their coming and going is not like mere mortals like us.

    Such gurmukhs are parvan(accepted) infront of god and they are accepted in all three worlds(lokas).

    panch parDhaan

    Panch who are free from parpanch(world) are pardhan(head) every where. They have no restrictions impose on them.

    Vahiguroo is saravyapak. He does not need any praise however Vahiguroo gives all the praise to his devotee's who come to this earth and spread his message and make them head(pardhan).

    Hence, panch parvaan panch parDhaan.

    panchay paavahi dargahi maan.

    The chosen ones who are free from parpanch(world) are honored in the Court of the Dharamraja.

    Gyani ji give example- How dharam raja consider himself such a lucky person and welcomed him when raja janak who was bhramgyani came to visit him and tell him to clear hell(jampur) and send them to heaven. Dharam raja said, i have vahiguroo's order. I cannot do that. Raja Janak said - here on scale weigh my moment of dhyaan of vahiguroo. When dharam raja start doing that, slowly all jampuri(hell) got fully empty.

    panchay sohahi dar raajaan.

    The chosen ones who are free from parpanch(world)look beautiful in the courts of kings.

    Raajan word can be interpertated as plural as well as singular. Raajaan akhar if we look at it from singular context then raajan refers to vishnu who is consider even higher than bhrama and shiv. Even vishnu gets up from his throne to welcome the chosen ones who are free from parpanch(world).

    panchaa kaa gur ayk Dhi-aan.

    The chosen ones who are free from parpanch(world) meditate single-mindedly on the Guru.

    Gursikhs asked Guru Maharaj ji, how did they become paanch(chose ones) and parvan(accepted) and are head(pardha). Guru ji said - they adapt virtues sat(truth), santok(contement), dharami,they also do immense vichar on bhram (God), shabad vichar( discussion on shabad).

    Guru ji said narrarated: Panch parvan while giving discourse to his gursikhs.

    Gyani ji gives an sakhi to support when paanch asked for something it's get parvan(accepted): This sakhi was nararated by sant baba harnam singh ji rampurkhera wale. He said, every night in the other world- all the sant's get together as a sant mandali and have discussions. It was one of night, he went to other world via transcedental meditation. There was a huge darbar where all the sant mandali was present. There was also Siri Guru Gobind Singh ji present there, Guru Ji asked rishi balmik to go back to earth and spread sikhi. Rishi balmik refused saying, Guru Ji i m afraid to go back again in earth which is full of maya. Then the whole sant mandali along Siri Guru Gobind Singh ji asked again, rishi balmik said i ll go back to this earth to spread sikhi for sake of guru maharaj and sant mandali.

    panch parDhaan.

    Choosen ones who conquered lust, greed, attachment, ego, anger are pardan/sirimoni(head).

    To be continued:

  8. didnt want to i guess - all sareers have to die.

    Gursikhs wait for their death like people wait for their weddings.

    Vah Ji Vah.

    That's it veer..I remember when i was reading sant maharaj baba isher singh ji rara sahib waley personal dairy..at the event of his murshid/gurdev - sant baba attar singh ji reru sahib barsi..he wrote his state in personal dairy how he is waiting to leave the panj bhootak chola same how women waits for the wedding day...!

  9. I think that it all depends on ones Karams. If one does not have the Dasam Duar open, but has done bhagti or remembers God in the last moments like how Ajamal remembered Narayan with prem in his last moment, the devduts come to get the soul.

    agreed.. also add to that- another example- gangka papan.

    But I highly doubt that there are many people in this world who remember Narayan like Ajaml did. Most are taken by Jamdoots.

    don't be soo sure on that..vahiguroo is soo dayualoo anything is possible...all it needs to one arrow shot at sinner's heart..sinner becomes saint just how kauda rakash, rishi balmik becomes mahapursh

  10. come answer my question: if ur dasam duar (10th gate is not open) ur soul comes out the 9 holes and body pulled out by yama?

    that's bullllocks !!!!!!!!!! :roll:

    yam is dharam raja or yam raja.. it usually devdoot come take you who are good people.

    This has nothing to do with openin dasam dwara or not. This people don't understand there are levels of spirituality.. not everything black and white as they make out to be.. ...like for example- yogis also get their dasam dwaur opened... but they go to bhram lok instead of sachkhand (complete merge)... tell them to explain that??

    I beleive if person who has bhagti intentions and still on the path as an jaaigasuo and does not have his tenth door open..does not go to any hell...people make god as to be wrathful being who just happy with people with certain mindset, do simran certain way, eat food certain way, have intercourse(bhog) certain way, tie their nala certain way, dress up certain way, wear kirpan certain way, talk certain way......!!!!!!!!

  11. Guru Nanak met Sheikh Farid Saani, who was a 'Gaddi-daar' of Sheikh baba Farid Ji.

    The original Janamsakhi of Bala says that Guru Nanak dev had a 'Rangharhi' (Rangarh are Muslim rajputs). Present publishers have removed such parts of Janamsakhi of bala.

    I have a Janamsakhi Bala in my personal collection, but such parts are already removed by early copists and publishers. My father had read the original text somewhere, and he told me what was written in it.

    I don't get it why would they remove it??

  12. Amrit Singh - Becoming a Sikh

    Here is another interview from Sunday, with Amrit Singh Khalsa (Phd). In this video he tells a the story of how and why he became a Sikh.

    All these interviews were very casual and spur of the moment. I just asked people if I could interview them and sat them before the camera.

    Right Click and save target as , to see the video:

    >>>> http://web3.sikhnet.com/videos/Interviews%...rit%20Singh.wmv <<<<

    A Day in Espanola - Interview with Kirin Kaur

    Here is a video interview with Kirin Kaur Khalsa describing a common day for many Sikhs in Espanola, New Mexico. She also shares her experiences of being a mother, wearing a turban and other things of interest.

    Right Click and save target as , to see the video:

    >>>> http://web3.sikhnet.com/videos/Interviews%...irin%20Kaur.wmv <<<<

    Arjan Kaur and her story about why she became a Sikh.

    Right Click and save target as , to see the video:

    >>>> http://web3.sikhnet.com/videos/Interviews%20-%20Arjan.wmv <<<

  13. before going to sachkhand he took the paaps of the whole world on his sareer . these paaps were seen by sangis as black clouds from the sky entering his sareer at one place . after few months his sareer got nirbal and ill due to all that bhar . ( obviously tht ws just a bahana to leave this world) they r not affected by anything .

    also the partition of india and the massacre was due in 1946 but he didn't want that to happen in his lifetime so he postponed it by 1 year ,tht is 1947

    ~ Vahiguroo Vahiguroo Vahiguroo Vahiguroo Vahiguroo Vahiguroo Vahiguroo Vahiguroo Vahiguroo ~

    This bought tear to my eyes.. Vahiguroo :D

  14. tape 39 out of 81:

    Guru Ji further says:

    mannai parvaarai saaDhaar.

    Those who have followed Naam uplift and redeem their family and relations.

    There are three types of family: 1) Family being in physical form. 2. Indria da parvar(Family of senses). 3. Mann Parvar(Family of mind). These are three parvars one goes through by following naam and becomes Gurmukh.

    Those who have followed Naam not only redeem themselves but their family as well.

    Those who have followed Naam have reedemed their family of five sense- sight, hear, taste, touch smell.

    For example: Gyani Ji gives an example- when one's read's gurbani by remembering this verse from gurbani -

    Eh Natairo Meraio Har Tumhe Jot Thari, Har Bhin Avar Na Dekho Koi, Har Bhin Avar Na Dekho Koi Nadri Har Nihalaya, Eho Vais Sansar Tum Dekhdai Eho Har Kaa Roop Hai Har Roop Nadri Aya Gurparsadi Bhujaya Ja Vaikha Har Ek Hai Har Bhin Avar Na Koi, Eh Nanak Aie Natair And Sai Satguru Milaie Drib Disht Hoi ||

    Then they are able to redeem their senses.

    Those who have followed Naam reedem their family of mind. Mind has five brithi(internal senses). 1. Parman Birthi - This sense is whatever you see, hear, smell has direct effect on our mind, causing mind to wander everywhere . 2. Viparjay Birthi- This vision in the mind causes mind to act reverse instead of following gurbani, guru maharaj hakums. 3. Nidh Birthi- This sense causes one sleepy both externally and as well internally sleepy (avidya-ignorance) in terms of failing to adapt knowledge. 4. Vikalap Brithi- This sense cause one greedy. 5. Smrithi Brithi: This sense causes mind to have flows of thoughts coming in when one tries to concentrate on reading prayers.

    mannai tarai taaray gur sikh.

    Those who have followed Naam are saved, first Guru are saved then they carries Sikhs across also.

    Gyani ji gives an example of siri guru gobind singh ji doing tapayasa in his previous life as Dusth Duman:

    Eh Bidh Kart Tapayasa Pio, Dvait taie ek roop ho Gayoo || (Sri Dasam Guru Granth Sahib Ji).

    First Guru Ji in his previous life did tapayasa and across the worldy ocean then they take birth as Guru Avtar to make others across this worldy ocean as well.

    Then Sikh by grace of guru across the worldy ocean. That sikh is gurmukh. Gyani ji added:

    Gurmukh Kot Udhara Bhaai Dai Naavai Ek Khani ||

    mannai naanak bhavahi na bhikh.

    Those who have followed Naam, O Nanak, do not wander around begging.

    aisaa naam niranjan ho-ay.

    Such is the Name of the Immaculate Lord.

    jay ko man jaanai man ko-ay. ||15||

    Only one who have follow Naam/Guru's discourses in their mind, becomes naami/bhram saroop(embodiment of divine lord).

    To be continued:

  15. It means not doing things which the society at large finds disturbing. So in this case wear a very small kirpan, certainly under your clothes. .

    I agree with this idea having kirpan under your clothes because soceity may find disturbing but at the same time have kirpan under your clothes in a such way where it can be easily accessible.

    Also i don't like the idea of standarized one set size of kirpan.. i agree with the range... don't get me wrong i also wear small kirpan however i don't agree with the idea of having one set size of kirpan... range is good... you have to remember singh of siri guru gobind singh ji may wear any size he likes as long as he knows how to use kirpan not in offensive manner but defensive manner.

    However if the wider public still finds this unacceptable, there is nothing to stop you wearing what you like at home. I do not think you need to prove how devout you are by confronting the largely Christian country you live in. Ultimately you will be no less a Sikh, if outdoors you do not wear a kirpan but at home you continue observe the 5 Ks.

    I strongly disagree with this part. This has nothing to do with proving how devout you are but this has everything to do with singh of siri guru gobind singh ji being tyar-bar-tyaar(ready) all time to fight injustice, help the weak, living up to ideals that guru maharaj ji set for us.

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