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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. There is a slight update in this. Most likely, singh will get fateh over this !!!!!!!!!!!

    VIA's kirpan ban draws fire; railway still gives out steak knives

    Carrier 'awfully selective' on safety, rights group says

    Cristin Schmitz

    The Ottawa Citizen

    Monday, November 07, 2005

    The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has condemned Via Rail for barring Sikhs from wearing religious daggers on its trains, pointing out that the railway's professed safety concerns about kirpans do not stop it from supplying first-class passengers with steak knives.

    Last week, the association wrote to Transport Minister Jean Lapierre, accusing the Crown corporation of unjustifiably violating the religious freedom of Balpreet Singh, a 24-year-old law student from Ottawa, who was twice ordered off trains recently after some passengers complained they felt threatened by his kirpan.

    A kirpan is a small, sheathed ceremonial dagger, one of five religious articles orthodox Sikhs are obliged to wear at all times.

    "VIA seemed awfully selective in their concern about safety," suggested Alan Borovoy, the association's general counsel. "They apparently are blissfully tolerant of hockey sticks, and baseball bats and skates, and they give first-class passengers cutlery, including knives," he observed. "Maybe they take the position that the ability to buy the first-class fare makes people more trustworthy and makes these passengers a more acceptable risk?"

    An estimated 45,000 of Canada's 300,000 Sikhs wear kirpans, a symbol of their religious duty to defend the weak and fight for justice.

    The association's letter, faxed to Mr. Lapierre Thursday, argues there is "no excuse" for the national carrier to, in effect, bar thousands of people from rail travel, and urges the transport minister to press VIA to rescind the kirpan ban in favour of "a more reasonable accommodation with its passengers."

    The association suggests one safety measure might include requiring kirpans to be sheathed in such a way that they cannot readily be dislodged by their bearers.

    The civil liberties group also noted that unlike the airlines, which also ban "knife-like" objects from their cabins, VIA does not screen all the baggage its passengers carry aboard. "Thus there is no protection against any one of a number of potentially dangerous items that may accompany a good many rail passengers," they contend.

    A call to Mr. Lapierre's office was not returned Friday.

    But VIA officials have explained that the national rail carrier's security policy seeks only to ensure its passengers' safety, and does not target Sikhs or any other religious group. All weapons are banned from its trains, including those "of a ceremonial nature."

    Federal regulations prohibit knives and knife-like objects from airline cabins.

    VIA is free to make its own policy, but there is mounting pressure on the railway to revisit its kirpan ban.

    Two weeks ago, Prime Minister Paul Martin's parliamentary secretary, Navdeep Bains, a Sikh MP from Toronto who wears his kirpan in the House of Commons, called VIA's treatment of Mr. Singh last month "unfortunate and unacceptable" and pledged to take the matter up with Mr. Lapierre.

    School authorities in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario permit students to wear kirpans. But a Quebec ban was upheld last year by the Quebec Court of Appeal, which ruled that despite its religious symbolism, the ceremonial dagger is a "dangerous object" that poses a risk to the security of students and staff.

  2. tape 54 out of 81:

    Gyani ji said- Guru Ji give updesh to gursikhs of the same puari but from spiritual context.

    bharee-ai hath pair tan dayh.

    When hands, the feet and the body are dirty with committing sins which are subtly engraved in the body.

    Gyani ji shares an sakhi of how mardhana saw bhagayar animal who usually eats meat walked away from the dead body. First, he was about to eat meat of this dead body but when he heard rabi shabad kirtan by sri guru nanak dev ji he got vichar gyan and he didn't eat it even though he was extremely hungry. He sniffed the dead body's hand, he refused because this person has never done seva and he sniffed the dead's body leg he refused because this person used to go wrong places then he sniffed his heart, again he refused because this person didn't had any naam.

    paanee Dhotai utras khayh.

    Water in form of Sat/Sadh Sangat,Naam simran can wash away that dirt.

    moot paleetee kaparh ho-ay.

    When the clothes in form of body, mind are soiled and stained by urine(vikars/vices)

    day saaboon la-ee-ai oh Dho-ay.

    soap in form of Naam can wash them clean.

    bharee-ai mat paapaa kai sang.

    when the internal intellect is stained and polluted by subtle sins committed previous life-times ago,

    oh Dhopai naavai kai rang.

    it can only be cleansed by the Color of the Naam of Vahiguroo(Name of God).

    To be Continued:

  3. When we die, we leave our asthol sirara(physical body) made of five elements- air, water, fire, ether, earth and we go with our sutble body. Elements in subtle body decides further consquences for this jiv.

    Our subtle body/Shuksham Sirar is made of 17 elements together- five pranas, five gyan indrai(senses), five karam indra(senses), Man(Mind) and Buddh(Intellect)

    Five Parnas: pran(breaths), apan(vaoio), Saman (energy exists everywhere), Bhyaan (energy exists in navel chakra) and Udhayn (energy exist in throat chakra).

    Five Gyan Senses: hearing, touch, sight, taste, smell(correct me If I am wrong).

    Mann and Buddh- Our antish karan made of mat, chit, buddh, ahankar(all thoughts in consciousness/subconsciouness, desires/wishes at the time of death).

    I don't know about five karam indre's. I request tsingh, amrit veer ji pheena ji or anyone else who can help me to find what are five karam indree's?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. tape 53 out of 81:

    bharee-ai mat paapaa kai sang.

    when the intellect is stained and polluted by sin,

    oh Dhopai naavai kai rang.

    it can only be cleansed by the Love of the Name.

    Then Gursikhs asked Guru Ji, if those who meditate on naam are punee or paapi?

    punnee paapee aakhan naahi.

    Person who meditates on Naam rises above from Virtues and vices. Person who does naam jaap enters realm of nishkhamta where one does good to humanity not to get awards in return but that attributes of pun becomes ingrained in him. They cannot be papee either because after when one starts to do naam jaap their previous sins get destroyed and they are able to observe and fully control their vices.

    Bhramgyani is above from paap and puan.

    kar kar karnaa likh lai jaahu.

    The actions repeated, over and over again, are engraved on the subtle body which goes with us when we die.

    aapay beej aapay hee khaahu.

    You shall harvest what you plant.

    naanak hukmee aavhu jaahu. ||20||

    O Nanak, by the Hukam of God's Command, we come and go in reincarnation.

    To be Continued:

  5. tape 52 out of 81

    akhree naam akhree saalaah.

    One can only mediatate on Naam if they have Karma/writ of meditating on Naam written on their head; from the Word, comes Your Praise.

    akhree gi-aan geet gun gaah.

    Vahiguroo writes akhre(writ/karam) on this mortal being head then one acheives spiritual wisdom, and get a chance to sing his glory.

    Gyani ji shares that Sant Mahapursh usually recommends that one should do naam jaap infront of siri guru granth sahib ji so that even if that person does not have karma to meditate will start meditating, their karma(lakhir) will gradually change day by day.

    akhree likhan bolan baan.

    Only by good karma(writ on one's head),one can write gurbani and speak words and hymns of Vahiguroo.

    akhraa sir sanjog vakhaan.

    Only by good karma one can get to their destiny.

    jin ayhi likhay tis sir naahi.

    Vahiguroo the One who wrote these Words of Destiny on this being and his creations , there no words are written on His Forehead.

    jiv furmaa-ay tiv tiv paahi.

    As Vahiguroo ordains, so do we receive.

    jaytaa keetaa taytaa naa-o.

    The Whole creation of this universe is the manifestation of Your Name and is made so that we can meditate on your Naam.

    vin naavai naahee ko thaa-o.

    Without Your Name, there is no place at all.

    kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar.

    How can I describe Your Creative Power? How can even creative power describe you?

    vaari-aa na jaavaa ayk vaar.

    I cannot even once do vichar on you.

    jo tuDh bhaavai saa-ee bhalee kaar.

    Whatever pleases You is only and only good.

    too sadaa salaamat nirankaar. ||19||

    You are the Eternal and Formless One, no one can destroy you.!

    Gursikhs then asked Guru ji, this buddhi which is very subtle and the dirtness on that buddhi(intelligence) which is also soo subtle, how can one's buddhi be clean and pure??

    Guru Ji give gursikhs discourse in the next pauri.

    bharee-ai hath pair tan dayh.

    When the hands and the feet and the body are dirty,

    paanee Dhotai utras khayh.

    water can wash away that dirt.

    moot paleetee kaparh ho-ay.

    When the clothes are soiled and stained by urine,

    day saaboon la-ee-ai oh Dho-ay.

    soap can wash them clean.

    To be Continued:

  6. tape 51 out of 81:

    Guru ji says then:

    asaNkh naav asaNkh thaav.

    There are countless names, countless places of Vahiguroo.

    Gurbani says: Kirtam Naam Kathaie teraie Jehbaha Satnaam Tera Paara Poorblaa ||

    Gyani ji says: some school of thoughts consider existence of god only in west, some in east and yogis beleive in existence of God at dasam dwara(teenth door) they are not wrong when they say god exist in east or west or tenth door but it's wrong to say god "only" exist in certain direction because God lives everywhere- sarabvyapak.

    agamm agamm asaNkh lo-a.

    Vahiguroo is Inaccessible, unapproachable and gives countless celestial light and nourishment to its realms/creation.

    asaNkh kehahi sir bhaar ho-ay.

    There are countless people who did jaap of vahiguroo by putting their head against the floor and legs above and use the full wieght of their head to acheive him.

    Gyani ji says: When child is in the womb, child does jaap of vahiguroo in that reverse posture as well via para bani* so that vahiguroo can let him out from garb jaun.

    *Para Bani- When one recites naam in Nabhi(Navel) without moving tongue and with the thoughts.

    To be continued:

  7. tape 50 out of 81:

    asaNkh amar kar jaahi jor.

    There are countless people who impose their will by force onto others and glorify themselves.

    asaNkh galvadh hati-aa kamaahi.

    There are countless people who cut-throats and ruthless killers.people who cut throats for only tongue taste is ruthless killers.

    Gyani ji shares another interpertation of this tuk- people who gal vadh(interupt while holy sermons are given, gurbani is recitten)commit killing of their own karma.

    Gal(talking) nuo vadhna(interupt)

    asaNkh paapee paap kar jaahi.

    There are countless people who are sinners who keep on sinning because they don't realize.

    asaNkh koorhi-aar koorhay firaahi.

    There are countless people who are liars who wandering lost in their lies.

    asaNkh malaychh mal bhakh khaahi.

    There are countless people who eat flith as their ration.

    asaNkh nindak sir karahi bhaar.

    There are countless slanderers, carrying the weight of slandering they have done on their heads.

    naanak neech kahai veechaar.

    Nanak describes the state of the lowly.

    vaari-aa na jaavaa ayk vaar.

    I cannot even once do vichar on Vahiguroo and his powerful energy.

    jo tuDh bhaavai saa-ee bhalee kaar.

    O Vahiguroo, whatever pleases You is bhalee kar(good).

    too sadaa salaamat nirankaar. ||18||

    You are the Eternal and Formless One, no one can destroy you.!

    To be Continued:

  8. tape 49 out of 81:

    asaNkh soor muh bhakh saar.

    People who has done asankh jaap of asankh God, get to sor gati ( state of knowledge) and have their body filled with light, they don't fear anyone nor they give fear to anyone.

    Gurbani says: Ja Kar Har Rang Lago is jug mein, Sio kahit hai soora |

    asaNkh mon liv laa-ay taar.

    People who has done asankh jaap of asankh God, have their mind attuned to silence, without any waves of thoughts or desires occuring in their mind.

    Then Gursikhs asked Guru Ji, please tell us how much strength is there in bhramgyani?

    Guru Ji replied,

    kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar

    Nobody can narrate(vichar) how much kudrat, kavan shakti(energy) bhramgyani has?

    vaari-aa na jaavaa ayk vaar.

    One cannot even once do vichar on bhramgyani's and their powerful energy.

    jo tuDh bhaavai saa-ee bhalee kaar.

    O Vahiguroo, whatever pleases You is bhalee kar(good).

    too sadaa salaamat nirankaar. ||17||

    You are the Eternal and Formless One, no one can destroy you.!

    Sidhas requested Guru Ji to discuss next puari but from tamsi shristhi(tamo guni) context.

    Asankh morakh asankh andh gor.

    There are countless people who are ignorant because the way they speak, blind because their mind stays in dark and gor because they are violent.

    asaNkh moorakh anDh ghor.

    There are countless people who are theives and are biggest scoundrels out of all of them.

    Gyani ji says, there are many types of theives and many types of thefts people commit for example- There is theft of money and then there is theft of mind in which people hide their wrongdoings from others, make it as if they were innocent, then there are those who don't meditate on God's name, they are also consider as theives in gurbani.

    Gurbani says:: Taie Thahaskar Jo Naam Na Laaviae, Vaseh Kot Panchasa ||

    To be continued:

  9. It looks it's escalating even more:


    French government meets as rioting continues

    France's Prime Minister Domenique de Villepin met with eight of his cabinet ministers Saturday to discuss urban violence that has spread from the suburbs of Paris to several other areas of the country.

    At least 200 people were arrested Friday night as rioting continued in poor Paris neighbourhoods and extended to mainly immigrant-dominated neighbourhoods in several other cities.

    Police officers investigate the wreckage of some of the 27 city buses burned by youths, Trappes, west of Paris, Friday, Nov. 4.(AP Photo/Remy de la Mauviniere)

    Officials say as many as 750 vehicles were set on fire by roving groups of young men and boys carrying out hit-and-run arson attacks in Paris, Toulouse, Nice, Marseille, Strasbourg, Rennes and other cities.

    It was the ninth straight night of violence in the rundown Paris suburbs. Government appeals for calm are being ignored as copy-cat attacks grow in number.

    The trouble began last week when two teenagers were electrocuted at a power sub-station in Clichy-sous-Bois, north of Paris. Local youths allege the pair were being pursued by police, a charge officials deny.

    A 56-year-old physically disabled woman was being treated in the burn unit of a Paris hospital on Friday after the bus she was travelling in was set ablaze by youths in the northern Paris suburb of Sevran.

    Rioters also burned down a nursery school in Acheres, west of Paris.

    The violence reflects tensions marked by high youth unemployment in Muslim immigrant communities and the difficulty North Africans have experienced in integrating into French society.

  10. tape 48 and above:

    Gyani ji now talks about same pauri but from adhyatamic(spiritual) perspective.

    asaNkh jap asaNkh bhaa-o.

    aSankh means God with infinite attributes, virtues. Person who has done meditation on (asankh)God, God gave them asankh bhao(infinite supreme love and bliss) in return.

    asaNkh poojaa asaNkh tap taa-o.

    Person who has done a jaap of asankh God has done all types of worship exist in this planet. Person who has done aSankh jaap of asankh God done all types of taps. Gyani Ji said, there are three types of tap- Rajsi, Tamsi, Santakhi.

    Rajsi tap is stoping senses from desires is called Rajsi Tap.

    Tamsi Tap is doing hard meditations, penances.

    Satki Tap is doing satsangat, listening kirtan, gurbani vichar, doing kirtan and vichar.

    Gurbani says: Gur seva Tapa Sirh Tap Sar ||

    Seva of Guru is biggest jap, pooja, tap out of all.

    asaNkh garanth mukh vayd paath.

    Person who has done asankh jaap of asankh God, have read and knowledge of countless scriptures, and ritual recitations of the Vedas.

    Gyani ji said there are three types of granthi ( person with doubts which act like barriers in route of spirituality)

    - Chidjar Granthi(knot/: Person who considers akaal purkh( sat chit anand saroop) as un-truth(asat), and considers maya(illusion) as sat roop(truth). To over come that mentality. Naam is only remedy.

    - Sansaie Granthi: Person has three doubts in this category- 1) Parman gat sansa- It's a doubt when person says- who knows whats written in the granth instead of finding out, this doubt hold back the person. 2)Parmai Gat Sansa: This doubt makes one believe God and being are different or if the jev(being) is truth or God is truth. 3) Vipargae Sansa: This doubt makes one wonder if this whole creation is truth or God is truth.

    Karam Granthi: Person who considers everything is done by me, I. I have done this, I have done that. In such illusions, one gets stuck in karams. If i do good, i ll get blessing.

    Hence, if one does jaap on Akaal purkh all these granthis(knots, barriers) gets vanished, veils of ignorance are removed.

    Gurbani says:

    Thakur Tum Sarnaie Aya, Utar Gaya Mera Mann Ka Sansa Jab tai Darshan Paaia ||

    asaNkh jog man rahahi udaas.

    Person who has done asankh jaap of asankh God, have done countless types of Jog, and have became udas(de-attached/nirlaip) while being in the world performing wordly duties.

    Gyani Ji shares an sakhi - once baba bulleh shah was sitting on bank of river, there was this lady selling carrots. People were coming to buy it, so they start picking and choosing. She said, I only sell carrots in volumes there are no pick and choose. All these people had to buy carrots in volumes. Then there was this beautiful man, who came to her to get carrot, she pick and choose best carrots for him.. bulleh shah was quite suprised looking at the incident so after this men went away. Bulleh shah asked her how come you let him, in fact you picked and choose carrots for him but not others. She said, bulleh shah ji, he is my husband, there is no counting between lovers. This made bullah shah realize, what's the point of carrying a rosary. He put it away and asked himself, bullah are you insane? Why you doing counting with your beloved.

    Gurbani says:

    Raj lella tera Naam banie, Jog Banaya tera kirtan gayi ||

    Gyani ji shares an sakhi of a person asking krishan ji maharaj of what is real jog? All have different interpertations but what is real jog? Krishan replied, jog means unity of Jiv Atma(this being) with God.

    asaNkh bhagat gun gi-aan veechaar.

    Person who has done asankh jaap of asankh God have got all the knowledge, all the virtues, has done all kinds of bhagati.

    There are nine types of bhakti out of those nine types of bhakti - prema bhakti/atam surrender is highest of all.

    asaNkh satee asaNkh daataar.

    Person who has done asankh jaap of asankh God, have acheive full satee(faith) in God, and get full data(gifts) from God. In fact, god makes them datar(giver).

    To be continued:

  11. tape 47 out of 81:

    asaNkh soor muh bhakh saar. (Part of this puari is consider as rajogun(rajasi sristhi)

    Countless are heroic spiritual warriors, who bear the brunt of the attack in battle (who with their mouths eat steel).

    Gyani ji talks about this tuk but from a (satoguni/ shantki brithi) context.

    asaNkh soor muh bhakh saar.

    There are Countless bhramgyani/mahapursh out there and in their heart resides supreme light.

    asaNkh mon liv laa-ay taar.

    There are Countless of silent sages, vibrating the String of His Love.

    Gyani Ji shares an sakhi of mahatama who is been doing silent transcedental meditation for soo long.. at one time two nihang singhs decided to go to caves beyond hemkunt sahib. They were from sudhsingh pind. They got lost in their way and it was evening..so they end up in some other cave. They went inside to get some rest. There was this mahatama who was doing bhagti for soo many years. He was quite weak but still was getting nourishment from meditation.. He opened his eyes, said what you guys doing here? Nihang singhs said we got lost on our way to find good caves. Mahapursh said, which pind you are from? they said sudhsingh pind(village), mahapursh replied, i never heard of it. Then these nihang singhs mentioned amritsar. Mahapursh again replied, i never heard of it. That way they knew this mahapursh is doing tapayasa for centuries in this cave. Then these nihang singhs mentioned pind "Tundh". Mahatama said, that's where guru ram das ji went. He said , i am from that time. Mahatama then replied, close your eyes with concentrate on specific place in your pind. These nihang singhs concentrated on bus stand, mahatama told them now recite- Satnaam Sri Vahiguroo". Nihang singhs concentrate on the place they want to be and when they recited satnaam sri vahiguroo, they travelled through their surati and reach their village.

    kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar.

    Nobody can describe your Creative Potency, even creation itself cannot describe you.

    vaari-aa na jaavaa ayk vaar.

    I cannot even once do vichar about him and his powerful energy.

    jo tuDh bhaavai saa-ee bhalee kaar.

    O Vahiguroo, whatever pleases You is bhalee kar(good).

    Gyani ji shares an sakhi of how once parvarathi requested shiv ji to give vision to blind man. Shiv ji told her that one should be in will of God. Whatever God is doing for good but parvarati resistated few times. Eventually, shiv ji gave this person vision and he was able to see. Now this blind person start drowning kids. He killed two childrens and he was about to kill the third one, parvarathi requested shiv ji to stop him. Shiv ji got the vision back from this person and told parvaratkhi I told you..one needs to be in will of God..if this person would have got an vision, he would have use that vision to find kids and drown them that's why God took his vision to save him from committing more sins in his life.

    too sadaa salaamat nirankaar. ||17||

    To be Continued:

  12. got it sikhsangat forum:

    Wahe Guru Ji ka Khalsa Waher Guru Ji Ki Fateh

    Would be very greatfull if you would spare some time and read this ....

    i just wanted to post this forum to tell people about the importance of Saad Sangat .... as in todays society there are many people who believe in Mahapursh, and do their sangat and on the other hand there are people who do not believe in Mahapursh, and get into bad habits of doing nindia of these mahapursh in a view as they are not true..... ??

    There are and have been many Chardikala Mahaprush in this world, to name a few like Babaji Nanad Singh JI Maharaj Nanaksar , Babaji Isher Singh Ji Maharaj Nanaksar , Babaji Ishar Singh Ji Rara Sahib, Babaji Attar Singh Ji Maharaj and many more,.......who have with the bakshish of Sri Guru Granth Sahib JI and Guru Maharaj JI's Pavitar Naam have reached to a level of enlightenment and knowing Waheguru and its internal peace with love and devotion......

    Satpursh are beings that have come on this world and with the blessings of Gurumaharaj have tried to point to us the right direction towards the path of truth, which we have lost during the years of Kalyug........

    I would like to tell you a Vajan a Chardikala Mahapursh had done to his sangat to explain the meaning and importance of Guru Maharaj Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and their beloved Devotees true Mahapursh......

    There was a family who lived together happily and lovingly. The head of the Family (their father) use to work very hard day and night to gather the most valuable riches of the world. There came a time when their father had to leave earth as it was time for him to depart from this world. He thus called all his family and told them that he will have to leave this world as the time has come. But before leaving he instructed his family that all his valuable earnings was the most precious and priceless riches he worked day and night for and stored it in a chest for them so that they may not suffer from any difficulties in times to come. And after these valuable instructions he departed.....

    The family, then kept the chest in a safe and respected place as it was the fathers only gift left behind for them..... The would every day pray before it and respect it as their father ...... but from the changes in time there was a time on the family that they had come to suffer hardship and sufferings..... and the family prayed and wepted that they wished their father would be there to help them and missed the fathers hand over their head.......

    One day at the time of hardship a Satpursh, Mahapursh passed by their house and knocked on their door. As the family members opened the door the asked what the mahapursh had wanted. The Mahaprush replied why are you crying. The family members replied that we are suffering a time of hardship. The Mahapursh told them wether their father had left behind anyhting for them before leaving this world. The family replied yes they did and we have kept it safely with all respect, and pray in front of it and remember are beloved father for all he done for us. The Mahapursh then smiled and replied that have you ever tried opening the chest that had all the riches your father worked day and night for. The family replied '' No ''. The Mahapursh then smiled and replied open the chest and see for yourself the truth your Father worked hard for.

    If you have understood the story the Family is referred to the Sangat of Gursikhs, and Father is referred to as the 10 Paadshai's from Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Sahib Ji Maharaj to Dhan Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. And the Chest is referred to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, where the most valuable treasures, the Pavitr Banies of great Bhagats and Saints are composed together. And the Mahapursh is referred to the Saints and Satpursh those who came on this earth, and are coming and will be always coming on this land of Kalyug as they are sent by Whaeguru Ji himself.....

    Saad Sangat ke Ghar Vase Iko Sacha Soi……..

    In the true sangat of the saints he himself, true Lord is present …..

    Please forgive me if I have typed anything wrong or hurt anyone’s feelings, please let me know as this is my second post ....... .....

    Bul Chuk Maf

  13. One day, three Sikhs came to see Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Kartarpur. Their names were Rama, Didi and Saigal. They sat silently for some time and then one of them asked Guru Ji the following question.

    What is the difference between Tamo gunn, Rajo gunn, Satto gunn and Bhagti marag?

    A Sikh is one who seeks to learn, and Guru Ji teaches such a person the proper way: Not to talk bad about others and not to listen to gossip about others. How difficult is this ? Spend time not in fruitless deeds such as stealing etc. Stay away from the influence of bad people. The mind should not be allowed to stray towards the path of evil deeds. These activities come under Tamo gunn. If one meets a puran purash ( a knower of tat or truth), who is one in crores (millions), listen to his teachings. Listen and speak only the greatness of Waheguru. Speak not lies with the tongue ( a very difficult form of tapasya). In one's praises of God, consider God as present himself. In the flower is present its fragrance, but it is invisible to the naked eye.

    Perform sewa or service; donate to charity or do other charitable deeds. These are hands and legs of tapasya and are called Rajsee tapasya.

    What is Satto tapasya?

    Satto tapasya is when a person listens to Gurbani without signs of inattentiveness, that is, in one-pointed concentration, and also performs good deeds. The mind is always restless and it inherently tries to stray. God has made it such. The Gutka (prayer book) is always in the hand but the mind keeps wandering; it goes wherever it pleases. Guru Ji says that, when you realize that the mind has strayed away and the Gutka has been left behind in the hand, then, endeavor to lead it (the mind) back to Gurbani. The mind is illiterate. Do not talk about knowledge acquired from a university or college. True knowledge or Brahmgyan has to be gained from Gurbani. When one is aware that the mind has strayed away, catch it, bring it back and make it concentrate again, and again. It will eventually get tired of running here and there and will stay attached to Gurbani. Then this is the moment of the beginning of the end to the cycle of births and deaths.

    This bachan (order) canot be bought or exchanged for pearls and gems in the bazaar. Vairaag and Naam Abhiyas are two wings which are used to fly to the kingdom of God. We tend to regard the physical body as ours, but no ! Our real form is 'Nij saroop', which is inside; it is separated by a veil of falsehood.

    Kivv sachiara kivv kooraae tutaae paal ||

    How can this wall of falsehood be broken?

    (Sri Guru Granth Saheb Ji, Angg 1)

    Who will break the wall of falsehood ? Where does one go to search for a friend who will help one out ? It is very difficult to find such a friend. True Sikhs therefore seeks the answers from Guru Ji. We can call them such, as they come to the Guru for Light. In the beginning there is the seed; ultimately these seeds will one day begin to bear fruit.

    hukam rajaee chalna Nanak likhia naal ||

    By submittimg, O' Nanak, to the Hukum (Command) of the Lord of all destiny.

    (Sri Guru Granth Saheb Ji, Angg 1)

    Baba Farid was a highly spiritual saint, a bhagat, a puran purash or complete human being. His disciples aggregated one and a quarter lakhs. He went all over the country in search of a puran or complete saint who could impart to him the darshan of the Lord. His search finally brought him to a puran fakir (saint).

    The fakir os seeing Baba Farid Ji asked him why he was wandering aimlessly. The person, for whom you are wandering around in search of, is in you. Baba Farid Ji then replied, "If He is in me, I cannot see Him." The fakir then told Baba Farid Ji that he was truly in need of a Guru. Baba Farid Ji replied, "All right, I shall become your disciple."

    The fakir then told Baba Farid Ji that his first duty as a disciple will be to wake up after midnight, fetch hot water for him and to give him his early morning bath. The fakir asaid that other chores will be given to Baba Farid Ji later; if he could perform this initial job satisfactorily.

    Farid Ji started serving his Guru Ji with all his heart and the day came for his final test. One day there was no fire in the house and Farid Ji had to heat water for his Guru Ji's early morning bath. He went to get some sticks of fire. He could see some fire burning in someone's house. It belonged to a woman of low moral values. Previously, Farid Ji used to pass by her house with hatred and disrespect. When, he asked for a stick of fire, the woman decided to take revenge against Farid Ji. She told him that the price of a stick of fire was - one of his eyes. Farid Ji did not hesitate. He borrowed a knife from her and took out one of his eyes and placed it on her hand.

    He took the stick of fire and went back. His Guru Ji looked at his blood stained eye and told him that he had passed the final test and could now have the darshan of the Lord. Farid Ji became a puran saint after that incident.

    Taken from the book, " Divine Mystic Reflections on Gurmat" - Talks and dialogues - Book 2

    Saint Scholar Naranjan Singh Ji (Shiromani Kathakar)

  14. souce: mrsikhet.com

    The Science of Naad and Gurbani

    Naad means "the essence of all sounds". All languages contain sounds which relate to one or more of the five elements of air, fire, water, earth or ether. Gurbani is a perfect combination and permutation of sounds relating to all the five elements in complete balance. When Guru Arjan Dev, the fifth Guru Nanak, compiled the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, in 1604, he put in only those Banis which were in Naad. These compositions are called Gurbani.

    There are eighty-four meridian points on the upper palate of a human's mouth. One can feel that upper palate with the tongue and experience its different surfaces. There are two rows of meridian points on the upper palate and on the gum behind the upper teeth. The tongue stimulates those meridian points, and they in turn stimulate the hypothalamus which makes the pineal gland radiate. When the pineal gland radiates, it creates an impulsation in the pituitary gland. When the pituitary gland gives impulsation, the entire glandular system secretes and a human being obtains bliss. This is the science.

    Gurbani is the combination of the tongue with the meridian points. When you read and recite Gurbani, it stimulates your hypothalamus. It is totally different than any scriptures because Gurbani is made in a scientific way. There are two banis: "kachee bani" is that which does not fit on the Naad. It is not a balanced sound current. "Pakee bani" is that which fits on the Naad and is balanced. One who knows the Naad knows the Aad, the Primal Creativity. One who knows the Aad is Parmayshwaar, the Supreme God.

    The whole language of Gurbani has the power to make a person divine, just in its recitation, if done correctly. One need not be concerned with the meaning for a change in consciousness. Bani has to be understood by the heart, not by the head. There is no power in the head, it is in the heart. The head is for God and the heart is for you. That is why Guru Gobind Singh asked for the head, and not for the heart. Whosoever lives with the head to God and heart for self, that prayer is complete.

    The entire Siri Guru Granth Sahib is the calling of the Beloved. It is in Naad. Torah, Bible and Vedas are not in Naad because none of them felt that much pain of separation between God and the beloved."


  15. tape 46 out of 81:

    Gyan Ji talks about the next puari about how counting starts from ikaie(1), Dahie(10), Saikare(100), Hazaar(1000), Lakh(100,000), Crore(1000,000), Arabh(1000,0000), Kharabh (1 0000,0000), Neel( 1 0000,00000), Padam (1 000 000 0000) , Sankh (1 000 000 00000) ... sankh is the last stage of counting. After that, infinite which is asankh is used to describe the quantity, qualities, attributes of God.

    Guru Ji Maharaj Said,

    asaNkh jap asaNkh bhaa-o. (Part of this puari is consider as satoguni/ shantki brithi)

    There are Countless types of meditations/ways of contemplatation exist like for example as apansu jap- jap to erase sins, kalyan jap- jap to get happiness etc ,and then there are countless types of love exist.

    Shrimoni prem which is prema bhakti described by siri guru gobind singh ji-

    Sach Kaho Saun Laio Sabhi Jin Prem Kio Tin Hi Prab Paio ||

    Then Guru Ji said-

    asaNkh poojaa asaNkh tap taa-o. (Part of this puari is consider as tamoguni birthi)

    There are countless types of worship services, austere disciplines.

    asaNkh garanth mukh vayd paath.

    There are Countless types of scriptures(granths), and ritual recitations of the Vedas.

    asaNkh jog man rahahi udaas. (Part of this puari is consider as satoguni/ shantki brithi)

    There are Countless Yogis and way of jogs, along with countless of those who have their minds remain detached from the world.

    Gyani ji said there are many types of jog some of them are: lai jog, hath yog, mantar jog, Dhyaan Jog , Gyan Jog, Agar pat Jog, Sagr Pat Jog.

    Lai Jog: In this jog, five birthiyas(concentration)- parman, viparjay, Nindriya, Vikalp, Smirthi gets automatically attuned with Naam. Such people are 1 in crore(million).

    Then there are some who does jog(attach with god) via hath yog(awakening energy inside the body), mantar jog, Dhyaan Jog(concentrating on mantar or his creation) , Gyan Jog( knowledge about god), Agar Pat Jog- without mantar, Sagar Pat Jog- with mantar.

    asaNkh bhagat gun gi-aan veechaar.

    There are Countless devotees, virtues, Wisdoms and Virtues of the Lord.

    There are five main types of devotees are considered in various scriptures:

    1. Arth Bhagat- Bhagat who does bhagti because of sorrowness in their life. For example- Parlhad.

    2. Artha Arthi Bhagat- Bhagat who does bhagti in order to get something ie- kingdom just like how bhagat dharu did bhagti to get kingdom.

    3. Anan Bhagat- Bhagat who does bhagti following one God. For example- bhagat namdev Ji.

    4. Arvan Bhagat: Bhagat who does bhagti just by getting any word from their Guru's/Murshid. Like for example- There was one person who used to follow ramanand ji get spiritual discourse from him. One morning, when bhagat ramanand ji was going to take shower, this person fell on his feet asked ramanand ji please bless me with naam of vahiguroo. Ramamand ji said, is this time to give naam? There is time for such discourses. He insisted and said, this is only time i can get to talk to you then there are always people around you. Ramamand ji, in bit of anger said- "Bhaja Luta Marangae means run away i ll hit you with iron vessel". This person was extremely innocent and ran away and consider this phrase by ramanand ji as a mantar. He started meditating on phrase with lot of prem(love) and sharda(faith) he had already. When he became fully enlightened, his popularity start increasing and he met ramanand ji and he asked - where did you get the mantar? He said, when i met you and you spoke- Bhaja Luta Maranga .. i have meditated on this. Ramananda ji start laughing and said that wasnt mantar. He replied, that's what i meditated upon considering that was mantar.

    5. Gyani Bhagat- Bhagat who have sampuraan gyan(full knowledge of God) and stay in full will(Hakum) of God . For example- Baba budda ji, bhai mani singh ji, baba deep singh ji.

    asaNkh satee

    There are Countless types of the holy.

    Gyani Ji further explains that satii from a gurmat context means : Sati who have her concentration only on one Purkh(husband) and consider the whole creation is form of astri(female) and there is Only one and true husband of them which is God.

    asaNkh daataar.

    There are countless types of givers who gives charity to benefit humanity and ask somehing in return.

    asaNkh soor muh bhakh saar. (Part of this puari is consider as rajogun(rajasi sristhi)

    Countless are heroic spiritual warriors, who bear the brunt of the attack in battle (who with their mouths eat steel).

    To be continued:

  16. tape 45 out of 81:

    Guru Ji said:

    jay ko kahai karai veechaar.

    No matter how much anyone tries to explain and describe them,

    kartay kai karnai naahee sumaar.

    the actions of the Creator cannot be counted.

    Dhoul Dharam da-i-aa kaa poot.

    The mythical bull is Dharma, the son of compassion;

    Gyani ji further said: Dharam has four legs- sat(Truth), tap(penances), Daan(charity), Jog (meditation). Without these four legs dharam cannot be supported, dharam is son of compassion.

    Gyan ji gives an example of how one mahapursh was doing bhagti, there was this person who was capturing turtles. Mahapursh asked him, what you doing?. He said, i will sell these turtles , people eat them. Mahapursh bought all of these turtles and gave him 50 rupees in return and then he went to godavari nadi(river) close by and left them the place they were picked up. This is an image of compassion.

    Guru Ji further said:

    santokh thaap rakhi-aa jin soot.

    contenment which is used by dharam is what patiently holds the earth in its place.

    Gyan ji gives an example how baba deep singh ji shahid once about to eat roti. He was just about to eat when singh gave him the news that turks abducted 30,000 women's from the village and took off. Shaahid Baba Deeep Singh Ji, said- first i shall free those women then only I shall eat roti. That much santokh Baba Deep Singh Ji had.

    Adapt pure virtues like Dya(compassion), santokh(contenment) then only one can become dharami.

    Sikhs asked guru ji, how can we adapt those virtues? Guru ji replied, from naam these virtues are born. Meditate on Naam, these virtues shall come in automatically.

    jay ko bujhai hovai sachiaar.

    One who understands this becomes truthful.

    Dhavlai upar kaytaa bhaar.

    What a great load there is on the bull(dharam)!

    Dhartee hor parai hor hor.

    So many worlds beyond this world-so very many!

    tis tay bhaar talai kavan jor.

    What power holds them, and supports their weight?

    jee-a jaat rangaa kay naav.

    The names and the colors of the assorted species of beings

    sabhnaa likhi-aa vurhee kalaam.

    were all inscribed by the Ever-flowing Pen of God.

    ayhu laykhaa likh jaanai ko-ay.

    Who can have knowledge about writ on the head's of all of his creations,?

    laykhaa likhi-aa kaytaa ho-ay.

    Just imagine what a huge scroll it would take!

    kaytaa taan su-aalihu roop.

    What kind of power he has! how's much splendid beauty he has !

    kaytee daat jaanai koun koot.

    And what gifts! Who can know their extent?

    keetaa pasaa-o ayko kavaa-o.

    Vahiguroo created the vast expanse of the Universe with just One Word!

    Vahiguroo used Ongkar word only once and whole creation was created.

    tis tay ho-ay lakh daree-aa-o.

    Hundreds of thousands of rivers began to flow.

    kudrat kavan kahaa veechaar.

    What kind of energy one has to describe his Creative Potency ?

    vaari-aa na jaavaa ayk vaar.

    I cannot even once do vichar about him and his powerful energy.

    jo tuDh bhaavai saa-ee bhalee kaar.

    O Vahiguroo, whatever pleases You is bhalee kar(good)

    too sadaa salaamat nirankaar. ||16||

    You are the Eternal and Formless One, no one can destroy you.!

    To be Continued:

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