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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Great debate guys, i agree fully with javanmard, i think Guru avtar phrase is more appproriate to describe our beloved Guru Patsah's instead of incarnation.

    Kam bro, i think i heard taksal katha, they usually beleive guru patsah being avtars and highest one which is shared by many samparda's, no where i heard the word incarnation to describe our Guru's. I think word incarnation of God itself does not do any justice to Vahiguroo attributes, we are limiting Vahiguroo's attributes when we use incarnation word to describe our Guru's.

  2. Statement of Guru being God can be both true and false. Depending on the context of the statement I ll explain my reasonings.

    This statement is true from a context that Guru indeed has maximum attributes of God and sargun face of God ..sargun and nirgun cannot be separated, they are part of each other..but it's false at the same time because even though Guru does have maximum attributes of God, no avtar can have exactly full attributes of God. Remember God does not incarnate itself fully into human form but transcedents his attributes into avtars where as Guru Avtar is consider highest of high and nit avtars are consider as saints. As you said, there is fine line difference. That difference is not there to prove that one should not take guidance from guru regarding mukhti but to know divine law that God has two forms, one form does not have any upadi(change) which is nirgun but sargun form of God have change, is because of change, sargun form comes in this world to benefit human kind to join broken souls with Akaal Purkh(God). Before this creation, only thing ever there was Nirgun God, but when Nirgun form decided to have a thought, that thought itself is a change in its non-transcedental state, that thought itself created the creation into many forms, created amount of attributes which were given to his own roop-sargun form of God in form of avtars to help his creation ,to give energy etc.

  3. Basic spiritual beleive in Sikh Dharam

    Sikhi beleives in God does not incaranate fully but God transcedents his attributes in his creation. For eg- Guru's had most not all attributes of Nirgun Paratama(God which we cannot see).

    - Sikhi beleive in advait worship - worship only one creator, seeing that one creator in his creation (Parbhram Upasana).

    - Sikhi beleive God has two forms- one form which does not change (Nirguna-orginal form) ie- God- indescrible, unreachable, limitless ,timeless etc, and second form is sarguna (the one which we can see), God transform it's attributes in sargun form. Sargun form can be considers as Guru Avtar, Nit Avtar (Sants/Saints) etc.

    - Sikhi beleive only way to get to God, is via Grace of Guru from social religious perspective- grace of Satguru Nanak in Sikh Dharma, from spiritual aspect meaning of Guru can be broaden to any person who brings one from darkness into light. But that does not mean, one should not make a effort by thinking - i m going to get grace one day regardless without making any effort , that means one should defaniately make a effort to acquire grace of Guru by listening and following discourses of Guru. Eg- taking amrit is only step as like admission to school, there are many grades, many levels one has to pass before getting grace of Satguru Nanak.

  4. Are you saying Ramana Maharshi, Buddha, Jesus, Nisargadatta are talking a bunch of BS?

    Budda had Guru, and Gurmantar, I don't know what version of history you are reading but Buddha took atamik updesh and mantar from mahatama when he was inquiring his servant about old people, young people etc, and how life is outside his house. Then he went to mahatama and ask him what is sorrow? why this jiv suffers?

    I am not saying you must have guru's or gurmantar from a guru. Mere mortals like us need gurmantar from guru/ shabad guru. I am not putting that limitations to karaks who are already liberated and come to this world to help human kind just like how doctor in a prison cell comes give remedy to the prisoners.

    Unfortunately i think you are diseased with black and white mindset in spirituality. There is lot of grey area - expcetional cases. You shouldnt see things in spirituality- black and white.. you will miserably fail.

  5. I request lalleshvari to post in this thread, in the past, he has posted excellent post on destination sachkhand and concept of grace of God/Guru.

    without grace of Guru, one is separated, one can try to destory ego withinself alone as much possible, all attempts will go astray, concept of guru and shish breaks all the barrier of ego's, self centerness, self filled attitude, as gurbani says: true sikh is marjiva murid of guru.

    Bhai Gurdas Ji Says: Murda Hoi Na Murid Gali Hov Na.

    Without being Murda and residing in Gurudev heart and soul loosing one's existence during that course, one cannot reach there.

    Gurmat Advait Marg is Gurparsadi Marg. One can read all the books, school of thoughts, knowning advait (god/energy is everywhere, even in his creation) from books and expereincing them on spiritual level is two different things. Expereincing them on spiritual level requires murshid/shabd Guru Mantar. As Bhai Gurdas Ji said, how many people self composed with thought of I am thee, went in astray instead of being mukht. There is stage to recite sohang sohang, ang bhram asmi, that stage is from bhramgyanis - nirgun parbham upasana not anjaan balaks like us.

  6. Singh47, there is a software evailable on google, it's called google earth, excellent software to find anything in this world get a satellite picture.

    I heard there is a software only for feds provided by google which can zoom into all the way the ground without loosing the quality, hell there is software connected to super sonic satellite to see what's going on each household. There is no sense of security one can feel anymore on this world .

  7. source: http://www.cbc.ca/story/world/national/200...uffett-sun.html

    Warren Buffett donates $37 billion to charity

    Billionaire investor Warren Buffett plans to donate a total of $37 billion US to a charitable foundation started by his friend and bridge partner Microsoft chairman Bill Gates.


    Warren Buffett, left, Melinda Gates and Bill Gates met Sunday as Buffett made his big announcement. (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Diane Bondareff)

    Warren Buffett, left, Melinda Gates and Bill Gates met Sunday as Buffett made his big announcement. (Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Diane Bondareff) Buffett, 75 years old and in excellent health, announced Sunday that he intends to donate the bulk of his fortune to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a charity that has become famous for its work with HIV, malaria and tuberculosis in the Third World, and with education and library technology in the United States.

    The donation doubles the value of the Gates foundation, already one of the world's richest charities.

    In a letter published Sunday, Buffett praised the Gates foundation for the good work it has already done.

    "You have committed yourselves to a few extraordinarily important but underfunded issues, a policy that I believe offers the highest probability of your achieving goals of great consequence," Buffett said.

    Buffett also told Fortune magazine that it was better to give his money to an established foundation that was doing good work than expand his own foundation.

    "What can be more logical, in whatever you want done, than finding someone better equipped than you are to do it?" Buffett told the magazine.

    "Who wouldn't select Tiger Woods to take his place in a high-stakes golf game? That's how I feel about this decision about my money."

    Gates responded graciously.

    "We are awed by our friend Warren Buffett's decision to use his fortune to address the world's most challenging inequities, and we are humbled that he has chosen to direct a large portion of it to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation."

    Buffett is one of the world's best-known investors.

    He is chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway, an investment firm that is involved in insurance, furniture, carpet, jewelry, restaurants and utility firms. He also has major investments in such companies as H&R Block Inc., Anheuser-Busch and Coca-Cola Co.

    Those holdings have made Buffett the second-richest man in the world, with assets of about $44 billion US, second only to Gates, who is worth about $50 billion US.

    The amount is believed to be the largest philanthropic donation ever made by one person in the United States, dwarfing donations by such stalwarts as John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie.

    Buffett also pledged one million shares to a foundation established for his late wife, and 350,000 shares each to foundations for his three children.

    The money will be distributed in annual donations starting next month.

    I am sure people hearing the saying- god sometimes take forms of people in order to service to humanity, this is defaniately prime example of vahiguroo ji using his beloveds to help humanity.

    May God Bless "Warren Buffett " and "Bill Gates". I have my utmost respect for these great philanthropist who are extremely rich yet even richer in their hearts to feel pain of human suffering. May we can take inspiration from people like them. Vahiguroo.

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