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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. ~ Sri Guru Nanak Dev Nirankar Daie Parkash Ustav Sangata Nuo Lakh Lakh Vaadiya ~

    Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Nirankar. Ik tuhi tuhi Nirankar. Ik tuhi Tuhi Nirankar. Tuhi Tuhi Tuhi Mohina 



    This tuesday 12:30 am, we are observing Avtar Purb of Satguru Nanak Dev Nirankar coming to this world after world craving and crying of his Lotus feet Darshan and Alaaaaaaaaahi Noor of his face.



    Its beeen know that- out of 4- Guru Nanak Dev Ji had 3.9999 percent of Nirmata and rest 0.1111 nirmata all the Sant/Bhramgyanis/Mahapursh/Pir/Pagamvar/Firsta had it.


    That much Nirmata Guru Ji had


    Guru Nanak Dev Nirankar didn't had any Guru. They were khud Nirankar themselves in Sargun Form.


    Nirankar decided to see itself how it looks like. He went infront of the mirror. It was Guru Nanak Dev Nirankar.


    People who think Guru ji was mere pir, pagamvar and kavi can't never get darshan of Guru Ji. Because Guru Ji was khud Nirankar Ji.


    Small Sakhi - Guru Angad Dev Ji asked bhai bhala, bhai mardana ji that you guys lived with Guru Nanak Dev Ji for almost all your life . What did u think of Guru Baba Nanak when you were serving him. They replied "sant/mahapursh". Guru Ji smiled and replied, Guru Parmesvar Saroop Hai... And then Sangat asked Guru Angad Dev Ji- What do you think of Guru Nanak Dev Ji when you served him? Guru Angad Dev tears start coming out slowly from eyes and Guru Ji replied "Mein Ta Guru Ji Nuo Paremsvar Nirankar Saroop Kar Kaie Jannaya usi Bhavna Naal Seva Kiti (I served Guru Ji as Parbrahm Nirankar with that same emotion I served him").


    Moral of this Sakhi: Jis Bhavna Naal Guru Ji Naal Preeiti Launi Hai, Ustra hiii Phaul Millaya Kardaie Hai.


    Thats why Bhai Sahib Gurdas write this:


    Satguru Purakh Agam Hai Nirvair Niralla, Jio Kar Nirmal Arsi Jag Dekhanwala.....


    Ek pita ekas ke hum barak tun mera gur tain (We are children of but one God)


    Sabbhe sanjhiwal sadain koi na dise bahara jiyo (Everybody is a part of the same large community; nobody is an outsider)


    Awwal Allah noor upaiya kudrat de sabh bande, Ek noor te sabh jag upjiya kaun bhale ko mande. ( First Almighty Allah. The entire humanity has originated from the same divine light, so how can there be divisions of good and bad, higher or lower amongst His creatures).


  2. Another post by Harpratap Singh who was there:

    VahegurujikkaKhalsa, vahegurujikiFateh!

    This is what I saw with my own eyes:

    FACT 1: there were crates of bacardi bottles on the floor of the room and cans of beer (I can't remeber which brand)

    FACT 2: the room was next to library (my friend actually closed the door to prevent anybody else going in)

    FACT 3: the Sachkhand is next to the room

    FACT 4: meat has NEVER been allowed to be served in Guru ka Langar

    FACT 5: the issue is not how much the men present have contributed to the finances of the Gurdwara - their other actions are unjustifiable. Guru ji would never accept such 'blood' money

    FACT 6: the Panth hhas a Hukamnama of Sri Akal Takhat Sahib which says that Guru ji should not be taken to commercial establishments where alcohol and meat are present and consumed. How can anyone justify holding a party for 'Divali' with meat and alcohol in a room in a part of the Gurdwara is beyond me!

    FACT 7: the men present actually said "eh sada gurdwara heh, usi jo marji kariay" (this is our GURDWARA [note they did not say community hall/social club], we can do whatever we want). So this throws a big spanner in the works of the people who are saying this wasn't the Gurdwara.

    FACT 8: the Sangat who came to visit the Gurdwara was made up men, women and children, Amritdhari and non Amritdhari, Kesdhari and non Kesdhari. The one thing they had in common was that they knew that drinking allcohol and eating meat next to Guru ji's Sachkhhand is plain WRONG.

    FACT 9: if the CCTV is available, please post it on the internet. The TRUTH (SACH) will always come out. We have nothing to fear.

    If I have made any mistakes above, please correct me.

  3. I think the only way to know who is telling the truth is from pictures, video's etc.

    Jungee, gotta a question?

    were you there when this happened?

    I have a eye-witness who is a good freind of mine(Harpartap Singh) who was there, here is what he wrote:


    VahegurujikaKhalsa, VahegurujikiFateh!

    I had the misfortune to see what happened on Saturday. Nobody was knifed. Seems like peop;e want to distract attention from the real facts - bajjar curehats were being committed inside Guru ji's home!!!!!!!

    Can you imagine Guru Gobind Singh ji sitting in His Darbar saying to drunks - you can have a session the room at far side of the Darbar, next My Sach Khand, as long as the entrance is from another door??????


    I think only way to know the truth is through pictures, videos etc. Otherwise this thread will be blaming game all the way with less facts but more tu tu mein mein and besides let not bring personal agenda into this thread but focus more on key point questions.

    - When elders were drinking sharab, was Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji present there in the gurdwara or community hall ? Yes/No

    - Did singhs who went inside to stop this beadhi of guru sahib tried to resolve the suitation by peace at first? Yes/No? If yes, please give details.

    - When elders provoked the singhs, the amount of force involved to fight back , was it really neccessary? (This question could be tough one).

    Lets focus on these questions, instead of playing usual game of tu tu mein mein.

  4. Got this from tapoban:


    VahegurujikaKhalsa, VahegurujikiFateh!

    I had the misfortune to see what happened on Saturday. Nobody was knifed. Seems like peop;e want to distract attention from the real facts - bajjar curehats were being committed inside Guru ji's home!!!!!!!

    Can you imagine Guru Gobind Singh ji sitting in His Darbar saying to drunks - you can have a session the room at far side of the Darbar, next My Sach Khand, as long as the entrance is from another door??????

    The title of this thread will be changed to something less negative against singhs for time being who did this seva. I m convinced for now that attacks in the room were first provoked by elders throwing glassy with alchohol around in gurdwara premises unless proven otherwise by other party.

  5. Sweet Sikhi

    Sweet Sikhi Radio Show on Panjab Radio

    Sweet Sikhi is a Youth team doing parchar on radio, camps, work shops, talks and more.

    Sweet Sikhi is on Panjab Radio, Sky channel 880, DAB, Internet and Internationally on satalite. please visit www.panjabradio.net or www.panjabradio.co.uk

    Every SUNDAY 6.00PM - 8.00PM

    Sweet Sikhi, for the Youth, by the Youth!!

    info link

    Supporting London Sikhi Week 16 - 23 November 2005

    Listen online Click Here

  6. tape 58 and above:

    Guru Ji futher says:

    ant na jaapai paaraavaar.

    Its limits here(lok) and beyond(parlok) cannot be perceived.

    ant kaaran kaytay billaahi.

    Many struggle to know His limits,

    taa kay ant na paa-ay jaahi.

    but His limits cannot be found.

    ayhu ant na jaanai ko-ay.

    No one can know these limits.

    bahutaa kahee-ai bahutaa ho-ay.

    The more you say about them, the more there still remains to be said.

    vadaa saahib oochaa thaa-o.

    Great is the Master, High is His Sachkhand Home.

    oochay upar oochaa naa-o.

    Highest of the High, above all is His Name(Naam).

    Gyani ji says: Via Naam, one can reach Naami(Vahiguroo) by giving example of bhai gopala ji. When Bhai Gopala Ji was about to do japji sahib da patt. Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji told bhai gopala ji to sit 1 1/2 foot above him because now you are reciting his Naam in form of japji sahib which is Sri Guru Nanak Patsah bani.

    ayvad oochaa hovai ko-ay.

    One who has recited on his Name(Naam) becomes as Great and as High as God.

    tis oochay ka-o jaanai so-ay.

    Vahiguroo know his own self,and Exalted State.

    jayvad aap jaanai aap aap.

    Only He Himself is that Great. He Himself knows Himself.

    naanak nadree karmee daat. ||24||

    O Nanak, by His Glance of Grace, He bestows His Blessings on this jev(being).

    Gyani ji says: without his grace, nobody could find his ant(end).

    To be Continued:

  7. Note key words in his post, if those key words are truth then there it was probably hard to break a fight:

    all the sangat, Gurfateh,

    Artmental... U was not there u dont know the full story.... I do as i was there by mistake. I am a local of the area and have on a number of occasion witnessed what the committee and the some of the sangat members do there. I personally have told them not to do such things there... but all my benties were ignored.

    When i came out of the darbar sahib after methka dekh i saw round about 150-200 singh and singhia rushing towards the room WHERE SHERAB (ALCOHOL) AND MEAT WERE BEING OPENLY SERVED. These guys that i saw go in did not seem local and all seemed very mature. One of the guys that was in the room told me at the end that when we went in the so called old men said to the boys that this is there gurdwara and they can do what they want there, and No-One can stop us... As the Gursikhs were doing thier benties two three of the old men threw there glassy at them and began to manhandle them.. after that all hell broke loss as some of the young Sikhs were not able to see there fellow gursikh being beaten like animals… Some of the old men did receive cut and burses as I saw this myself.. I did not like what I saw the whole room was trashed.. but I must say these old men had is coming.. theses people eye up all the bibia that go to the gurudwara, they speak in a very ill manner about other peoples daughters and wives and then they drink alcohol with meat made in Gurdwares Patelie.. so Mr Artmental.. u tell me what else could of the Gursikhs done…. I have been told that a video about this will soon be in the net and you can all see so called committee members and so called amrithadri old member in their full glory… I would request the administrator to not allow people like Artmental to use words like idiot, towards gursikhs that are putting their livelihoods at stake to help reshape the panth. The truth will be out soon and peolpe like the above will have nothing else to say..

    All the facts are on panthic weekly and the video will be out soon.. I hope your (Artmental) family members are not caught in the act…..


    Jagjit Singh Shera

    Ps: well done Khalsa boys keep it up, the panth is with you don’t worry about the idiot like above they are all talk and no action….

  8. hopefully the evidence (CCTV, injuries and eye witness accounts) will be enough for prosecutions to take place.

    I hope that it does go all the way and a just punishment is given to these lunatics.

    when their names and photos do come out in media, it's responsiblity of sikh groups in UK to come out and condemn such cowards attacks and reject groups or organization affilated with such attacks (if there is any).


    Once Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj, the king of kings and the saint of saints was camping somewhere. A big crowd of people gathered in his darbar. Among the visitors was an ascetic Muslim faqir who held roses in his palms. It was winter time.

    The Muslim faqir slowly made his way towards Satguru Ji and and presented the

    flowers to him. Guru Ji looked at the faqir, and said, " O Faqir, you need not have taken the trouble of bringing flowers."

    "O True King, helper of the weak, coming with empty hands would be a cause of shame," replied the faqir. This is a Persian proverb that the faqir was repeating.

    "No, for a faqir, empty hands is the way of kings. It is an empty heart that is the cause, of shame for anyone. If one's heart is filled with contentment, a faqir is king of kings, even though his hands may be empty. But when one's heart is devoid of contentment and feeling for the Lord, that is a cause for shame," explained Maharaj.

    "True Emperor, O Saviour of the world, I have been rewarded for my visit. Perfect are the words of the Perfect, and complete are the words of the Complete," exclaimed the faqir.


    taken from Parchian Sewadas


  10. Here is a translations from sikhportal.com (Thanks to this penj who took her to translate this story).

    As soon as he started to speak, he said “I am Madho Rao Scindia. And my son is called Jyotira”, and with this started to spread the news of re-birth of Late Madho Rao Scindia in the village. People started to make note of all his actions in reference to “Scindhiaji”.

    This child, who proclaims himself to be Madho Rai Schindia, was born in the district of Shivpuri (Kolaras tehseel, and village Korya) and is aged about 3 years. Ashish, very innocently, makes others realize of him being madho Rai Scindia, and also recounts many important incidents from the late minister’s life.

    The first child born in to dharmendra and Anita was a baby boy. The birth of this child got his parents many lucky dreams and indications of auspicious moments. Members of the family tell that this child is very lucky for them. Father Dharmendra says right after the birth of the child his financial position started improving. He bought a tractor and the crops also grew good. Similarly, Ginnibai, the grandmother (maternal) says, after his birth, she obtained a lot of property. A water pump was dug in the farms. There are multiple crops growing now. Greenery all over. Seems like this baby is angel sent into our family by God himself.

    The daily-routine of this boy is entirely religious as well. Aashish wakes up at 4:00 AM. He wakes his grandmother up too and insists on her bathing him. After bathing, he goes to the Gods/deities(devta) and prays in front of them with incense, like a priest. He bows/surrenders him self to at the feet of the Gods/deities. He doesn't eat or drink with out taking a shower. Regardless of being so young, he has immense maturity and instead of playing with children his age, he stays at home most of the times. Aashish loves his younger brother Lalloo (RajKumar) just like a father does to his son.

    The beloved of his grandfather, Sirnaam, when this boy turned one, he couldn't speak, but he would look up at the sky pointing four fingers towards it and would fall on the ground. His parents used to get suspicious. They used to think whether or not he is epileptic. That's why he was shown to some (baba) as well, but when he started talking he started giving voice to his actions and he stuttered : "I am Scindia. My son;s name is Jyotira. I live in Delhi, Bombay and Gwalior and i have a lot of money." Aashish says that he has a queen as well, but his mother Anita says when his queens name is asked, she doesn't know what he answers. Grandfather Sirnam Puri tells, the boy mentions his sisters often and names Usha very clearly and says the name of his two other sisters are Yanti and Banti. He says to his mother that his house is like glass and he has a lot of gold and silver.

    Take me to my son Jyotira in Delhi. One day his father kept a picture of Late Mr. Madhav Rao Scindia in fron of him and he suddenly said: "That's me!". After getting information of this boy, when the team of "Nayee Duniyaa" went 55 Kms far to Village Kaarya, which is in Kolaras district, Aashish was busy talking to his grandmother, working at the farm.

    When the team of "Nayee Duniyaa" asked the boy his name, he suddenly replied: "I am Scindia". Second question was, what is your son's name ?, he thought for a moment and then replied, Jyotira. What happened with you ?, when asked this, he said- "We were in the helicopter, and suddenly it fell in a wheat farm. When asked how many people were there, he says five. But his father Dharmendra says, when he use to talk in sign language he use to show four fingers. Dharmendra says, he started talking about Scindia and his palace as soon as he could speak. We got very scared and tried for him to forget it. Did some black magic as well. He has not forgotten anything but the memories of his re-birth that he had fourth months ago, are fainting away slightly. As per Dharmendra, since he is now eating "jootha" of every one else, he talks about that less unlike earlier, when he was very open about it and insisted on them taking him to Delhi, so that he could meet his family. The villagers of Kaarya, who are 3000 in number, also confirm the fact about this re-birth. Forest security Mr. Rameshchand Sharma, Digvijay Singh Rajput and Ramnivas Bhargav say that according to the boy, he was fell from the top; they don't think he is faking it or has been taught this by someone else.

    A quarter to three-three years old innocent Aashish says he is Madhav Rao Scindia. He says his son is Jyotiraditya and his sisters are Yanti and Banti.

  11. This is a must read news. Madhu Rai sindhia who was late fiance minister of india got reborn as a young boy. Mr Sinha was great minister and very good man. He was philanthropists as well. He died in helicopter plane crash 3 1/2 years ago..right after 3 1/2 years..this is 3 1/2 year old boy comes forward and told his parents that i m sindhia and gives all information about his previous life.. This news is in hindi...can anyone please translate it for the sangat..that be great.


  12. I understand the sentiments running high of those who were disguisted looking at the maryada being completey torn apart. I completely share those sentiments with you.

    However, attacking old men of 70-80 year old severely is totally out of order. Even though they were drinking in gurdwara premises. There are other means to solve it ie- telling them first to get out, if not forcefully pick them up and take them out and threaten them if you don't get out..will take your pictures and post them every-where.

    If anyone of these old men happen to die(god forbid), it's wrong. You will bring a misery to the family members and whole generation linked with old men..old men kids, grand kids, grand grand kids will avoid sikhi like a plaque because they will think so called sikhs are fanatics, mobs, which i can understand where they coming from....!

    That's my take on this .. sorry if i offend anyone.

  13. tape 56 out of 81:

    Sidhas then asked Guru ji, please tell us when vahiguroo created his creation? any time? any place?

    kavan so vaylaa vakhat kavan kavan thit kavan vaar.

    What was that time, and what was that moment? What was that day, and what was that date?

    kavan se rutee maahu kavan jit ho-aa aakaar.

    What was that season, and what was that month, when the Universe was created?

    vayl na paa-ee-aa pandtee je hovai laykh puraan.

    The Pandits, the religious scholars, cannot find that time, even if it is written in the Puraanas.

    vakhat na paa-i-o kaadee-aa je likhan laykh kuraan.

    That time is not known to the Qazis, who study the Koran.

    thit vaar naa jogee jaanai rut maahu naa ko-ee.

    The day and the date are not known to the Yogis, nor is the month or the season.

    jaa kartaa sirthee ka-o saajay aapay jaanai so-ee.

    The Creator who created this creation-only He Himself knows.

    kiv kar aakhaa kiv saalaahee ki-o varnee kiv jaanaa.

    How can we speak of Him? How can we praise Him? How can we describe Him? How can we know Him?

    naanak aakhan sabh ko aakhai ik doo ik si-aanaa.

    O Nanak, everyone speaks of Him, by claiming wister than the rest.

    vadaa saahib vadee naa-ee keetaa jaa kaa hovai.

    Great is the Master, Great is His Name. Whatever happens is according to His Will.

    naanak jay ko aapou jaanai agai ga-i-aa na sohai. ||21||

    O Nanak, if one claims that they know everything, their gyan(knowledge) does not get accepted.

    Guru Ji then says:

    paataalaa paataal lakh aagaasaa aagaas.

    There are countless nether worlds beneath nether worlds, and hundreds of thousands of heavenly worlds above.

    Gyani ji shares an sakhi of Sri Guru Nanak dev ji how once guru ji spoke "paataalaa paataal lakh aagaasaa aagaas" in bhagdad. There was this muslim pir and his followers who then questioned Guru Ji bachan and accused Guru Ji of lying. Guru ji asked peer ji, why you getting angry? Peer said, our prophet muhammed sahib said, there are 7 nether worlds not countless nether worlds. Guru ji showed his son glimpse of countless nether worlds via surti(concentration) and then his son told his father that Guru Ji is right, Guru Ji himself is Allah Roop (emobdiment of Allah).

    orhak orhak bhaal thakay vayd kahan ik vaat.

    People have tried searching for end in past, present and will in future at end they all gave up and will give up, vedas says the same thing -

    Neeit Neieth Kathan Bheda Bayant hai Bayant Hai ||

    sahas athaarah kahan kataybaa asuloo ik Dhaat.

    Thousands of dieties along with eighteen scriptures says there is no end, we are tired of searching because in reality, there is only One God that exist and knows.

    laykhaa ho-ay ta likee-ai laykhai ho-ay vinaas.

    If you try to write an account of this, you will surely finish yourself before you finish writing it.

    naanak vadaa aakhee-ai aapay jaanai aap. ||22||

    O Nanak, call Him Great! He Himself knows Himself.

    Gyani Ji says: Whoever tried to find his end in good intention, at the end just merged in him.

    tape 57 out of 81:

    Guru Ji then talks about the next pauri.

    saalaahee saalaahi aytee surat na paa-ee-aa.

    The Lord who is worth praising, we should praise the Lord but you haven't obtain that intuitive understanding.

    nadee-aa atai vaah pavahi samund na jaanee-ahi.

    Then there are those who act streams and rivers (poor and rich) and merges into the ocean( ocean of vices) that they have forgotten Naam.

    Gyani ji then shares another interpertation of the above tuk which is commonly used:

    the streams and rivers flowing into the ocean(spirituality) do not know its vastness.

    samund saah sultaan girhaa saytee maal Dhan.

    Even kings and emperors, with mountains of property and oceans of wealth

    keerhee tul na hovnee jay tis manhu na veesrahi. ||23||

    - such are not even equal to an ant, but those who does not forget God, even they may look as smaller as ant in worldly eyes, but they are God's beloved and they are kings in eyes of God.

    Guru Ji further narrated:

    ant na siftee kahan na ant.

    Endless are His Praises, endless are those who speak them.

    Just by praises one cannot find his end, just by speaking one cannot find his end.

    Gyani Ji shares an sakhi of Sant gyani gurbachan singh ji bhindravale said even bhramgyani cannot find his end because there is no need. Bhramgyani merges with God and becomes image of God, there is no need of finding end at that state because bhramgyani have became Advait roop(no duality) with god and have destroyed dualistic mind. They don't see two like us. They see God and only God in everywhere. One feels the need to find an end of God when one considers God and self as two separate entities.Bhramgyanis are above that duality.

    ant na karnai dayn na ant.

    One cannot find end his Actions nor end of his Gifts.

    ant na vaykhan sunan na ant.

    One cannot find his end to see Vision of his creation nor one can find his end by hearing about him.

    ant na jaapai ki-aa man mant.

    His limits cannot be perceived. What is the Mystery of His Mind?

    Gyani Ji shares an sakhi of Sant Harnam Singh Ji Rampurkher wale- once one person asked Sant ji about future predictions. Sant Ji was young that time. Sant Ji went in meditation and told him that the times are not looking good in year - 1946. There will be lot of violence and massacare in India. When year -1946 came and went by, nothing really happened. That person start making fun of Sant Harnam Singh Ji. Sant ji told him, that's what i saw and told him let me sit in meditation again. He sat in meditation for that purpose, he came to know that - Sant baba Nand Singh Ji did ardas to Vahiguroo that I cannot see this (Bhramgyanis have komal heart, cannot see any kind of harm done against other humans), so vahiguroo delayed it for one year for his bhagat..when Sant baba Nand Singh Ji went to Sachkhand in 1946.Then all masaccared happened in 1947.

    Gyan ji says: even if one tries to see the future events by antarjamta even then at times, bhramgyani can do ardas and can make those events delay or cancelled.

    ant na jaapai keetaa aakaar.

    The limits of the created universe cannot be perceived.

    To be continued:

  14. tape 55 out of 81:

    Sidhas asked Guru Ji then how come you have done only Naam di Mehima(Importance and glorification of Naam)? Guru Ji replied, what else is there beside Naam? Sidhas replied, like visiting pilgrames(tiraths) and doing tap(hard penances)??

    Guru Ji replied:

    tirath tap da-i-aa dat daan.

    Going to Pilgrimages and having austere discipline, mere compassion , charity

    jay ko paavai til kaa maan.

    these, by themselves, bring only an iota of merit.

    Guru Ji said such things have greater chances to bring ego in this being.

    Then Guru Ji said out of all, highest karam is:

    suni-aa mani-aa man keetaa bhaa-o.

    Listening to gurbani spiritual discourses and believing, following them with

    love and humility in your mind,

    antargat tirath mal naa-o.

    that will cleanse yourself with the Name, then one gets sacred shrine deep within.

    Gurbani says:

    Jo Bhramandai So Pindaie, Jo Khojee So Pavaie ||

    Whatever god's creation is outside, exist also in this being. When One searches for it then they realize and expereince it.

    Guru Ji then told sidhas, such people then say after fully immersed with Naam:

    sabh gun tayray mai naahee ko-ay.

    All virtues are Yours, Lord, I have none at all.

    vin gun keetay bhagat na ho-ay.

    Without virtue(sat, santokh, dharam, daya, vichar), there is no devotional worship.

    Gyani gives another interpertation of the above tuk since gun has two meanings..!

    Without(gun)paropkar/grace of Vahiguroo, one cannot be devotee.

    su-asat aath banee barmaa-o.

    Vahiguroo who is kalyan saroop first spoke bani- ongkar resonace which created Brahma and the world.

    Then Sidhas asked Guru Ji, if Vahiguroo changes(updahis) after transcending itself into creation.

    Guru ji replied:

    sat suhaan sadaa man chaa-o.

    He is True( ad sach, jugad sach, habhi sach, nanak hosi bhi sach), ever beautiful(chatayen saroop) and Eternally Joyful (Sat, Chit Ananda Saroop).

    To be Continued:

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