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Posts posted by SAadmin

  1. Emotions were high during that time, lets not blame people who did seva for just sake of doing seva and didnt care for whole political agenda.

    Lets give them (both sevadars in first reconstruction and second) that credit first.

    Debate over whose decision was right - 1. Baba Santa Singh Ji. 2 Baba Thakur Singh Ji (rebuilt over first re-construction) is never ended.

    Answer will be relative depending who you ask, trust me guys, there are people who will say both were right , have taken actions in good will intent, in spirit of chardi-kalah panth. I salute to such people atleast they dont live in past and point fingers at each other.

    Get over it already :P

  2. i doubt any religion allows for sex before marriage. I guess the question i'm trying to ask is in this world that we are living in where do we draw the line? i mean is reading novels that have "very graphic" description of sexual acts, or vewing pictured that are bordering between sexy and pornographic elements so on so forth(you ppl get the picture) wrong?... when nothing is is actually being done by the reader/viewer expect reading or viewing them?

    I do know some will raise their views on the grounds of "it not being the act itself but the pschycological effect " . But imagine this situation:

    You're stuck in traffic and you're getting late. Out of frustration you just curse the person driving in front of you and for one second just wish he/she had a flat tire.. you don't go and flatten their tire but wish it happens to them...does that make you not following the "sikhi way" since as a sikh you are thought since young that as a sikh you are to love your fellow brothers and sisters.That you have no right to wish worse of someone.

    so i base my question on that...looking forward to reading your views.

    You are right when you said:

    "I do know some will raise their views on the grounds of "it not being the act itself but the pschycological effect".

    Malicous Thoughts/ Imagination of sexual graphic pictures leads to an intent, intent leads to an action.

    Once thoughts/imagination leads to an intent, its very hard to stop that intend taking its shape into "action".

    Even if one manages to stop that intent taking its shape into action because of fear of consquences from laws of soceity or other consquences that intent hasnt gone anywhere, it will be there in human sub consciouness mind and one point in life or life times that intent willl come out "as ugly" it could be and will take its shape into action. Action brings fruit in one's karma. Karma prolongs the paralabdh( pay for bad actions and receive fruit for good actions) of this human being.

    Thats why its extremely important to do constant meditation and refrain from such thoughts, if such thought comes and do ardas and naam simran to rise above from such thoughts. Otherwise, you may think its just a thought(foorna) but in fact its a seed of action, once seed is planted, action will take place sooner or later.

    Bhramgyanis/Sant Mahapursh do actions not in humaein(ego) but in will of vahiguroo, they are under hakum so they understand the hakum unlike us, thats why whatever actions they do, karma does not apply to them whether god or bad because they do actions after they destoryed the paralabdh(acculmation of karmas-good /bad) from previous lives.

    If bhramgyani wishes , that wish is under will of god they can destroy the whole universe = No Paap to them !

    If bhramgyani wishes, they can blend each and every human being on this planet with bhramgyan. = No Paun(good fruit) to them.

    They are over karma's unlike us because they are fully under will of Vahiguroo. In fact, each action they do , they do it under will of Vahiguroo.

  3. Four Lavans are basically four states in life, you can recite them. We cannot discriminate between gurbani as in favor one gurbani composition than another, they are all same. gurbani in sri guru granth sahib is dhur ki bani ( sound current of divine) . What matter is your faith. however each gurbani has different effect

    You can read more about deep meanings of anand karaj in this thread:


    However in the gurughar, there is specific gurbani for specific purposes:

    Powers and Effects of the Daily Gurbaniz

    Orginally Created: http://www.snsm.org.my/library/articles/bani1.htm


    JAPJI SAHIB: Control ones' 'ji', one's soul. When you ji, your being is endangered, when the radiance of your soul is weak, recite Jap Ji. Guru Nanak's blessing is that the thirty-eight pauris of Jap Ji will liberate humanity from the cycles of birth and death.

    SHABAD HAZAARAY: This is the highest disciple's love letter, written by Guru Arjun to Guru Ram Das. Its boon is that it gives the benefits of a thousand shabads, and the soul shall directly merge with God. It makes the separated ones come home with grace. Those who recite this shabad shall never be separated from their Beloved.

    JAAP SAHIB: The Naad of Jaap Sahib rouses the soul and the self of the Being. 'Sahib' means 'grace'. Recite it when your position is endangered, or when your authoritative personality is weak. This Bani brings grace and greatness. It will also give you the ability, that whatever people say, you will automatically be able to compute what they are actually saying. And, once you are able to to recite it correctly, it will give you the power, the Siddhi, that whatever you say, must happen. Man can direct God and God can direct man. Guru Gobind Singh recited Jaap sahib so that we would not become beggars at the doors of others.

    TAV PRASAD SWAYIYAS: Spoken by Guru Gobind Singh. When you are not getting any satisfaction out of life, this is the Bani to recite.

    ANAND SAHIB: Whosoever recites the forty pauris of Anand will have endless bliss, because the Guru is limitless. In this Bani, mind and body are explained in relation to cosmic divinity. Guru Amar Das gave us this Song of Bliss to qualify the mind and to understand the depth. Husband and wife should get together, recite it together, alternating sutra (lines).

    REHIRAAS SAHIB: This Bani is recited after one has worked and is tired. It adds energy (raa-hu) to one's being, to ones's total concept. Also, recite it when your principle of worldly wealth is endangered. In Naad, reh means live, and raas means commodity. Rehiraas Sahib helps you: when you are physically weak, or weak in money, property and earthly goods.

    KIRTAN SOHILA: This Bani is done before sleep at night. It is the most harmonious Naad ever uttered. It multiplies the aura to the sensitivity of protection that it eliminates any negativity for miles and miles. When you are endangered by any species of direct or indirect source; when you want to protect yourself with the surrounding of the entire magnetic field of the earth, recite Kirtan Sohila.

    BAARAAH MAAHAA: The prayer of each month. Recited at the start of the month, it coves you for the month.

    PAINTEE AKHREE: Gives all secret knowledge.

    NASEEHAT NAAMAA: Gives wisdom

    From Shabad Hazaaray of the Tenth Master:

    Praanee param purakh pag laago: Takes away the tendency of laziness.

    Kayval kaala-ee kartaar: Takes awaythe fear of death.

    Si kim maanas roop kahaa-i: Brings the experience of Divinity.

    Bin har naam na baachan paihai: Removes ego.

  4. I just listened to it today, all i can see- its great katha, gyani ji in katha talks about his relationship towards sant jarnail singh khalsa bhindranwale. Its defaniately an eye opener to those who call sant ji - terrorist, fanatics and other kaoraie bachan. I hope such people listen to this katha and ponder upon their own judgements. Gyani thakur singh ji was fellow student of sant jarnail singh khalsa bhindranwale. They both had a same teacher(murshid)- sant kartar singh bhindranwale.

  5. Bhai-Avtar-Singh.jpg

    from: www.mrsikhnet.com

    I just got news that Bhai Avtar Singh Ragi, has passed away peacefully at about 10.50 PM (IST), November 24th, 2006. At 81 years, he was at his residence, with his whole family.

    A few months back I had heard that he had Leukemia and possibly didn’t have much time to live, but sometimes with these things you just imagine that their life will go on in spite of it. It somehow seems unreal.

    I remember as a young child in Los Angeles listening to Kirtan by Bhai Avtar Singh. He used to come to our Gurdwara from time to time and we listened to the recordings from these Gurdwaras often at home too. In more recent years he would come to Espanola, New Mexico with his family/jatha every year to teach Gurbani/Raag to the Sangat. It was always so nice to have him and his family.

    As I think about his passing It reminds me of how many Sikh leaders and elders have moved on in the recent years. It makes me think about how time and life passes away fast, and how we need to not let the precious life go wasted. One should not leave this earth without leaving a lasting mark.

    I also think about how the Sikh community is changing. Eventually our elders, parents, leaders, etc will pass on and it will be the responsibility of the younger generation to carry on the mission and lead. Many of us complain about problems in Gurdwaras and Sikh leadership. Changing these problems is of course up to us all, and we all have to take responsibility if we want to make some change.

    Bhai Avtar Singh spent his whole life devoted to Gurbani and spreading the musical knowledge that was passed down to him from the 10 previous generations. Let us all remember his life dedicated to Gurbani, and use this for inspiration to do something in our own life to better humanity in some way. Guru Nanak taught timeless wisdom on all aspects of life, which has been passed down to us from generation to generation. Bhai Avtar Singh’s passing is just another reminder for me of how important these gifts are and how we must treasure and keep them alive.

    In memory of Bhai Avtar Singh I have picked out a few live audio recordings that were from our Gurdwara in Los Angeles, from when I was just a child. These were recorded when Bhai Avtar Singh’s brother, Bhai Gurcharan Singh was still alive and played alongside him. They have always have been a beautiful family and I have always seen them as a whole family doing Kirtan and carrying on this musical tradition.

    Gobind Preet Lagee


    Prabh Jee Ko Naam Japat Man


    Jai Tegang


  6. Balbir Singh,

    The gurbani tuk you posted - talking about inner amrit which resides in all of us, its not talking about sanskar amrit. Since it exist in all of us, hence its one.

    Just like in sukhmani sahib it means:

    Nau Nidh Amrit Prab Ka Naam, Dehi Meh Eska Bisraam ||

    now one can argue, if there is naam (resosance) inside then why we need naam amrit/sanskar amrit at the first place?

    We need sanskar amrit because we get shabad by panj pyares who are not just panj pyares by name but panj bhramgyani who give us that shabad to awaken the one amrit/naam inside us which gurbani talks about.

    naanak amrit ayk hai doojaa amrit naahi." SGGS Ang 1238-18

    Nanak, Amrit is one. Other is not Amrit.

    Nau Nidh Amrit Prab Ka Naam, Dehi Meh Eska Bisraam ||

  7. check out new uprise potential incarnation of budda:

    A 15 year old boy was discovered sitting in deep meditation within the cavity made by the roots of a giant tree, situated deep in the jungle of Nepal. Ram Bahadur Bamjan has been sitting in meditation for the past 7 months (Jan 06), baffling scientists as to how he has been able to survive for the past 7 months without a drop of water or any food.

    Some believe is an incarnation of Buddha.

    Many people from Nepal and neighbouring India have flocked in their masses to a dense forest in southeastern Nepal to see 15-year-old Ram Bahadur Bamjon who sits crossed legged under a "pipal" tree. Pipal trees have heart-shaped leaves and is considered holy by both Hindus and Buddhist. This is because it is believed that the Buddha attained enlightment under a pipal tree. For Hindus the banyan tree is the embodiment of Lamski, the goddess of fortune and consort of Lord Vishnu, whereas the pipal is seen as the embodiment of Lord Narayan (Vishnu)


  8. Thanks admin bhaaji,

    May i request dhanbabananak veer to repost these image just edit your orginal post and re-post the images?

    On a side note: I checked other forums, this news is pretty hot and loads of people have issues with yogi coming to the gurdwara and sitting on a stage saying few wisdom of words. Obviously, katar panthis/sharia types sikhs will defaniately have problem with this off course they think anything to do with yogmat is maha manmat, anti-gurmat, hindufied because of their over-parnoid, high hindu sensor nature?

    Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji had nothing against yogmat per say but he targetted hypocrisy(human nature effected by maya, greed) of yogis

  9. got this in email:

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    As you all know that Sacha Sauda Gurmat Parchar Society has been serving and doing sewa of the Sikh community and also spreading the message of Sikhi far and near for the past seven years with the grace and Apaaar Kirpaa of DHAN DHAN DHAN Guru Granth Sahib Ji. For the people who do not know, Sacha Sauda is a sewa centre that distributes Sikh literature, Bani and other numerous items related to Sikhi.

    As Sacha Sauda has grown on a very large scale, many sangat around the world who cannot come to Canada have requested us to find a solution to this problem. And now ATLAST!! Sacha Sauda has officially released its own Website!!!!

    This Website has everything a person wants to know about Sacha Sauda. It tells about us, the items we have, and also it has an online catalogue where you can search for books on Sikhi we have and can order them online!!

    So go check out the website and we promise you won’t regret it.

    Website: http://www.sacha-sauda.ca

    Email: sewa@sacha-sauda.ca

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