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Posts posted by SAadmin


    Well, the time is nearing for the next Sikh Student Camp (in England) and I’ve been thinking alot about all my Sikh brothers and Sisters over in England who I met last Summer at camp and elsewhere. I wish I could be there again this year. Those two weeks in England were amazing and really opened a lot of doors for me in many ways.

    I was raised in a very different way than your average Sikh and was not used to what I see often today in the "Sikh World" (Sikhs fighting with Sikhs, stupid politics, hurting others, judging, criticizing, slandering, fanaticism, empty ritual, etc.). Many of my interactions with Sikhs left a feeling of being judged or looked down upon, like I was doing something wrong and was being mislead. So, when I went to England last summer as an adventure to connect with my Sikh brothers and Sisters I had no idea what to expect. I sort of expected the same thing, and thought it might be the normal non-experiencial and intellectual stuff which seems to be dominant. I can’t tell you how surprised I was on how different things were to my expectations. Maybe I just don’t get out enough (All these years behind a computer)?

    It was so refreshing to meet other Sikhs who shared love for the Guru in a heart centered and open way. Without condition or judgement. At the camp everyone was included and welcome. Whether they had cut hair or wore a super turban didn’t make a difference. The things we did were meant to give people their own personal experience of being a Sikh; Something that they could take away with them, and give a better understanding of what being a Sikh is about, and WHY.

    I had such an experience in England. The camp, the feeling, the sangat, the experiences, the new friendships, the sharing, the learning, the emotions, the release, the crying, the laughing, the running, the meditating, the singing, Feeling one with everyone. This is some of what I got at camp.

    This year SikhNet’s very own, Guruka Singh will be teaching at Sikh Student Camp (UK). Many of you may know him through the many wonderfull video interviews that I have posted here and on SikhNet. I have learnt so many priceless things from Guruka Singh over the years and never fail to have a big smile when I see his glowing face He has a certain joy and loving way of connecting with people. Whenever I have some challenge in my life he always has something positive to say and makes me see it from a different perspective. I know he will be great at camp and share lots of "Gems" with everyone.

    So, if you are 17 years of age or older and want to have an experience, head over to England for a Sikh Student Camp. It’s ony a month away (Aug. 20th), but It’s not too late! You don’t have to live in England to go to the camp! But if you do live in England then you don’t have any excuses Take a week out of your year to work on yourself and connect with your soul. You deserve it!

    If you are interested in learning more about the camp or registering you can visit their website at:


    Ps. You can see some of the pictures and videos from my adventures in England and Sikh Student Camp from last year on my blog archives: August 2005 and September 2005

  2. The 3HO-AKJ relationship is very interesting. I think the recent events with the tapoban types may mark a change in that tradition, but Bhai Fauja Singh originally befriended them. The more prominent 3HO types were in correspondence with him during his time in prison.

    This bond went further in that when YB was to be taken to court on the rape case of Shakta Parwa Kaur, it was being funded by an AKJ member. Rather dubisouly it was Bhai Jeevan Singh who came to Yogi's rescue and pushed the AKJ member to drop the funding for the case and have it settled out of court. The thinking was that such a case would damage the image of Sikhi overseas.

    I think the keski thing is not so much a belief about it being one of the panj kakaar, but of allowing the female 3HO members to also engage in this new identity thing. I mean this in no derogatory way, but back during the early 70s all those Swami cult groups were doing similar things. The new name, clothes, lifestyle, society (rejecting western social norms), friendships, etc was common to all and appealed to disillusioned hippies since it offered a new alluring identity and this projected image of spirituality.

    some great observations :D

  3. Jaz,

    I am die hard follower of sant mahapursh , whole my life i been inspired by them but 25 singhs beating one singh is fully out of order, it would have been different story if there was one on one argument, fighting outside premises of gurdwara but this disguists me too regardless if this person was sant nindak or not.

  4. As i said in the previous topic:

    I don't know this person, I m in canada but beating one singh in the gurdwara by other 25 so called singhs is just disguisting and is fully out of order.

    In BC, Canada we have indian gangs who are on to each other's cases, but to see amritdhari gang full of fanatics going on loose in UK is quite suprising.

    One sad reality sikh youths today = fanatics/katarpanthi/fussar panthis/sharia panthis/over parnoid fools.

    someone can add more to the list.

    Bloody hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Apparently there is a news on sikhsangat that he was beaten by 25 thugs soo called singhs,

    I don't know this person, I m in canada but beating one singh in the gurdwara by other 25 so called singhs is just disguisting and is fully out of order.

    In BC, Canada we have indian gangs who are on to each other's cases, but to see amritdhari gang full of fanatics going on loose in UK is quite suprising.

    One sad reality sikh youths today = fanatics/katarpanthi/fussar panthis/sharia panthis/over parnoid fools.

    someone can add more to the list.

    Bloody hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Hoti Mardan dera in Maksudpur, if you do go maksudpur and visit baba roshan singh ji hoti mardan wale, please remember to ask to take a picture of saroop of baba karam singh ji maharaj hoti mardan wale, i m getting conflicting reports that such picture of baba karam singh ji exist in miltary uniform.

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